Fall Black In Love 1: When Henry Met Millie (16 page)

BOOK: Fall Black In Love 1: When Henry Met Millie
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  Henry looked over where Millie, her mother and sister were watching along with Irma. He slowly released Bill and stepped back.

  “Don’t think this is over,” Henry warned. “I know where you live.”

  Bill watched as Henry walked over to Millie and she took him into her arms holding on to him. She glared at Bill before Henry took her hand and led her back inside, followed by their friends and family.

  Back at their table, Henry and Millie sat in their seats then he took her hand again and kissed it. “I’m sorry.”

  “You can tell me all about this later,” Millie told him.

Henry nodded. “And you can tell me when you started whipping ass.”

She laughed. “I was real mad. I wasn’t having my husband arrested. Not today.”

  “My girl is dangerous too?” he asked playfully.

Millie shook her head. “No, but your wife is.”

Chapter 16

  The rest of the reception went along without a hitch. Henry and Millie celebrated with family and friends while eating the deliciously prepared dinner then finishing it all off with wedding cake. At the end of the night, the crowd saw the happy couple off as they departed to the apartment they would now be sharing.

  Henry planned to take Millie away in the morning to begin their three-day honeymoon so tonight they would spend their first night together as man and wife in their bed and Millie would get to sleep in it the entire night.

  When they reached the apartment, Henry gathered the top of their wedding cake that Millie’s mother had so meticulously wrapped for them to take home. Handing the cake to Millie, he scooped her up into his arms then headed to the door.

  “Are you going to carry me all the way inside?” she asked.

Henry nodded. “Yes ma’am.”

  Millie held on to both
Henry and the cake as he walked into the building then to their apartment. Still holding her, he unlocked and opened the door before carrying her inside. Henry didn’t stop until they reached the kitchen where he finally sat her on the countertop. Gina had told them to refrigerate the dessert until they returned so Millie handed Henry the package and he promptly deposited it inside the ice box.

  Turning back to her, he stepped between her legs where they hung over the counter and placed his hands on her waist.  “Welcome home Mrs. Patterson.”

Millie smiled at him. “Thank you Mr. Patterson.”

  Henry lifted her from the counter then started towards the bedroom. “Did I tell you what a pretty bride you are?” he asked.

  “Many, many times,”

He looked down at her with dark eyes. “Did I tell you how much I liked your dress?”

Millie blushed. “Yes and that you’d like to take it off for me.”

  He reached the bedroom door that was closed and frowned since he never closed this particular door. When he stopped, Millie felt his hesitation and touched his face.

  “It’s okay,” she told him. “I closed it.”

Henry looked confused. “When were you here?”

Millie frowned. “You’re spoiling my surprise Henry!”

“You have a surprise in there for me?” he asked watching her.

“Just open the door.”

Henry complied then stepped inside. He looked around the room then down at Millie.

  “Millie, what did you do?” he asked in surprise.

  “Do you like it?” she asked warily, looking at her handiwork.

  Henry looked at the bed with a bright new comforter and sheets. Matching curtains hung from the windows with coordinated lamps on the nightstands and unlit candles with fresh flowers now decorated the dresser.

  “It’s incredible,” Henry said in awe. “How did you do this?”

  Millie slipped down to her feet and stared up at him. “I still had some of the money you’d given me for our date, so I took that with some of my savings and my Momma helped me.”

  “Millie…you shouldn’t…” Henry was touched.

She grabbed his tie and gently pulled. “Just say you like it Henry.”

  Lowering his head to hers, he whispered, “I love it Millie and I love you for doing it.” Touching his lips to hers lit an ever- smoldering flame as he pulled her closer.

  Millie broke the kiss and held him tightly before looking up at him. “I know you’re used to taking care of yourself and you know lots of things, but now I’m here and I’ll take care of you too, okay?”

  Henry stared into her lovely face and felt his heart quiver. Never had he thought he would love a woman as much as he loved Millie Patterson.

  “Yes ma’am,” he choked out.

  Smiling, Millie moved quickly to the dresser and produced a ring with two little keys. She handed them to a perplexed Henry.

  “What’s this Millie?”

  She grinned. “It’s your wedding present,” she told him. “It’s really hard to pick something for someone so practical, but it’s something you needed so I hope you like it.”

  Taking his hand, Millie led him to the closet that now contained her clothes as well as his. When she pointed to the floor, his attention went to a box in the corner.

  “It’s a portable safe,” Millie explained. “So you don’t have to keep your money in a shoe box and you can lock it.”

She fingered the jewelry around her neck. “I guess it seems silly next to a diamond necklace…”

Henry cut her off. “It seems perfect…just like you. Thank you.”

  He kissed her softly then led her over to the bed and placed the keys on the table. Millie watched as he turned back to her. “Millie, you are so sweet. I’m the luckiest man in the world to have you and I’ll never forget that.”

  “I wasn’t even thinking about a guy and here I am, not even a year later, married to this strong, handsome man who swept me off my feet without even trying.” She wrapped her arms around his neck.

Henry lifted a brow. “Who says I didn’t try?”

  “According to Bill, you were only interested because he was,” she reminded him.

  “And that’s why Bill got his ass whipped,” he confirmed.

Millie smiled. “Speaking of Bill, why did you whip on him?”

  “For the same reason I’m going to whip on him again.” He told her. “He doesn’t get the message.”

Henry turned his attention to her. “And when did you start ‘whipping ass'?”

  “When you start messing with people I love,” she said seriously.

  He pulled her against his body. “Well, I’ll do all the ass whipping in this family. My pretty woman doesn’t have to worry about that.”

Millie laughed. “Are you good at it?”

He nodded. “I know how to get my hands dirty.”

She ran a hand along his strong, shaved jaw. “You’re more than this handsome face, huh?”

  Henry smiled as he removed his suit jacket and laid it on the bed. Next, he went for the purple tie that Millie had chosen for him to wear to the wedding. He pulled the shirt out of his pants before turning her back to him, in order to help her remove the white dress that he’d wanted to take off her all day.

  Gently he ran a finger along her bare shoulder before kissing her neck and inhaling her scent. Millie threw her head back against his broad chest when his big hands moved to cup her breasts. Henry stepped back and unfastened her dress then Millie felt the material separate before it pooled at her feet leaving her in white lace panties and strapless bra.

  Henry caressed her bare stomach and moved closer so that she felt his arousal against her lower back. Millie closed her eyes and smiled knowing what was about to come. She moaned deep in her throat as his hands moved lower.

  “I think Honey is ready for her wedding night,” he whispered nibbling her earlobe.

  “You promised me something special,” she breathed as his traveling hand reached her hot spot and Millie braced herself for his exploration.

  “This night is for my pretty woman, she gets whatever she wants for as long as she wants.” Millie widened her stance as he slid her panties aside and dipped a finger inside. With his other hand, Henry released her bra and it fell to the floor.

  “She’s home now,” he said softly then proceeded to undress her completely.

Millie turned to face him and their gazes connected. “I never have to leave you again.”

  Henry lifted her to sit on the bed then began to unbutton his shirt. Millie pulled the ends toward her then started tackling the buttons from the bottom and when they met in the middle, she pushed the sides apart. Lovingly, Millie ran her hands across his warm, chiseled body.

  Henry reached for his belt quickly releasing it then unfastened his trousers. When he stood before her naked, Millie looked up at him.

  “What’s my surprise?” she asked sexily looking him over.

  Henry lifted her face and placed his open mouth over hers kissing her until her lips parted under his. Licking and nibbling her lips, he lifted her off the bed and she instinctively wrapped her legs tightly around him still dressed in her heels.

Henry turned them so that his back was to the bed. “Millie is in control. Tell me what you like best.”

  With her arms around his neck, Millie’s eyes lit up. She cradled his face and lowered her mouth to his. “I like when you take me in the kitchen,” she whispered.

Henry smiled wickedly. “Yes ma’am.”

  Carrying her to the bathroom, Henry sat her on her feet before turning on the shower. “A quick one,” he said grabbing a washcloth and towels from a nearby cabinet as Millie stepped out of her shoes.

  Underneath the warm water, the couple familiarized themselves with their favorite parts of one another before rinsing and stepping out. Millie dried at record speed before Henry gathered her up for their appointment in the kitchen.

  Slowly he walked them to the room with Millie clinging to his hard, damp body. Henry lowered her onto the table and lifted a brow in question. “Whipped cream…” she whispered.

  Henry nodded then retrieved her request from the fridge. When he returned, Millie laid back across the table with her arms above her head. As Henry slowly shook the can watching her, Millie spread her legs apart in preparation.

  Henry tilted his head to enjoy the view then gave her a grin before he began to spray the foamy substance, first over her nipples then a trail down to her navel and finally, the final destination. Millie closed her eyes and parted her lips waiting for what she knew was next.

  Henry sprayed the whipped cream directly into his mouth before leaning over her and placing his mouth over hers. Millie tasted the sweet cream mixed with the taste of Henry’s mouth and felt her legs begin to quiver.

  When Henry started his journey down her body, she focused on enjoying the pleasure. The first time Henry had done this to her, she’d been so fidgety that he’d had to stop and tell her to relax and focus only on the pleasure. Since Millie hadn’t been accustomed to being spread out over a kitchen table with whipped cream covering all her private areas, this had been something that she’d needed to get used to.

  Now, whenever and wherever she saw whipped cream, it made her remember this ecstasy. She felt her breath catch as Henry focused on his task. If there was one thing Millie loved about Henry Patterson, it was his attention to detail along with his desire to always do things right. Those two things made a woman very happy.

  When her first release came, she finished on a high-pitched sigh followed by a deep moan. Millie heard the can spray again and opened her mouth to taste the mixture of her essence and whipped cream on his tongue. Henry entered her on a deep thrust and caught her scream in his mouth.

  Millie gave herself over to her husband as he set their love tempo. Tonight it was hard and fast and Millie enjoyed every moment as he lifted her legs higher on his back. She heard his groans as her body readily accepted all that he had to give.

  “Pretty woman, I love you…”

  His hoarsely spoken words into her ear caused her flood to break through in evidence of her love for him.

  “Oh my god! Henry!” she screamed while he continued on his journey. “I love you!”

  When he collapsed on top of her, Millie gently stroked his damp skin while staring up at the ceiling thinking of the man lying on her.

  “I think that was the best,” she told him.

Henry lifted his head. “You rank them?”

She laughed. “Yes, don’t you?”

  “No ma’am.” He lifted from her body. “Every time I’m with you, it’s special in its own way.”

  Millie sat up and grabbed his arm. “Of course, it’s always special Henry but sometimes it’s better than others.” She rubbed a hand down his forearm. “I think we both get better.”

Henry stared down at her. “Interesting…”

Her eyes darkened as she stood. “Let’s go into the bedroom so I can show you what I’m talking about.”

  Millie took his hand and began to lead a willing Henry to the bedroom. She stopped and turned to him. “Wait!”

Millie dashed into the kitchen and returned with the forgotten whipped cream. “We need this.”

  Henry watched as she sexily sprayed a dollop into her mouth then took his now rising manhood into her hand squeezing it gently.

  “I’ve got something special for you too!”


  Millie awakened the next morning in her husband’s bed…alone. Looking around the room, she smiled. This was the first time she’d stayed the entire night with Henry. And speaking of Henry, where was he?  She climbed out of the bed and grabbed a short nightgown from the drawer then headed to the bathroom.

  After relieving herself and taking care of necessities, Millie went to the kitchen where Henry was standing over the stove. She walked up behind him and placed her arms around his waist.

  “Why didn’t you wake me up?” she asked lying her face against his bare back.

  “I was going to bring my wife breakfast in bed, but you woke up too early,” he explained glancing back at her.

  Millie smiled. “I’ll go get back in the bed then.” She turned and headed back to the bedroom before Henry caught her from behind causing her to giggle.

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