Faster Deeper (Take Me...#2) (New Adult Bad Boy Racer Novel) (10 page)

BOOK: Faster Deeper (Take Me...#2) (New Adult Bad Boy Racer Novel)
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Chapter Eight
Race Day



I wake up the next morning feeling invigorated and downright
excited. It’s amazing what a good roll in the hay will do for your worldview, I
guess. It’s the morning of the Moscow Grand Prix, and for the first time in
what feels like forever, I can’t wait to get to the course.

Growing up, F1 races were the highlights of my year—but this
season has been so fraught with conflict and indecision. Today is the first
time in a long while that I feel something akin to the charge I knew as a
younger girl on race day. I feel uninhibited and weightless, ready for whatever
the day throws my way. And while I certainly credit Harrison with some of this
new energy, I think what’s really got me smiling is the idea of finally, at
long last, letting my family in on my little secret. It’ll feel so wonderful to
finally be honest with them.

In no time at all, I’m dressed and ready in my race day
uniform: tight jeans, leather jacket, black tank. I smile to myself as I
appraise my appearance in the mirror. This whole ensemble has me looking every
inch Harrison Davies’ girl. What’s that they say about couples coming to look
like each other over time? I run a daring red streak of color over my lips and
draw up curls up into a high ponytail. I feel confident, sexy, and unafraid of
anything. It’s time to stop cowering from life, time to start living at top

It isn’t until I’m standing in front of the mirror, grinning
at my own reflection, that my memory starts up like a kick drum. I feel the
breath catch in my throat as I cast back beyond my wonderful night with Harrison,
back to my father’s hotel room. Sudden tears surprise me as the dark truth of
our circumstance settles in around me. Part of me was hoping that Dad’s news
would disappear overnight, that I would wake up this morning and realize I’d
dreamed it all up. But no such grace arrives to save me. My dad, Alfonso Lazio,
F1 champion and legend in his time, is dying.

I sink down onto the floor, overcome with warring emotions.
How can I be so heartbroken for my father and so elated at the prospect of my
future with Harrison all at the same time? Thank God I don’t have to give any
press conferences on either subject today. I still need time to make sense of
all this. I need to find some way to wrangle the chaotic, conflicting elements
of my life and bring them all into harmony with one another.

Right. Easy as pie, then.

“Siena?” I hear Bex call from beyond my door.

“Hey Bex,” I call, swallowing my tears, “Come in.”

She slips into my room, rocking two inch red stilettos and
daring white jeans. Her blonde hair is blown out and gorgeous, she’s definitely
getting the hang of this F1 chic thing. The smile on her lips wilts as she
catches the look on my face.

“What is it, sweetie?” she asks, crossing the room and
taking my hands in hers.

“Oh, no,” I moan, “You can’t be nice to me right now, I’m
going to cry all of my makeup off if you are.”

“Well, now I don’t have a choice,” she says, pulling me over
to the bed, “Come on. Tell me what’s up.”

“I don’t know where to begin, Bex,” I say, my voice

“Did you any Harrison have a falling out?” she asks softly,
“You weren’t around last night, I noticed. Were you guys together?”

“Oh, we were together alright. But we certainly weren’t

“I see,” she grins, “So what, are those tears of happiness

“Not exactly,” I say quietly, “I was actually supposed to
meet Harrison earlier in the evening, but my dad...wanted to talk to me and
Enzo. Good old family meeting, I guess.”

“Did he call you out about Harrison?” Bex asks, her eyes

“Honestly, I wish it had been that instead,” I say.

“Jesus...” Bex breathes, “It must have been really bad,
then. Did something happen? To someone in your family? Is your mom OK?”

“Mom’s fine. It’ dad, Bex. He’s been keeping something
from us since the season started. Some, uh...medical stuff.”

Bex doesn’t say a word, she simply gives my hands a squeeze
and waits for me to continue. I draw in a deep, steadying breath. “He’s sick,
Bex. He found out just before the season started. Said he didn’t want to worry
us, but now it’s too late to do anything...”

“Is it serious?” she asks, scooting closer to me on the bed.

“About as serious as it gets,” I tell her, “Lung cancer.”

“Oh God,” she utters, throwing her arms around me, “I’m so,
so sorry.”

“It doesn’t even feel real, yet,” I tell her.

“I’m sure.”

“I just can’t believe he didn’t tell us. He’s made all these
decisions by himself. Operating was never an option, but he opted out of any
treatment at all. Bex, we could lose him before the season’s even over.”

“Is that why he’s only been working with Enzo this season,
instead of dealing with the other owners and management? To save what energy he

“I guess so. He’s got it all figured out. Bex, he told me
that he’s leaving me his entire ownership share of the team when he...he...”

“Wow,” Bex breathes, “That’s...huge, Siena.”

“I know. I haven’t even begun to think about what that means
yet. I just can’t process all of this at once.”

“No, of course. But, you saw Harrison after you found out,

“Yeah, I did.”

“So he knows, too?”

“Well, I had to tell him. It sort of changes our time table,
a bit.”

“What do you mean?”

“I mean, I can’t wait much longer to tell dad and Enzo
what’s up. I know it would have been better to let them know right away,
certainly before Dad told us know. But now I need to time it just
right. Get the public to focus on what’s actually important, supporting my dad,
and let me and Harrison’s affair become the minor news story it should really
be. It’s not like Enzo’s going to have the energy to give a shit about some
made up rivalry when Dad is sick.”

“You’re probably right...” Bex says, “So, when are you going
to tell them, then?”

“Over the next couple of races,” I reply, “Then, we can let
the news trickle out once Dad and I have had our press conference about his,
um, condition.”

“Sounds like a plan,” Bex replies, “I’m proud of you, Siena.
I know it’s not going to be easy, being honest with them, but it will be so
much for the better in the long run. How else are you and Harrison going to get
married and have lots of gorgeous babies, after all?”

“You’re incorrigible,” I tell her, resting my cheek on her
slim shoulder. I thank my lucky stars for about the millionth time that Bex is
on this tour with me. It’s one thing to have the man in my life at the ready to
comfort me, but there’s nothing quite like your best girlfriend’s advice when
shit really hits the fan.

There’s another light knock on the door, and Bex goes to
answer it. When she swings open the door, I see Charlie standing there, looking

“Hey,” Bex says warmly, “I was just about to see if you
wanted to grab some coffee.”

“Bex!” Charlie stammers, “Hey. I was. Um...I wanted to see
if Siena had a moment to talk. Alone.”

“I’m not her babysitter,” Bex replies good naturally,
“Siena, you up for another tête-à-tête before we head out?”

“Um...” I murmur, reluctant to be alone with Charlie. We
haven’t really been on speaking terms since I received those illicit photos.

“It’ll only take a minute,” he assures me.

“Well. Yeah, OK,” I agree, moving across the room to the

“See you guys downstairs,” Bex says, laying an affectionate
hand on Charlie’s arm, “You take cream, no sugar, right?”

“Exactly,” Charlie says, smiling. Bex closes the door
quietly behind her and leaves Charlie and I alone at last.

I gaze at my old friend across the room, my heartstrings
twisting painfully. Charlie and I have known each other since we were born. Our
mothers, F1 wives to the core, would tote us around to events and play dates as
a team. So many of my first memories include Charlie Spano and his family.
We’re both Team Ferrelli kids, have been for life. It’s strange to feel so
distant from him, now.

“You look upset,” he says, keeping his distance.

“There’s a lot going on with me right now,” I tell him, “I
can’t really give you much information, but—”

“It’s OK, you don’t need to,” he says, “I actually just...I
came here to apologize, Siena.”

The room sways a bit as I stare at him. What does he have to
apologize to me for? Is he about to come clean as my blackmailer? I swear to God,
if he was behind those photos, I’ll have him singing soprano so fast—

“I’ve been an asshole,” Charlie goes on, “I let what I
thought was jealousy get the best of me, and for that I’m very sorry.”

“What exactly are you referring to, Charlie?” I ask, fighting
to keep my voice level. I’m torn between wanting him to tell me he’s the
blackmailer so we can put the issue to rest, and knowing that I’ll be
heartbroken should he actually be responsible for those photos.

“I mean...everything, Siena,” he says, shoving his hands
into his pockets, “For the way I’ve treated you, since we were kids. I’ve been
groomed to be your watch dog since before I can remember, you know? Everyone’s
always been telling me to look out for you, that we’re supposed to end up
together, that you’re the perfect girl for me.”

“Yeah? I’ve been hearing all that my whole life, too—”

“But you didn’t buy into it,” Charlie says, “I did. I let my
parents, and the team, the entire F1 world tell me how I should feel. I was
just trying to make everyone happy. I’ve been telling myself my whole life that
I’m in love with you, Siena, and it’s not exactly a lie. But the truth is, I
love you like you’re my own flesh and blood. My sister. It hasn’t been jealousy
driving me this whole time, it’s been protectiveness. That’s why I’ve been so
weird and intense this tour, I’m trying to force myself into this role our
families have given me. But it’s just not how I feel, it's not who I want to
be, Siena.”

“You’re aren’t interested in me, romantically?”
I ask.

“No...No, I’m not,” Charlie tells me.

“That’s...wonderful!” I laugh, crossing the room in three
long strides and hugging Charlie tightly as I can. After a faltering moment, he
returns my embrace.

“I knew you’d be relieved,” he begins, “But what—?”

I can’t tell him, of course, why his admission has me so
thrilled. This means that he’d have no real reason to try and set me and
Harrison up to fail! Sure, he’s still a Ferrelli loyalist, but team spirit only
goes so far. I don’t know anything for sure, but my gut tells me that I was
wrong to ever think Charlie would do something so sinister. He’s a boy scout,
for god’s sake. My best guy friend in the world. I should have known better
than to suspect him.

“You’re like a brother to me too, Chuck,” I tell him, pulling
away, “Only took us twenty-five years to sort this out, huh?”

“Well, I guess I had a little bit of help,” he says.

“What do you mean?” I ask.

“Well, lately, I’ve been figuring out what it means to
really fall for someone,” he says with a grin.

“Oh my God, of course!” I exclaim, “You and Bex?”

“That’s right,” he says, “Or, me, anyway. I’ve never met
anyone like her before, Siena. I don’t really know if she feels the same way—”

“But she does,” I tell him, clapping my hands together,
“Don’t you see the way she looks at you?”

“I guess it felt like too much to hope for,” Charlie laughs.

“Don’t be crazy,” I tell him, “You guys would be great for
each other. She’ll put that ego of yours right in place when need be, and
you’ll rein in that devil-may-care thing she does if it gets out of hand.”

“I guess you’re right,” Charlie smiles, “You really think
she’s into me? As more than a season fling, I mean?”

“No offense, Spano,” I say, laying a hand on his shoulder,
“But you’re much more the marrying type than casual fling material.”

“I have no problem with that,” he says, “But thanks, I

“You’re welcome,” I say, “And...You know, I’m sorry too. I
know I’ve been pretty harsh with you this season—”

“Yeah, just a little,” he says sarcastically.

“I was just taking my frustration out on you,” I tell him,
“I can’t really go into specifics, but I’ve been making things a lot harder on
myself lately than they need to be. I guess I was kind of projecting stuff onto
you. I’m sorry.”

“Don’t worry about it,” he says, “Just put in a good word
for me with Bex and we’ll call it even. Now come on. I believe we’ve got a race
to watch.”

Charlie and I head downstairs together and meet up with Bex.
As I watch them, I’m at once relieved and a little saddened. It’s wonderful that
they’re hitting it off so famously. What could be better than having my two
best friends get together? But at the same time, I feel a little lonely, seeing
how easy it is for them. If only Harrison and I had that luxury.

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