Fatal Blade (Decker's War#3) (37 page)

BOOK: Fatal Blade (Decker's War#3)
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“Oh crap,” Decker replied after a few moments.  A look of pure anguish came over his face, and he didn’t speak while the shuttle lifted off and raced towards orbit.  “I’m going to kill that bastard.”


“Kal Ryent.  I’ll bet my next paycheck he engineered it so I’d have to pay the promotion round to
’s saloon and senior enlisted mess.  It’ll cost me a bloody fortune.”

“Don’t bet your next paycheck, just use it to buy the round.  I’d have thought a field grade officer could do simple logic problems.  Maybe I should tell the CNI that I was wrong and have them rescind your commission.”

“Would you, pretty please?”  A puppy-like look filled his eyes.

“Not even on a dare.”  She stuck her tongue out at him.  “Now shut up and enjoy the ride,
Decker.  Only lieutenants are allowed to whine.”

“Hey wait a minute,” he said when her quip about logic finally registered.  “If I bet that Kal did it, and he didn’t I lose the paycheck.  If I just go ahead and buy the round without betting, I lose the paycheck anyway.  If Kal did it, I win the bet but still have to buy the round.  That’s not logic, it’s bloody robbery.”

“Now you’re thinking like a senior officer.”  She patted his arm.  “Captain Ulrich will be so proud of you – after he tears you a new one for not only failing to complete the mission he gave us but also for providing Fleet support to a bunch of rebels.”

“You’ll be getting reamed out right along with me. But if we get a week or two in the section’s beach house to relax…”

“Don’t count on it.  He doesn’t like his agents to go on leave with unfinished business hanging over them.  Enjoy the time we have during our transit home.”

“After I get most of the 251
Pathfinder Squadron drunk on my coin.  They’re capable of ruining even the bit of downtime we’ll get if they think I’ve stiffed them.  Pathfinders are a nasty bunch.”

“Don’t I know it?”  Her peal of laughter echoed through the small compartment.  Zack winked at his partner and then sat back with an expression of immense satisfaction softening his features.

“You know,” he said, “all things considered, it’s been a successful mission, except for the minor matter of not figuring out who tried to stir up a small colonial war.”

“True.”  She patted his hand.  “But I wouldn’t worry.  I’m sure the Coalition will give us a reason to go after them again soon enough.”

“That’s what I’m afraid of.”


“Because I’ll be stuck with intelligence until the day I die.  You guys can’t organize a piss-up in a brewery, let alone stop a conspiracy in its tracks.”

“Perhaps, but the universe wouldn’t survive your return to a regular Marine unit, Major Decker, so you’ll just have to grin and bear it.”

“Aye, aye, Commander, sir, and on that note, may I ask if you’ve ever kissed a commissioned Marine before?”

“I have, but never by a major pain in the butt like you.”

“Then it’s time to rectify that little oversight.”

He leaned over and took her chin between his thumb and forefinger.

“You’d never survive without me, honey.”



About the Author


Eric Thomson is the pen name of a retired Canadian soldier with thirty-one years of service, both in the Regular Army and the Army Reserve.  He spent his Regular Army career in the Infantry and his Reserve service in the Armoured Corps.  He currently works as an Information Technology specialist.


Eric has been a voracious reader of science-fiction, military fiction and history all his life. Several years ago, he put fingers to keyboard and started writing his own military sci-fi, with a definite space opera slant, using many of his own experiences as a soldier for inspiration. 


When he's not working at his day job or writing fiction, Eric indulges in his other passions: photography, hiking and scuba diving, all of which he shares with his wife.


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