Evolve Series Box Set (67 page)

BOOK: Evolve Series Box Set
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“You start drinking without me? No woman will ever tame me, or send me on fucking errands or tampon runs and bullshit. That chick doesn’t exist. It’s different doing it for Gidge, she’s my buddy.”

“Whatever, Casanova, help me get all this unpacked and put away. I don’t want Whitley doing it on her big day.”

“Doing what?” She breezes in the kitchen, stirring me up all over again, just when I finally had things under control. “Hey, Sawyer! My goodness,” she looks around, “did you buy the whole store?”

“Hmpf,” he pouts, “Laney and Bennett’s doing; slave drivers.”

“Ah…” She gives him a hug, or as close to a hug as she can, like Whitley’s little arms will circle all the way around Sawyer. “How sweet of you to help out. Thank you so much.” She pokes him in the belly. “I think you’re wonderful.”

“How wonderful?” He gives her his patented Sawyer leer and moves closer.

“Ow! What the hell?” He rubs the back of his head while Whitley bends to pick up the cantaloupe I just bounced off his noggin.

“Back away from the taken woman.”

“The hot ones are dropping like flies, I tell ya. I’m gonna have to get new friends if I wanna get laid regularly.”

“You get laid plenty, manwhore. And hello to the rest of you.” Tate walks in through the patio door, setting down…more bags?

“Actually, I got shot down just last night. I put in a good two hours of ‘conversation,’” Sawyer air quotes are quite humorous, “and kept her in drinks. When we finally got down to it, she played the ‘I have my period’ card. Can you believe that?”

“Maybe she really did, Sawyer. It does happen,” Whitley pats his shoulder, “and heaven forbid you hold a conversation just because.”

“Fuck that, I told her just because the Ferris wheel breaks they don’t shut down the whole carnival, if you know what I mean.”

Whitley looks baffled, turning to me, then Tate, meeting looks of equal confusion. “No, we don’t know what you mean.”

“Blowjob, hand job, something. Period only shuts down one ride, not the whole fair.”

“Sawyer Landon, good God! Where do you get this stuff?” Whitley blushes enough for all of us. “Anyway,” she scowls at him and turns to Tate, “where’s Bennett?”

“She rode with Dane and Laney. They wanted to show her the new pad on the way.”

“What new pad?”

“Dane bought a duplex about two miles from here. Laney’s gonna live on one side and Bennett and I are gonna live in sin on the other. Cool, huh?”

“Who’s gonna live with Laney?” Sawyer asks.

“No one, I guess,” Tate shrugs.

“Bullshit. I will. If you’re moving out and Evan’s with Zach now, I can’t be by myself.”

“I live by myself,” Whitley chimes in.

“That’s right,” Sawyer drawls, sidling up to her. “Want me to move in with you?”

Watermelon’s probably too big, it might actually hurt him. Pineapple? Perfect. Wham!

“Mother of—” he yells. “Will you stop throwing shit at me?!”

“Stop hitting on my woman and I will!” I yell back, laughing.

Whitley crooks that finger at me, giving me a come hither look that pulses through me. I do her bidding in two steps, wrapping my arms around her waist, my nose headed straight to its home in her hair. “Yes?”

“Nothing,” she coos, “you were just too far way.”

I forgot how damn good it felt to have someone to give your lovin’ to. And to have it given back, freely…even fucking better.

“Roomie!” Sawyer yells, making all of us turn to see the three stragglers walk in.

“Why is he calling you roomie?” Dane follows Sawyer’s eyes to Laney and growls.

“Like I have a clue.” She laughs. “Who knows why he does half the things he does? Sawyer,” she says patronizingly, “can you please explain to my caveman here what you’re talking about before you get me in trouble for something I, too, am clueless about?”

“Sure,” he grins, “Dane, I’m moving in the duplex with Laney on her side.”

“Wait,” Laney holds up a hand, “before everyone goes crazy, where’s Zach?”

Subtle subject change there, Walker.

I snort, unable to hold it in, because Zach’s been standing behind them, outside the glass door, for a good five minutes. Smart man. I wouldn’t walk in to that conversation either.

“What?” Laney looks at Whitley and me suspiciously, and Whit caves first, pointing. Laney turns and pops her hands on her hips. “What are you doing? Get in here.”

“Do I have to?” he calls through the glass.

“No, we’ll go out to him,” Bennett says, “Tate can start the grill. I’m starving.”

“Oh, okay,” Whitley leaves my arms, “let me get stuff ready. Evan, can you get drinks on ice and maybe start some music, babe? I’ll make burger patties and prep sides. Sawyer, if you’d cut up the big fruit, it won’t fly at your head anymore.”

“Stop right where you are, woman. You are not working. Go change into your backyard water and mud party apparel,” I command, to which she quirks her brows and gives me a shocked but teasing smirk. “I mean it, Whit. We all got it, this is your day to have some fun.”

She looks around the room, everyone taking the turn to nod or smile in affirmation.

“Really, Whit,” Laney speaks up, “go get changed. We can handle it.”

“All right then,” she backs her way to the hall, “if you’re sure.”




“Whitley, Tiny’s hogging the mud hole again!” Zach’s whiny yell comes from across the yard. “I’m just gonna slide into him if he doesn’t move.”

Slide away, man, ‘cause that pig’s not moving from the mud hole. That’s Old McDonald 101.

“He’ll move when he sees you coming!” Whitley hollers back from where she sits in my lap, slumped back and tuckered out from her day of water gun fights, mud sliding, jumping on the trampoline and playing half-full pool volleyball. ”So Laney, tell me about your new place.”

“Our new place,” Sawyer corrects.

“Like hell.” Dane glares at him.

I have to admit, today has been great. And The Crew? The Crew is one big family—functional, funny endearing, and truly accepting of one another. Everyone cares about the others and has each other’s backs, and I’m really glad to be a part of it. I get to see Laney and spend time with my friends while holding the girl I’m so enamored with I can see nothing else. I can’t believe it happened; it’s so unbelievable. But it did. I’m honestly not a bit uncomfortable being around Dane and Laney now, and I’m pretty sure Laney feels the same way about Whit and I.

And Whitley is tickled pink, her words, to have Laney and Bennett as girlfriends. She’s always talking about them, and even Hayden, and it makes me happy for her. Whitley’s an incredible person and it’s about time everyone else saw it too.

“Seriously?” Sawyer flips a beer tab at Dane. “You really don’t trust me with her?”

“Don’t answer that,” Tate mumbles.

“No, fuck that. Answer me, Dane, do you not trust me with Laney?” Sawyer asks again, pointedly.

Wasn’t I just reflecting on how amicable our group was? Musta jinxed it, ‘cause this is hella awkward.

“Of course he does, Saw,” Laney placates, “he’s just kidding around.”

“I want to hear him say that.” Sawyer’s teeth are clenched and a huge veins throbs in his neck.

“Yes, Sawyer, I trust you. And I definitely trust Laney,” he ducks his head and kisses the side of her neck, “but it might be a little strange, having a man live with my girlfriend, that’s all. Why don’t I just buy the unit across the street for you?”

“Oh, Sawyer! You, Evan and Zach could share it!” Laney claps.

Claps. Laney Jo Walker does not clap unless she’s celebrating athletic achievement.

Yep, she definitely feels as uncomfortable as I do.

“What am I doing?” Zach joins the group, wiping off the muddy hoof prints covering him.

“Dane doesn’t trust me to share the duplex with Laney, so he’s offered to buy another one for me, you and Evan to share.” Sawyer is speaking to Zach, but never looks away from Dane.

“I just said I trust you, Sawyer. Why are you so hell bent on this?” Dane wipes a hand over his face in exasperation.

“Um, thanks,” Zach rubs the back of his neck, “but I don’t need Dane to buy me a place to live. I’m fine where I am.”

“Same here,” I cut in.

I’m come a long way with things, but I’m not living off Dane.

“Everybody shut the hell up!” Tate sets Bennett off his lap and stands. “Enough. My brother goes out of his way to buy us a place, and I don’t think it’s unreasonable for him to not want a guy to live with his girlfriend.” He narrows his eyes at Sawyer. “And he’s not trying to show off and buy Evan and Zach anything; that was Laney’s idea. So everyone chill the fuck out.”

I’ve never heard Tate say that much all at once and definitely not in that tone. Good for him.

“I’m out,” Sawyer says abruptly and stands to go. “Thanks, Whit.” He hugs her and slaps my shoulder, then walks to the gate.

“Sawyer, wait!” Laney yells and runs after him, and seconds later, Dane sighs loudly and follows her.

“What the hell is all that about?” Zach asks the remaining group, all dumbfounded.

Sawyer is never the one in a bad mood, as far from the source of drama as possible

“I’m thinking Sawyer’s having some issues with change,” Tate puts in. “Everyone’s coupling off and moving out. Sawyer doesn’t deal well with being left.”

“How about if Evan moves in with me and Sawyer moves in with Zach?” Whitley says.

Zach’s smirking, Bennett’s grinning ear to ear and I’m, oh shit, I’m choking.

Tate starts beating me on the back, laughing. “I know, right? Kinda the same reaction I had about moving in with Ben.”

“Oh, you did not!” She slaps at him. “You started packing that night, you liar.”

I can’t move in with Whitley. We’ve been dating what, a minute? I don’t know anything about her— okay, so that’s not exactly true, I know a ton about her, but I’ve never met her parents or shook her father’s hand and promised to take care of his little girl. Which probably doesn’t matter since her parents, by all lack of appearances or phone calls or acknowledgement in general, suck. But we might not be compatible around each other 24/7. Just because I miss her the millisecond we part doesn’t mean moving in together is a smart move. What happens if things don’t work out between us—then what? Oh yeah, I’ll be in jail for murdering the other guy, so I’ll be all set with a place to stay.

“Are you serious?” I ask her.

“Oh, hey, you’re back. Get it all worked out in that head of yours?” she teases.


“Yeah, I think so. We don’t have to do anything ‘til we get back after the summer, though. Only makes sense.”

“Care to share with the class where we’re going this summer?” she bats her eyelashes.

“You’re coming home with me. I’m gonna work for Parker this summer, and you,” I grip her hips tighter and pull her back against me, “are gonna keep me company, country girl.”

“Yes, I am,” she says proudly.

Huh, she must have heard a question in there somewhere.

“Hey, Sawyer!” I turn my head and yell, interrupting the ongoing debate the three of them are having. “Come ‘ere!”

“What?” he grumbles when he gets to me.

“Why don’t you come home with me and Whit for the summer? Parker’s house is huge and he can use all the hired help on the farm he can get. You’ll love it there, you’ll make some money, and Parker’s great.”

“Um, hello?” Zach points to his chest. “Recently cheated on, nothing to do with himself guy standing right here.”

“More the merrier, man,” I chuckle. “And when summer’s over, we’ll regroup on where everybody’s gonna live. Sound good?”

“Dane!” Sawyer busts out.

Lots of yelling going on today, and this backyard isn’t that big. I think maybe everyone’s a little on edge with the end of the school year and lots of big changes.

“I quit! Be back at the start of school!”

“Sounds good,” Dane answers in a normal voice since he’s now standing right beside us. “You go do your thing; duplex is waiting for ya when you get back. It’ll be nice to know Laney’s got you there when I can’t be.” He gives him a slap on the back. “And I’m sorry. I’d trust you with my life, which coincidentally, she is.”

“I know, peckerhead,” Sawyer wraps him up.

“We gonna sing Kumbaya now? You know it’s bad when Sawyer sprouts a vagina. Come on, let’s slide bitches!” Zach screams, running through the mud hole like a maniac.

Everyone joins in, whooping and hollering, dodging the squealing pig at their feet, but not Whitley. No, Whitley holds strong, here with me, resting her head back on my shoulder, sighing peacefully.

I couldn’t agree more, pretty girl.





Pillow Talk





“To us, the smartest fucking college students ever! May they try to invent the exam that stumps us!” Sawyer toasts.

The Crew members all hold up their glasses to his. “Cheers!”

“I can’t believe this is our last Crew night until the fall,” Laney says sadly. “I’m glad it’s summer, but I’m gonna miss everybody.”

“Laney, aren’t you planning on coming home to see your dad some?” I ask.

“Of course.”

“You and Dane swing by Parker’s when you do. With me, Whit, Saw, and Zach there, it’s a Crew night!” I explain.

“But what about Tate and Bennett?”

“Bring them along.”

“It’ll be fine, Laney,” Bennett consoles her, “we’ll try to make it a few times.”

“See, now enough sad talk, baby, finish your goodbyes so I can get you home.” Dane swats her butt. “What time are you guys leaving in the morning?” he asks me.

“Parker’s supposed to be here with the trailer about ten,” I say.

Tiny is no longer tiny and must be hauled to the farm in a trailer. Whitley had thrown a ringtail fit, cussing a blue streak at me for days until I finally called the ASPCA and had them tell her that it is, in fact, not cruel and unusual punishment but rather the safest plan for both pig and transporters.

You’ll never convince Whitley, but pigs aren’t nice animals, and the bigger they get, the meaner they get. I’m really hoping she’s over it by the end of the summer and might settle for a cat.

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