Fate Forgotten (22 page)

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Authors: J. L. Sheppard

Tags: #paranormal, #Witches, #Demons-Gargoyles

BOOK: Fate Forgotten
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He didn’t get it, didn’t understand how a parent could abandon a child. He couldn’t imagine abandoning his child—even Annie, who technically wasn’t his, he hadn’t been able to deny.

His fated had suffered a lot in her short life: abandoned by her parents, losing her coven. And still she lived happily, or so it seemed. She didn’t allow her losses to cage her, tried as best as she could to move on. Better than him. He lost a lot, but he’d never moved past it. He lived consumed by anger and the futile idea of revenge. Only Annie had been able to tear him away from that meaningless life.

“I’m sorry, Val.”

“Don’t be. It’s not your fault.” She shrugged. “You can’t miss something you never knew. It worked out for the best. I was loved and cared for deeply. My coven was my family.”

“I’m sorry about that, too. You must miss them a lot.”

Her eyes misted, making him hate that he’d brought it up.

“I do,” she admitted. “At first, I didn’t want to get out of bed. Ashley sat by my bedside and talked to me for hours, sharing things about her life, about Clyde, and her sisters. Some days, I hated it. It reminded me of the family I had and lost. Other times, it was a great distraction.”

She smiled. “She described them so well I knew who Jocelyn and Landon were before being introduced. Then one day, I met Annie and…” Her words trailed off.

“And you fell hard and fast.”

She chuckled. “I did. She’s so happy and cheerful, then I found out what had happened to her parents…I thought…if Annie can go on, then maybe I can manage the strength too.”

“You’re beautiful,” he whispered.

Her gaze darted to his bare chest. “I’m not the one who’s been ogled all day.”

Right there for a split second, he read it in her tone, felt it. Jealousy. Granted, she felt nowhere near what he did seeing men check her out, but it was something. “Lucky for you, Annie’s with us. Otherwise, I would’ve been tempted to bash every male’s head in.”


He shook his head. “Really, sweetheart? You think I’m the only one who notices you?”

Her eyes softened. Every time he called her “sweetheart,” they softened that way. “Yes, the only one who…Every woman…”

He smiled. “Go on. I want to know.”

She flushed. “Maybe you shouldn’t know. I don’t want you to get a big head.”

“I’ll make you a deal,” he said. “From now on, we’ll hold hands, that way everyone knows we belong to each other. I’ll be less tempted to assault random males, and you won’t have to worry about women ogling me.” He didn’t think it would work. Men would still look. Beyond beautiful: her face, her hair, her legs, her assets…all of her, a knockout, but at least he’d be touching her, holding her.

“What makes you think I’ll like that deal?” The teasing sound of her voice and the smile on her lips—gorgeous.

“You’ll love it.”

“Jake,” she said, now serious. “We can’t. Annie—”

“Annie’s resilient. She knows I love her, that I’d never leave her. She knows you love her, that you want her, too. Trust me.”

She shook her head. “I don’t think it’s a good idea.”

“It’s a great idea, and if you don’t give in, you’ll force me to steal kisses throughout the day.”

Her teasing smile returned. “You wouldn’t dare, especially in front of Annie.”

He grinned. “Try me.”

Chapter 23

With the sun shining bright overhead, sweat beaded on Valerie’s brow. She wiped it away. Perspiration dripped between her breasts and down her back. She spared a glance at Jake. Doing no better, he looked like he’d taken a dip in a pool, his shirt soaked.

Annie seemed oblivious to the heat. She pointed to the fishes flopping on the sand. Nearing sundown, the ocean receded quickly, stranding fish on the shore. “Uncle Jake, Val!”

Val had enjoyed four full days of sun and sand, four amazing days with Annie and Jake. She’d enjoyed the nights, too, especially the nights. After Annie went to bed, she and Jake stayed up and talked about anything and everything, talks that always ended in very heated make-out sessions. Despite thinking each night would be
night he’d take it farther, he never did. Always right before she felt like she might explode, he stopped, wrapped his strong arms around her back, buried his face in her throat, and held her. He held her until she stopped shaking, until her heartbeat slowed, until she drifted to sleep. She wasn’t sure if he held her all night since she slept through the night, never woke once, but she knew he moved her to the bed. When she woke, he was cuddled close, one or both of his arms wrapped around her. Usually, she woke and he lay behind her, his arm around her waist in a vise grip, not hurting her, but no way could she move him, even in his sleep. The moment she tried, he woke, burying his face in her neck. She came to realize he loved doing that. She didn’t know why, but he did it a lot.

Despite sleeping beside her and making out, he hadn’t taken it farther. He touched her, her breasts, her rear, and thighs, practically everywhere except where she really wanted him to, where she needed him to. Granted, he touched her everywhere over her clothes. Again, he never took it farther. After four days and five nights, she’d begun to think maybe she was doing something wrong. He made it clear
didn’t want to take it farther, and she made it clear
wanted him to.

Not to mention, he threatened to steal kisses, agreed they’d hold hands, but he hadn’t tried to do either in public. She was fine with that. She thought it best for Annie’s sake, but disappointing nonetheless. It didn’t help women stared at him, constantly. Not just women, but beautiful, tall, voluptuous women. Blondes, brunettes, redheads…so many. She swore she’d never seen so many beautiful women. In fact, she’d never been so jealous or felt so lacking.

“Did you see? Did you see, Val?” Annie asked, drawing her back to the present.

Valerie’s gaze cut behind Annie to the beautiful blonde who stopped to gawk at Jake. She tried to ignore it, then took a deep breath, and looked at Annie. “Yeah, sweetheart. I saw.”

A beaming Annie drew her net to the sand, catching the struggling fish, then ran to the waterline and tossed it in.

Jake grabbed her hand, dragged her to Annie. On their way, he stopped in front of the gawking blonde and handed her his phone. “You mind taking a picture of us?”

The woman snapped out of her inane state and nodded.

Closing the distance between them and Annie, her hand firmly in his, they turned toward the blonde. He wrapped his arm around her waist, pressing her tight against his side. Leaning into her, he whispered, “We’re a family now.”

Fighting the flutter of butterflies in her stomach, Val smiled. He then positioned Annie in front of them, his hand on her shoulder, holding her close to them both.

The blonde walked to them, handing Jake his phone, and said, “I took a couple.”

Jake spared a glance at the blonde. “Thanks.” His gaze went to Val. He cupped her cheek. “Did I tell you, you look beautiful tonight, sweetheart?”

Her heart swelled. She shook her head.

“You do. You look beautiful all the time.”

Out of nowhere now, he showed affection in public. Did he mean it? Really mean it? Or was it because he knew she was jealous, because he felt how jealous? Was that what the whole display was about?

Looking away from him, she whispered, “Um…thanks.”

He felt her discomfort, her embarrassment, her confusion, and probably all the horrible things she thought, too. He proved it when he immediately looked at Annie and said, “And you, pupa, are more beautiful than anyone in the whole galaxy.”

Jake then wrapped one arm around her, another around Annie. “Both my girls, beautiful.”

Only then did the blonde finally walk away.

“I’m tired,” Annie said.

Jake and Val had both been more careful when it came to Annie. They took breaks, twice a day headed back into their hotel room and relaxed, away from the mass of people at the beach. Sometimes, when Annie really wanted to stay out instead, Val perfected a spell that seemed to help, blocking other peoples’ emotions. It didn’t last long though, only a couple of hours. That day, the hotel hosted a sandcastle competition. Annie hadn’t wanted to miss it, so they went. Val spelled her, which helped, but it also meant Annie hadn’t napped like she usually did.

“Come here, pupa.”

Jake grabbed Annie under her arms and lifted her easily. He settled her, carrying her with just one arm under her butt. Annie’s face pressed to her uncle’s chest, her arms around his neck. No doubt in Val’s mind, very soon Annie would be asleep.

As she thought that, Jake reached for her hand. Surprised and still unsure what to think about the scene that played out before, Val flinched.

In an instant, his whole demeanor changed. He projected it, and she felt it. He released her hand, but he didn’t say a word.

The entire way back, a rather long walk since it was a lengthy sandy beach, she worried. She’d offended him and hadn’t meant to. But she wanted his affection because he wanted to give it, not because she’d gotten jealous.

They entered the hotel room. He disappeared into the second bedroom where he laid Annie on her bed. When he reappeared, his dark eyes on her, that stark determined look in them made her pause. Unconsciously, she took a step away.

He chuckled humorlessly, materializing inches from her. His masculine scent swept through her.

“Why are you so afraid of me?”

She shook her head but didn’t get a chance to deny it.

“I know we didn’t get off to a good start. I know I have a temper. I’m far from perfect, and I have Annie. It complicates everything, but I’ll be good to you. I’ll be the best anyone’s ever been. So tell me, will you never forgive me or are you always going to be afraid of me?”

“I don’t know why you’re upset—”

His jaw went hard. “Yeah, you do. I reached for you, and you cringed like I’m some a stranger or worse like I repulse you.”

He had to be joking. Even during his fits of rage, he managed to make her want him. “You just caught me by surprise.”

“Bullshit.” His temper rising, but she had to give him credit. He reined in his anger, shielding it from her. Even so, his tone and the vein pulsing at the base of his neck were a dead giveaway.

She took a deep breath, mumbled a spell under her breath, creating a sound barrier around Annie’s room in case he lost the thin hold he had over his temper.

“Tell me, Valerie.”

“I already told you, and I don’t lie.” She didn’t. She offended him, yes, but she hadn’t meant it. No reason to be so angry. If she was right, then she had reason to be angry.

“You’re holding it against me.”

Her brows drew together. “What?”

“You know what…the first time we met. I was mean and intimidating. Your words, not mine. Then I got jealous and insulted you. Are you going to hold that against me forever?”

News to her. “Wait. When were you jealous?”

He exhaled, then ran his hands through his hair. “The day after you watched Annie, I went into your apartment so you’d braid Annie’s hair. You were wearing a male’s shirt. Nathan showed up. I thought it was his. I thought maybe you were together, then I said…”

He had told her then, but she’d easily disregarded it, assuming he said it to soften her.

“I told you then I forgave you. Whether or not I wanted to didn’t matter.”

Releasing a loaded breath, he nodded. “That’s all?”

No, it wasn’t. “No.”

His eyes darkened, but he didn’t snap, didn’t talk over her. He waited for her to speak.

She wasn’t so sure how to say out loud how she felt. “I…Did…What was that all about?”

“What was what all about?”

“The picture on the beach, telling me I’m beautiful…Why did you do that?”

He frowned.

Her cheeks heated, and then she blurted, “Because I was jealous?” She shook her head. “Just so you know, you being able to feel everything I do is an unfair advantage, and I don’t like it.”

He reared back, then leaned into her, close, too close. “You being able to fry me with a flick of your wrist is an unfair advantage.”

“You turn demon. I don’t even know what a turned demon looks like, but I’ve heard stories. I doubt any magic could control you in a turned state.”

“Bullshit. We’re stronger, yes. We’re harder to control, yes. But you’ve got magic. Your spells won’t work full force, but they’ll work.”

Her eyes widened.

He smiled. “If you can manage to spell us, before we get to you.”

Yep. Totally unfair advantage. Witches and warlocks weren’t the strongest of the immortal breeds or the fastest. In fact, they were looked down on because they weren’t as strong or fast and their senses weren’t as acute. Still harder to kill than mortals, still immortal in the sense they didn’t age and die like mortals, but seen as inferior nonetheless.

“Sharing all your secrets with the enemy?”

He burst out laughing. Strong, deep, loud, and beautiful, she couldn’t do anything but stare. The most beautiful sound she’d ever heard.

When he finished, he took a deep breath then released it. “If I don’t kiss you now, I’ll die.”

Her heart clenched. The man had a way with words. She tentatively placed her hands on his chest.

“Let me kiss you.”

“I thought you’d just take them from now on, since I didn’t agree to your deal.”

“I was bluffing. I can’t take anything from you.”

She rose on the balls of her feet and cupped his cheek, pulling him toward her, then planted her lips on his.


His lips on hers, more magical than all the power she held inside her, than all the power in the world.

He nibbled on her lower lip, softly urging her to part her lips until she did. His tongue darted into her mouth, making her feel like he’d been starving for her. She returned the kiss, stroking his tongue, his lips, her hands digging into his neck. Their tongues entwined, each caress stronger and more powerful than the last.

His hands gripped her hips, drawing her toward him until their bodies seemed fused. She moaned and fisted his hair, tugging him closer to deepen their kiss.

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