Falling Awake (6 page)

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Authors: T.A Richards Neville

BOOK: Falling Awake
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  I walked back inside casually and the same group of bikers leered at me as I past.

  “Everything okay?” Mellissa asked, with concern in her voice as I sat back down in my seat.

  “Yeah fine,” I said nonchalantly. Her eyes followed Caleb to where he went and took his place back at the card game, as if none of us existed.

  “I don’t like him,” she stated frowning. “He’s no good, I can feel it.”

  “You’re not the only one,” I said, then downed my drink in one.

  “I’ll get you another,” Drake offered, swiping my empty glass and walking over to the bar.

  In my peripheral vision, I glimpsed someone else get up from the card game and start walking over to our table. Stopping right beside me, he bent down and grabbing my hand, he kissed it whilst steadily holding my gaze with his almond shaped muddy brown eyes.

  I was too shocked to protest.

Mellissa looked on in astonishment, and eventually my brain kicked into gear and my lips began to move. “Excuse Me,” I said hesitantly.

  “Hi.” He smiled at me. I’m Ressler and I just had to come over here and meet you.”

  “Okay...” I said, waiting for the pun. Still holding my hand, he slid into the vacant seat opposite. “Your beauty is astonishing. What’s your name?” he asked me curiously.

  “Is this a joke?” I asked suspiciously. “Did Caleb send you over here? Because you can just go right back over there and tell him I’m not interested in his silly games,” I said, annoyed that we were right back here again after we had just agreed to keep out of each other’s way.

  “No he didn’t send me. I’m here all on my own, believe me.” I shifted uncomfortably as he stared at me in wonderment. Who was this guy? He was weird.

  “Her name’s Pria,” Mellissa chimed in, kicking me under the table. Drake sauntered over from the bar and handed Mellissa and I another drink. “Vodka on the rocks,” he grinned at me. “Thought you could use it.”

  “That’s what I’m talking about.” Mellissa grabbed her drink. “I like this place. It’s fun.”

  Drake sat down next to her and draped his arm over her shoulder, and she snuggled in. “What are you doing Ressler?” Drake asked. “Marking somebody else’s territory already?” His grin was smug.

  “So you just know everybody?” Mellissa asked him.

“Well I know Ressler.” Drake took another swig of his beer. I released my hands from Ressler’s grip and took a sip of my drink, pulling a face of disgust as the foul liquid slipped down my throat. “Ugh,” I said, and quickly finished the rest of it.

  “Mellissa never mentioned you had a drinking problem,” Drake said smiling.

  “Yeah well, the right person can do that to you.” I looked over in Caleb’s direction.

  “Want another?” Ressler asked me.

  “Yes, just keep them coming,” I told him, and he left for the bar talking with an extremely built bald headed guy that I assumed to be Sully.

  “Uh Pria, it’s not that I don’t like this new let-loose you, but you don’t really drink much and I would say your only a few more of those away from vomiting all over those lovely cowboy boots of your’s, so take it easy okay?” she told me, nodding at my empty glass.

  “I’m fine. Don’t worry about me, I’m just having a good time.” I glanced over at the pool table. “Speaking of a good time-,” I said getting up. “Anyone up for a game of pool?”

  Ressler came back with my drink.

  “Thanks.” I took the drink from him.

“Did you just mention pool?” he asked me, with a smile forming on his rather cute face. What was it with Caleb and all of his good-looking acquaintances?

  “That’s right,” I said flirtatiously. “Think you can take me?” The alcohol had already gone to my head but I didn’t care. I finally felt relaxed and ready to have some fun.

  “I would definitely like to try,” he said mischievously, drawing his lower lip in between his teeth.

  “She means at pool, Casanova,” Drake said to him.

“She’s pretty good mind you,” Mellissa contributed, stroking Drake’s hands that hung from her shoulder.

She looked happy.

“Oh yeah? Is that right, you’re pretty good?” I leaned into him with my most seductive smile. “No I’m not. I’m amazing.” My voice was full of promise, and his eyes blazed. “I’ll go get some pool cues then.”

  I watched him rush off to the bar. He was definitely cute.

His brown hair was combed back off his face in an untidy quiff, and held with just enough product that it was barely noticeable, and his eyes were deep brown tunnels I could happily get lost in. I stole a glance to where Caleb sat and he was staring at me intensely, once again looking annoyed. He could get a degree in brooding. Well screw him I thought. I don’t care what he thinks. It seems no matter what I do, I’m destined to get on his nerves.

  “Here.” Ressler handed me a long brown pool cue and I began arranging the balls on the table. “Go ahead, you brake,” I said, taking a step back.

  “Ladies first. I insist.”

  “Okay fine.” I took my place at the table leaning over, and aimed my cue at the centre of the triangle and took a shot. I potted the purple striped ball into the far right corner.

  “Hmm okay.” Ressler rubbed his mouth with his hand. “First time lucky.”

I laughed. “Yeah right. You keep telling yourself that.” I walked around to the other side of the table, took aim and potted the red striped ball, and then the green.  

  “Still think its luck?” I asked teasingly. Our eyes locked and he came over stopping so close in front of me; I was pinned up against the pool table. He spread his hands on the felt table either side of me and I felt a pounding against the inside of my ribcage.

  “I think I’m the one who got lucky tonight.” He was staring at me greedily, with the slightest trace of a smile, then he stepped back gesturing for me to take my turn.

  God he was sexy, and I felt a little put off my game. I somehow managed to pot most of the balls as Mellissa and Drake watched with fascination. I set my cue down on the table and Ressler came up beside me, defeated.

  “Okay you’re alright,” he said, setting his own cue down beside mine.

  I was starting to feel a little worse for wear. “Oh I’m alright am I?” There was definitely flirtation in my voice and his lustful eyes watched me intently. I could see heads from over at the card game angle towards us but I didn’t dare look to see if any of them were Caleb. I convinced myself that I didn’t care.

  “I’ll get us a drink,” Ressler said as I sat down. Shortly after, he came back with two vodkas and he sipped his carefully, watching me over the rim of his glass. I couldn’t deny I was definitely attracted to him, and I already knew he liked me. The way he watched me was intense, like I was the only one in the room. 

  “What, no drinks for us?” Drake asked, alerting to me the fact that him and Mellissa were actually still here.

  “Get your own,” said Ressler.

  “Charming.” Mellissa rolled her eyes and held her empty glass out to Drake. He took it without argument and stood up tipping her chin upwards, and he kissed her. I smiled at the sentiment. Mellissa shuffled her chair over closer to me when he left.

  “Isn’t he great?” she gushed, keeping her eyes on him the whole time.

  “Yeah he’s the best,” said Ressler, his voice full of sarcasm.

  “Ha.” Mellissa shot him a dirty look.

“He is great,” I said to her, Kicking Ressler under the table. I liked Drake, and I could tell Mellissa was in deep. It was so obvious.

“Ouch.” Ressler rubbed his leg, but I doubted I’d hurt him.

“So, how do you all know each other anyway?” Mellissa asked him. “Like you, Drake- and I take it you know Caleb?”

  Drake stopped by the duke box and AWOLNATION Sail pounded out through the speakers. I loved this song.

  “We go way back put it that way.” His eyes glided over to where Caleb still had his head in the card game.

  “I don’t think he likes me being over here,” he said smiling and not seeming the least bit bothered if that statement were actually true.

  “I doubt he cares.” I twirled my skinny black straw around my vodka and ice, only looking up when Drake came back with drinks for everyone, barr Ressler.

  “You wound me.” Ressler brought his hand brought up to his heart in mock disappointment. “And here I was just telling your girlfriend how great you were.”

  Drake threw a beermat at him as the door to the bar swung open.

  “You have got to be shitting me,” Mellissa gaped. I looked up, and there stood Tamara dressed in a red corset style strapless top and skin-tight leather trousers that fit her like a second skin. I gulped my drink down and dragged the second one in front of me.

No guesses for who invited her here.

She shimmied through the room in sky-high red stilettos, waving over to where Caleb sat. All eyes were now officially on her. Her long silky hair swung across her back as she moved and I had the urge to pull it, snapping her neck in the process.

  Okay, now I officially hated him. Socialising with that slut trumped his beauty any day. There was no valid reason for why Mellissa and I disliked her so much. We just never seemed to get on since first meeting in kindergarten. Tamara for whatever reason, thought she was too good for the likes of us.

  “Who ordered the stripper?” Ressler asked, eyeing her as she walked past us, shooting me a self-satisfied look.

  Bitch, I thought. Seriously, what was she doing here?

Even though Caleb didn’t look particularly pleased to see her, he let her sit on his knee briefly before pulling her up her own seat.

  “Oh my god is this actually happening?” Mellissa asked unable to tear her eyes away from the unbelievable scene that was unfolding before us.

  “I knew I didn’t like him.” she took a long sip of her drink, shooting Caleb daggers.

  Tamara slipped into her own seat, taking a cigarette from a black haired man sitting next to Caleb. She took a long drag with her bright red lips and blew the smoke out slowly; giggling, then slipped it back in-between his lips. Turning her body towards Caleb, she clung onto his arm, leaning over to see his cards as if she had the slightest idea how to play.

  “She’s got nothing on you,” Ressler said, bringing my attention back to him. “I’ve seen a thousand of her type. Unoriginal, blonde hair, blue eyes, skinny, and I’d bet my life on it that it’s not that hard for a guy to get into those skin tight trousers. Hmph, like Caleb I thought miserably.

“I don’t care,” I told him cutting him off, and stood up wobbling off balance thanks to the vodka. Mellissa grabbed my arm and sat me back down. “I think we better go home,” she said more to Drake than me.

“Sure.” He quickly finished off his drink.

“No, I want to stay,” I said sulkily. “It’s still early, and Ressler he doesn’t want me to go do you?” I smiled at him playfully, and he couldn’t help but smile back.

  “I can think of nothing better than to stay with you all night.” He leaned over across the table, taking my hands in his.

  “So not happening,” Mellissa said to him shaking her head.

  “Back off Ressler or you know what will happen,” Drake warned, his eyes lingering on him until a flicker of understanding flashed across Ressler’s face as quickly as it disappeared.

  What would happen? I wondered as I started to giggle at absolutely nothing. “Guy’s relax, this is fun. I’m having fun.” I turned to Drake. “This place is great,” I said, standing back up swaying as I moved.

  “Yep, she’s definitely drunk, and lost her mind apparently.” Mellissa watched me like I was some kind of alien as I battled to stay steady on my feet.

  “Dance with me?” I asked Ressler, pulling him up by his hands.

  A heated argument seemed to be coming from Caleb’s direction and I looked over and saw the black haired guy was watching me with amusement in his cat like eyes. I couldn’t see Tamara; she was probably in the bathroom vomiting up her dinner or something. I hadn’t noticed her leave.

  Without any more encouragement needed, Ressler stood up and I threw my arms around his neck. He pulled me close so our bodies were touching, and wrapped his arms tightly around my waist. Loud shouting erupted from the card table and Caleb stood up knocking his chair backwards in the process, and swung a punch at the one with the black hair. He flew backwards landing on the floor, but then quickly stood up poised for a fight.

  Laughing he said, “What’s the matter? Can’t take a joke anymore pretty boy?” Caleb’s fists clenched once more and he dived forward landing another punch to the side of his face. The man staggered back but didn’t fall and connected his fist with Caleb’s stomach. Drake stood up jumping over the table and threw the other guy to the floor kicking him in his side.  

  “Fuck you Terry,” he snarled at his limp body. “Go and start your shit somewhere else.”

  I stood there frozen, unaware of at what point my arms became disconnected from around Ressler’s neck, but I knew they were now at my mouth as it hung open. Tamara emerged from the stairs and looked around at the chaos in confusion.

  “What…” she started to say, but stopped short as Caleb barged his way past her and over to me grabbing me by the arm.

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