Fame (20 page)

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Authors: Meghan Quinn

BOOK: Fame
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His lips had branded her cheek. She couldn’t shake the feeling of the light whisper of a kiss he placed on her when he accepted his Grammy. She knew the moment Kaid said Shattered Souls had won, Rook was going to head straight to her; there was determination in his eyes.

She held it together, though; she didn’t allow him to affect her, at least not on stage. Once they got backstage, Maisy tore off toward a back corner to gather herself, while everyone else was being interviewed by reporters. Camera crews, production assistants, and makeup artists scattered backstage in a blur of a hurry as they prepared for the next act to appear on stage.

Maisy tucked herself in a dark corner and leaned her head against the wall. All the emotions that she tamped down over the past six months came boiling to the surface and were threatening to take over her body. She still loved him; there was no doubt about that. Just the fact that she could feel his gaze everywhere she went meant that she was still as in-tune with him as when they first met. But what really set her off was the way her heart beat rapidly in her chest the minute she heard his name, or even just saw him in the distance. As much as she wished she had, she hadn’t gotten over him, and by the way her body reacted tonight, she didn’t think she ever would. Rook Tyler had ruined her for life.

Opening her clutch, she pulled out her lip gloss and uncapped it. She could at least busy herself while she tried to calm her heart.

“Hi, Maisy.”

Her hand stilled at the sound of his voice. She didn’t even have to turn to know who it was; she would know that voice anywhere.

Chills ran up her spine at his nearness, and she debated with herself as to what to do. Did she turn toward him, finally face him for the first time in six months, or did she walk away?

His hand gently squeezed her arm, and from the way heat burned through her skin, she knew she wouldn’t be able to just walk away; she had to face him.

Taking a deep breath, she looked up and met those dark blue eyes that she used to stare into every night…the eyes that once told her she was loved, the eyes that would eat her alive in a second and devour her.

“What do you want from me, Rook?”

Her voice sounded defeated, like she had already given up. There wasn’t much fight in her, because she felt weak around him, too damn weak.

“I want to talk to you, Maisy,” he spoke softly. “I want a chance to explain everything to you. I want to win you back.”

And there it was, the one thing she didn’t want to hear. She didn’t want to know about his feelings; she didn’t want to feel anything for him, and the moment he said he wanted her back, she started feeling.

She shook her head no and stepped back. “No, you can’t do this to me.” She looked him directly in the eyes, trying to cut him with her words. “You cheated on me, Rook. You fucked another woman intentionally to hurt me. Why the fuck would I take you back after that?”

He winced at her words, but stood strong.

“Because we are meant to be together. Because, no matter what you think, I’ve never stopped loving you, and I’m going to make it my damn mission in life to make you mine again, even if it kills me.”

“No, no!” she practically shouted. “You don’t have the right to do that. We’re done, Rook, we’re through. You lost the privilege of making me yours the moment you took someone else to the back of your bus. So, fuck you and fuck your mission, because you will never have the chance to be mine again…ever.”

“Is there a problem here?” Cole said from behind Rook.

Slowly turning his head, Rook said, “No, I was just leaving.” Before he took off, he leaned in one last time and whispered in her ear, “I understand I lost your trust and you owe me nothing, but I don’t give up that easily, Maisy. I want you, I need you, and I’m going to make sure that I never have to live without you again.”

His fingers ran up her arm and then back down, where he squeezed her hand softly, and then took off while he took Cole in. For a moment, Maisy was nervous that the stare down the two were giving each other was going to turn into a brawl, but Rook smartly moved along.

Once Rook was out of sight, Cole grabbed ahold of Maisy and pulled her into his chest as his hands ran up and down her back.

“I’m glad I came back here. Once I saw the stricken look on your face when Shattered Souls was called up, I knew I had to get to you, and I’m happy I did, because who knows what that jackass would have done.”

Confused, Maisy said, “He wouldn’t have hurt me.”

“He already hurt you, Maisy, and he doesn’t need to strike you to hurt you; he could verbally abuse you. The guy is a loose cannon and a giant fuck-up. I don’t want him coming anywhere near you.”

For some reason, Cole’s overprotectiveness was not settling well with her, so she pulled away and said, “I appreciate your concern, but I can take care of myself, Cole.”

Taken aback at her comment, he replied, “I know you can, but I just wanted to make sure you were okay.”

“I am; I’m fine. I just need some time to think.”

Cole ran his hand through his hair and said, “Please don’t tell me you’re going to go back to that douche bag. He cheated on you, Maisy.”

“I know,” she practically shouted, drawing attention from people around them, even Rook, who wasn’t standing that far back. Apparently, now that he was in her life again, he was making sure his presence was known. “I know,” she said more quietly. “I don’t need everyone reminding me of what he did; believe me, it hasn’t left my mind.”

“Then, why do you need time to think?”

“Because I do, Cole. Alright? I feel like I can’t breathe right now with everyone hovering over me. I need some to just be free and figure everything out.”

“You think I’m hovering over you?”

Maisy looked around and said, “Cole, what the hell do you think you’re doing right now?”

“Being a kind and caring boyfriend.”

“No, you’re checking up on me, and I just don’t need that right now. I need some space, okay?”

Nodding his head, Cole stepped back and said, “You know what? I don’t get you, Maisy. You act like you need space, but in reality, you’re needy and demand attention. You think you know what you want, but you have no fucking clue. You go around acting all innocent when, in fact, you just use people for your own benefit.”

Insulted, Maisy felt her mouth fly open at his words as he continued.

“Do whatever the hell you want because, frankly, I don’t give a shit anymore. No wonder Rook cheated on you, because you’re fucking unstable…”

Cole didn’t get to finish his insulting rant because he was spun around in a matter of seconds as Rook’s fist connected directly with Cole’s jaw. The six foot man was tossed across the room as onlookers gasped at the spectacle.

Rook hovered over Cole, and then bent down and gripped his shirt. Cole’s mouth was bleeding and he looked slightly delirious. Cruz and Grey both ran to Rook to pull him off of Cole before he did any more damage. Cole gripped his jaw and stared up at Rook.

“You’re going to regret that,” Cole warned.

“Like you fucking matter to me? I could give zero fucks for what you think of me, but when it comes to Maisy, you treat her with fucking respect, because she deserves it.”

A laugh escaped Cole as he stood. “Just like the same respect you gave her when you decided to fuck someone else for her to find?”

Like a bull out of his cage, Rook got right in Cole’s face and said, “You have no fucking clue what happened, no clue, so it’s best you stay out of it, because it would be a shame to see that mouth of yours plastered against my fist once again.”

Cole stood up against Rook, and Maisy was afraid they were just going to continue their stare down all night, until Landon came up to them with Kaid and Willow and said, “Dude, we have to go sit down again; production is getting pissed.”

Nodding, Rook tore his gaze away from Cole and then looked at Maisy one last time. His face softened at the sight of her and a small smile tweaked the corner of his mouth before he took off. Maisy watched as his suit clung to him in all the right places as he walked off with his bandmates.

Cole spit blood out of his mouth and then took off without another word. Both Willow and Kaid looked at Maisy, confused, but she just shook her head and started heading back out to their seats, where they would have to sit down in front of Shattered Souls for the rest of the award ceremony. Maisy was so numb, she didn’t even care.

They worked their way back to their seats during a commercial break and, for a second, Maisy made eye contact with Rook, who was rubbing the back of his right hand, the one he punched Cole with. Maisy told herself not to feel bad for him, to not care that he might be hurt, and quickly turned and sat down in her seat.

As if she was expecting it, Rook leaned forward in his seat and spoke softly in her ear, to just put the nail in the coffin of her night.

“For what it’s worth, Cole is a fuckhead and has no clue what he’s talking about when it comes to you. You’re beautiful, you’re smart, you’re independent, and you’re, hands down, the most amazingly gorgeous woman I’ve ever met. That day, the worst day of my life, there was a reason that all happened, and I’m going to make sure you know what went down, because I can’t live without you, Maisy. I just fucking can’t.”

With that, he leaned back in his chair as a lonely tear streamed down Maisy’s face. She could feel him starting to wear a hole in the wall she’d erected around her heart.

Chapter Nine


The night had been one big whirlwind for Shattered Souls. They only took home Song of the Year, but that was good enough for them. They were over the moon ecstatic and couldn’t be prouder of themselves. Even though their night had a little snag in it when it came to Rook not being able to stay away from Maisy, and the obvious knock-out backstage, they were still having a good time, and Grey enjoyed being with his boys again.

The tension between him and Landon was a little uncomfortable, but that was because Grey made it that way. He could have easily forgiven Landon, but Grey was having a damn hard time doing just that. He could see the apologetic look in Landon’s eyes when he saw him for the first time on the red carpet, and Grey wanted to forgive him, but his head wouldn’t let him speak the words. He was still hurt from how everything went down.

Cruz, Landon, and Rook were all off talking to some other bands, while Grey stood back at the bar and surveyed the partygoers. It was his first ever Grammy after party, and it was just as he imagined…a lot of drunk musicians dancing and making out in different corners. He loved every second of it.

“Whiskey and bourbon please, and make it a double,” a familiar voice said, while a purse crashed onto the bar that his elbows and back were resting on.

Grey turned to his side and saw the familiar pink streaks of Willow’s hair, but she had yet to recognize him, so he took some time to take her all in. She looked stunning in her cream, skin tight dress, a total fucking wet dream. If possible, she looked even more fit and her breasts, fucking Christ, they were spilling out of her top, just begging to be played with. Her makeup was simple, like Maisy’s, but where Maisy’s hair was classic, Willow’s was down and curled all around, making her irresistible.

The bartender handed Willow her tall order, and Grey watched how Willow hung over the counter and took a sip of her drink, while looking down at the counter…she looked almost sad.

“That’s a strong drink for you,” Grey said, deciding to strike up a conversation.

Willow’s head slowly turned and met Grey’s eyes. Her eyes looked slightly bloodshot and tired, like she hadn’t slept in days. It was rather concerning.

“Well, Mr. Cross, how nice to see you,” Willow said, as she turned her body, rested her arm on the bar counter, and took a long sip from her drink. “Congratulations on your win; you must be very happy.”

She sounded fake, not genuine at all, and Grey wondered why she was acting the way she was. One of the things he liked most about Willow when he first met her was how real she was. She let her feelings be known, and even though they couldn’t act on their feelings toward each other, she still made Grey feel desired, wanted.

Shaking his thoughts, he said, “We are, thank you.”

“I see that you were able to tear yourself away from mommy dearest for a night. Are you doing alright? Do you have to rush back soon to suckle on her teat?”

Grey’s eyebrows drew together at the venom coming from Willow’s mouth.

“What’s your problem?” Grey asked, not really tiptoeing around the situation. He was done with moody musicians, especially after having to deal with Rook for the past week. Thankfully, he’d seemed to have a turnaround in his attitude, thanks to Grey’s mom.

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