Falling Into You (Geek to Chic) (2 page)

BOOK: Falling Into You (Geek to Chic)
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Chapter Two

you home?" Roni yelled as she walked into their small rental house. Their
house was in the older part of the city, meaning small spaces and big rents.
The craftsman style house had two bedrooms, one bathroom, a tiny kitchen, and a
large open living room. It was all done in soft purples, blues and
The French doors in the living
room lead to the backyard, well the 12 x 12 block of grass they called a
backyard. Roni closed the door with her hip, hands full with her box, two
bottles of white wine and dinner from their favorite Chinese place.
Izzy came out of her bedroom, obviously
recently home from her workout as she was dressed in running shorts and a
University of Colorado tee shirt that had seen better days. Her long wavy dark
brown hair tied haphazardly into a ponytail, her chunky black glasses sliding
down her nose as always.
Roni smiled at
her friend, no one would ever say she was a fashion icon that was for sure.
Sliding the box onto the coffee table, Roni pulled out the bottles of

Izzy’s smile
instantly dropped. “Oh no, two bottles of wine on a weeknight? What did your
dip wad boss do now?" Roni turned to see Izzy with her hands on her
slender hips, concern lacing her voice.
That was Izzy always playing mom.

"Well the
good news is I don't have to deal with Captain Shit Head anymore, the bad news
is he fired me." Roni stated without emotion, only sighing slightly at the
She walked to the kitchen, grabbed
plates, utensils and two large wine glasses and returned to the living
Izzy still stood in the same pose,
as if waiting for her to continue the story.
With a loud exhalation, Roni launched into the story of Captain Shit
Head vs. the Gorgeous Extremely Smart Admin.
"As you know Captain Shit Head and his latest bed mate broke it
He had some charity fundraiser
coming up this weekend and the jackass needs a date." Roni held up her
fingers in mock quotations and lowered her voice to do her best prick
imitation. "'You know Roni, I need someone who would not only look good on
my arm, but would know when to shut up and smile at the right investors. Not to
mention I am sure someone with your lips and wide mouth would know how to
properly relax a man on the limo ride there. I’ll pick you up at 7, and wear
something that shows off your tits'" Izzy's eyes widened and burned with
anger for her friend. Before Izzy could interject her hatred for all men, Roni
continued. "Before he could slither away, I grabbed his arm turned him
slapping him straight across the cheek. Needless to say I was fired for assault
since everyone saw me hit him, but no one heard the crudeness he uttered."
She shrugged, trying to keep the anger at bay.
Michael Conner was a rich spoiled brat who had no class.

"You have
to be kidding me?!" Izzy started pacing feverishly at this point.
"Tomorrow we are going to see a lawyer and sue his pants off! If that
doesn't work, then we are going to hire a hit man, no better, we are going to
let him live but castrate him! Then we are going…” Before Izzy got too far on
the murder/castration plot, Roni thought she better interject.

worth it. First no one heard him so it would be a he said, she said bullshit
case, second slapping him, felt great! And third, to keep me from suing, I assume,
I left with a very nice parting package. Plus, let's not forget I hate it
Time for a change and this is the
push I needed." Roni thought she heard Izzy growl a little. “Ok, ok, I
promise if we run into him in a dark alley I will let you as my 5'1" 100
pound bodyguard defend my honor, deal?" She laughed. Izzy's anger faded to
laughter as she collapsed on the couch.

but to find him in a dark alley means we have to leave the house.
Which is a great idea! Let's finish eating
get dressed up and…"

"No, I’m
I’ve had a crappy day and really
just want to get drunk and..."

Izzy, always
determined, cut her rant off. "Nope, not happening.
We could be in LoDo in an hour having a great
time and dancing away your worries.
eat up and get dressed.
Oh, this will be
fun!" She all but squealed, filling her plate.
She knew Izzy was 6 inches shorter and 20
pounds lighter than her, but damn Izzy could be scary and tonight would be one
of those nights if she didn't comply.

but only for a little while". Roni glowered at her friend.

Sure enough an
hour later the girls were ready and heading downtown.
Izzy looked Roni over, gasping when her gaze
landed on her arm. "Where did you get the ugly bruise?"

"That was
the second part of my craptastic day. On my way out of the building after
getting canned, I all but tackled,” Roni swallowed, "Starbucks Boy."

Izzy was now
utterly confused if her facial expression said anything. "Wait,
what?" Roni spilled the entire embarrassing event.
"So you knocked him to the ground, dry
humped him, molested him and still didn't bother to get his name?"
Hysterical laughter replaced the confusion.
"Your clumsiness knows no bounds! I swear."

"I am so
glad my life amuses you, now can we go so we can get back and I can start my
pity party?" Roni grabbed her jacket and purse and stepped out of the door
locking it behind her.
A night out is
not what she needed.
She could care less
about losing her pathetically boring job, running over Starbucks Boy though?
That had bruised more than her arm.
bruised ego was currently in bed in old pajamas with a gallon of Oreo cookie
ice cream, never planning on returning to the real world.
As far as Roni was concerned her ego had the
right idea.
Instead, she was heading to
the bar with her ever perky friend.
Let this night be over quickly
, Roni
pleaded in her head.


"How did
I let you talk me into this?
I have work
to do."
Derek all but whined to

"Shut the
fuck up, we just got the land deal done with the douche bag twins.
Time to celebrate my friend, you need to step
away from your computer if you are ever going to get laid!"

"I get
laid enough without your help asswipe!" Alex was always taunting him
because Derek hadn't left a long line of broken hearts behind.
Alex was known for his playboy status.
A different girl every night wasn't even
Alex worked hard but at the end
of the day he liked to have a woman, or three, to help him relax.

"Yeah, when
was the last time a woman got you off instead of your own hand and some
porn?" Alex beamed at his own comment.

just grab a beer and go home, I really do have work to do.
Remember, I am the brains behind this
business." Derek smiled back, knowing he was pushing Alex's button.

Alex just
smiled and sauntered into the bar.
Rolling his eyes, Derek followed.
Stopping short when he saw the vision at the bar. Starbucks Girl was
here sitting at the bar.
He always saw
her in conservative business attire.
Tonight, however, she was wearing a pair of tight jeans that perfectly
showed off her curves, a blouse with a very low neckline, and heels that could
best be described as fuck me pumps.
long blonde hair fell over her shoulders in a wave.
His brain started to shut down as it no
longer had dibs on his blood supply.
Alex turned with a devious smile on his face. “We are not leaving this
bar without you at least getting her name, getting her naked would be better."

right here in the bar?" Derek asked, wondering what was wrong with his

knock public sex until you've tried it." Alex had no modesty.

What kind of girls do you date?” Derek held
up his hand stopping Alex from answering. “Never mind, I don't want the answer.
I can see the answer written all over your
face." Derek took a deep breath. "Fine I will talk to her, but you
are to either go to the other side of the bar or shut the fuck up.
I don't need you hitting on her friend. We
both know that will kill any chance I have." Derek knew exactly how it
would end if Alex even spoke two words to the friend.
Alex would screw Starbucks Girl's friend in
the back of the bar and leave.
would be left to receive the angry slap from said friend or Starbucks Girl herself,
or both.
Hey, it had happened

Leaving Alex
to follow, laughing as he did, Derek grabbed a shot from the shot girl, downing
the liquid courage quickly. He approached Starbucks Girl from behind. Leaning
in close to her ear and speaking before she realized he was there. "I see
you have recovered nicely from your fall and consequential molestation of my
body." He tried for seductive but was sure, desperate nerd came out.

Starbucks Girl
must not like people in her personal space, because she whirled around so fast
he thought her head was going to spin right off.
In the process though, her elbow met his nose
in a fast hard hit sending him backwards.
He tried to catch himself, but gravity was a cruel bitch.
He landed on the table behind him, sending
drinks flying.

"What the
fuck?” Barked the guy whose table, he had just made a landing pad. Suddenly,
Derek was on his feet, courtesy of What the Fuck Guy is yanking him up by his
white dress shirt.
"Do you have a
problem, man?" Great he had to land on steroid boys' table.

Clumsy Barbie over there all but
broke his nose simply turning around.
you are going to blame anyone, blame her." Alex interjected, failing in
his attempt not to laugh.
“Isn't that
right, sweetheart?" Oh, no! Alex should have just let him take the punch
and kept his mouth shut because now What the Fuck Guy was still holding tight
to his shirt, deciding if he was telling the truth or not and Starbucks Girl
looked as though she was going to do more than break Alex's nose.

"What did
you just call me? Clumsy Barbie?" Fire lit her eyes as she stood going toe
to toe with Alex. Was it wrong that Derek was turned on by that look in her
eyes? Laughing, What the Fuck Guy dropped his fist from Derek's shirt, turning to
watch the show.
Straightening his shirt
Derek grabbed the ice wrapped in a bar towel from the waitress.
Thanking her, he ordered the table another
round and himself a beer, then joined the other guy to watch this small spit
fire verbally bitch slap Alex for a bit.
Maybe coming to the bar was not such a bad idea after all.


"I don't
know what mental institute you just escaped from, nor do I care.
Let me give you a tip though, 'clumsy Barbie'
is not a charming nickname women like to hear. Nor is being called 'sweetheart'
by some Neanderthal in a suit" At this point Roni's hands were in the
conversation just as much as her mouth. With a final scowl, she turned to her
obsession. “I don’t even know what to say.”

"That was
awesome women never talk to him like that. They always fall at his feet
drooling." Starbucks Boy was laughing almost hysterically along with the
walking ad for steroids standing next him. "Dude, I really am sorry about
the table."

worries, we got a show out of the deal.
And you lady, are fire on heels, I would never mess with you."

Stunned by the
words from Steroid Boy, Roni simply nodded her thanks. "I swear I am not
trying to hurt you. It was a reaction, you surprised me." Roni was once
again standing in front of Starbucks Boy apologizing to him.
Chancing a look at his blue eyes, she says
what she hoped was forgiveness. "I see the waitress brought you some ice,
can I get you anything else?
I am sure I
have some Tylenol in my purse, or a tampon to stop the bleeding."
She reached for her purse. Seeing the look of
horror on Izzy's face, she realized what she had just uttered.
Turning too fast again, in an attempt to
explain that athletes used tampons for the same purpose, she swung her purse at
the same moment he leaned over to grab his beer, smacking him once again.
Roni wondered if she wished hard enough, a
crack would appear in the floor to swallow her up.
She waited, nope, no crack.
"I know I keep having to say this but
are you ok? I am so so so sorry.
clumsiness usually only takes me out not the people around me."
Her eyes were as wide a saucers at this
point, intently fixated on him. He was quiet, too quiet.
Great he was probably going to call the cops
on her for assault. Why not, she had already been fired for that charge, she
could see herself ending up in jail for it too.
Her day was getting worse by the minute.

BOOK: Falling Into You (Geek to Chic)
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