Fated (20 page)

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Authors: Alexandra Anthony

BOOK: Fated
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I turned my head slightly to kiss his lips softly. “I only had to wait a few weeks to find you.  I can't
imagine having to wait years to meet you.  When I saw you that night on the beach, I can't describe what I felt.  It was...powerful, like we had an instant connection.  My body knew you were the one, Stefan.  My head was just harder to convince.”

“I love you, vackra.  Now sleep.”  He kissed my temple gently.

“I love you. So very much,” I mumbled, my eyes heavy as I struggled to stay awake.

“Stay with me, Josephine.  Forever.”
Stefan's soft mental voice was the last thing I remembered hearing as I drifted off to sleep.


The salty smell of the ocean and faint sounds of waves were the first thing I heard when I woke.  Stretching slightly, I opened my eyes to see Stefan's side of the bed empty.  I reached an arm to pull his pillow against me, curving my body around it.  His scent was lingering there, musky and alluring.  I released a sigh against the pillow, letting my mind drift to picture him laying beside of me.  His long, lean body would be stretched naked across the bed.  I imagined his handsome face inches from mine as he leaned down to kiss me.  His sea blue eyes would be sparkling and his mouth would be soft, the blond stubble darkening his strong, square jaw line.  Our lips would meet and time would stop.

Letting out a groan, I mentally doused myself with cold water.

Closing my eyes, I pressed my face against the pillow and my mind relaxed as I started to drift off to sleep again.  I was jolted awake when I felt the bed move and Stefan's cool, naked body press against my back.  His fingers skimmed across my skin to palm my full breasts in his large hands as he nuzzled my neck with his nose.

“I could sense you were awake.  Your thoughts were titillating and I could smell your arousal.”
His mental voice whispered into my mind, soft and alluring.

Instinctively I pressed back against him, letting my head fall back to rest against his shoulder, my ass pressing into hardness of his cock.  One of his hands grasped my leg, pulling it back slightly to drape over his hip.  His fingers ran up the outside of my thigh, brushing across my hip bones to descend to explore the wetness of my slick, hot folds.  His mouth moved to place wet kisses on my neck, leaving a burning trail from the feel of his mouth on my skin.  I boldly arched against him again, a small moan escaping from my lips.

“Vackra, I cannot resist you. The feel of your skin....”

Without waiting for a response, he sheathed himself inside of me and a growl of pleasure escaped from his throat.  He withdrew almost completely and then thrust his hips to bury himself back inside of my moist, tight pussy.  He began to move again in slower, fuller strokes as he rocked his hips against me languidly.

“You are so hot and tight, Josephine.  Jag älskar knulla dig.  Din fitta är såvåt.”

I cried out as I pressed against him.  Our rhythm was slow, his body taking the time to explore mine as one hand continued to palm my breasts with relish, the other rubbing small circles over
my swollen clit.  He was slow and methodical as we moved together, neither of us wanting the intimacy of the moment to end.

“Stefan...” I moaned softly, my body writhing against the firm and erotic feel of his hands on my skin.  I couldn't hold back as I began to clench around him, causing his speed to increase, his thrusts long and deep.  The slickness of my flushed skin slid against the silky hardness of his body, the coolness of his flesh against my own was intoxicating.

“Ah, vackra.  The way you feel makes me want to eat you alive.”

His sexy mental words sent waves of electricity throughout my body, causing all lucid thoughts to leave my mind.  My hands moved backwards to roughly grab his thick, blond hair.  His lips drifted down my arm and his fangs scraped against my sensitive skin.

Don't stop, Stefan...”
I released another wanton moan, my hips grinding against him with more force.  My heart was thudding in my chest and my breath was coming in gasps.

I will never stop fucking you.”
Stefan's hips bucked to accent each word he thought to me.

His fingers moved faster over my clit.  His hips began to frantically drive faster inside of my pussy and our voices blended together in a symphony of sensual moans.  We continued to move in perfect harmony together, I answered each of his thrusts with a slight roll of my hips, pressing harder against the rigidness of his cock inside of me.

Waves of ecstasy started to course through my body, my inner walls constricting, rhythmically clamping around him as my powerful orgasm overtook me.  I turned my neck to the side, exposing my throat to him.

“I want to feel you bite me when I come, Stefan.”

His tongue ran over my neck and then I felt the sting of his fangs sinking into my skin.  A broken cry fell from my lips as I clenched around him, shuddering in bliss.  Stefan's hips moved erratically against me as he emptied inside of me, his mouth sucking gently against my neck.  I felt his fangs retract only to be replaced by his tongue, lazily licking over the slowly disappearing puncture marks.

Slowly rolling to face him, our lips met in a tender kiss.  Our tongues tangled together softly, reflecting the closeness of the moment we had shared.  My hands ran along the length of his lean, muscled back to palm his toned ass, my leg moving to rest over his hip.  His large hands spread across the small of my back, pressing me tightly against his chest.

My mouth left his to nestle my forehead against the crook of his neck and I sighed into the coolness of his skin, savoring the sweetness of the moment.

The only sound in the room was our breathing, my steady heartbeat and the sound of the waves breaking in the distance.  His fingers gently stroked the curve of my thigh against him, his touch tender and reverent.

“I spoke with my contact with the Council via e-mail last night.  He will let me know what he discovers.”  Stefan's voice was still husky as it broke the silence that had settled over the room.

“Stefan, he can be trusted, right?” I asked uneasily.  The last thing I needed was a vampire with a big mouth to start asking questions that needed immediate answers.  Questions that I didn't really want to answer.

“Of course.  I have known him for 300 years, Josephine.”

“It just makes me nervous, Stefan.  I trust you, I just don't trust him.”

Reluctantly pulling out of his embrace, I stretched lazily as I walked into the bathroom. I froze as my eyes went blank and my mind misted over as a vision flashed in my head.  I could see myself having dinner with Anna and Georgia, then a brief glimpse of myself on a crowded dance floor with them both, my head thrown back in laughter.  The vision went hazy, blackness creeping around the edges to cloud the rest of the vision.

Shaking my head, I ran my fingers through my tangled hair.  It was apparent I was going to be seeing Anna and Georgia tonight.  The blackness to vision meant Stefan or Lukas was involved.   I just hoped that Georgia could manage to not anger the sexy beast in the other room for one night.

By the way, Lukas is back.  He planned an outing for all of us this evening.  Something about drinks and dancing.” 
Stefan's mental voice floated into my thoughts, a slight hint of humor coloring his words.

“Yeah, yeah.  Psychic human here, remember?” I grumbled, walking across the bathroom to turn on the water in the shower.

I suddenly had the urge to crawl back into bed with Stefan and pull the covers over our head, groaning as I thought about dealing with Anna and Georgia's curiosity and their never-ending questions.  Add Lukas to the equation and it was the perfect storm of annoyance and frustration.  I stomped my foot in anger before I could stop myself.

“Can't you make Lukas cancel the plans?  You're kind of like his Dad, right?”

I could hear Stefan's loud laughter to my question from the other room.  I was glad someone found this situation humorous.


Chapter 9

Letting out a deep sigh of frustration, I finished applying my makeup in the large mirror.  I was still irritated that I had an evening planned out for me, even down to the small details of my clothing.  I'd spoken to Anna earlier in the day about our dinner plans.  The only thing that made this night bearable was knowing at some point in the evening Stefan and Lukas would meet up with us for drinks and dancing.

I rolled my eyes in the mirror as I thought of how excited Lukas was about going out as a group.  He was as giddy as a school girl going on her first date, bouncing with enthusiasm as he picked through my closet, finding me the perfect outfit.

My thoughts drifted back to the events earlier in the day, my fingers absently running through the tousled waves of my hair.

 A yoga mat was rolled out on the sunny patio and I was standing in the Extended Hand-to-Big-Toe pose, my breathing even and slow.  Stefan's long body was stretched languidly in the lounge chair facing me and his sunglass covered eyes observed every movement of my body.  We hadn't exchanged a word but the air was heavy with controlled lust.  He never took his eyes off of me, his gaze heated as I moved from one pose to the next.  More than once I'd seen him stroke himself through his shorts.

Lukas appeared on the patio beside of my mat. “So this is why Stefan can't stay away from you.  I didn't think humans could be that flexible.”

“Lukas.” The solitary word coming from Stefan's lips resonated with quiet power.  Lukas pursed his lips, impatiently putting his hands on his hips.

I glanced over to see Lukas and Stefan's eyes locked in a silent conversation.  Lukas finally gave into him, rolling his eyes and sticking his tongue out at Stefan defiantly.

“Josie, are you finished doing your contortion routine?  Will you come with me?”  Lukas questioned, his voice going up an octave in his excitement.  He was bouncing on the balls of his feet, his eyes gleaming.  I knew I might as well get this over with instead of dragging it out.

“Go with him, vackra.  Resistance is futile.”

My head snapped around to stare at Stefan, my eyebrows raising in surprise.  “
You're quoting Star Trek now?”

A quiet laugh shook his broad chest.  He crossed his arms behind his head and reclined further in the chair, the muscles in his arms and chest rippling with the movement.  A broad smirk broke across his chiseled face.

“There is much you do not know about me.  I am a man of intrigue.”

Snorting, I lowered my leg to the ground.  I bent over and rolled up the mat, placing it on a small table.  I put my hands on my hips in mock annoyance and my mental voice was matter-of-fact when I sent him my thoughts.

“Technically you're not a 'man', Stefan.  And I know enough about you to safely say you're full of smart-assed arrogance.”

Lukas was a blur of movement as he grabbed my arm, pulling me along with him as he led me quickly into the house.  I was struggling to keep up with his speed and long strides as he dragged me along behind him.

He pushed me into Stefan's bedroom, his hands proudly gesturing to a pile of bags on the bed.  An immense smile was spreading across his handsome, aristocratic face.

“You wanted to show me bags?  Lukas...” I said, a frown darkening my face as I gave him a look of contempt.  I wasn't in the mood to play games with him.

Lukas dramatically rolled his eyes at me and let out a deep sigh. “Not the bags, Josie.  Let me show what's
of the bags.”

Watching with wide eyes, my mouth dropped as Lucas began pulling clothes of varying color and style out of the bags.  I lost track of the number of dresses, blouses and jeans he tossed on the bed, gasping as I watched him start to stack shoe boxes on the floor.  My eyes took note that all of the tags and boxes were from expensive designers and stores.

“Lukas, what the hell is all of this?”  I swept my hand, gesturing to the piles of clothing stacked on the bed.  He was digging through yet another bag, stopping to glance up at me with a look of exasperation on his refined face.

“I was so excited yesterday that I went shopping with Anna.  You need dressier clothing, Josie.  You can't live in tank tops and yoga pants,”  Lukas said pointedly, his eyes critically sweeping over my outfit.

Stunned by his bluntness, I walked with trepidation to the edge of the bed, eying the clothes with confusion.   My fingers drifted over the piles of clothing and I felt the flush of anger spread across my face.

“Why do I need all of this, Lucas? I have plenty of clothes and the last thing I need is a personal shopper,”  I muttered through clenched teeth.

Lucas sat down on the edge of the bed, crossing his legs and staring at me with his icy blue eyes.  He wrapped his long fingers around his knee.  He turned his head to the side, silently staring at me.  A small smile touched his thin lips.

“You need this for many reasons, Josie.  You've been living a half of a life and hiding from who you are for some reason.  And you don't have to tell me why that is.”  He put up his hand, sighing.  His eyes became distant as if lost in a memory. “I can relate to you in many ways.  I was considered an outcast when I was a human so I was forced to hide what I truly was.  Being a homosexual man wasn't an acceptable thing to be when I was a human.  Stefan saw past that and chose to be my friend.  The two of you are obviously going to be together so I thought we should also be friends.”

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