Evolve Series Box Set (75 page)

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You don’t have to point a flashing sign at the innuendo for me. I roll beneath her now, looking up into the face I want to see every day for the rest of my life. Her little smirk pulling up one side of her rosebud lips tells me she’s pleased her inference hit its mark.

And so I take control, and take some more, until we both fall asleep happily exhausted.









Laney is curled up, warm, sleepy and sweet in my black sheets, her blonde hair spread out across the dark pillow. It’d be a shame to wake her.

Too bad. I haven’t been this excited about my day in a long time!

I pull back the sheet, revealing that round, delectable ass…and swat it, hard. “Get up, baby, I’ve got a bet to win!”

“That hurt,” she grumbles, reaching a hand back to rub the sting I just left. “Leave me alone! I’m sleeping.” She pulls my pillow over her head and yanks the sheet back up for cover. “Go find something to do, please. One hour, that’s all I need.”

One could play this game with Laney all day if they allowed it. She will beg for thirty minutes when I come back in an hour, then fifteen, then, next thing I know, it’s noon. Not happening. I’ve taken the rest of the week off work, putting Gary Medlock at the helm, and I’m ready to rock!

“Baby, please don’t force me to dump cold water on you. It’d pain me to have to do it, but if your sweet ass isn’t in the shower in five minutes, I can’t be blamed for my actions.”

One groggy, chocolate-colored eye emerges from under the pillow, narrowed evilly. “You wouldn’t dare,” she hisses in an adorable, sleepy, not at all intimidating voice.

She really needs to develop a taste for coffee. I could just pry open her mouth and pour it down her, saving us both a lot of time and misery in the mornings. I walk to the end of the bed and grab her ankles, attempting to drag her off, but she manages to get a good grip on the headboard, halting my efforts.

In all fairness, I did kinda wear her out last night if I do say so myself, but I’m up, so she will be, too. It’s time to bring out the big guns. “Okay baby, you sleep. I’ll just head on over to the duplex myself and get started on my room. Don’t worry, I won’t mess with yours, or peek, promise.”

And that’s the ballgame, folks!

Our coma victim has new life, springing out of bed, glaring at me the whole way as she stomps to the shower. I knew she wouldn’t be able to resist—the thought of me getting one up on her was too much for her to take.

Wait ‘til she goes down for breakfast.






Oh he plays dirty. First the threat of water, then forcible dragging me out of the bed, followed by clear hitting below with the belt with threats of cheating.

And now this.

Damn, he’s good.

On the bar is a huge vase of light purple roses, almost exactly the color I’d chosen for my new bedroom, with a white card leaning up against it, “For You” written on the outside. Beside that is a line of cereal boxes, all my favorites. I walk over and first smell the flowers, letting my nose linger. A trembling hand reaches for the card and I open it; he didn’t have this done, he wrote it himself, the gesture impacting my heart.

Laney, the first time I ever met you, had the privilege of laying eyes upon your beauty, you were wearing a shirt the same color as these flowers…lavender.

I try to think back—ah yes, he’s right. The night of the Hall Crawl, I had on jeans, silver flip flops, and sure enough, a lavender t-shirt.

Wow. Just wow.

I read further.

I would later learn that lavender is also the scent I’ve come to know as Laney. You always smell heavenly, filling my senses with all that is you. It’s very fitting—the shirt, your smell, these flowers—lavender roses have traditionally been known to convey enchantment and love at first sight. And you, my love, had me enchanted at first sight for certain. And love? Well, I knew at right then that if anyone could get me to love, it would be you… And you did, and I do.

I love you, baby. XOXO D

My God, this man—there’s no way he can be real.

I don’t consider myself a frilly, sappy kind of girl, but that…well, sign me up for Saps Anonymous, because I’m in! This gift is a wonderful reminder that while Dane is as alpha caveman as a woman like me can stand, he’s every bit as romantic and thoughtful.

He sneaks up behind me and wraps his arms around my waist. “Do you forgive me now, Miss Morning Glory?”

“Mmmm.” I lean back against him. “So sweet, babe. I love you too.”

“Well, get used to it. I’ll have more free time now for all the special touches.”

I turn in his arms, taking in his casual outfit. “Did you take off all day?”

“I took off all week. And I might do the same the week after that. Depends on how long it takes me to win our bet.” He winks at me.

“Oh, dear, sweet, Mr. Kendrick. Just remember, even when you get your ass kicked, if you gave it your all, you were still successful.”

“Are you ready to go? I have things to do today and if you keep running that mouth, we’re heading right back up to bed.”

“I am soooo ready,” I purr, pressing my boobs into his chest and reaching down to cup him through his shorts, rubbing up and down. Just as he leans down to kiss me, thinking I’m offering up some morning delight, I back away and finish my sentence, “to whip your ass! See you in the car!”

I scamper off as he stands alone, adjusting himself.




Home Depot is perhaps the greatest store on Earth—I mean, except for the Disney Store, but that goes without saying. Dane and I are here in the Depot and have split up, our projects top secret. He’s like a kid at Christmas today, with an extra spring in his step I’ve never seen, and it’s so endearing. I’m praying things actually work out the way he’s hoping and he’s able to step back from the business and be…well, just be.

Everything he does is for someone else—their happiness, their bank account, their education. It’s about damn time he gets his own happy. Which is exactly why I confiscated his cell phone; no work calls today to spoil his bliss.

I must say, I’m more than a little surprised when it rings with “Jeff Walker” displaying on the screen. Why is my dad calling Dane?

“Daddy?” I answer curiously.

“Hey, Slugger, how are you?”

“Um…good. Did you know you called Dane’s phone, not mine?”

“I’m not senile yet, Sugar. Where is your man friend? I need to find out when he’s coming to pick up the skill saw. I loaned it to Scott a while back so I’ll have to go pick it up.”

What, what’s this? Skill saw you say? Enlisting my own father’s help against me?

“Daddy, this is mutiny! You can’t help him beat me, I’m your daughter! You tell him you lost that saw.”

“What are you babbling about? Help him beat you at what?”

I quickly explain the situation to my father, confident he’ll see my point and agree to nix the loaning of anything to my home makeover nemesis. If Dane wants a saw—why does Dane want a saw?—he can buy one, ‘cause my family tree is closed for business!

However, my father sees things differently, choosing instead to hone in on the fact that Dane bought me a place, off campus. “You’re moving in with a guy you’ve been dating for what, six months, and you’re just telling me? That’s not okay with me, Laney Jo.”

How is it possible I forgot to tell him? Perhaps the mortal fear of the wrath o’ Daddy caused a subconscious mental block.

“He’s not living there too, Daddy. It’s mine, he got it for me so I didn’t have to live in the dorm anymore. I can have a big bed and a fridge; I can cook real meals now! And Bennett lives right on the other side.”

“Why wouldn’t Bennett just live with you?”

Not at all Catholic, I knock out a speedy sign of the cross, asking for forgiveness for what I’m about to do. You know, throwing my friend under the bus to make myself look better. “Because, Daddy,” I say in full-on little girl voice, “she is living with her boyfriend on her side.”

I owe Bennett a really nice guilt gift.

“Oh, well then,” he grumbles, “in that case, I guess I’m happy for ya, kiddo. That was awful nice of him, and I’m glad to hear you can cook. You can probably do your laundry right there too, huh?”

“Yep, it’s got a laundry room. Guest room too! You can come and stay with me.”

Preferably before Sawyer moves in.

“Laney Walker, please come to Outdoor Living,” the PA crackles through the store. “Laney Walker to Outdoor Living, please.”

“Um, Daddy, I have to go now. I’m being overhead paged in Home Depot.”

“Shit, Slugger, you break something?”

“No, Daddy,” I laugh, “I’m sure it’s Dane having me paged.”

“All right then, go find him. And have him call me.”

“NO SAW, DADDY! I mean it!”

“Bye, honey,” he chuckles and hangs up.

I’m loving carefree Dane. The childlike smirk on his face when our eyes connect as I walk into the Outdoor Living section is the cutest thing I have ever seen.

“Comfy?” I giggle and ask my crazy man, who is sprawled out in one of the hot tubs on display. Not near or next to. In.

“I am,” he nods and winks at me, arms draped out behind him along the edges of the tub, “but I need you to get in here too, make sure it’s big enough.”

I turn at the sound of a cough behind me and see a guy, probably my age, barely containing his laughter at Dane’s performance. “Do people usually sit in them to test them out?” I ask him, hoping this is normal and we’re not actually the spectacle that I suspect.

“No, not usually,” he snorts, “but it’s okay if you want to join him.”

Far be it from me to take one ounce of Dane’s fun away from him. So naturally, I sling a leg over the side unabashedly and join him in an empty hot tub in the middle of Home Depot. Absolutely normal.

“Why are you thinking about a new hot tub? Something wrong with yours?”

“No,” he crooks a finger a me, beckoning me to come closer. “I would like to humbly ask you to discuss with me the benefits of putting this on your back deck.”

“Oh, babe, good job,” I pat his leg patronizingly, “thank you for asking first, but no. You’ve given me enough already. I won’t take advantage of your generosity with non-essentials. I can survive without a hot tub.” I lean over and kiss his cheek. “But thank you anyway.”

“But what if I can’t survive without it? Some of our finest moments have been in a hot tub. I think we need one at each place.”

He’s now rubbing his nose up and down my neck, almost making me forget where we are. In public. Home Depot, of all places.

“While I appreciate the fact that you want to discuss this in the middle of the store, sitting in a display tub, can we please get out and talk about it later?”

“Prude.” He nips my neck.

“Exhibitionist.” I pinch his thigh. “Come on.” I climb out, looking around to see that, why, yes, we do have a small audience. Ah, fuck it. I take a bow. “By the way,” I tell him when he joins me, “my dad called you back.” I dart my eyes to his. “I know all about your skill saw treachery. Not only did I forbid him from helping you, but…well, have fun calling him back. I kinda sorta forgot to tell him until today you bought his only daughter a love shack.”

And with that, I sashay down the aisle, really letting my hips rock enticingly for the slack-jawed hottie standing frozen in place behind me.

I’m just loving all the chances I’m getting to do that to him lately.









Bless you, Nelly, for “Batter Up.” I literally can’t look away from her booty popping to the beat. And so talented she is, twerking while she paints the kitchen—amazing.

“Good God,” I mutter to myself, seriously considering attacking her. That’s it, reach way up high to get that spot. Yep, up on your tiptoes, now hold it…shit! Dropping your paintbrush is probably not the best way to not get caught spectating with your tongue hanging out.

She, of course, hears the brush hit the tile and turns, raising her brows at me with a sweet smirk. “Need something, babe?”

I nod, afraid to speak as my voice might crack like a randy teenager.

“And what would that be?”

“I, um—”

“You dropped something,” she points out, bending down in front of me to pick up my paintbrush for me, then walking back to the sink, wetting a rag. “Let me wipe that up before it dries.”

Now she’s on her hands and knees, and once the mess is gone and the rag tossed on the counter, she maintains position. She looks up at me, eyes almost black, darkened with seduction. “What is it you said you needed?”

One thing I haven’t quite mastered yet, which I suspect is a problem for all men, is exactly what flips her switch. She’s almost never the aggressor, so it sets my blood to boil when Laney turns it on, takes the reins, and makes it brazenly clear she wants me. I try to catalog the moments, like now, to find the common denominator—a word I use, certain clothes, a look— anything to clue me in to the trigger, but so far I remain dumbfounded. The day I figure it out? That’ll be the day I weep like a baby and praise the heavens on my knees.

But for now, I’ll just be thankful for it happening on its own every once in a blue moon.

“I need whatever you wanna give me, baby,” I answer honestly.

“Hmm.” She rises on her knees, lifting the bottom of my shirt and tracing the lines in my abs with the tip of her tongue. “And I need for you to take this shirt off.”

I reach behind my head and pull it off in a blink, tossing it somewhere. “Now what?”

Any time I can get Laney talking, I increase my odds that she’ll talk dirty, taking me to a whole new stratosphere. When I’m in charge, I’m all the way in charge, but every once in a while…my girl makes me crazy. I love her filthy mouth when I can get it going.

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