Fate War: Alliance (36 page)

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Authors: E.M. Havens

BOOK: Fate War: Alliance
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Ravana stood by the entry doors and gingerly smoothed her coiffed and curled raven hair with gloved hands. No need to be disrespectful just because your guest was an oaf. She pinched her cheeks to appear fresh and flush, then stood tall, hands folded before her. The Prince was to arrive at noon and it was now time.

The minutes passed and Mistress Ravana’s patience wore thin. Even for a Prince five minutes late was unacceptable. Her displeasure grew with each second that ticked by. A new wave of young women replaced those that had occupied the entry room as classes changed over, but Madam Ravana maintained her vigil and composure.

At twenty-three past twelve the glass-paned entry doors burst open. Ravana jumped in surprise and disgust as Prince Cole sauntered in. He did not look Princely in the least and it left her at a loss for words. He wore black from head to toe. Long strands of dark hair snuck from beneath his bowler hat and he had a goatee. Repulsive.

“Head Mistress Ravana I presume?” he snarled.

The Prince didn’t even take the hand she proffered. Instead, he swaggered into the room looking it over like he owned it as a group of seven men entered behind him. The clink of metal buckles and swish of fabric were the only sounds as all industry in the room ceased. The men were all dressed exactly the same and took up a guard stance around the room, arms crossed and faces straight.

“Ladies. May I have your attention please,” Prince Cole bellowed and tossed the flaps of his rain coat back to plant his hands on his hips. He needn’t address them so. Each girl stared at the intruders, mesmerized. “I am not sorry to announce that Madam Lamont’s Finishing School is now closed.”

Not even a shocked sigh was uttered from the enraptured girls.

“What?” Ravana screeched. She knew she shouldn’t speak to royalty, but this prince was acting anything but.

Prince Cole crossed his arms and glared at her. “Closed,” he condescended. “But not to worry ladies, a new school will be opening in its place,” the prince continued but kept Ravana locked in his sea green gaze. “Our country is in need of trained medics. The school, which will be housed in this building, will be open to both men and women regardless of class. Scholarships will be available for those with desire and merit.”

“Scandalous,” Ravana gasped.

The Prince approached her in that haughty gait of his and stopped mere inches from her face and whispered, “And you are relieved of your employment. You’ll no longer have the opportunity to torture innocent women in order to mold them to your idea of perfection.”

So this was how it would be. Ravana had hoped the Princess would be returned willingly, but other arrangements could be made. If this was how she left Arborea so be it, but she would prove a point on her way out.

“You suit each other. Brutish Prince and bawdy Princess.”

“You will not speak ill of the princess.” The prince’s whisper was barely controlled, and his fist balled at his side. She thought one more push should take him over the unrefined edge. If he would strike her in public, her point would be proven once and for all. She lifted her chin in defiance and also to make a better target.

“Princess? I owe no allegiance to that thing you pass as a wom – “

The sting of a hand across her cheek signaled victory and she slowly turned back to the prince to bask in her glory. Cole was not who stood before her now though. Between them, Princess Samantha had appeared and her hand was poised in the after strike. Damn it. It wasn’t the prince who had struck her.

“You have twenty four hours to leave this building and three days to leave this country,” the princess spat. “Your words and actions have branded you a traitor to both Arborea and Perspicia. Should you ever return you will be executed on sight. Do I make myself clear?”

Well the little slag-hag had found some mettle after all. Ravana stared deep into those fiery green eyes of her one-time charge. She waited to see if any of the training had taken root or if all their hard work failed. The tension mounted as the seconds ticked by and Ravana saw the men to the side of her moving their hands to their swords. Still hers and princess’s eyes remained locked.

Then there it was. A flicker of hope in the pupils of her project. Yes, there had been some progress after all.

“Yes, Princess. I understand.” Ravana bowed her head in supplication and turned to her quarters. Finally she could leave this place. Finally she was done in this backward, barbaric country. She could return to her love, her Sovereign.

Table of Contents

Title Page



Thank You


Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 17

Chapter 18

Chapter 19

Chapter 20

Chapter 21

Chapter 22

Chapter 23

Chapter 24

Chapter 25

Chapter 26

Chapter 27


Fate War: Kings and Queens

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