Exile of Lucifer (7 page)

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Authors: D. Brian Shafer

BOOK: Exile of Lucifer
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"Weren't you listening? It's the Creation!"          49
Lucifer thought about what Octrion said. Could it be that this
assembly was called to announce some great promotion? He
looked around the room again to see if other noteworthy angels
were in attendance, but could find none who could compare with
his own station. Among the angels present there was only one obvi-
ous choice for some new position as far as Lucifer was concerned:
himself. Perhaps Octrion was right...
Suddenly the murmur of the crowd began to dissipate as the
Elders solemnly entered the room and made their way to a section
near the center that was reserved for them. Gabriel, whose capaci-
ty as Messenger to the Kingdom necessitated his being at all im-
portant functions, solemnly followed the procession. Many
whisperings of Gabriel's name could be heard throughout the room
as the angels saw the archangel enter the room. Since he only
attended very important assemblies, this could only mean some-
thing very significant was about to be revealed.
Lucifer watched as the Elders seated themselves one by one
until only Gabriel was standing. He then climbed the platform
steps, carrying a large, white scroll that the Chief Elder had hand-
ed to him previously. The recently confirmed golden sheath carry-
ing his sword of office shimmered as he mounted the steps.
All eyes were upon Gabriel as he prepared to read from the
golden scroll. Generally the Chief Elder read the proclamations at
these gatherings, but since Gabriel was reading, this must be some-
thing truly grand! With great ceremony, he broke the seal on the
scroll and began unrolling it. Lucifer cocked his head forward,
keenly interested. Gabriel began reading...
The labyrinthine passages of the Great Library that led to the
private rooms of the ranking wisdom angels who taught at the
Academy were something that Michael had always wanted to see.
They were off-limits while he was attending, though he and Gabriel
and some of the others had thought up some never-used schemes
to gain entry. Now he was accompanying the greatest teacher at the
Academy down these very halls to discuss something dark and
50           CHRONICLES of the Host: Exile          of Lucifer
brooding. He could not help but wonder if somehow Lucifer fit into
all of this, and meant to bring his name up at first opportunity.
They arrived at Crispin's chambers and entered.
"Here we are, Michael," said Crispin. "The sanctorum, as it
Michael was not surprised to find that everywhere he looked
were stacks and stacks of books. From the top of the room to the
floor were volumes on every subject in Heaven. Crispin noticed
Michael gawking at the enormous number of books that lined
every wall.
"Don't be too impressed, Michael," he said. "They belong to
the Library. I'm just borrowing them. Better make a note to myself
to return them sometime. Here, have a seat," he said, clearing a
chair in front of his desk which was piled high with books. Michael
sat down and Crispin began.
"Now, before we get into any of this let me say that though I
may mention some important names, I have no real evidence to
either vindicate or nullify my thoughts. By that I mean there is no
clear picture of any of this. It's really bits and pieces--but they
begin to add up as one takes them as a whole. And remember: In
the history of this Kingdom since its creation there has never been
an incident where an angel rebelled against the Lord. So, what I'm
telling you is that I am accusing no angel of any crime against the
Lord. You understand what I'm saying."
"Yes," said Michael. "Of course."
"Good. Then let me begin by giving you a little background as
to what has been happening in recent times, since you and your
group left the Academy. As you know, the Lord devised the Academy
of the Host as an instructional ministry to all angels--particularly
those angels who showed the greatest promise in their areas of gift-
ing. Not all angels are going to become archangels, any more than
all angels can become teachers. The Lord knew this when He creat-
ed us, and so he developed this school as a place where the skills of
all angels could be sharpened. As to those angels who don't excel
as some others do, they are not looked down upon by the Lord at
all. They are simply given other tasks to perform. But remember,
"Weren't you listening? It's the Creation!"           51
the greatest task any angel can perform is to glorify God in his
duties, however great or humble." Crispin said these last words
with an impassioned resolve.
"After the Academy was set up a number of wisdom angels
were selected to become the instructors, of which I was one. Ours
was a very important ministry and one we did not take lightly. The
Lord set us to studying the deep things of the Kingdom for a very
long time, until we were ourselves ready to teach. It was during
this time of preparation that I became acquainted with Pellecus.
After much laborious study, the time came that we began teaching
and training angels for their posts of ministry and have been doing
so even up until now.
"The first groups of angels to enter the Academy proved to be
those destined for the greatest appointments of ministry. This was
the season when you were a student, Michael--as were Gabriel,
Sangius, Tinius, Kara, Lucifer and many others. Look where these
angels are now serving in the Kingdom! You and Gabriel of course
went on to the Warfare Academy since that was where your incli-
nations seemed to take you. Lucifer of course took up his ministry
in worship. I must admit rather selfishly that I would have liked to
see one of you teaching here.
"Now, as the number of angels in Heaven is known only to
the Lord, this Academy will serve until every angel has had a
chance for instruction--except for the angels who minister around
the Eternal Throne, of course. Those rather mysterious fellows were
created for unique service which keeps them in the presence of the
Lord continually."
"What will happen to the Academy when all of the angels
have been through its doors of instruction?" asked Michael.
"I don't know really," answered Crispin. "I simply know that
the Lord in His wisdom will place every angel into various avenues
of service as they show promise and desire here. The Academy has
done well in its role of chief educator to the angels. As I said, the
teachers here hold enormous influence with some of the most
highly placed angels in the Kingdom--which brings me around to
my concerns.
52           CHRONICLES of the Host: Exile          of Lucifer
"As you witnessed in class today, there are certain angels who
are finding the teaching at the Academy to be rather confining to
their way of thinking. I don't mind a good scholarly discussion, in
fact I welcome it. But these angels are not merely debating. They
are strongly questioning and in some cases outright denying the
veracity of the teaching."
"But these are the teachings of the Lord to the Host of Heav-
en," said Michael. "How can they question the truth of Almighty
"They never do, Michael," said Crispin. "Instead of denying
the truth from God, they accuse us teachers as having fallen away
from the truth and they have become the custodians of truth--the
guardians of the sacred teachings. The problem with all of this,
Michael, is that they are teaching doctrines which incite the kind of
independent, disrespectful and proud behavior you saw earlier."
"And what does Pellecus have to do with all of this?" asked
"Pellecus," said Crispin with a sigh. "My former colleague.
Finest teacher the Academy has ever had. Pellecus could teach a
class on any subject and hold the students completely enraptured.
His authority was unquestioned and his wisdom renowned--he
was the perfect teacher. But he began delving into very disturbing
matters, subjects which transgressed the lines of discretion; things
which were better left a mystery. After a while he was trying to
bring the other instructors into his world and began challenging us,
always wanting to debate another point.
"Now I'm certainly not afraid of growing in knowledge. I
enjoy learning. But the knowledge Pellecus was cultivating was
increasingly at odds with the orthodox teaching of the Academy.
And as I taught you quite well, Michael, any knowledge which
opposes, denies or attempts to weaken the truth of God is at best
foolish angelic philosophy--at its worst it is a dangerous doctrine
which must be dealt with."
"What exactly was he teaching?" asked Michael.
"Understand Pellecus was far too clever to publicly teach any-
thing which was completely radical. Instead he taught by innuendo
"Weren't you listening? It's the Creation!"            53
and implication. You know, lots of what-if and could-it-be state-
ments. What did he teach? A number of things, but the centerpiece
for every discussion always came back to the fact that angels are
moral creatures with a freedom to choose rightly or wrongly. I had
no argument with him there. It is a standard teaching at the Acad-
emy. We all know that the Most High has created us with the capac-
ity to choose right and wrong, praised be His name. And we choose
to serve.
"But Pellecus taught freedom in such a way that some of the
angels felt imposed upon by the Lord, as if He was presuming
upon their right to serve Him any way they so desired. `Why must
we serve the Lord in such and such a way if we are truly free?' they
asked. My head swarmed with that question regularly."
"I don't remember any of those things being discussed," said
Michael. "At least not to any degree. Of course I was spending
most of my time in warfare."
"Yes, well it was not the rage it is now," said Crispin.
"Was Lucifer under Pellecus during this time?" asked
"Lucifer was never actually under Pellecus," said Crispin.
"But he did begin to spend more and more time with him as I recall.
Pellecus was quite taken by Lucifer. It was soon after they became
acquainted that Pellecus' attitude began to change. Try as I and
many of the other teachers did to undo the damage we felt Pellecus
was causing, it proved quite impossible. When events finally pro-
gressed to the point where he said that angels are actually the ones
who maintain order in the Kingdom and that the Most High is actu-
ally dependent upon their obedience, we had to act officially. I peti-
tioned to have Pellecus removed and so he was. We have spoken
very little since." Crispin remembered these things with a feeling of
Michael was drinking all of this in, quelling the anger he felt
rising against Pellecus. Then he said, "And where does Lucifer fit
into all of this? Do you believe he was the one who started Pellecus
on his...mission?"
54           CHRONICLES of the Host: Exile           of Lucifer
Crispin swallowed hard and said, "I am not very good at this
sort of thing. Ask me about the foundation of Heaven or the right-
eousness of the Most High and I am quite comfortable. But these
matters...I know you and he were very close...I hope that..."
"Master," said Michael tenderly, "Lucifer was my friend. He
still is as far as I am concerned. I hope that somehow this can all be
made right. The reason I came today was in fact to discuss Lucifer.
But my allegiance is to the Most High God and if there is something
Lucifer or anyone is involved in which threatens the purpose of this
Kingdom, then I will pursue that point." Michael placed his hand
upon Crispin's shoulder. "Thank you, Crispin, for your concern."
He then sat back down and continued, "Tell me about Lucifer."
"When Pellecus fell into disfavor and left the Academy he was
quickly courted by Lucifer, who asked him to sit on his Council of
Worship. I believe they are quite close, or at least as close as anyone
can be close to Lucifer now. They suit each other's needs. Pellecus
provides Lucifer with a scholarly credential on the Council, which
is desperately needed in that rowdy crowd, and Lucifer provides
Pellecus a position of some importance, though to what end I have
no idea. Apparently he was taken in by Lucifer's flattery and mud-
dled teaching; it's his own fault for straying from the truth. If one
turns his back on the truth, Michael, one is liable to believe any-
thing, no matter how untruthful."
"Have you ever thought about publicly exposing them?"
asked Michael. "I don't mean like when you had Pellecus removed
from the Academy. I mean exposing their teachings for what they
are in a scholarly setting--like a debate of some sort. Then perhaps
Lucifer would return to his post and minister as he was intended."
"I appreciate your confidence in me," said Crispin. "When the
truth is on your side you will eventually be vindicated--provided
you know the truth. I must admit I've had such notions. Privately
I'm ready to take Pellecus and Lucifer on here and now. And this is
the reason, Michael. Pellecus will say all kinds of things which
angels might find both disturbing as well as enticing. Of course
Lucifer would not speak publicly on these issues--he would allow
Pellecus to speak for him; his prophetic voice, so to say. But when
"Weren't you listening? It's the Creation!"              55
it all comes down to it, they have only their wits and their pet
philosophies. I have the truth of God and the truth is everlasting,
Crispin looked at Michael. "But I don't want to debate anyone
just to try and best them. If by debating Pellecus I could put an end
to this idle speculation about freedom that has infected this school,
then I would challenge him. I'm afraid it isn't that easy."
"What exactly is the nature of this...infection?" asked Michael.
"Well, it's been around since we were created, I suppose," said
Crispin, "this idea of how far an angel can exercise his freedom
before he opposes the Lord. Where does one draw the line--that
sort of thing. I suppose Pellecus has vented the argument. You saw
Berenius in class. He's just one of a number of angels who seem
eager to...try their own way."
"Is that the dangerous movement you were talking about in
the classroom?" asked Michael. "These angels who seem bent upon
their independence? Berenius may be brash but he doesn't appear
ready to take on Heaven just yet."
"Independence! We have independence already," fumed
Crispin as he thought about the rather smug expression on Bere-
nius' face. "Besides, Michael, he isn't alone. There are others who
are part of something that goes beyond academic discourse. I am
not afraid of radical ideas. It is radical action that is disturbing. As
long as the angels keep it in the classroom I suppose they may think
what they like--they will anyway. But there is more going on here
than simply a radical philosophy. There is coordination and per-
haps manipulation toward an actual outcome. But to what end?"
"And you believe Lucifer is the mover?" asked Michael.
"Mind you, I have no real evidence for any of this. But you your-
self mentioned his behavior of late. I too have seen a change in him. I
find him seething and potentially explosive. Not at all the angel I
once knew. Then there's Pellecus, spewing this divisive doctrine all
over the Kingdom, encouraged, if not coached, by Lucifer. Pellecus
teaches only what Lucifer allows these days. Of that much I am
sure. Finally, look who sits on the Council of Worship! Every angel
handpicked by Lucifer--all of them former students of Pellecus and

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