Faster Deeper (Take Me...#2) (New Adult Bad Boy Racer Novel) (18 page)

BOOK: Faster Deeper (Take Me...#2) (New Adult Bad Boy Racer Novel)
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 The next weeks unfolds just the way we planned it. We turn
our phones on vibrate, leave the computers shut down, and simply enjoy each
other. In every way. Sure, there’s the occasional take out order, but for the
most part it’s just me and Harrison—enjoying some long overdue privacy at last.

The time winks by in a heartbeat, and soon our week is over.
McClain’s told Harrison that his new car will be ready today, and he has to get
up to start practicing. I roll out of bed as the sun comes up and put coffee on
in the kitchen. Already, this place is starting to feel like home. I’ve
resolved to visit Italy for a couple of days this week to check on my dad, so I
relish every minute of his new morning routine. Harrison hasn’t even stirred
yet when I set the French press to boil and head over to the front door to grab
the newspaper.

wonder if we should have scones or biscuits for breakfast
, I muse
sleepily, pulling my robe around me as I step out onto the porch.

A blinding blaze of flashbulbs assaults my eyes the moment I
swing open the heavy, wooden front door of Harrison’s town house. For a moment,
I’m paralyzed, unable to move a muscle. Camped out in front of Harrison’s home,
home, are
two dozen reporters and photographers, each screaming over the rest.

“Miss Lazio!”

“Over here, Siena!”

I can’t stop staring out at the unexpected swarm of press.
Can’t put one foot in front of the other to beat a quick retreat inside.

“Siena, do you feel you’ve betrayed Team Ferrelli by having
an affair with Harrison Davies?”

“Miss Lazio, do you know who took the pictures that have
been plastered all over the papers today?”

I stoop to pick up today’s newspaper, and sure enough, there
we are. Front page, above the crease: me and Harrison, a half dozen photos of
us. A goddamn collage, really, tracing our entire relationship so far. And
above the photos, the headline reads, “Romeo and Juliet of Formula One Tangled
in Tawdry Tryst”.

I feel a strong hand yanking me back over the doorway. The
voices of the clamoring reporters are silenced as Harrison slams the front door
shut. He grabs the newspaper away from me, looking down at the headline in

“They’ve found us...” he breathes, eyes glued to the front

“How much do you think they know?” I ask, fearfully.

Harrison opens the paper, and a full two-page spread
featuring the two of us is revealed. We trade bewildered glances, entirely at a

“I’m guessing they know plenty,” he says quietly.

I can’t look away from Harrison’s blue eyes as the reporters
call and shout for us outside.

“What are we going to do?” I ask, my voice trembling.

But for once, neither of us has the slightest idea.




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