Falling Into You (Geek to Chic) (8 page)

BOOK: Falling Into You (Geek to Chic)
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Derek felt
Roni’s breathing slow and even out, signaling that she had slipped into deep
He decided to stay for a bit
Holding her in his arms was very
relaxing to him.
Roni was not the type
of girl he normally pursued.
His usual
type were runway ready, zero personality and knew that come morning he would be
He hadn’t invested anything into a
woman since his early years of college.
Since the minute he had seen her all those months ago, he had been
enthralled with her.
Even without
talking to her.
He had watched her each
Watched her kindness with
everyone she came in contact with.
Watched as she smiled and asked the baristas about their significant
others or kids.
Those few minutes a day
in her presence were always the best time of his day.
Heck, he had even stopped having his one
night stands months ago.

Getting run
over by her was the best thing that could have happened.
No matter how confident he was with worthless
women or business, he simply did not have the confidence to approach someone as
full of life as Roni.
Luckily, fate
stepped in and brought them together.
Although he wished fate would have been kinder in the way in which she
decided to introduce them.
Now he just
had to make sure not to screw it up.

Kissing her
gently on the forehead, he slowly moved out of her bed.
He grabbed his shoes, looked over his
shoulder one more time at his sleeping beauty and slipped from her room.

The chaos that
met him was almost overwhelming.
guys and the girls were still playing war games.
From the trash talk, he had walked in on, you
would think it was an actual life or death situation.
He shook his head when he saw Lexi standing
on the coffee table so that she would be eye to eye with Alex.
“What, you think just because I’m a girl I
can’t kick your ass at every video game out there?
You my friend need to join the 21
century and realize that girls can kick your ass at anything!”
Izzy spat into Alex’s face.

“First, glad to hear we are friends.”
Alex commented, with his best alluring smile attached.
Earning him a death glare.
“Second, I think I proved that you can’t beat
me at pool.”

Izzy yelled poking at him in
the chest.

“You two need
to knock it off.
Roni is sleeping.”
Derek said in a frustrated voice.
Looking from one of them to the other before he continued. “You two need
to kill each other or fuck and get it over with! Either way, keep it down and
let the poor woman sleep.” The others scattered around the room laughed quietly
and nodded their agreement.

never letting him get anywhere near me with that STD infected micro dick!"
With that Izzy pushed past a shocked Alex towards the kitchen.
The guys fell into a heap of laughter onto
the floor at her comment.
followed Izzy into the kitchen laughing hard.

turned to Alex, feeling as though he was speaking to a child.
"Why must you annoy her?
At some point she will kill you and to stay
on Roni's good gracious, I will help them bury the body."
Derek declared.

makes it so easy. Plus, she is sexy as hell when she has that death look
going." Alex shrugged with a shit eating grin on his face.

your funeral dude." Derek said looking at his friend like he was a man
with a death wish. To Derek it seemed the two of them had something between
"Come on, let's get out of
here before we wake Roni or Izzy comes running out the kitchen with a butcher
knife to finally end you." Derek started heading for the front door all
the guys following suit. Yelling goodbye to Izzy and Gracey, who were both
still in the kitchen. He heard a murmured reply from the girls.

guys stood in the driveway for a few minutes trying to figure out if it was too
early to call it a night or if they should go hang out somewhere.

on, let’s grab a drink. I have some real business questions to ask these guys
anyway." Alex declared. “And since I was the waitress, buyer and DD last
time I am thinking I have earned a free drink or two.”

about we just head to my house.
I have a
fully stocked bar and we can continue to kick Alex’s ass on my 80 inch flat
screen. We’ll even let him choose the game.”
Collin laughed.

funny asshole! I was going easy for the girl’s sake.
I’ll kick your ass at any game.”
Alex basically whined like a third grader
being teased by his older brother.

and the rest of the guys laughed as they got into their cars to head to

looked out the window one last time toward Roni’s house. He wished he was
staying with her.
He wanted to take care
of her, but their relationship (if you could call it that) was very new.
He didn’t want to smother her.
Even though every protective instinct inside
of him was screaming to stay to be sure she was really ok.

Laughter came
from the driver’s seat.
Actually, it was
hysterical laughter.
Derek turned to
glare at Alex. “And what is so funny fuctard?”

“You asshat!
Wow, I never thought I would see the day when you fell in
.” Alex did the last word in a sing song voice.
“You the man who believes all women are only
after his money.”
Derek didn’t
Alex was right.
He didn’t believe in love, only greed.
Women wanted nothing to do with him until he
had made his first million.
“I know you
always like to hear my opinion on the women in your life, so here it is.
I like her.
Sure, she might end up killing both of you in some freak accident
involving a cheese grater or plastic forks, but she never sees your money.
Only that ugly face of yours. “

“Well, now
that I have your blessing I feel so much better.”
Derek chided.

“Seriously D,
she’s not after anything.
She’s not that
sorority bitch from college.
Keep that
in mind, when you decide to choose work over her or get scared and do something
obnoxious to drive her away.”

Derek’s anger
had kicked up a notch with Alex’s perceptive statement. “Now that we’ve saved my
love life, let’s talk about yours.
the fuck is up with Izzy and you? I know how you operate with women.
You like the easy ones.
The ones that have nothing to offer besides a
set of double Ds.
Izzy is a tiny little
sprite of a girl. Nothing like the amazon women that usually share your bed.
Plus, she has a brain.
And that sense of
humor of hers is actually witty.” Alex’s hands were now clenched around the
steering wheel.
His knuckles white.
His face hardened.

“She just
reminds me of someone from a long time ago.”
Derek knew not to pursue this any further at the moment. Like Derek,
Alex had his own reasons for keeping women at a distance.
Derek’s reasons were just closer to the

With that the
conversation was dropped.
They drove the
rest of the way in silence.
seemingly lost in thought of girls they had known only a small amount of


Chapter Eight

Roni woke the
next morning to Lexi and Gracey playfully arguing in the kitchen.
She pushed herself up in her bed.
“Holy fuck that hurt!”
She gasped.
Obviously she had neglected to remember that her hand was injured and
she should be careful not to put her weight on it.
Holding her hand, she made her way out of bed
and towards the kitchen.
The smell of
coffee filling the house.

“Gracey, I
just like to fuck with him! He is an easy target for me.
Between his arrogance and playboy attitude I
have a never ending supply of material.
All of which is for the entertainment of others.
I am a one woman show.”
Izzy laughed at her own joke.

ladies, why are we grilling poor Izzy so early today?”
Roni teased on her way into the kitchen.

“Well while
you were playing snuggle bunny with hotty geek boy, our little friend here was
demolishing Alex.
Both in and out of the
So unlike our little hostess,
don’t you think?” Gracey was clearly goading Izzy for a response.

“Again, I am
maintaining my stance that he is nothing more than an easy target.”
Izzy smiled, saying nothing more as she
skipped off to the bathroom.

“Was she
really that mean to him?
In her own
I saw a little bit of her over
reaction to him, but I figured that he had pushed her to that point.” Roni

“Nope, he was
actually being civil.
From what I have
heard about the guy it was like aliens had replaced him on his way over.
He was complimenting her on the house,
offering to help her in the kitchen, etc.
All of his kindness seemed to just send her over the edge more.
It was amusing to watch really.
You missed out.” Gracey clearly had enjoyed
the night of switched personalities.
sipped her coffee. “Enough about the middle school duo. Tell me what happened
between you and the tech mogul?
I want
Remember, I am in a
self-imposed dating embargo.
So I have
to live through you.” She folded her hands in front of her waiting for the
non-existent details.

Roni laughed,
still not completely understanding why Gracey had closed the door on dating
Sitting down at the
breakfast bar with her friend she began to tell her non-story. “Nothing
happened. As in a big fat zero.
Once we
left the living room, he help me get ready for bed and gave me my pill.” She
blew out a breath before continuing. “When I tried to put the moves on him, he
complied at first, then must have felt like he was taking advantage because he
stopped. Why did he have to be all…. noble?”

Her friend
shook her head.
Holding in a laugh it
“Roni, you shouldn’t be
offended that he was…’noble’.
As you put
Most girls would be complimented
that he was able to put his needs aside to care for her.
You on the other hand, are so used to guys
being all over you that you misinterpret his actions. No guy who is not falling
for a girl, in more than a one night stand kind of way, takes care of her when
she’s injured. Good thing he seems good at it, with how often you injure
yourself.” She was no longer holding in the laugh.

“I guess
you’re right.
I just am used to guys
wanting one thing and only that from me.
They see my boobs and fall in lust.
Which never turns into anything more once they realize what a walking
disaster zone I am. Ugh…it… it… …it’s just that I have been lusting after him
for six months.
I created a version of
who he was in my head.
Every time I saw
him I added a characteristic making him my ideal man. He is proving that the
version of him in my head, was completely wrong.
The real version, Derek himself, is so much
So now like every woman I am waiting
for the other shoe to drop.
Although I
hope it never does. I want this relationship to last.
To go the distance.
Hell, I will probably end up killing the poor
bastard with my clumsiness.”
Roni knew
she was babbling.
Gracey knew she was
babbling too.
But Gracey being the good
friend she was, let her babble.

“Well, I can
only say is that you will just have to have a little faith.
See if the other shoe drops.” Gracey smiled
at her.

Roni smiled
back. “Says the girl who had given up on men.”

“Oh, and try not to injure or
kill him.
It would be such a waste with
how hot he and his friends are.”

“Oh, so you do
still notice the opposite sex?’

“When they
look like those boys from last night, I notice every last one of them.”
She wiggled her eyebrows suggestively.
Both girls burst out laughing.
At that moment Roni’s iPhone rang.
“Oh, I bet that is boy wonder now.
Which means it is time for me to make my way
home.” Gracey stood, kissing Roni on the cheek as she walked out yelling goodbye
to Lizzy.

Roni ran for
her phone.

“Hey baby, how
are you feeling?
Do you need anything?”
Derek’s deep voice rang through the phone.
Roni had to hold in a groan.
his voice was sexy as hell.

Thank you for everything last
I am sorry our evening ended that
way.” Her voice was small.

“No apology
needed honey.
I am just glad you are
Plus Alex crashed our night out
Next time we go out it will be
without our childish friends and without stitches.”
He chuckled, but she heard something more in
his voice.
Almost longing.

“That sounds

They talked
for the next half an hour or so.
regaled her with tales from another night of drinking with the guys.
Poor Alex never did seem to kind his video
game mojo.
They had spent most of the
night, making fun of each other while playing video games.
Apparently the guys were becoming quite the
“After a few beers, we did talk
Those guys know their
We could really use them.
Collin is coming by our headquarters next
week to take a look around.
I want to show
him that CPST can take their programs and ideas to the next level. With his
ideas and our contacts we would all be set to make a huge sum of money.”

“That would be
great for both companies.
Plus, your employees
would benefit as well from the merger.
And I guess money is always a good thing right.”
She laughed at her last part.

“Yeah, it
would be great for the employees. We always share the wealth with the employees
who have helped us earn it. We would also be in a position to bid bigger
Do even more corporate
security since we would have a larger executive staff to pitch ideas to
interested clients.
The security
programs and hardware Collin and I started to work on last night would stop a
lot of corporate espionage.
even….” Derek sounded very excited over this promising merger.
Roni had to cut him off there though.

“Wait a
minute, you were all hanging out, picking on Alex, drinking, relaxing and you
and Collin worked? For how long?”
asked him.

“I feel like I
should tell you it was only a few minutes with the tone of voice you have, but
that would be a blatant lie.
I am
actually driving home from his place now.” Derek answered in a sheepish voice.

“You two
worked all night!
You Derek Callaway,
have a serious problem.
You are a
You should be able to kick
back every so often and enjoy life.
was the last time you took more than oh, I don’t know five hours off?” Even
though she was laughing at him she knew this had the potential to be a real

“I take five
hours off every day, I have to sleep from time to time.”
He answered with sarcasm.

“Smart ass you
know what I mean.
The night I make you
dinner you are not allowed to work or even think about work.
Your cell phone will be off, as well as any
other electronic toys you use to communicate with the work world.”
She stated firmly.

“Do smoke
signals count they are not electronic and I am sure I could get the guys to
learn them this week.”
Again with the

“Sure, you
teach your team to read smoke signals and you can stand out back all night
talking to them.” She quipped back.

“So…. when is
this dinner going to happen?
I would
really like to be alone with you…. soon.” Derek’s voice was laced with

“I don’t know
can you fit it in between work and your workaholics meetings?”

“Right now I
would sell off my company to be with you.”

That statement
took her breath away.
“Since I am busy
Friday and you are busy Saturday, how about next Sunday?”

“Perfect. What
are you doing the rest of the weekend?”

cleaning, errands, getting ready for my new job.” She smiled at the thought at
being able to see him Monday morning. “What about you?”

“I don’t want
to tell you.”
He said childishly.

“Let me guess.
Either Collin and you are running away together, or you are working.” She
couldn’t help the smart ass remark.

“You’re right,
Collin and I have a connection beyond words so we are running away so we can be
Don’t tell Alex he will be so
He’s had a thing for me for
Derek stated with no hint of
She laughed at Derek’s comment.

“So you would
rather the girl you are interested in, think you are gay and therefore she is
definitely not your type than admit to being a workaholic?
You know, lying about your addiction is just
another sign of how much you need help.”
She said through her laughter.

“I could be

“Oh, then I guess this isn’t
going to go beyond cuddling.
Though, I
do like having gay friends.”

“Ok, you
caught me, I’m heading home to shower, change and grab my laptop.
I will be in the office the rest of the
weekend most likely.
Once I get an idea
I tend to have a single minded focus.
need to see it through to the end in one time span.”
Derek explained with a sadness in his voice.

“I get it,
sometimes I get like that too.
out the entire world to finish one task.
But you need to learn to live life too.
You have already achieved so much more than most people ever even plan
to do.”
Roni felt that feminine
nurturing part of herself want to go and save him from his existence.
No one could live on, work alone.
She would show him he didn’t have to hide in
his office.

“I am starting
to think you are right.
Finally, there
is something outside of work that has caught my attention.” Derek’s husky voice
was back.

“I guess you
will have to leave your fortress of solitude to pursue what has caught your

“Fortress of
Now who’s the nerd?” They both
“I’m home so I am going to hop
in the shower.
I will text you this
Call me or text me if you need

“Well as your
assistant, you should feel free to call or text me if you need anything.” Roni
said in her best seductive voice.

“I will keep
that in mind.”
He stated in a jokingly
seductive voice.

With that,
they said their goodbyes.
Roni decided
she needed a run to clear her head.
Since it was only 35 degrees outside, she knew she would have to opt for
the gym.
Luckily, her gym was only a few
minutes away.
Once there she found her
favorite treadmill, third row, second to the left, and start a nice warm
Once she was nice and warm she
cranked up her music and the speed.
needed to get lost in the movement of her run.

BOOK: Falling Into You (Geek to Chic)
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