Evolve Series Box Set (69 page)

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“I’m right here.” She lifts and guides me to her, taking in just the tip. “Ahh!” she cries out.

I pull back and turn us so that she’s on her back. “It’ll hurt less this way, baby.” I use my fingers to spread her moisture, then use another to stretch her while I suck a soft nipple slowly.

“Perfect song,” she moans.

Only Whitley, I think with a grin, knowing she will probably hum this song every time we make love for the rest of our lives. Fine by me. I love her humming, her voice, this song…it’s on my Hummingbird playlist after all.

When she’s writhing, mumbling and begging incoherently, my fingers having about got her there, I slide in as slowly and gently as I can. I’ll never forget this moment as long as I live, the exact second I first joined with Whitley Suzanne Thompson, her back arching off the bed and her mouth dropping open, “Sideways” by Citizen Cope setting the perfect mood and saying the perfect words.

“All at once, babe, go,” she tells me and winces, grabbing my ass and pulling me deeper.

I feel it, can actually feel it break, and she screams in sharp acuteness, killing me. “Shhh, I’m sorry, pretty girl, I’m so—”

“No, I’m okay, keep going.” She sucks in a deep breath. “Slow,” she murmurs, one tear dripping down her cheek.

I bow my head and lick the tear off, then kiss all over her face as I rock into her, closing my eyes and absorbing the madness of it all; my head’s spinning, my heart beating frantically, sweat building on my back. Being inside her, it feels… There’s nothing like it, nothing. “Whitley, I love you,” I let my head fall back, “love you.”

“I know, you told me.” A sobbing moan breaks from her. “Me too, Ev, me too, so much.” Her arms wrap around me, then her legs. “You feel so good, so close to me. Never stop.” I feel her hand move down between us, and, oh, fuck me I’m done.

“’Bout to, ahhh, Whit, hurry!” I fight it, I fight it like hell, but the sight of her finger helping herself is my unraveling. It works its way up my legs, a bolt of electricity the likes of which I’ve couldn’t have possibly imagined, until I’m erupting inside her and she’s there with me, her muscles clenching over and over in rhythm to my thrusts.

It can’t possibly be like this for everyone, with just anyone, every time…society would cease to function, the world meeting its demise as no one would do anything but this, all day, every day, twice, ten times, anywhere she says.

Taking another minute to come back to reality, my forearms shaking under my weight, I don’t readily notice that Whitley is crying. What the hell have I done?

“Baby,” I leave her body and roll to her side, “why are, oh God, did I hurt you?” I choke out, kissing her forehead, stroking her hair.

“No,” she laughs, wiping her eyes, “happy tears.”


“Yeah.” She nods, wrapping a hand around my neck and pulling my face to hers. “I’m almost positive it’s not supposed to be that perfect and special your first time.” She giggles almost to herself. “Thank you for setting such a wonderful precedent.”

“It was, wasn’t it? I love you, Whitley, with all my heart, I do.”

“I know you do.” She rolls to me, snuggling into the crook of my arm.

I should probably clean up, but I don’t have the heart to move her.

“You told me in your sleep,” she admits. “That’s how I knew for sure. You could dream of anything, anyone, but you dream of me.”

“And I talk back?”

“Uh huh.”

“Did you ask me embarrassing stuff, you little sneak?” I tickle her, basking in the sound of her laughter.

“Well, yeah,” she squirms, “you’d do the same thing.”

“So tell me our conversation.” I use this break in intimacy to get up and amble into her bathroom to get cleaned up.

“You said ‘I love you,’ so I asked ‘who do you love’ and you said ‘you.”

I’m just right inside her adjoining bathroom, with the door open, so I can more than make out the happiness in her voice, which tells me that even in my sleep, I got it right.

“So I said ‘what’s my name’ and you said ‘pretty girl,’” she giggles, “which was very sweet, but I dug deeper, you understand. Anyway, I said ‘noooo, what’s my real name?’ and you said ‘my Whitley.’”

I stick my head around the corner and wink at her, never catching a cuter sight than her teeth tugging her bottom lip and eyes glistening.

“I am your Whitley,” she whispers and smiles so sweetly.

“And then you ravaged me?” I joke, wanting her pretty eyes to clear up.

“Something like that.” She shrugs. “What are you doing anyway? Get back in bed with me,” she pats the spot beside her.

“Whit, baby, don’t freak out, but you need to come in here.” I turn and start the bath water, tossing in a washcloth for her. “Come on,” I give her my hand, “I know it’s late, but get in for me okay? You relax and soak, and I’ll take care of stuff and come back and get you, and then I’ll hold you all night.”

“What,” she rises, gauging my eyes then turning back to look at the bed, “oh,” she blushes adorably. “How’d you—”

“There was blood on the condom, babe. No worries, I’ll take care of everything.” I kiss her head. “Get in.”

“Ev?” Her little voice stops me at the door. She’s probably going to ask for some “period pills,” which I’m already on top of.


“You’re my angelfish.”

“Still no idea what that means, babe,” I chuckle, “but I’m glad. Now soak, woman.”











“Evan Mitchell Allen, I know you’re in here and I know you saw me pull up! Get out here and kiss your mother, boy!”

She’s bluffing.




“All right,” I come out from behind the hay bales, “I’m twenty years old, quit your countin’!”

“Why are you hiding from me?” She sticks out her cheek and taps it, so I kiss it. “And where is my darling Whitley? I found the cutest dress in town today,” she lifts the bag in her hand, “I want her to try it on.”

“I imagine she’s in the house; I’m not sure. And I was hiding because I don’t want another lecture about staying at the house again. Whitley’s probably hiding from you too.”

She gaps, holding her heart and giving me a look that shrinks me to nothing on the spot. “She wouldn’t! Breaks my heart, my only son home, right up the road and too ashamed to stay under his own mama’s roof. And turning Whitley against me! Well, I just can’t imagine what I’ve ever done to deserve this from my only child.”

Thank God I’m wearing my boots, cause she is laying it on thick.

“Mama, I’m not ashamed. I wanna sleep in a bed with Whit, plain and simple. I can do that here.”

“What does her mother say about that?”

“Her mother doesn’t say much about anything. Her parents each call once a month, the exact same date and time every time; real personal, like an appointment,” I scoff loudly, wishing they were here in front of my mom right now. She adores Whitley and I salivate just thinking how she’d tear into them. “And Whitley’s almost twenty-two years old, Mom, she can sleep where she wants.”

“Have you talked to your father about it?”

“Yes, he thinks you’re crazy.”

“Did he say that, that exact word—crazy?”

“Yes, more than once.” I look around, not wanting to just outright laugh at her reddening cheeks.

“Evan, honey, she’s such a nice young lady. I wouldn’t want you to—”



“I love her, and she loves me back. Not because I’m around, or like a buddy, she loves me.” I smile.  “Told me she’s dying to fill up your house with spoiled little grandbabies.”

“Evan Mitchell!” She tries to act scandalized, but I know she’s holding babies in her mind’s eye as we speak.

“I’m gonna marry her one day and she’s gonna marry me right back. And we’re gonna fornicate, often, until we’re too old to do it without throwing a hip out. I’m careful, so is she, but if you want us there, then know I’m holding that girl in my arms all night, every night. Say yes or accept me staying here, please?” I give her the ol’ Evan one sided grin, then really see if I can embarrass her. “I’d never let you hear us.”

“I oughta tan your butt, Mr. Mouthy!” She grabs my arm and tries to spin me around, taking swings at my rear. “Talking like you were raised by wolves!”

“I was kidding!” I break away from her, laughing. “At least sorta. But I’m serious about the rest.”

“You’re such a fine young man, Evan. Come to your mama.” She holds out her arms and I grab her up, swinging her around in a big hug before finally setting her down and kissing her kick. “I did such a good job on you.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

“Well, I suppose since her mother is,” she lifts her hand and whispers behind it, which somehow makes her feel like she didn’t really talk ugly about someone, “an idiot, then I need her at the house so I can mother her myself.”

I force my face to remain serious. “She’ll love that.”

My days will never be boring, toying with the two crazy, amazing women in my life.

“Me too! I’ll just go find her and tell her. Now I’ll allow the sleeping together, but maybe you can trade off some nights, stay here when you need to—”

“Go, Mama.”

“Okay, okay.” She scurries away in search of Whitley.

“That was the funniest shit I’ve ever heard.” Sawyer steps out of the shadows, laughing. “I can’t wait to play this for Zach.” He pushes play on his phone, the recording of my fornication talk with my mother burning holes in my ears.

“Why the hell am I friends with you? Seriously, I need my head examined.”

“Shit, sounds like you’re getting your head examined. Mine, on the other hand, is about to shrivel up and fall off from boredom. Where’s all the hot country girls in cutoff shorts and bandana tops, hair in braids, rising up on their horses?”

“This isn’t Joe Dirt, Sawyer.”

“She didn’t have braids, assmunch. Which is fine; the braids are totally optional.”

“Go into town one night, there’s a bar.”

“Cool, tonight, pick me up at eight.”

“I’m not taking you. I have a woman and free beer in the refrigerator.”

“Dude, you can at least show me how to get there. Remember who helped you when you first got to Southern?”

Here we go.

“Take Zach. I’m positive he’ll be able to make the two turns there are to get to Shotz. Now come on, let’s go grab some lunch. We need to make a dent in that fence before dark.”

Sawyer’s dragging pouty ass behind me to the house, kicking up rocks with every step.

“Bye, Evan, Sawyer!” my mom calls as she gets into her car. “I’ll see you boys tonight for dinner.”

I turn around and give Sawyer a shit-eating grin. Mama just put the kibosh on his plans.

Whitley’s arms come around my waist when I’m washing my hands and face at the kitchen sink. “Hey, babe,” she greets me.

I turn around, loving the sight of her new sundress. My mom really does love me. “Hey, hummingbird, how’s your day?” I steal a kiss.

“Good, we’re eating at your parents’ tonight. That’s okay, right?”

“Fine with me.” I glance at Sawyer and see poor guy’s lip is on the floor. “Big boy’s getting antsy though. We gotta find him some nightlife or something, soon.”

“How’s a bachelor party sound?”

“Whitley, you proposing?” I wink, copping a feel of her fine butt.

She swats my arm. “Parker’s; things need moved up.”

“Why is that? We’ve only been here a few weeks. Thought they weren’t getting married ‘til the fall?”

“You’ll see.” She smirks, raising up like only she does to kiss my lips. “Act surprised,” she whispers.

“That shouldn’t be hard, you haven’t told me anything.”

“Am I late?” Zach asks as the door slams behind him.

“Just in time,” Angie smiles at him, “take these rolls and go sit at the big table. Evan, get that ball cap off, boy, and Whitley, sweetie, help me with the rest of this, please.”

Parker, already seated at the head of the table in his daddy’s old spot, looks proud as a peacock. He’s tracking our moves, chomping at the bit for us all to get seated and settled. When Angie and Whit finally do just that, he takes Hayden’s hand in his and clears his throat. “Hayden and I have some big news that we want to share with all of you, our family and loved ones, first.”

Whitley is already bouncing in her chair. Clearly Hayden had told her first.

“Hayden is having my baby!” He beams, happier than I’ve ever seen him.

Well, that ol’ dog. He gets a plan in his head and he goes after it all right.

I still worry they’re too young, because I’m so old and wise and all, but ya know what? There’s been enough sadness and loss in this family, this home, lately… Why not be happy about this new life, the blessing that it is?

Yup, that’s my new plan.

Angie jumps from her seat, already crying, and lays kisses all over both of them, Whitley right behind her. Zach and Sawyer mumble a “congratulations,” and I sit and watch for a minute. I wish Dale was here to watch his son get married, hold his first grandchild, and meet my sweetheart.


“Sorry, what?” I look at Parker, grinning at me, waiting for my acceptance.

“Wedding’s moved up; Hayden here doesn’t want a bump in her dress, even though I said it’d be beautiful. So time to ask—would you be my best man?”

“Of course I will.” I stand, as does he, and give him a man’s hug. “Congrats, man, you’ll be a great dad.”

“Ya think?”

“Yeah, Parker, I think. Uncle Evan…” I muse, puffing out my chest. “That kid’s gonna love me.”

“Not more than their Nana,” Angie pipes in, waterworks still going strong. “Now let’s eat ‘fore I flood the place.”

“So when are we thinking for the wedding, and where?” Whitley is salivating, I can see it from here. My little event planner; so damn cute.

“I was thinking end of the month, maybe in the barn?” Hayden replies.

“Outside, in July, in Georgia?” Whitley asks. “Hayden, you might get sick in that heat in your condition.”

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