Ex’s and Oh’s (19 page)

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Authors: Sandra Steffen

BOOK: Ex’s and Oh’s
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They were big hands, working hands, capable hands, nurturing hands. They held her daughter, who barely weighed five pounds. If necessary, she knew he would carry the weight of the world for them both.

Bringing the tip of her finger to her throat, Caroline traced the charm that had been her mother’s. She thought about her mother, and how much she’d missed. She thought about her grandmother, Anna, too, and how much she’d been loved.

It was mind-boggling, really, the way things had turned out. History didn’t repeat itself, exactly, but similar situations had a way of circling around, generation by generation. It had begun right here in Harbor Woods more than sixty years ago when two boys had climbed a water tower, and later had fallen in love with the same girl.

And here Caroline was, gazing lovingly at her own precious baby girl, the seed planted by one man, to be raised by another. Caroline would pass along all the stories to little Anna, so she would know her ancestors.

She and Shane had many decisions to make. The house in Lake Forest was on the market, as was Karl’s house on Prospect Street. She and Shane would have to decide where they would live. Karl had left the lighthouse property
to Shane. Perhaps they would live there. She wanted Andy to be a part of that decision. They had a wedding to plan. It would be Caroline’s first. She hadn’t yet worn the silk dress she’d purchased the day she’d met Tori. Suddenly, Caroline knew the perfect occasion for it . Shane would probably ask Andy to be his best man. Caroline would need a witness, too. She had a candidate in mind.

Tomorrow she would thank Tori for the baby shoes. Soon, they would be more than unlikely friends. Caroline would be Shane’s wife and Andy’s stepmother. That would make Caroline and Tori practically family. She could hardly wait to hear what Tori had to say about that.


copyright © 2006 Sandra E. Steffen

ISBN: 978-1-4603-0319-1

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All characters in this book have no existence outside the imagination of the author and have no relation whatsoever to anyone bearing the same name or names. They are not even distantly inspired by any individual known or unknown to the author, and all incidents are pure invention.

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