Fallen Star (41 page)

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Authors: Morgan Hawke

Tags: #General Fiction

BOOK: Fallen Star
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Khan pressed his brow to hers. “And beating you makes
feel so much better.”

Fallon chuckled. “I’m glad my beatings do someone some good!”

Khan’s head jerked back. “Beatings? You’ve only been beaten once!”

The door opened on their immediate right, and Sobehk stuck his head out. “You’re both going to get beaten if you don’t get in here now! The damned food service is on its way here to deliver dinner!”

Fallon grabbed her fallen trousers and bolted through the door.

Khan followed at a more sedate pace, tucking his robe more closely around him.

Sobehk closed the door and curled his lip. “I don’t believe you just fucked in the hallway! Blood and Chaos, you two, there was a perfectly good bed only a few paces away!”

Khan gave Sobehk a long, cool look. “Don’t even try to pretend that you weren’t masturbating the whole time we were at it.”

“So?” Sobehk’s cheeks bloomed with pink. “It would have been a hell of a lot more entertaining if you had been in the room with me.”

Khan’s chin dipped and his smile turned feral. “It was entertaining enough that you sent Isabeau into a third climax.”

Fallon looked up in surprise. That had been Sobehk’s release?

Sobehk shrugged, then grinned. “It’s nice to feel how much you’re loved.”

Khan froze, staring.

Fallon grinned at Khan. It was nice to see him shocked.

Sobehk raised his brow at Khan. “What? You think I hadn’t noticed?” He rolled his eyes. “Oh, come on, I know when people are in love with me.” He smiled at Khan. “Just as I knew when Isabeau started falling in love with you.”

Fallon stared at Sobehk.

Sobehk aimed a sly smile at Fallon. “Shall we dress for dinner?”


Chapter Thirty-Six


A chime rang.

Khan finished tying a midnight blue robe over his black kilt. “Ah, dinner is ready in the hospitality chamber.”

Fallon looked up from the black sash she was knotting over a matching midnight blue robe that fell to mid-thigh. “There’s a hospitality chamber?”

“It’s the room across the hall.” Sobehk turned, tugging at the bright blue sleeves of his over-robe. “The service comes in, serves, then rings the chime to announce when they leave.”

“The hospitality chamber is generally used to receive and entertain guests.” Khan walked over to Sobehk and pulled up the collar of Sobehk’s white under-robe so it folded properly over his blue over-robe. “This is one of the smaller residences. I have a much larger one with three bedchambers and a full office as well as a dining room and an audience chamber.”

Fallon blinked. “For one person?”

Khan snorted and tugged at the folds of Sobehk’s robes. “You’d be surprised how much of it I use when dealing with official business.”

Sobehk grinned at Khan. “You know, you’re very good at this. You’d make an excellent servant.”

Kahn smiled right back at him and flashed a long tooth. “Of course. I actually know how retainers are supposed to behave.”

Sobehk frowned.

Khan turned away. “Shall we go?” He led the way out of the bedchamber and opened the door across the hall.

The deep, wide, pale blue chamber was carpeted in pearl gray. A low, smoked-glass table framed on three sides with a pair of plush blue-velvet lounging chairs occupied the immediate left, with a long sofa stretched behind it against the wall. A very extensive entertainment center occupied the wall on the immediate right.

At the far end of the chamber, plates were laid out for three on a table covered in white damask that could easily have served eight. The plates were silver-edged midnight blue, crushingly expensive Shido china accompanied by equally expensive cut crystal goblets and matching tumblers. Steam curled up from four elegant warming tureens of bright silver. A pair of cut crystal carafes sat between the three place settings. One was filled with a gold liquid and the other with what appeared to be water. Live flowers in three shades of blue graced the center of the table.

Sobehk went to the back of the table and Khan took the chair on the right.

Fallon stared at the third chair, facing Sobehk.
were not supposed to sit on the furniture.

Sobehk grinned. “Isabeau, you may sit in the chair to eat.”

“Thank you,
.” Fallon dropped into the chair. It felt so strange to be in an actual chair after eating so often on her knees.

Khan raised his brow and gave her a smile. “If we were entertaining guests, you would have been fed already and left in the other room until dinner was through.”

Fallon stilled. Left in the bedroom like a canine that couldn’t be trusted not to beg from the table.

Sobehk nodded. “Yes, like the pet you are supposed to be.”

Khan poured water into her glass. “Or you would stand behind our chairs in the personal bodyguard’s position, though you would be equally ignored.”

Fallon’s brows dipped. “I wouldn’t mind being treated like a bodyguard. It’s being treated like something ... decorative, or entertaining, that I have problems handling.”

Sobehk chuckled. “But you
decorative and entertaining.” He served himself from one of the heated tureens set on the table.

Fallon raised her brow. “But only satisfactory?”

“Isabeau.” Sobehk leaned both elbows on the table and focused his bright blue gaze on her. “
Loran is incredibly wealthy and immeasurably powerful. The last thing I wanted was his real interest in buying you. There is a very real chance that he could succeed in out-bidding everyone else. If he did so, Khan would have a great deal of difficulty getting you back from him.”

Khan set some fragrant meat on Fallon’s plate. “Make no mistake, I would get her back, but it could take over a cycle to do so.” He lifted his brow at Fallon. “However,
Loran is not known for his forgiving nature. Once he discovered the reality of your ownership, he would make sure to carve his displeasure from your skin every spare moment he had until I succeeded in getting you back.”

Yikes ...
Fallon hunched her shoulders. “But what if he was the one that ... um?”

“Had you programmed?” Khan shook his head. “
Loran does not need a half-trained
for an assassin.
are fully trained legal assassins.”

Fallon froze with a piece of meat halfway to her lips. Sobehk was

Sobehk’s brows rose. “You didn’t know?”

Fallon set her utensil on her plate and frowned. “I just thought you were a hunter.”

Sobehk shrugged. “I am ... was ... a hunter. But I’m also a fully trained legal executioner. Rather like a street cop.” He tilted his head to the side. “Where Khan is like a detective.”

“Oh ...” Fallon picked up her utensil.

Khan raised his brows. “Though I can legally torture detainees to obtain answers, and you have the legal right to kill someone that cannot be safely taken in.”

Fallon swallowed. “Why do I have the feeling that I’m so deep in the dark I feel blind?”

Khan snorted. “
don’t need to worry about anything but pleasing Sobehk or me.” He nodded at her untouched plate. “And right now, eating would please us both.”

.” Fallon sucked a piece of meat into her mouth. It was really, really good. She had two helpings before she could think past her stomach. She sipped at her water then turned to Khan. “Um,

Khan nodded.

Fallon set down her glass. “When exactly is this auction I’m supposed to be in?”

Khan lifted his wine glass and examined the golden liquid within it. “The auction for
is at station sunset.”

Fallon swallowed. “Tonight?”

Khan nodded. “Tonight.”

Fallon couldn’t eat another bite.

Sobehk frowned at Fallon, then looked at Khan. “Considering the preparations both you and I have to make for tonight, I think perhaps a nice long nap may be in order.”

Khan glanced at Fallon and nodded. “I think you may be right.”

Fallon jerked in her chair. “A


Stripped nude, Fallon dropped into the bed, falling back among the white sheets and pearl-gray pillows. And proceeded to pout.

Khan snorted and pulled the midnight blue coverlet up to her chin. “You’ll be perfectly safe in here. Sobehk and I will be right across the hall.”

Fallon opened her mouth to protest that she didn’t need to
sleep ...

“Isabeau.” Khan caught her chin and stared hard into her eyes. “Sleep, now.”

Masculine chuckles accompanied the smothering darkness that washed her under a thick blanket of sleep.

* * * * *

Fallon was jarred from deep sleep. She surfaced with a gasp.
What in fury ...?

. Khan’s mental voice was loud and a touch angry.

She frowned.

I need you to dress quickly and go out into the garden.
Khan was definitely angry.

Fallon got out from under the blankets and grabbed the short midnight blue robe she’d worn to dinner from the top of Sobehk’s trunk. She knotted the white sash, focused on Khan.
Okay, I’m heading out.

Good. Go.
There was a thread of triumph in his mental voice.

Fallon darted out and into the hall. Voices were coming from the other room. She recognized Khan and Sobehk, but there were other voices, too. Neither Sobehk nor Khan sounded pleased.
Uh-oh ...
  She bolted for the garden.

The garden was awash in bright sun and shadows. On impulse she headed straight for the big oak. She looked up into the swaying branches. She leapt, grabbed onto a lower branch, hauled herself up, and climbed to just a bit higher than Sobehk could easily reach. On a likely and broad forked limb, she sprawled out full length.

She’s in the tree again.
Sobehk’s amusement carried across the mental link.

Khan released a soft sense of relief.
Good, very good.

The glass doors from the hallway opened and someone stepped out, swathed in a long gold and white hooded robe. “
” The voice was male and very youthful.

Fallon blinked.
A kid?

A prince, and a very high-ranking councilor
. Khan’s mental voice simmered across her mind threaded with anger.
Do not harm him, but do not let him touch you.

A prince?
Fallon watched the youthful figure.
Great ...

The prince moved deeper into the garden and walked toward the tree. He walked all the way around the trunk, stopped, and looked straight up at Fallon. The young man’s face was beyond pretty. His eyes seemed to be violet. “Hello.”

Fallon froze. Great Maker, what should she say?

Why not try being polite?
Khan’s sour amusement was crystal clear.

Fallon swallowed. “Hello,

The prince frowned and his braid slipped from his hood, revealing hair as gold as his robe. “What are you doing up there?”

Fallon lifted her brow. Good question. She smiled.
Let’s see how he deals with the truth.
“Staying out of reach,

His violet eyes widened. “Why?”

Fallon pursed her lips. Hmmm ... “Because I was told to?” She cleared her throat. “

The prince smiled, and it was breathtaking. “They’re trying to keep you from impressing, aren’t they?”

Fallon blinked. That sounded like as good an excuse as any. She smiled. “Of course,

His expression turned serious and very adult. “I’m bidding on you tonight.”

Fallon frowned. “Do you need a bodyguard,
” She winced. She’d spoken out of turn. He hadn’t asked a question.

The prince sighed. “Yes, I do. Pretty badly, too.” He tilted his head. “I’ve seen the vid. You’re very good.” He smiled. “And pretty.”

Fallon leaned up a little. He though
was pretty? She grinned. “I’m not half as pretty as you are handsome,

He sighed and rolled his eyes. “That’s the whole problem. No one takes me seriously.”

Fallon leaned back down on the branch. “Oh, I’m sorry. I’m sure that’ll change as you get older,

The prince looked away and scowled. “
I get older.”

Fallon’s claws dug into the branch. “Is someone trying to kill you?”

He snorted and looked up at her. “They’ve been trying to kill me since I came of age. Now that I have my father’s council chair, it’s gotten worse. You would not believe the things my staff has found.”

Fallon frowned. “It sounds like you need a trained professional,
. I seriously doubt I’d be good enough for you.”

The prince shrugged. “Oh, I have lots of trained professionals for everything.” He looked up at her. “Everything but the bedchamber.” He folded his hands behind him. “I need someone to protect me when I sleep.”

Fallon winced. “Oh ...”

The prince aimed that breathtaking smile at her again. “I’d like to see the rest of you. Why don’t you come down here?”

Fallon sucked in a sharp breath. Great Maker, his smile was lethal. “I ... can’t,
.” She aimed a sharp panicked thought at Khan.
Can you come get this kid, please?

You’re doing just fine.
Khan was clearly amused.
Keep talking to him; you’ve gotten more out of him than Sobehk or I.

The young man’s brows lifted. “I smell ... fear?” His smiled turned feral. “You’re ready to impress. I knew it!” He headed straight for the tree and grasped one of the lower branches, clearly intending to climb.

Fallon sat up on her branch. “
What are you doing?”

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