Fallen Elements (33 page)

Read Fallen Elements Online

Authors: Heather McVea

Tags: #baltimore, #lesbian paranormal romance, #witch and love, #elemental fantasy romance, #urban adult fantasy

BOOK: Fallen Elements
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“Wait.” Ryan leaned back, and took Leah’s
hands in hers. Leah leaned forward, her lips finding the soft skin
of Ryan’s neck. It took all of Ryan’s will to move Leah away. The
skin where her mouth had been was still hot. “I – I mean I want to,
but I think we need to talk first.”

Leah stepped back from Ryan, her head lowered
as she walked to the recliner and sat down. “I’m sorry. I missed
you, and –”

Ryan could see how much Leah was struggling,
and she wanted nothing more than to hold her and reassure her. The
tragedy was she didn’t know if any reassurance she might offer
would turn out to be true.

Taking a seat on the sofa, Ryan took a deep
breath. “I understand, but we haven’t really resolved anything.”
Ryan sat on the edge of the sofa, her hands resting on her knees.
“I know it sounds silly, but as good as the sex is, it’s far from
everything I get from being with you; so if we can’t fix the
everything – I – just don’t know what then.”

Leah’s eyes filled with tears. “I know you’re
right. I’ve been locked in this house for the better part of a
week, and I’ve done myself no favors by giving into a lot of

“Why self-pity?” Ryan had never thought of
Leah as a depressed or negative person, and to hear the struggle in
her voice, and know Ryan was part of the cause, soured Ryan’s
stomach and made her heart race.

Leah laid her head back, the recliner rocking
slightly with the shifting of her weight. “You know I’m forty
five?” Ryan nodded. “And I’m not naïve, I know I look thirty.”

Ryan grinned. “You look great.”

Leah chuckled. “You’re sweet. I look a mess
in this getup, but do you know why I look thirty?”

Ryan shook her head. The furthest thing from
her mind the past week were Leah’s looks. Though the age gap had
initially been a mild concern for Ryan, it seemed incredibly
trivial in light of recent developments.

“We’re long lived. I don’t mean eighty or
ninety. My grandmother lived to be a hundred and thirty three. When
she died, she looked eighty.” Leah leaned forward, her eyes fixed
on Ryan. “Do you understand what I’m saying?”

Ryan wasn’t sure what the point was. In spite
of being impressed as hell that Leah could live well beyond the
century mark, Ryan was at a loss as to what it had to do with their
current situation. “Sorry. I’m not following.”

Leah sighed. “It means I have lots of time to
be alone, to be afraid, to be angry. It scares the shit out of me.
You –
– scares the shit out of me.”

Ryan had a hundred things she wanted to say
to Leah. Arguments and counter arguments, but she could bring only
one into focus. “I love you. That matters so much more than any
amount of fear or anger.”

Leah stared, unblinking at Ryan for several
seconds before she spoke. “I love you.” Leah wiped at her tear
stained face. “Shit, I can’t stop crying.” She got up, and moved so
she could sit next to Ryan. Their knees touching, Leah took Ryan’s
hand. “I have a confession.”

Ryan winced. “I’m bracing myself.”

Leah smiled, absently cupping the side of
Ryan’s face with her hand. “I wasn’t as reserved as you with I love
you, and I said it – not often – but when it really didn’t count.”
Leah kissed Ryan softly on the cheek. “You’re the first to really
count, and I can’t decide if that’s incredibly romantic or
frightfully tragic.”

Ryan laughed. “I’m going with romantic, but
I’m biased.”

Leah’s lips found Ryan’s. The spark of heat
the woman’s touch elicited in Ryan triggered a quiet sigh from
Ryan. She rested her hand on the back of Leah’s neck, gently
pulling her closer. Leah pulled back, her lips parted as if she
wanted to say something, but whatever she meant to say was caught
somewhere. Instead, Leah stood, pulling Ryan to her feet.

Leah began leading Ryan back into the
bedroom. Ryan’s body was already on fire with anticipation as Leah
gently pushed her back onto the bed. Leah pulls her t-shirt over
her head, and Ryan smiled to see she wasn’t wearing a bra. Ryan was
mesmerized as Leah slowly pulled her pants and panties down,
kicking them to the side to stand naked in front of Ryan.

Ryan couldn’t remember ever seeing anyone as
beautiful. Leah’s skin was slightly tanned, and her perfectly
shaped breasts sat just above her rib cage. Her waist tapered, and
then the swell of her hips led down to her toned, sleek thighs.

Without a word, Leah slowly removed Ryan’s
clothes. Her fingers and hands traced exposed skin as she moved
along the smooth planes of Ryan’s shoulders, along the swell of her
breasts, and down the curve of her stomach, her hands coming to
rest on both of Ryan’s hips.

Bending down, Leah ran her tongue along
Ryan’s jutting hip bone, across her abdomen, and then she gently
placed a series of kisses up Ryan’s stomach. Her lips lingered at
the side of Ryan’s breast.

Ryan’s body was on fire as Leah’s hands and
mouth moved over her skin. The doubt and hesitancy that had plagued
Ryan all week were washed away, and even though part of Ryan knew
nothing had really been resolved, her body overrode her mind so she
didn’t care.

Leah slowly lowered herself between Ryan’s
legs. Their eyes met for a moment before Leah was kissing Ryan
again, her mouth growing more urgent as she found Ryan’s. Ryan
wrapped her arms around Leah’s shoulders, pulling her closer, the
heat her touch triggered spiraling waves of warmth through

Leah shifted, and a second later Ryan gasped
as Leah entered her with two fingers. Leah buried her face in the
side of Ryan’s neck, her breath hot against Ryan’s skin as she
thrust the full length of her fingers into her.

Clinging to Leah, Ryan moved her hips in
unison with Leah’s fingers. The feel of Leah’s body against Ryan
was nearly more than she could take as shards of electricity ripped
through her. Ryan ran her fingers through Leah’s blonde hair,
entwining them in the silky strands as Ryan was desperate to pull
Leah even closer.

Bringing her legs up, Ryan wrapped them
around Leah’s waist. Leah moaned. Leaning back, her eyes met
Ryan’s. A thin film of sweat covered both women’s bodies as Leah
sped the rhythm of her fingers up, their gazes still locked as Ryan
began to tremble under Leah.

Releasing her legs from around Leah’s waist,
Ryan opened herself wider for Leah. Leah lifted her left leg up,
and straddled Ryan’s thigh. Ryan gasped as Leah’s wetness coated
her leg, the scent of vanilla and sex filling the room.

Leah thrust her fingers into Ryan as she
pushed against Ryan’s thigh. Ryan lifted her hips in unison with
Leah as she frantically grabbed and clutched at the woman’s arms
and shoulders. “Leah.” The word came as Ryan exhaled, and a moment
later both women cried out as they climaxed.

Leah slowly eased her fingers from Ryan, her
breath coming in short pants as she slid up to lay her head on
Ryan’s shoulder. Ryan wrapped her arms around Leah, her body still
shaking from her release seconds before.

“You’re wonderful.” Ryan smiled as she kissed
the top of Leah’s head.

Leah looked up at Ryan, her eyes slightly out
of focus as a small smile found her lips. “I love you.” Leah pushed
herself up, and knelt between Ryan’s legs. “You’re incredible and

Ryan blushed, enjoying Leah’s appreciative
stare. “I love you.” She suddenly felt fearless, unbound, and
euphoric. Leah’s kisses, her touch, were transforming.

Ryan had never tried hard to stave off her
feelings for Leah. She knew there was still so many things they
would have to face. Neither of them could really know what would
happen, or if there was an inevitable sheer cliff out in the
distance they might plummet over. It didn’t matter to Ryan, for as
she laid wrapped in the warmth of Leah’s embrace, she felt all too
happy and grateful for the fall.




Chapter 16

Ryan sat bolt upright. Her eyes scanning the
darkness of Leah’s bedroom. Finding the alarm clock, she swore
under her breath as she got out of bed, and switched on the small
lamp on the nightstand.

“What’s wrong?” A groggy Leah sat up, rubbing
at her eyes.

Ryan hurriedly grabbed her previously
discarded clothes from the floor. “It’s eight forty five.”

Leah glanced at the clock. “So? You got a hot
date?” She joked.

Ryan didn’t respond as she pulled her slacks
on, patting at the front pockets with her hands. “Crap. Where’s my

Leah ran her hand through her tousled hair as
she tossed the sheet back. Ryan glanced up, and came to a full
stop. “Please. I’m running late to meet Carol, and if you just sit
there naked and gorgeous, she’s going to just sit at that hotel bar

Leah smiled, stood up and walked toward Ryan,
a mischievous glint in her eye. “I want to help you find your

Ryan held her hands out in front of her.
“Thanks, but I can manage.”

Leah feigned a pout, and pulled a half
dressed Ryan into her arms. “Do you want me to come into town
later? I could stay over.”

Ryan, the upper half of her body still naked,
was having trouble focusing with Leah’s breasts pressed to hers.
“Ah, I – no, I can come back. Greg and Nic are dating, and they are
a little unbearable in that classic honeymoon phase euphoria sort
of way.”

“I didn’t realize they were together.” Leah
kissed Ryan on the shoulder.

Ryan moaned, and with all the strength she
had, stepped back from Leah. “Just started dating, and god help me
if it goes badly.” She bent over and grabbed her bra and

“God help you?” Leah frowned.

“I’ve gone through many of Nic’s break-ups,
but never one that would hit so close to home, so to speak.” Ryan
was having trouble buttoning her blouse, her hands trembling as she
forced back the urge to crawl back into bed with Leah.

Stepping forward, Leah straightened Ryan’s
blouse, and slowly began buttoning it. “Maybe it will work

Ryan looked down at Leah’s slender fingers as
they slipped one button after another into their buttonholes. “I
hope so.”

Fastening the last button, Leah leaned in and
kissed Ryan’s cheek. “How long will you be gone?”

“I should be back around twelve. Is that too
late?” Ryan, feeling more confident in her self-restraint, wrapped
her arm around the small of Leah’s bare lower back.

“I’ll be here.” Leah gave Ryan a quick kiss
on the lips. “You should go now though.”

Ryan’s eyes narrowed. “In such a hurry to get
rid of me?”

Leah chewed nervously on the inside of her
lower lip. “The opposite. If you don’t leave now, I’ll really owe
Carol an apology.”

Ryan chuckled. “We both will.” Turning to
leave the bedroom, Ryan nearly stepped on her phone. Bending to
pick it up, she frowned. “Perfect. It’s dead.”

“You can use mine if you want to let her know
you’re running late.” Leah walked past her, and into the living

“That’s funny. You think I know her number?
Anyone’s number for that matter?” Ryan tucked the phone in her pant

Reaching into her purse, Leah stopped. “I
know your number.”

Ryan blushed, and closing the space between
her and Leah, pulled her into a tight hug. “You’re just a better
person than me.”

Leah smiled against the side of Ryan’s neck.
“I think it’s a generational thing.”

Ryan leaned back. “Are you saying I’m

“No – I’m old.” Leah cupped Ryan’s cheek in
her hand.

“You’re pretty hot for an old woman.” Ryan
turned her lips to Leah’s warm palm.

Leah’s gaze wandered along the smooth skin of
Ryan’s face, the definition of her jaw, and came to rest on the
fullness of her lips. “I wish I had met you sooner.”

Ryan’s expression grew serious. “I would have
been a minor, and I hate to think of you in jail.”

Leah tisked, and playfully pinched Ryan’s
upper arm. “Awful joke.”

Ryan practically giggled as she opened the
door. “You’ll still be naked when I get back.” She stated.

“Clearly, as that was not in the form of a
question.” Leah smiled. “Be safe.”

Ryan nodded, shut the door, and quickly
walked to her car.


“Am I dead to you?” Ryan rushed toward Carol,
who sat at the Monaco’s bar, a half empty gin and tonic in front of

The Monaco hotel was a mid-size boutique
hotel in downtown Baltimore near the Inner Harbor. It was located
in the renovated B&O Railroad Headquarters, and the entire
hotel was designed in the style of America’s gilded age with
elaborate frescos and murals throughout the lobby, accented by 1900
style furniture.

Carol pivoted on the bar stool. “I was more
worried you were dead somewhere. Your phone kept going straight to
voicemail.” She slid off the stool, and gave Ryan a brief peck on
the cheek.

Sitting down, Ryan shook her head. “I’m
sorry. My phone is dead, and I couldn’t find my car charger.”

“Your work meeting ran late?” Carol sat back
down, and waved the bartender over.

“Yeah.” Ryan had no plans to discuss Leah
with Carol. She realized she was still feeling a little raw over
Carol running to Lucy to gossip about her and Leah.

“Are you still loving the job?” Carol

Ryan nodded. “I am.”

“What can I get you?” The bartender, who was
an attractive twenty-something brunette, smiled warmly at Ryan.

“Oh, ah – Natty Boh, please.”

“I only have that canned. Is that okay?” The
bartender offered.

“Sure, and don’t worry about the glass.”

The brunette grinned. “Awesome.”

Carol looked at Ryan, and then watched as the
bartender walked toward the far end of the bar. “She’s flirting
with you.”

Ryan glanced toward the attractive woman. “Is

Carol nodded. “I got the perfunctory
. You got

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