Falling In Love Again (Heroic Rogues Series) (5 page)

BOOK: Falling In Love Again (Heroic Rogues Series)
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The knock on the door brought him out of his daydreams. Gabe walked inside.

“I must say, Captain, you look remarkably better than you have of late. There’s more color in your face.”

Marcus nodded. “Simon tells me I almost died.”

“We thought you had a couple of times. Your physician stayed by your side night and day until he was certain you would live. You lost a lot of blood, and we feared the worst.”

“Thankfully, I have one of the best physicians in New York.”

“Indeed you do.” Gabe stepped closer. “Simon said you wanted to see me, Sir.”

Marcus drank the last of his broth and put the bowl down. “Did you find anything more on the stagecoach?”

“We went through all the trunks, and found nothing. We stripped every board and cushion off the conveyance, and still nothing. I’m now beginning to wonder if the information we received was false.”

“I’m starting to wonder the same thing. I think I should threaten the prisoners again. If one of them is keeping this information from me, they may not live to see the next day.”

“A good idea to be sure.” Gabe nodded. “But wait until you are stronger.”

“I will.” Marcus carefully rubbed his bandaged wound. “But I know a way to recover from my injury quickly.”

“Forgive me for asking, but how do you plan on doing that?”

Marcus grinned wide. “I’ll have a pretty little nursemaid attending me during the remainder of our journey.”

Gabe gasped. “You must be jesting. She tried to kill you.”

“I’m actually very serious. The punishment is perfect for her, don’t you think? It may just teach her humility. Besides, you or one of the others can stand outside my room in case I need you.”

His friend snickered. “I’d never thought of that, but you’re right, Captain.”

“I instructed Simon to feed her properly. After all, she needs to gain strength to be my cabin boy, correct?”

Gabe laughed.

“Also, I would like you to prepare a bath for her. I want a clean smelling woman in my room if she’s going to be nursing me back to health.” He pointed to his tub. “She can use mine this time.”

“Aye, Sir.” Gabe’s hearty laugh echoed through the hallways when he left the room.

Marcus smiled to himself, pleased with his decision. Now he couldn’t wait until she started her punishment.

Chapter Three


Isabelle’s head pounded and her stomach growled. For three days she’d stayed trapped in a room with no light, lying on a cot layered in dust. At least she assumed three days had lapsed. Time was near impossible to gauge. Particles from the air tickled her nose, and she sneezed. Groaning, she held her throbbing head and opened her eyes. A small glow peeked from under the door and gave her minimal light.

Slowly, she pulled herself up to sit on the edge of the small cot. She rubbed the bruise on her jaw, the spot where the barbarian had struck her before she passed out that first night. Why hadn’t they come to take her away yet? Why were they prolonging her death?

Voices in the hallway grew loud. So did the rush of footsteps.

Moaning, she lifted her hands to cover her face, then realized they were still covered in dry blood. Hawk’s blood.

Why hadn’t things worked out the way she’d wanted? She wasn’t supposed to kill him. Merely protect herself. In her mind, she had everything mapped out and she found no problems. But there were problems.

Everything that night was a blur, except when he’d kiss her. She blamed him for confusing her. He’d numbed her mind, making her think of his tender kiss. If she’d only been thinking straight, she wouldn’t have stabbed him in the chest.

Her stomach grumbled and she glared at the door. The rotten highwaymen had given her little food, barely enough to stay alive. Birds ate better than this. Was this her punishment for killing Captain Hawk? Starving her to death? It was working.

On unsteady legs, she walked to the door and tested the knob. Locked, just as it had been for three days. This would be the last room she slept in before they killed her. The dinner she shared with Hawk would be her last decent meal. She’d never get to see her aunt and uncle or Mrs. Winters again.

Killing Hawk had not been worth it.

She sulked back to the cot and flopped on the thin mattress. She dropped her head in her hands, breathing deeply. Perhaps she’d acted too hastily. After all, she’d gotten to know Captain Hawk a little. He tried to show her a giving heart by telling her he would release the prisoners. He’d even promised to find her a solicitor to help her with her father’s estates.

Even with all those good qualities, she didn’t think the captain could have been trusted. Everything she’d heard about highwaymen led her to believe they weren’t honest in their dealings. How could they be when they were branded thieves?

The rattle of keys made her jump. The man named Simon brought in a tray of food, just as he’d done since she was held prisoner in here. But this time it was a platter of a variety of meats, cheese, and bread.

She looked at him and scowled. “What’s this? Did you poison the food and expect me to be so hungry I’d have no other choice but to eat it?”

“No. I was given instructions to make you stronger.” He set the tray on the top of the small trunk. “If it was left up to me, I wouldn’t feed you anything. Even poison is too good to waste on you.”

“I don’t understand. Why do I need to gain my strength? Who instructed you to do this?”

Simon folded his arms over his bulging tummy. “Captain Hawk wants you strong, but for what, I don’t know.”

Gasping, she rose to her feet. “Captain Hawk? He’s not dead?”

“He lives.” He marched to her and yanked her by the shoulders, shaking her once. “Your plan didn’t work, wench. The captain is alive, and you’ll get your punishment soon. I, for one, cannot wait to see you suffer.”

He pushed her back on the bed where she landed with a thud then he turned and left, shutting and locking the door behind him. She stared at the piece of wood as if she’d dreamed this whole conversation, but sitting beside her was the tray of delicious smelling food. And if the food were real that meant Hawk was alive.

How could that man have lived even after she stabbed him? Happiness rushed through her, making her breathe easier. She hadn’t murdered him after all.

She grabbed a piece of meat and bread and wolfed them down. As she shoved the food in her mouth, her thoughts turned back to Hawk. What were his plans for her? He wouldn’t be nice, that was certain.

Another knock came on the door and a masked man with curly auburn hair brought in a hip tub. Behind him three other men carried in buckets of water. None of them looked her way.

“What’s this?” she asked, not caring that her mouth was full of food.

“Captain Hawk ordered your bath,” the auburn hair man grumbled.

She swallowed hard and choked. “You cannot be serious.”

“I am very serious,” he snapped.

Before the men left, they threw a towel and block of soap her way. Once the door slammed and locked again, she rushed through undressing while stuffing food in her mouth. Even as she sank into the hot water, she munched on a piece of meat.

What could Hawk’s punishment be? Why was he so generous to give her a bath? Right now her mind wouldn’t think, probably due to lack of food, but she washed her hair and relaxed in the tub. When the water turned cold, she climbed out. She toweled herself dry and pulled the shift over her head as she wiggled into it. Next, she struggled to lace the stays behind her, but it didn’t tighten as well as she wished. The hoops she had worn around her hips were bent from overuse while wearing them in bed, so she discarded them. She rolled on her stockings, tying them above each knee.
As she picked up her wrinkled and very dirty gown, someone knocked on the door. She pulled the material against her chest, hoping to hide herself.

The door opened and the man with auburn hair filled the doorway again with his large frame. Glaring at her, the man threw in a gown and matching petticoats. “Forgot to mention, Hawk wants you to wear these.”

Once he closed the door, she moved to the garment and lifted it off the floor. Red silk caressed her palm. Lace and bows decorated the bodice, and full sleeves would make her look like a genteel woman. Excited, she dropped her old gown and yanked on Hawk’s gift.

Warning bells clanged in her head, but she ignored them. Did it matter why the captain chose to let her dress so fancy? Yet as soon as the gown was in place and she glanced down the front of it, she groaned. It didn’t exactly fit her very well. Whoever had worn this before had a generous bosom.

Sitting on the edge of her bed, she threaded her fingers through her hair, pulling at the knots and snarls that came with not brushing on a daily basis. She grimaced as she finished the task, knowing she would look a fright once her hair dried. Because of the natural waves, if she couldn’t brush it correctly while wet, it was impossible to manage.

She finished eating while she waited for someone to come to her door. As the minutes passed, her eyelids grew heavy, and her full stomach made her tired. But she couldn’t sleep. She was certain Hawk would send for her soon.

Finally, heavy boots stepped in front of her door and had her jerking to attention. The door opened and the man with auburn hair stepped inside. His glare through the slits on the mask could cripple a young child, to be sure.

“The captain wants to see you now,” he barked.

She stood and smoothed her hands down her gown. She had to admit, the gown looked quite lovely on her. Red had always been a good color for her complexion.

Isabelle followed the man into Hawk’s room. Sunlight streamed through the window, highlighting the captain as he lay in bed. Gone was the mask she first saw him wear, and now a black scarf-like material covered the top part of his face, open holes for his eyes. She liked this one better because it showed a little more of his nose. Next, his bare chest captured her attention, especially the white bandage wrapped around his middle. Thick stubble covered his cheeks and chin, soon to be a full beard.

The man with auburn hair stood against the door, muscular arms folded smartly across his wide chest as he glared at her. Taking a hard swallow, she stepped closer to the bed. Captain Hawk’s eyes were more alert than she’d seen them before. No shadows this time.

“I want to commend you for wearing the gown,” he said.

She nodded. “Thank you for the gift. It’s a fine dress, indeed, but I fear—” she placed her hand over her bosom, “—the gown is too large for me.”

The corner of his mouth lifted. “How fortunate.”

She ground her teeth, suppressing a scowl. Of course he’d think that with the evil mind he had. The scoundrel!

He motioned with his hand. “Come closer.”

She did as instructed until she stood beside the bed. If he reached out his hand, he’d be able to grasp hers. She prayed he didn’t.

“I’ve had a while to think about your punishment.” He cocked his head. “Are you curious as to what it will be?”

“I am, I must say. My stomach is tied into knots wondering what you have planned.”

He scrubbed his chin. “First, tell me something. Are you disappointed I’m alive?”

Her heart dropped. Why did he ask that? She mustn’t let him know how she really felt. “I’ll admit I was relieved to find I hadn’t killed you.” It was the truth. She couldn’t live with the knowledge she’d taken a man’s life.

“Why did you want me dead?” he asked.

She twisted her hands against her roiling middle. “I didn’t want you dead. I brought the dagger with me for protection only,” she said earnestly. “Rumors have it that highwaymen don’t treat ladies kindly.”

“Such a bad reputation we have come by, is it not?” Hawk
. “We’re just men you see, flesh and blood. Soldiers if you will.”

“Soldiers?” Isabelle raised a skeptical brow.

“Yes. Soldiers of a different cause. If I were a member of the King’s Navy would you think me heroic?”

She clenched her jaw, refusing to answer.

A suggestive smirk touched his artful lips. “You would, and then you would have accepted my kiss. Come to think of it… Not once did I hear you protest while I kissed you that night.”

Her face heated, and she wished she didn’t have to confess such a thing. If he were a true gentleman, this wouldn’t be a subject brought up. Then again, Captain Hawk was far from being a gentleman. “Well, if you must know, that had never happened to me before.”

“What hadn’t happened? Being kept prisoner?”

“That of course, and the…” She swallowed hard. “Kiss,” she said softly.

One corner of his mouth lifted for a second, before his expression turned hard again. “I remember you were angry with me, also. You said I killed your father, Miss Stan—hope.”

She hitched a breath, her eyes widening in horror. “How do you know my real name?”

“I’ve known your identity this whole time.”

“But you said nothing or even hinted you knew about my lie.”

“I wanted to see why you were pretending to be someone else.” He rubbed his bandaged wound and grimaced. “I found my answer the hard way, I suppose.”

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