False Report (34 page)

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Authors: Veronica Heley

BOOK: False Report
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Maggie came out to join Bea in the garden, carrying her portable radio. ‘A new entry into the charts.'

A woman's voice, backed by a group:

‘You promised me . . . a life of ease.

You promised me . . . our love would last.

You promised me . . . we'd be together,

Till both our lives were past.

I asked how I'd repay you . . . for this precious gift of love,

And you answered – “with a kiss”.

You promised me a kitchen . . . with a set of sliding drawers.

A penthouse with an outlook . . . a wedding with a ring.

You promised you would keep me . . . from all danger and all harm.

I asked how I'd repay you . . . and you answered – “with a kiss”.

You brought me to this country, where the streets are paved with rain.

You took my childhood from me, and you sold me to your friends.

I asked how could you do this? And you answered – with a blow.

You promised me . . . a life of ease.

You promised me . . . our love would last.

Now I walk the streets of London . . . and other cities, too.

And I know there's no tomorrow . . . for the likes of me or you.'

The voice died away into a murmur.

Mother Mary, pray for me

Silence. Maggie clicked off her radio and went back into the house.

Bea picked up her papers, but her eyes looked far away, swooping across London to where girls walked the streets, without hope. Like Josie.

She wished she could help them, but she didn't know how.

She could pray for them, though.

Dear Lord, have mercy . . .

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