Read Extrasensory Online

Authors: Desiree Holt

Extrasensory (16 page)

BOOK: Extrasensory
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Mia, shocked by the contact, was held in place by the electricity of it and the feel of his warm, hard body against hers. Unfamiliar surges of heat flooded her, arousing a body that had relegated sex to an unused corner of her life. His big yet gentle hands caressed her back, kneading her muscles, while his head slanted this way and that to give him better access to her mouth.

Mia clung to him as if she’d disappear in the air without the anchor of his body.

Experimentally she slipped her small tongue into his mouth and his grip on her tightened. She wanted to melt into him, wrap him around her small self and block out the rest of the world.

She had no idea how much time passed. It could have been minutes or even hours, when Dan finally lifted his head. Her lips suddenly felt bereft with the absence of his mouth on hers. She was dazed, her eyes unfocused, her breath escaping her in a ragged pattern. She was sure she’d never get her heart rate under control again.

He studied her face with an unreadable expression in his eyes.

“Mia,” he began.

“If you apologize I will kick you in a place that will hurt very much,” she threatened, striving for some kind of control herself.

He actually smiled. “I won’t apologize because I’m not sorry. But this is a strange situation.”

“No kidding.” She realized he still held her in his grip, albeit a more relaxed one.

She had no intention of moving.

“What I mean is…” He stopped. “Shit. You’re part of a case I’m in charge of. A vital part.”

“And you never become involved with people who are part of a case or mission,” she finished for him.

“It’s more than that. Forget for a moment that Romeo’s Rule is never to mix business with pleasure.” He brushed her hair back from her forehead. “You’ve become a target in a cat and mouse game. You’re probably the only person who can give us any kind of indication as to what might happen to Oscar—if, in fact, something does happen. Someone is certainly taking you seriously. Your car’s been blown up, you’ve been yanked from the comfort of your home and you’re still in danger. Any one of these reasons would be good enough to say this should not happen.” Mia sighed and forced herself to step away from him. “Yes, I can see where that would create a lot of problems. I guess I’m the one who should apologize.”

“No.” He snapped out the word, then took her by her uninjured hand. “Come here.

The bathroom is no place for a rational discussion.”

He led her back into the suite’s living room and sat her down in one of the chairs.

When she looked up he was standing in front of her with his arms folded across his chest. She could easily see the Force Recon Marine in every line of his body and the steely look in his eyes.

“No lectures, please. Okay? I’m just too weary for it.”

He softened his stance then knelt in front of her. “No lectures,” he agreed. “But help me out a little here, Mia. Something clicked between us the minute I walked into your office. Don’t try to lie about it, because I know we both felt it. To tell the truth, I don’t know which one of us was more shocked. Maybe still is.”

She nodded, waiting for the rest. Wondering if he’d had a vision, too. Vibrating with a combination of anticipation and anxiety.

“I haven’t… I don’t…”

She almost laughed to see this tough warrior fumbling for words.

“Okay, I’ll say it for you. You don’t have relationships because it distracts you from your work. You take your sex where you find it and you don’t find it on your cases. So it would be best for both of us if we forget what just happened.” He burst out laughing, the sound breaking the tension. Then he sat down cross-legged at her feet. “You are definitely something. And a lot more than I would have taken you for.” He took her hands gently in his. “You’re right on the money in everything you said except for one thing.”

“And that is?”

“This isn’t casual and I don’t want to forget what just happened. But I don’t want to put you in a position where your credentials are compromised because we’re…” He fumbled for the right word.

“Sleeping together?”

“Having a relationship.”

“Which you don’t have,” she reminded him.

He ignored her as he continued talking. “I don’t want to take advantage of you while you’re in a vulnerable state emotionally. I’d hate myself for a long time.” She was rapidly losing patience. “Damn it, Dan. Do I look like a shrinking violet?

Like someone who can be pushed around? I’ve had to be tough to deal with this stupid

‘gift’ and to be able to build a life for myself. I could easily have looked at you just now and told you you’d gotten your signals wrong and to back off. But I didn’t do that, did I?”

Again thoughts of the erotic vision she’d had slammed into her and a flash of excitement sizzled through her.
She looked up at Dan and saw answering heat in his eyes. Saw resistance falling away. As was hers.


She sucked in her breath. “I know.” And she did. Everything was different with this man. All her natural shields were down, her defenses nonexistent.

“This isn’t the time…I don’t want to…”

Should have known. He’ll find an excuse. Get over it. Back to dull Mia.

The hell with it.” He cupped her face with his hands and his warm mouth pressed down on hers, gently at first, then with more urgency. He tasted her lips, licking the edges, nibbling at them before probing the seam with his tongue.

Mia clung to his wrists, anchoring herself, the pain in her hand forgotten. She’d always considered herself slightly repressed sexually but Dan pressed a switch inside her that opened a door. She opened her mouth eagerly for him, accepting his tongue inside. Exulting when it fluttered and explored. Meeting it with her own.

He prolonged the kiss, tasting every bit of her, wooing her with his mouth before finally lifting his head.

“I don’t usually do this.” His voice was even but his eyes were heated.

“H-Have sex?” She laughed nervously.

“With someone I’ve just met whom I respect. Especially in the middle of a mission.” Mia’s body tightened, rejection already sweeping over her. “I understand. It’s all right.”

“No.” His mouth was touching hers when he almost shouted the word. “This is different. I don’t know…I can’t explain…If you want me to stop, now is the time to tell me.”

“Don’t stop,” she whispered.

He swept her up in his arms and carried her into one of the bedrooms. Setting her on her feet, he tossed back the covers on the bed and snapped on the bedside lamp.

Reaching into his pants pocket he took out his cell phone and set it on the nightstand before turning back to her.

“I can’t wait to see you naked.” His voice was hoarse with need.

She began to unbutton her jacket but he brushed her hands away.

“Let me. Please.”

He peeled off each layer of clothing as if he was unwrapping a Christmas package.

Mia stood there, trembling at his touch, watching his eyes travel over each part of her body as he bared it to his gaze. His hands cupped her breasts with an almost reverent touch, the thumbs brushing back and forth over nipples that hardened into peaks.

Slivers of lightning flashed through her body, igniting her pulse. A throbbing began deep inside her cunt, radiating outward until she was sure Dan could feel it, also.

He paused long enough to remove his jacket, tie and shirt before stepping close to her again. His body was just as she remembered it, taut and muscular and golden.

Surely he was the most gorgeous man she had ever seen. Tanned, olive skin covered hard, sculptured muscle. Crisp, curly black hair lay across his chest, arrowing down a very flat abdomen to the most enormous erection she had ever seen. Only a long, thin scar that ran from his collarbone to his abdomen marred his beauty—but in Mia’s opinion it only added to his sex appeal.

She sifted her fingers through the soft dark curls on his chest and scraped her nails over his nipples. He rewarded her with a hissing intake of breath. She’d never been an aggressive lover, barely able to respond because her partners never came to her as if they really desired her as a woman.

But Dan made her feel as if she was all the desirable women in the world rolled into one. He trailed kisses down the column of her neck, nibbled at her ear, licked the upper swell of her breasts before taking one nipple into his mouth. She felt the pull clear down to the center of her pussy, to the clenching of her womb.

She felt more alive than she’d ever been. Every sense she had was on high alert, electrified just by this man’s touch. By his presence. His scent was sharp in her nostrils, his skin alive beneath her fingers. Every place his body touched hers, her nerves fired like tiny rockets. Even their breathing was sharp and clear, the rushing of air in and out of their lungs. She had the strangest feeling she’d stepped into one of her own visions.

Only there was nothing fractured about this one.

Dan slid his hands around to her back, pulling her tightly against him so her breasts were pressed against that hard wall of chest. Her skin was so sensitive now that she could almost feel every individual curl in that mat of hair.

He was kissing her again, plunging his tongue inside her mouth, barely giving her air to breathe. Somehow her slacks and panties disappeared and he lowered her to the bed, splaying her legs, his eyes glued to the wet folds of her cunt. Mia knew she should feel embarrassed. She wasn’t used to having men look at her this way. But somehow with Dan Romeo there didn’t seem to be any self-consciousness.

He leaned over her, running his hands from her shoulders down the length of her arms to her fingertips, his touch firm and light at the same time. His fingers danced along her waist, cupped her breasts than traveled over her tummy to the neat line of hair defining her wet labia.

Pulling back, he made quick work of his slacks and boxers, kicking his shoes and socks to the side. Mia’s eyes widened when she saw him fully naked before her.

Nothing in the vision could have prepared her for the reality of the man. His cock was proud and erect, the tiny bead of fluid on its broad head gleaming in the lamplight. His sac hung heavy against his muscular thighs. A Roman god, Mia thought, her breath catching in her throat as her eyes took him in.

“I want to taste you.” His voice was thick with hunger. “No, I
to taste you.” He arranged her on the bed so he was between her thighs, placing a pillow beneath her hips to raise her to him. When his fingers opened her labia he took a moment to drink in the sight of her again before bending and lapping the length of her slit.

Mia’s heartbeat stuttered before shifting into overdrive. His tongue was magic, caressing every inch of her throbbing cunt, rasping against her clit again and again. The image invoked a thick cloud of lust that enveloped her like a quilt. Only now she didn’t have to bring herself to climax; the Roman god was doing it for her. Her skin felt as if the top layer had been sandpapered away so that every touch was so sharp and distinct.

Was it possible to have sexual sensory overload?

The spasms began deep inside her, rocketing into the walls of her pussy, burning through her, blanking out everything except the voluptuous sensation of pulse and beat. When he suddenly withdrew she cried out, hung on the precipice of fulfillment.

She opened her eyes to see him dragging his pants from the floor, yanking out his wallet and fishing inside. The sound of crinkling foil told her what he was doing. She heard his labored breathing as he sheathed himself, then he was back, the head of his penis poised at the entrance to her hot channel.

“Please,” she urged, in a tight voice, eyes closed. God, she just wanted him inside her. Now.

With one hard thrust he was inside her, the thickness of his cock stretching her walls and setting off every tiny bundle of nerves. She opened her eyes again to see his taut face just inches from hers and a passion burning in his eyes brighter than any candle flame. He lowered his head and pressed his mouth to hers, invading her with his tongue. The taste of her own flavor was so erotic, so exciting, her body blazed in reaction. She clutched at his shoulders, scored his back with her fingernails, wrapped her legs around him silently asking for more. Deeper.

Slowly, steadily, he moved his hips, rooting deep, his tongue mimicking the movement of his body. Mia could think of nothing but this man, this place, and the pulse racing through her. As he increased his pace he murmured into her mouth, erotic words, things he wanted to do to her. Every word, every groan, only drove her higher.

She felt his incredible control in the tension of his body as he waited for her to peak, for the tight spiral of need to finish unwinding.

“Dan!” she screamed, as it crashed over her.

And he let himself go.

The spasms seemed to go on forever, bodies convulsing together, her pussy grabbing his cock with an iron grip. She felt the hot spurt of his cum inside the latex, heating her through the thin barrier, and knew this was beyond anything she’d ever experienced before.

When the pulses finally ebbed, slowed to aftershocks, then faded to nothingness, Dan collapsed forward, barely keeping his weight from crushing her. The only sound in the room was their labored breathing as they drew air into oxygen-deprived lungs, and the slamming of their hearts, which Mia was sure echoed off the walls of the room.

Everything sounded so acutely loud, as if someone had turned up the volume in her ears.

When his breathing slowed to a manageable rate, Dan pressed light kisses everywhere on her face, telling her better than words could that this hadn’t just been a quick fuck to him. That
was more than that.

He withdrew slowly, took time to dispose of the condom before sliding beneath the covers, taking her with him. He tucked her head under his chin, cradling her with muscular arms that offered comfort, protection and…affection.


Mia snuggled back against him, feeling replete and not even aware of her injured hand.

“Sleep,” he urged her in that warm molasses voice of his. “You’ll need it.” They were both highly aware that tomorrow was Tuesday. Only three days remained to find out who was behind this and stop them.

BOOK: Extrasensory
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