Falling In Love Again (Heroic Rogues Series) (6 page)

BOOK: Falling In Love Again (Heroic Rogues Series)
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She lowered her gaze to the floor. What a fool she’d been. “What is my punishment?”

Silence stretched through the room until she raised her eyes to meet his gaze. His lips were pulled thin, his jaw hard. Her punishment could not be good at all.

“First, I’ll tell you what my men want to do with you.”

Holding her breath, she peeked over her shoulder at the other man in the room. His scowl darkened as his narrowed gaze speared her. She turned her head and met Hawk’s stare. “What is that?”

“It was suggested that I string you up by your toes and hang you from a tree for the bears and wolves to chew on.”

Her stomach lurched and dizziness consumed her. These men would indeed do things like that to their prisoners.

“However,” Hawk continued as his finger tapped his chin, “I have different plans that will save you from becoming an animal’s meal, and at the same time, it will be very entertaining for me.”

Did she really want to hear what he had to say? She didn’t dare—but she must. “Go on.” Her legs shook, threatening to sink beneath her until she fell to the floor. But she refused to sit on the edge of his bed and be that close to him.

“Since I’ll be laid up for the next little while due to my wound, I’ll need a cabin boy and a nurse to tend to me.” He lifted one of his eyebrows. “You, my dear Miss Stanhope, will do both jobs.”

She gasped. “What? Are you addled?”

“I might be, but I think it’s a fine idea, nonetheless.”

Heat scalded her cheeks as panic consumed her. “You cannot be serious.”

“I’m extremely serious.” His hand swept the length of her. “And this, my dear, will be your uniform.”

She hitched a breath, splaying her hands over her chest. “No! This gown barely fits.”

His grin widened. “Then I picked the perfect one for you.”

Adamantly shaking her head, she stepped away from the bed. “I’ll not do it. I refuse to lower myself to serving you in such a manner, wearing something so… so…. improper.”

“Then I suppose I’ll have to go with what my crew wants done to you.” He shrugged. “I didn’t want to be so cruel, but I must do what they wish so they don’t start a mutiny. One way or another, you must be punished.”

Blood drained from her face, leaving her weak. He
do that to her. “Is there no other way?” she whispered.

“None whatsoever. You either serve as my cabin boy or you’ll be a tasty treat for animals. The choice is yours, Miss Stanhope.”

* * * *

If not for the intense pain in Marcus’ chest where she’d stabbed him, he would be thoroughly enjoying this moment right now. Isabelle was quite lovely in her gown. The color looked exceptional on her, but then red fit the character of a she-devil perfectly. Although, it was her hair that had him mesmerized. Obviously, she needed a brush, but with her wild sandy waves flowing over her shoulders, she looked young and innocent. It was a good thing he knew better.

As her expression turned from fright to undecided, a thought struck him. His punishment would be torture for him, too. Having her work in his room looking this alluring, knowing he couldn’t—and
—touch her, would nearly kill him.

He glanced at his friend. Gabe stood by the door in case Miss Stanhope decided to try something foolish again. Marcus couldn’t trust her. He hoped after a few weeks of being his cabin boy she would change.

He adjusted in his bed, which only made his muscles ache. He held in the grimace. It wouldn’t be good to show her any weakness right now. Miss Stanhope would only use it to her advantage. He’d known women like her. They thought of nothing but revenge.

Perhaps that was why he knew what thoughts swam in her pretty head. He’d been planning his own revenge for years.

“Have you decided?” he asked.

Tears pricked her eyes when she looked at him. “Is there any way I can change your mind? Let me work in the kitchen, mop the floors, anything else.”

Her helpless plea almost made him pity her situation. Even through his pain, he was in the mood to tease. “Anything?” he asked in a low voice.

Her eyes widened and pink blotched her cheeks.

With his hand, he motioned for her to come closer. Slowly, she shook her head. He nodded and arched an eyebrow.

Hesitantly, she took small steps until her dress brushed against his mattress. He grabbed her wrist, and she flinched, trying to pull back. Thankfully, even in his weakened condition, he was still stronger.

“You did say
else, correct?”

Her body quivered and she shook her head. “I… I didn’t mean

He chuckled. “What do you think I meant?”

She rolled her eyes. “Captain, I know your mind well. Your indecent thoughts match like most of the men I know.”

He brought her hand to his mouth as he placed a tender kiss on her knuckles. “I can assure you, I’m not like any man you have met before.”

“Yes, that point has been proven already, Captain.”

“So, what kind of punishment shall I give you if you don’t want to be my servant?”

She shrugged.

“You have to choose between one or the other. Which shall it be?”

A deep sigh leaked from her throat. “I’ll be your servant.”

He grinned. “Splendid. I’ll enjoy having you around me all the time.”

“Captain? May I ask what my duties will be exactly?”

“I’ll expect you to keep my room clean. You will wash my clothes and my sheets. You will bring me meals on time. You will tend to my wound, since you were the one who put it there, and you’ll make certain I’m healing properly.”

“Is that all you will require of me, Captain?”

“For now. Perhaps more as the time goes by.”

“Like what?”

He lifted his eyebrows. “You are an interesting woman, Miss Stanhope. I’m certain I will come up with something entertaining.”

Isabelle’s chest rose and fell with quick breaths. “You will be wasting your breath with me. I’ll not allow that kind of behavior. I was raised a proper woman, and I shall remain that way, even if you hold me prisoner.”

Chuckling, he shook his head. “The other night after we had dined, you displayed no reluctance in responding passionately to my kisses.”

“Captain, that’s not very decent of you to mention. I’d rather forget about that time and put it past me.”

“Ah, my dear Miss Stanhope. Your words don’t match the fire inside of you.”

Stubbornly, she lifted her chin. “I’m betrothed, if you must know. I shan’t have you ruining me for my future husband.”

Marcus shouldn’t be surprised. After all, she was quite fetching, but the news unsettled him nonetheless. He shrugged. “But I think after I’m finished with you, your future husband will be very appreciative for the cooperative woman I’ve changed you into.”

She gasped and folded her arms. “Well… well… be that as it may, I’ll
fall for your charms, Captain Hawk.”

He tilted his head. “Would you care to make a wager?”

“Of course not. Ladies, like myself, do not gamble.”

He laughed and glanced at his friend, then motioned him forward. “Gabe, you may now take Miss Stanhope back to her room. I’m certain she’s had an exhausting day.”

“Aye, Captain.”

Marcus smiled at Isabelle and nodded. “Please get some rest tonight. I fear the kind of work I have for you will be laborious, and genteel ladies like yourself, aren’t used to it.”

She turned, and followed Gabe out the door and back to her room. Marcus relaxed against the mattress, not realizing until now how tense he’d become. He didn’t trust her. If given the chance, the woman would indeed try to kill him again.

Gabe stepped back into the room and shut the door, chuckling. “Captain, I think your punishment is just the cure for Miss Stanhope.”

Marcus nodded. “That woman needs to be brought down from her perch, to be sure. I cannot wait to play with her a bit more, though.” He rubbed his bandage. “As soon as I’m healed.”

Gabe nodded. “What do you want me to do with the other prisoners?”

“Visit them tonight for me. Ask them once again if they know where the documents are located and threaten to destroy their belongings if they don’t answer. Let them know we will return their things if we get what we want.”

“Aye, Sir.”

Marcus scratched his chin, prickly with a three-day stubble. “If our prisoners don’t confess to having the documents, take them out blindfolded first thing before sunrise and drop them off just far enough to walk to town.”

“How long are you planning on keeping Miss Stanhope?”

Marcus grinned. “I’m thinking a week’s worth of having her be my nursemaid might settle our little Miss Stanhope’s temperament. Don’t you agree?”


“She won’t know how close we are to New York for at least a week, and during that time, I shall make the best out of what I have.”

Chapter Four


Marcus awoke with the sun, blinking as he rolled to his side. Pain speared through him and he cradled his wound and slowly adjusted onto his back. He hissed. His physician had given instructions to rest without any big movements, but Marcus just couldn’t obey. There was way too much for him to do.

Beginning today, he would have a new servant. How could he lay still at a time like this?

Marcus had been anxious for the new day to start and lain awake most of the night, waiting for the sun to arise. He didn’t know how he’d treat Isabelle, whether to order her around like a slave or give gentle words of encouragement. He enjoyed their verbal swordplay, and if she were truly frightened of him, she wouldn’t have such a spirited temper.

Closing his eyes, he relaxed. Against his will, he thought about the kiss they’d shared. He shouldn’t think of her this way, not when she tried to kill him and might do it again. Yet, she was so passionate in his arms the other evening, how could he forget the blissful moment?

The squeak of his door opening brought him alert. She walked in; her face drooped with fatigue and dark circles under each eye. Gabe kept close behind her, his scowl as dark as her expression. Marcus grinned and struggled to sit up. His friend elbowed the new servant and pointed to the bed.

“Your duties start now, wench. The captain needs help.”

She trudged to his side and stuffed pillows behind him. Twice, she’d bumped into him, but quickly pulled away as if he were on fire. Closing his eyes, he inhaled her flowery scent deeply. When she stepped back, he looked at her. Her cheeks were flushed and eyes were wide.

“Thank you, Miss Stanhope.” Marcus settled into his pillows.

“Might you want your morning meal now, Captain?”

He wanted to grin, but didn’t dare. Not yet. He wanted her leery of his actions. Today would be entertaining, to be sure. “I’m quite certain the cook is preparing the meal as we speak. However, before that—” he scratched his prickly beard, “—I would like a shave, if you will.”

She shook her head. “Forgive me, Captain, but I don’t know how to shave a man. I was never given that opportunity and I fear my skill with a blade isn’t very good.”

Marcus froze. She had a point there. Perhaps it wasn’t wise to give her a knife at this time. “Understandable. So while we wait for the meal, why not begin cleaning my room? That will keep you busy for a while.”

Her gaze swept around the untidy area and she frowned. “As you wish.”

Marcus looked up at Gabe and nodded, silently assuring his friend all would be well. The other man backed out of the room and closed the door. Marcus wasn’t worried about being alone with a woman who had stabbed him. Not when the same weapon she’d used was inside the drawer of the small stand by his bed within arm’s reach.

As she slowly walked around his cabin picking up clothes that had been there for a few days, he studied her closely. Her hair still looked as if she threaded her fingers through the glorious mass, and her dress hung on her like it had done last night. When she bent, one hand held the bodice to her chest, and he wondered if her stays weren’t secured very well.

He drummed his fingers on the mattress. For certain her stays wouldn’t be tied properly. She didn’t have Mrs. Winters to assist with her dressing.

“Captain? Where would you like me to put these?”

He fastened his gaze on the clothes stacked in her arms. “Pile them on the floor by the door. When Gabe returns, I shall have him show you where the wash room is located so you can learn to do that chore.”

She did as instructed, then turned back to her duties. Silence lasted a few minutes as she moved around the room. When she’d first walked in, she’d been tired, but now it seemed as if her eyes were wide awake. Color bloomed on her cheeks. He’d give anything to know her thoughts right now.

Huffing, she stood straight and planted her hands on her hips as she glared at him. “Captain, do you have to watch me the whole time? Isn’t there something else you can do?”

He folded his arms across his chest, careful not to touch his stab wound. “I enjoy watching you, Miss Stanhope.”

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