Ex's and O'S (24 page)

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Authors: Bailey Bradford

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Ex's and O'S
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And he had to move, had to feel Les come apart under him. Adam hissed as he

withdrew a few inches, unwilling to back out any further. He plunged back in and ground his hips against Les’ ass, seeking more, deeper.

Les’ gaze was locked with his, needy little sounds slipped from his parted lips. Those lips formed a breathless word, ‘more’, and something short circuited inside Adam with an audible snap he heard in his head. He dropped down on top of Les, burying his face against the man’s sweaty neck. Adam licked and bit as he began pounding into Les’ ass, revelling in the glorious hot sheath.


Bailey Bradford



Les’ chest rose and fell, taking Adam along with it as he scraped his teeth over Les’

throbbing pulse. He tightened his hold on Les’ head as his hips beat a rapid tattoo of need against his lover. Les let go of his legs and wound them as well as his arms around Adam, crushing him close. Adam squeaked, his breath gone as he plunged into Les over and over again.

Adam’s balls pulled up tight, his muscles burned with strains from his lower back to his thighs. His cock swelled, trying to fill every dark space in Les’ ass. Trying to burrow all the way up to his heart. Les shivered and undulated, his hips snapping up to match Adam’s rhythm. Adam lifted his head enough to find Les’ lips with his own, pleasure swelling and setting off a thousand tiny drummers pounding out a beat of ecstasy.

Adam filled Les’ mouth with the same ferocity as he filled his ass, claiming all of the man. Les’ keening cry rocketed through Adam as wet warmth spread between them. Les’ ass clamped down harder, sending bright dancing lights to the back of Adam’s eyes. Pleasure flooded him, drowning him as he flooded Les’ ass, pouring his release into Les in painful jets of cum.

When Adam came down from his climax, he was dizzy, sluggish, his tongue thick and still plunging into Les’ mouth. He drew a noisy breath through his nose, swamping his senses with Les’ essence. Adam pried his eyes open as he ended the kiss and found himself caught by the peaceful expression Les wore.

There were so many things Adam wanted to say, promises he wanted to give Les, but that expression told him—Les knew. Adam smiled down at his lover, unashamed of the tears that burned his eyes. He laid his head down on Les’ shoulder, wrapped in the security of their love, and Adam slept.



Bailey Bradford


Chapter Twenty-Five

As much as Les would have liked to say he woke up feeling refreshed and unburned

after telling Adam—and Charlene—about his childhood, in truth he woke up with a stuffy nose and a headache pounding so intensely he thought his eyeballs would pop right out of his head.

That wasn’t the worst of it, though. Granted, he didn’t appreciate his body deciding to punish him for letting go last night. It sucked, but some aspirin and coffee would go a long way towards fixing that.

No, what was worse was the realisation that he and Adam had definitely been

very…loud. The second time they’d made love, Les had figured his roar as he filled Adam’s ass had rattled the windows. Adam’s had been even louder.

There was absolutely no way he could face Charlene this morning, not when she’d

know they’d been going at it like two…two…bulls came to mind, but that kind of made Les’

head pound even worse. Well, he’d never claimed to have the greatest imagination. What it came down to was, Charlene couldn’t not have heard them if she’d been anywhere on the block.

Les groaned softly, even that little bit of noise making his stomach hitch as his headache ramped up. He kept his eyes closed and took slow, deep breaths.
Okay. So Charlene
heard. It wasn’t like she doesn’t know Adam and I have sex.

All right, that wasn’t helping. Les peeled an eye open and looked at his watch. He had a few minutes before the alarm went off. Adam snuffled and flopped onto his back. One arms slapped Les in the gut hard enough to make him grunt. Les’ head pounded, then he discovered another ache, one deep inside and unfamiliar.

His eyes popped open as he realised that burn was in his ass. And it wasn’t exactly unpleasant, either. Les wiggled his hips a little, clenched and released his butt. Oh.

Did it make him kinky that he enjoyed the fact that his ass was sore from Adam’s

cock? Les squeezed his butt cheeks again as he thought about the way it’d felt to have Adam EX’S AND O’S

Bailey Bradford



take him like that. Amazing, as if he and Adam were joined all the way through to the marrow in their bones.

Les wondered vaguely if anyone would be able to tell. As tender as his ass felt, he thought walking would be…not a challenge, exactly, but he wouldn’t be running any marathons. Then he wondered if this was how Adam felt after every time Les made love to him.

The alarm let loose a shrill sound. Les slapped at it, bright spots dancing in front of his eyes as agony speared through his brain. Adam mumbled something that sounded a lot like

‘take the shoe refrigerator’ then rolled onto his side and snored softly.

Les would have liked to have turned on the lamp and looked at Adam, watched him

sleep for a while, but he didn’t want to wake him. Besides, Les had to get to work in a bit, which meant he had to haul his ass out of bed,

Les got up in a series of jerky movements. His head swam when he finally stood, but he managed to make it into the bathroom and shut the door. A sliver of early morning light came through the tiny bathroom window, but not enough. He turned on the light while shielding his eyes with the other hand. His image in the mirror greeted him.

Les grimaced. His stubble was thick and he had bags the size of Cleveland under his eyes. His lips were bright red and chapped. And how was it even possible for hair as short as his to be such a mess? It was standing up every which way, and it didn’t make him look adorably tussled. He just looked like a worn out, baggy chapped slob.

Ain’t I a bundle of joy?
Les snorted and pulled the medicine cabinet open. A few Excedrin, a handful of water from the sink, and he was making progress. He started the shower then brushed his teeth. His bladder was throbbing so he handled that issue as well.

The bathroom was steaming nicely. Les stuck a foot in the shower and found the

water hot. His head would blow off his shoulders if he stepped under that. Les adjusted the shower nozzle so it sprayed the wall then he sat on the side of the tub.

He wedged one heel over the drain hole and soaked his feet in the hot water. That always helped dull the edge of his headache, although once the rest of him was under the water, the pain would come right back. Still, the temporary respite would give the Excedrin time to kick in, maybe.


Bailey Bradford



After the tub had filled a quarter of the way, Les stood and scooted under the fall of water. It wasn’t as painful as he’d thought it’d be. Either the medicine was working extra fast or he’d sat there longer than he’d meant to.

Les scrubbed as quickly as he could, but his fingers lingered over his tender hole. The skin there felt as puffy as that under his eyes. Soap on it stung. He didn’t linger after that.

Once he was clean and shaved, Les crept back into the bedroom and did his best to get dressed quietly. The room had lightened enough that he could see Adam better now, and there was nothing for it—sprawled on the bed, blond hair sticking up in clumps, his mouth open and a little bit of drool on his chin—Adam was adorable. Les just wanted to scoop him up and cuddle him. He couldn’t, of course, but he did tiptoe over to the bed and brush a light kiss over Adam’s cheek before slipping from the bedroom.

Only to give a very undignified squeak when he practically ran into Charlene.

Charlene yelped as well but slapped a hand over her mouth and gaped at him. Les

tried not to die of embarrassment, his thoughts from earlier this morning reasserting themselves. Looking Charlene in the eyes had to be one of the hardest things he’d ever done.

Charlene winked at him then plucked an ear bud from under her mass of blonde hair.

She waved the thing at him as she whispered, “I can’t hear a thing with these in! Didn’t hear you coming out of your room. I didn’t hear anything but Rufus Wainwright and Henry Rollins all night long!”

Les was too boggled by that combination to dwell on whether or not Charlene was

bullshitting him. Who the hell would think to have those two on the same playlist?

“I’d offer to make you some coffee but you look like you’re on the way out.”

“Yeah,” Les agreed, “I am, but, uh, I wouldn’t mind taking a cup with me.”

Charlene beamed at him and it didn’t even feel odd when Les beamed right back.



Adam slapped at the mattress, still more asleep than not. Something, or someone

rather, was missing. He patted and scooted and flung out a leg, but Les wasn’t in the bed.

Adam cracked open his eyes and glared at nothing in particular. He was going to have a talk with Les about sneaking off without waking Adam so he could give him a proper goodbye.


Bailey Bradford



When he stretched, yawning so big his jaw popped, Adam discovered he had several

pleasantly sore spots on his body. Les had left a… Adam peeked at his chest, and his stomach, hips, inner thighs…an abundance sounded about right, for the amount of love marks Les had given him. He wished he could have seen how many he’d left on Les’ body before the man had run off to work.

Adam showered and took care of the other necessities. He noticed he had a light

coating of fuzz on his chin and patches of it on his jaw and cheeks. He decided to leave it for now—maybe he could grow a short beard if he was hairy enough.

Dressed in comfy stained jeans that drove his mother nuts and a long sleeved T-shirt, Adam strolled barefoot into the kitchen, drawn by the irresistible scent of fresh coffee and cinnamon rolls. Thank God his mom loved him despite his ratty clothes!

He shot his mom a grateful grin as he stepped into the kitchen, unsurprised to find her in there.

“Morning, Son,” Charlene said cheerfully. “You owe me.”

Adam frowned and made a beeline for the coffee. He poured a cup and took a sip. It was so hot his eyes watered—nirvana! Adam took another drink then topped off his cup before sitting and joining his mom at the table.

“So why do I owe you?” Adam asked, trying to decide whether he should take the

fattest cinnamon roll or the one with the most icing.
Decisions, decisions
. He’d just about decided on the smaller, gooier one when Charlene pushed the plate towards him.

“Eat as many as you want. I already ate one big enough to make that one there look like it’s stunted.” Charlene’s eyes twinkled as she added, “and it had the most icing, too!”

Adam chuckled and took the heavily iced one. “You’re entitled to first dibs since you made ‘em.” He took a bite and moaned at the cinnamon sweet taste. “Oh.” He savoured that first bite then scarfed down the rest of the roll.

He picked up the big one, took a long sip of coffee, then raised his brows at his mom.

“These are magnificent, and a bunch of other high-dollar words that mean they’re really, really good.”

“You still owe me,” Charlene informed him. “I got about zip amount of sleep what

with all the racket you two made!”


Bailey Bradford



Adam coughed and spat up the part of cinnamon roll that had wedged in his

oesophagus. Charlene jumped up and slapped him on the back, something she always did even though Adam had tried to tell her that just made it worse.

“Guess you didn’t think about how loud y’all were, but I knew Les would,” Charlene was saying as Adam gasped and tried to catch his breath. “That young man is too

considerate not to think about such things.”

The fact that Adam wasn’t apparently, earned him a pinch to his ear. “Hey! You raised me!”

“Doesn’t mean you always do what I say or what I taught you, does it?” Charlene

slapped his back one last time then returned to her seat. “So anyway, here’s what I want for saving Les from complete and utter humiliation.” She propped an elbow on the table and set her chin in her hand. “Since I knew Les would be very self-conscious about the racket y’all made, I waited for him in the hall outside y’all’s bedroom door. And let me tell you, I deserve and Oscar for shrieking and acting completely surprised when he came out. Then he looked about ready to curl up and die, so I pulled out this,” Charlene held up a blue earbud.

“But those don’t work,” Adam said, frowning at the familiar bare wires poking out of the cord.

“Does he know that?” Charlene asked then continued before Adam could answer. He

was feeling bulldozed by his mother anyway. It happened often, but this time he was very grateful for it. She’d thought quickly and went out of her way to make sure Les didn’t feel uncomfortable in his own home.

“No, he doesn’t. Les didn’t even realise the things weren’t plugged in to anything.

Course I had the end stuffed in my pocket, but…anyway. I told him I spent the night listening to Rufus Wainwright and Henry Rollins. I need you to pick me up some of these ear buds that work and a cheap music player—and download me some of those twos’ music.”

Adam nodded. His mom had eclectic taste and she liked to listen to the strangest

music mixes. He stood up and gave her a sticky lipped kiss. “For you, anything since you love my man, too.”

Charlene’s snort wasn’t anywhere in the ballpark of ladylike. “How could I not?”

“Exactly.” He had the best mom ever, and, whether Les knew it or not, Les had her now, too.


Bailey Bradford


Chapter Twenty-Six

Les growled as he hung up the phone. Every legal avenue he had available was

useless. There was nothing, nothing on Rollins! Les had been sure with the way the jerk had gone after Adam and Chase, there’d be something in Rollins’ background, but apparently money bought everything but happiness, including a clean record. And judging by the snotty attitude of the police officer he’d talked to in Billings PD, Rollins had several of the cops there in his pocket.

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