Fame (21 page)

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Authors: Meghan Quinn

BOOK: Fame
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Finishing off her drink, Willow pressed her body against Grey’s and grabbed ahold of his tie. Instantly, Grey felt himself start to go hard, just from Willow being so close. It was that easy when she was around. She didn’t have to do much. She had always had that effect on him, ever since he met her backstage at The Tavern.

“I think you seem to have forgotten about that blame-fest you gave me back in Dallas, you know…the one where you said I was the reason why Quinn broke up with you, that I ruined your life. Care to remember that?”

Fuck, she was right. He did say all those things, but that was because his emotions were running high, and he needed to blame someone other than himself for everything that went wrong in his life; Willow just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.

“I didn’t mean those things. I was having a bad fucking day, and I took it out on you, Willow. I’m sorry.”

“Too little, too late, Grey. Do you think I just let your hurtful words bounce off of me, like they meant nothing? Well, they meant everything. I liked you, Grey, but after that moment, after you embarrassed me, I decided that I never wanted anything to do with you ever again.”

She was still holding his tie and leaning toward him while speaking softly, as if they were having an intimate conversation. Over her shoulder, Grey could see Cruz eyeing them both with a confused look on his face, probably wondering what they were talking about. Little did Cruz know, what looked like an intimate conversation was actually full of hatred and venom.

“You fucked him,” Grey said between gritted teeth, starting to lose his temper. He was good at that when it came to Willow; she always pushed his buttons.

“Fucked who?” Willow asked. “I fuck a lot of men.”

Knowing she was pushing his buttons, she smiled coyly at him, making him even madder.

“You know who I’m fucking talking about.”

“Why don’t you spell it out for me?”

“Cruz,” Grey gritted out.

“Ah, yes, I fuck him quite often, actually. He’s a regular when it comes to pleasing my pussy, something you aren’t familiar with.”

“You some kind of whore now?” Grey asked, but the moment the words left his mouth, he instantly regretted them.

Clearly insulted, Willow’s eyes popped open momentarily before she gathered herself again and cooled her exterior. “Watch what you say to me, Grey. You might regret it one day. You might not like my choices, and you might not agree with my decisions, but that doesn’t give you the damn right to insult me. I’m happy and I love my life, so just stay the fuck out of it.”

“Are you really happy, Willow? Because you don’t look happy; you look tired and like you’re searching for something. Would that be love?” Willow’s tough exterior faltered, as Grey continued to push her buttons. “You’re never going to find love fucking other men; they don’t love you, Willow; they just want your body, that’s all.”

“That’s not true,” she said meekly, a stark contrast from the usual strong and confident Willow Grey was used to.

Feeling guilty, Grey pressed his hand against Willow’s cheek and said, “I didn’t mean that. Fuck…” he blew out a heavy breath of air. “I’m sorry, Willow. Being around you is just spiking up all these old feelings I had for you and all the jealousies I felt as well. Please, forgive me.”

Her blue eyes shined up at him and she shook her head.

“You’re one person who doesn’t deserve my forgiveness. You were a bastard to me, Grey. You treated me like shit when I was trying to help you. For all I care, you can seriously go fuck yourself.” She pulled away, asked the bartender for another drink, and turned her back toward him.


Holding up her hand for him to stop talking, she grabbed her drink and walked away. Eyeing Cruz, Grey noticed he’d watched the whole interaction, but instead of being furious, he almost looked confused.

Strange shit was going on, and Grey had no clue how to handle it. All he knew was that it was quite fitting for Willow to not forgive him, because it was payback for Grey not being able to forgive Landon. What a fucking lesson in humility.

Not happy with the way things ended, Grey decided to push his luck and went up to Willow, who was talking to Maisy.

The widening of Maisy’s eyes must have clued Willow in to Grey’s presence, because she turned around with her hand on her hip and a scowl in her eyes.

“I thought I made myself clear.”

“You did, but I can’t just let you walk away like that. I really do want to apologize…”

“Save it, Grey, I’m busy helping out Maisy. Your little friend over there, you know, the one who had a problem sticking his dick in pussies that don’t belong to him, yeah, he seems to have forgotten what he did to my friend.”

“He didn’t forget,” Grey defended Rook. “He would never forget what happened.”

“You have got to be fucking with me right now. You are not defending him.”

“Willow,” Maisy tried to calm her friend down, but Willow was in full blown mad mode now.

“This isn’t our fight,” Grey said, trying to tamp down the fire he’d just started.

“The hell it’s not. Maisy is my best friend, my fucking sister, and what happens to her, happens to me. You tell your friend over there that he better stay the fuck away from Maisy; he’s done enough.”

“Sometimes it’s best to keep your mouth closed, Willow, because not everything is quite as it seems,” Grey said his last words while looking at Maisy, garnering a surprised expression from her.

“Oh, I’m sorry, but a dick in a vagina pretty much says fucking, no way around that one.”

“He had his reasons,” Grey muttered, wanting to leave the conversation. Approaching Willow again was a terrible idea, he could see that now with the way she was practically spitting dragon fire at him.

A maniacal laugh escaped Willow as she looked Grey up and down as if he was crazy. “No matter what you tell me, cheating will always be cheating; your friend is a complete fuck-up.”

“Willow, that’s enough,” Maisy said quietly.

Willow looked back at Maisy for a second and then turned her glare on Grey. Her eyes searched his and her finger pressed against Grey’s chest. “You’re all alike, you Shattered Souls boys. You love wrapping girls up in your life and then tossing them out like trash the minute they become an inconvenience. Rook did it to Maisy and you did it to me. You went on and on about how you couldn’t resist me, how you needed me so badly, how all you wanted was just a taste of me, but when you get caught red-handed, when your girlfriend sees that you’re practically drooling over another girl, you just fucked me over and left me in your wake. Well, you know what? Fuck you, Grey. Fuck you!”

They had started to draw attention, which was the last thing he wanted, especially when he was trying to understand what Willow was talking about. Was she really hurt by the way Grey treated her? Did she not remember all the times she came on to him and he told her no? She must have mistaken their past, because if either of them was throwing themself, it was her. She was the one who made it impossible to be around her; she flaunted her body like it was her Goddamn job.

Anger started to build up, and Grey was about to lash out, when a hand clasped over his shoulder and pulled him back.

“Let it go,” Rook said. “Not your fight, man. Just walk away.”

An angry Willow pushed past Grey and started getting in Rook’s face about how he didn’t deserve to be alive. She was causing an enormous scene, and Kaid finally got the hint that it was time to grab his girls and leave, so he said his goodbyes to an executive he was talking to and wrapped his arms around Willow. Maisy followed behind, looking sorrowful and scared.

With one last flip of Willow’s finger to Grey, Twisted Perfection was gone, leaving all the partygoers wondering what the hell had just happened. Grey didn’t blame them; he was wondering the same damn thing.


This was exactly what Kaid needed, a sounding board in front of him and his song playing through the speakers. After last night at the Grammy after party and having to drag a flailing Willow out the back door, he was happy to be with his music. It was calming to him.

The entire way home from the party, Willow went on and on about how much of an ass Grey was, how Rook should die, and why Maisy wasn’t more mad. Kaid conjured up the idea that Willow was projecting her feelings about her and Grey onto Rook and Maisy’s downfall. From the way she talked on the car ride home, she kept going back to the fact that Grey pushed her away, that he was the one who ruined their relationship.

Maisy kept looking at Kaid with concern, almost willing him to do something, but he had no clue what she wanted him to do. It wasn’t like he could shut her up, because every time one of them tried to interject, Willow would just grow louder. It was a rough night, to say the least.

Worried about Maisy, he tried to talk to her after Willow went back out for the night, but Maisy was tired and wasn’t quite in the mood for talking. He could tell that she took a big hit last night from seeing Rook, and then of course from interacting with him and the whole Cole situation. Fuck, Kaid wondered if their lives would ever be drama free. Probably not, now that they were in the spotlight.

“Hey, you started without me,” Harper said, as she walked into the sound booth with a cup of coffee in her hand. Her hair was in a side bun-type thing, showing off her long neck, and she was wearing a pair of black skinny jeans and a forest green V-neck shirt. She looked casual, but good, Kaid couldn’t help but notice.

“Yeah, I had a rough night and just needed to escape.”

“Ahh, the after party.”

Kaid cringed, “You heard?”

“Please, it was all over Perez Hilton this morning. Rook and Cole fighting for Maisy’s love, Willow’s wild partying, which caused her to make a scene with you. It was some bloody fantastic gossip. Really enjoyed reading it.”

“Shit, I’m sure the label is really happy.”

“Let’s just say, I don’t think you’ll be going back on tour with Shattered Souls anytime soon, unless they want some seriously amazing ratings from the train wreck it would be.”

“Might be a good thing,” Kaid said, as he took a sip from his water bottle. “Even though I would love hanging out with the guys, there’s just too much drama between Rook and Maisy. And then I have no clue what the hell is going on with Willow. One minute, she’s with Cruz, then some unknown guy, and after last night, I would swear she was in love with Grey…which came out of left field. I thought she was done with him, but you could read it all over her face last night that she wasn’t. It was like seeing him again struck up all these horrible feelings she had.”

“Being the only guy in your band must be a fucking blast,” Harper laughed, as she started to adjust some knobs.

“Yeah, it’s really not.” Kaid wiped his hands over his face and took a deep breath. “I get kind of sick of it sometimes, you know? Having to always be the big brother, the grounded one, the voice of reason.”

“You kind of wishing you could throw your own hissy fit?” Harper teased.

“Sort of,” Kaid laughed. “It would be nice to know that, for once, I didn’t have to look out for anyone. I’ve been looking out for Willow and Maisy ever since I can remember. Whether it was in the foster home, keeping them safe, or if we were at school and I had to make sure they weren’t being picked on. I’ve always been on guard, and you know what? I’m fucking tired.” Kaid shook his head and rested it in his hands.

The soft touch of Harper’s hand connected with his shoulder, instilling a sense of comfort. It had been so long since he actually felt comforted that he reveled in the moment, in the feel of her gently holding on to him.

“Sorry,” Kaid cleared his throat, “It can just be so much at times.”

“I get it,” Harper said with seriousness in her eyes. “I grew up with three younger brothers and two younger sisters. I’m the oldest of six with a father who was a piss ass drunk and a mother who worked in a factory. Growing up, I was the mom, the one who took care of everyone. It wasn’t until my brother, Alec, was old enough to take care of everyone that I finally grew some lady balls and decided to leave home. I earned my citizenship in the states, and I haven’t returned back to England since. So, I understand where you’re coming from, but unlike me, you’re a good person and you stick around. You make sure you’re there for your two girls to rely on. That’s very commendable of you, Kinkaid.”

Kaid nodded his head and looked at Harper over his shoulder, he could see the sadness in her eyes, the defeat in her posture. Even though she tried to pass it off, he could tell she had regrets over her decision.

“You haven’t seen your family since you left?” Kaid asked, feeling sorry for her.

She shook her head no. “They want nothing to do with me. Once I left, my dearest mother told me not to bother coming back. Was she proud that I decided to make it on my own? No, she wanted me to continue to be her little Cinderella, but I was tired of that bullshit. I wanted a life of my own.”

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