Fallen Star (28 page)

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Authors: Morgan Hawke

Tags: #General Fiction

BOOK: Fallen Star
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“Let the pain out with your voice.”

Crack! Burn ...

She yelped louder and her toes curled.

“Better. Keep your feet flat on the floor.”

She dropped to her heels. “Yes,
.” Her voice sounded a little high.

“Breathe deeper between the strikes. ”

She sucked in a breath. “Yes,

Crack! Burn ...

Fallon cried out and gasped for breath.

“Louder, and breathe deeper.”

She took a deeper breath. She was definitely feeling light-headed.

Crack! Burn ...

She shouted. He was right, the pain seemed to move faster through her with her shouts.

Crack! Burn ... Crack! Burn ... Crack! Burn ...

She was forced to take deeper breaths between the strokes that slashed down her left side. One after the other, after the other, after the other ... Her shouts gained in volume. Her spine curved slowly from side to side, not twisting to avoid him but simply because her body needed to move.

Crack! Burn ... Crack! Burn ... Crack! Burn ...

She wasn’t quite sure when her shouts became small screams. Nor was she sure exactly when she was forced to close her eyes because she couldn’t see past the tears. She had no idea why she was crying. She didn’t feel unhappy. It just ... happened.

Crack! Burn ... Crack! Burn ... Crack! Burn ...

Her screams increased in volume until she couldn’t gain a full breath fast enough to scream loud enough. But she didn’t ask him to stop, and she didn’t let go of the rail.

He stopped.

She gasped, wavered, and dropped to one knee. “Oh, shit, oh, shit ... Oh, fuck!”

Khan was at her side in two long steps. He knelt. “Are you still with me?” His palm swept across her damp cheeks, and two fingers pressed into the pulse on the side of her throat.

Fallon nodded and winced. Her entire back was on freaking fire! “Shit!”

He caught her face and stared into her eyes. He smiled. “Very bravely done.”

Fallon’s heart contracted and ached. He thought her brave. She closed her eyes. Fresh, hot tears slid down her cheeks in a sudden rush. She blinked in surprise. Tears?
What the ...?

He smiled as his thumbs brushed her damp cheeks. “That’s it, that’s good.” His voice was very soft.

“Good?” She leaned close and pressed her brow against his. “But I don’t know why ...” She sniffed. “Why I’m ...”

“Why are you crying?”

“Yeah ... that.”

“It’s release, catharsis. Everything you had pent up in you, escaping. Pain does that. It releases all the emotions at once.” He took a deep breath and released it on a sigh. “If the emotions run deep, sometimes pain is the only release.”

She leaned back to look up at him. “You ...?”

“Of course.” Khan smiled. “Let’s put it this way, neither my nipples nor my dick piercings happened by accident.”

Fallon cringed. “I couldn’t imagine ...”

Khan snorted. “I doubt you’ll ever have that level of ... frustration, to need that kind of pain.” He caught her by the elbows. “Stand up. Stand up and look.” He lifted her, holding her against his chest. “Turn and see.”

Fallon brushed the tears from her cheeks and looked over her shoulder. In the mirror, she saw herself curled into Khan’s embrace. Bright red lines framed her spine in a downward feather-like pattern, one atop the other, decorating her entire back from shoulder to upper thigh. It was actually somewhat ... pretty, in a kinky kind of way. She frowned. “That’s damned precise.”

Khan smiled in the mirror. “Thank you.” His palm slid across the welts that burned down her back.

Fallon’s head came up and her breath exploded in a groan. “Oh, you just had to rub it, too!”

His cheek pressed against hers. “It feels wonderful. And hot, very hot.” His palm slid across her back again.

Fallon let a small whimper escape. “Yeah, I bet.”

His arms closed around her, both palms wide open and pressing against the welts. “How brave are you feeling?”

Fallon panted for breath to hold back the moan. “How brave do you need me to be?”

“Good answer.” Khan chuckled. “I was thinking that while we have thoroughly adorned your back, your front is rather naked.”

She jerked back and stared up at him. “I don’t think I can take that on my front.”

Khan pursed his lips and raised his brow. “I was thinking more on the lines of three.”


“On each side.”

Fallon swallowed. Six then. “Where?”

He caught her elbows and pushed her back. Her back met the rail. It was icy against her overheated skin. It actually felt so good it hurt. She hissed.

Khan released her and raised his hands. “I was thinking, here.” His thumbs traced along the outer edges of both breasts. “And here.” His thumbs slid under and up to the inside curve of her breasts. “And here.” His gaze dropped and his hands fell to cup the gentle curve of her belly. “One on either side of the navel.” He raised his eyes and caught her gaze. “These would have to be far lighter. The skin is far more tender. Can you take it?”

Could she? Fallon took a deep breath. And then another. She looked up at him. “And that’s all?”

Khan folded his arms and raised a brow. “And then I fuck the shit out of you.”

Fallon felt the weirdest bubble of humor erupt from nowhere. She almost laughed out loud.

Khan frowned. “What?”

Fallon dropped her chin and smiled. “I could really use the fuck.”

Khan rolled his eyes. “I believe that goes without saying. You’re dripping on the carpet.”

Fallon looked down. Excitement was a wet trail down the insides of her thighs. Spots of damp marked the deep-red carpeting at her feet. “Oh ...”

“Can you handle more?”

Fallon looked up at Khan’s face. His kilt was tented with his erections, but his knuckles were white around the handle of the whip and his gaze was very bright. He clearly wanted to inflict little more pain before he fucked her.

to please him. She
pleasing him. She smiled. “I can take it.”

He smiled, showing his teeth. “Good.” It was not a pleasant smile.

Oh, shit ...
  The hair rose on Fallon’s neck, and her chin jerked up, baring her throat. She knew it was a submissive gesture, but she was too alarmed to care.

He caught the length of the whip in his free hand, caressing it. “Grab the rail behind you, and tilt your head back.”

Fallon did as asked and did not bother to ask if he was going to go fast. She strongly suspected that he was going to draw this out very slowly.

The whip cracked.

A thin whisper of air caressed the outside of her right breast. Then it burned. A lot. She closed her eyes tighter, arched, and moaned.

“Heels down, and don’t hold it in.”

Panting, Fallon dropped her heels on the deck.

The whip cracked.

A thin whisper of air caressed the outside of her left breast. Then it burned ... even more.

Fallon opened her mouth releasing a gasp and its accompanying yelp.
Great Maker, when will I learn to stop while I’m ahead?

The whip cracked.

A thin whisper of air caressed the inside of her right breast. Then it blazed white-hot. She shouted. “Son of a fucking
” She stomped her foot twice for good measure.

“Oh, that was pretty, and it made your breasts jiggle nicely.”

Fallon spat out another curse. “I’m glad it pleased you.” She stomped her foot one more time. “

The whip cracked.

A thin whisper of air caressed the left side of her belly. It felt like a knife slash.

Fallon gasped, and gasped again, while tears streamed from her eyes. She hadn’t gotten enough air to scream. She very nearly dropped to her knees. Her grip on the bar behind her was the only thing that kept her up. Her breath exploded from her. “Bastard!” She dropped her chin to glare at him. “That fucking

Khan nearly laughed. “I see that, and you forgot to let your breath out. Chin up, two more to go, and breathe.”

Two more ... just two more to go.
Fallon tilted her head back.

The whip cracked and then cracked again.

A thin whisper of air caressed the inside of her left breast quickly, followed by a whisper along the right side of her belly. They both erupted into screaming agony at the same time.

Fallon found plenty of air to shriek.

Khan lunged for her. His hands closed on her upper arms. He pulled her against him and took her mouth, swallowing the last of her scream.

Fallon felt him propelling her backwards, but she could barely think past the burns on her body.

Khan pulled his mouth from hers and turned her around.

Fallon had about half a breath to see that she was facing the front of his broad black desk, when he pushed her down, bending her over it. Her hands and then her chest fell flat on the cool surface. Her scored breasts and belly protested the position. She gasped and tried to straighten up.

Khan grabbed her braid and pushed her back down. “Stay down.” He kicked her feet apart. Fabric ripped. “Fuck ...” The black silk of his kilt spilled across the desk to one side, and he grabbed her thighs.

Fallon felt the nudge of his primary cock, and the bar that pierced it, at her anus. It was slick. She didn’t know when he’d had the time to grease himself, but she was thoroughly glad he had.

He pushed for entry. Hard.

She moaned and pushed out to let him in. He entered swiftly and without mercy, his second cock taking her slick cunt before she even knew he was there. She gasped.

He caught her wrists, pulled them over her head and pressed his chest against her burning back.

She howled and thrashed.

Holding both her wrists in one hand, he thrust his forearm under her mouth.

She bit him viciously.

He shouted and slammed his cocks into her.

Fallon shouted, releasing his arm from her mouth.

Holding her bucking body under him, he fucked her with brutal force and breathtaking speed.

Fallon exploded into almost immediate release. She shouted and writhed under his thrusts, gasping, only to feel the unmistakable clenching of another rise. She was going to cum again.

“Oh, yeah.” Khan grunted as he continued to power-slam into her. “I figure I’ll get at least two more good hard orgasms out of you before I cum.”

Fallon twisted under him, crying out with the force of his thrusts. Tension built with punishing strength, coiling tighter with each of his ruthless thrusts.

His sweat dripped down as he held her burning body trapped under his. “Mother Night, I love fucking you.”

Climax ripped through her, burning straight up her spine and blazing at the back of her head. She screamed.

Khan gasped. “Oh, shit ...” He groaned and froze, panting for breath. “Damned telepathic link. Almost took me with you.” He began thrusting again, slower, though no less hard. “One more, Isabeau. Give me one more.”

Fallon panted and groaned. “I don’t think I can.”

“Oh, you can. Believe me, you definitely can.” His mouth dropped onto her shoulder.

She froze. If he bit her, every mark on her body was going to hurt a whole hell of a lot more. “No, don’t ...!” She twisted hard to get away from his mouth. “Don’t bite me!”

He snarled and released her wrists.

Fallon shoved up onto her elbows.

Khan cupped her breasts and squeezed.

The whip marks on Fallon’s scored breasts screeched in violent protest. She howled. Climax rose with angry speed and tightened with horrific force.

Fallon wasn’t sure she
to cum this time.

“Oh, yes, you do.” Khan snarled.

Frightened by the force growing in her belly and near mindless with the fire burning along her skin, she snarled and thrashed under him. “Get out of my fucking head!”

fucking head!” He slammed hard into her, driving her down onto his desk with his thrusts. “
Do you hear me? You belong to

 ... Fallon’s breath stopped and she froze under him. Climax roared up in a fiery volcanic wave and exploded, ripping her sanity apart. She arched and shrieked, kicking and bucking with the force of her release.

Khan shouted atop her, slammed in hard and held her tight in a crushing grip. He gasped and then moaned, pulsing within her and pumping his cum into her trembling body.


Chapter Twenty-Five


Fallon rubbed her cheek against the robe she lay on. The thick black silk was blissfully soft and cool under her naked body. Stretched out in the deep shadows under Khan’s huge black desk, she felt more at ease than she had in the big open bed of his. The carpet under the robe was amazingly plush. Of course, she was amazingly spent, so a warmed steel pipe would probably have felt pretty comfy, too.

Slouched in his big plush desk chair, Khan tapped at his computational, working on something or other. His bare foot sat in the curve of her waist, one of the few places that didn’t have a whip mark on it. Contentment hummed across the telepathic link between them.

He hadn’t been kidding about pain being a big emotional release. She was really, really relaxed, mentally and physically. Except for the fire still burning on her back. For once she was thrilled to death that
did not sit on the furniture. She couldn’t imagine trying to sit in a chair, not with all the welts heating her skin. All things considered, she was actually quite comfortable, as long as she remained on her side.

People came into his chamber and then went out. No one noticed her under his desk, and none of it concerned her, so she pretty much ignored them. It was rather nice.

The last person left the office, and Khan rolled his foot on Fallon’s waist. “I have excellent news for you.”

Fallon half-opened one eye. “Good news? That makes a nice change.” She paused to yawn. “

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