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Authors: Alexandra Anthony

Fated (22 page)

BOOK: Fated
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She shrugged her shoulders, a large grin breaking over her face. “If this is what you want, I support you.  Hunky is easy on the eyes and if he makes you happy, I'm happy.”

“Can you please call him Stefan, Georgia?  Hunky just sounds wrong.”  I narrowed my eyes at Georgia and felt my lips curve into a small smile.

“Stefan.  Hunky.  Whatever.” Georgia waved me off dismissively, focusing her attention on the contents of her purse.

“If the drama portion of the evening is over, can we move on to the fun part of the night?  I feel like dancing,” Anna said, making a motion with her hand to their waiter for the check.

“Ooh, I am!  Let's go, there are men to conquer.” Georgia clapped her hands with enthusiasm. 

The check was settled and we made our way to the back of the building.  I could already hear the music playing, the thumping sound of dance music assaulting my ears as we stepped into the darkened club.  Neon lights were flashing and it took a moment for us to adjust to the combination of the darkness of the club and the random flashing lights.  My eyes scanned the room, watching people writhing and moving against each other on the already crowded dance floor.

“Let's get a drink!”  Anna yelled over the music, grabbing our arms and pulling us towards the bar area.  Anna leaned across the bar, placing their drink order.  A few moments later she pressed a glass into our hands, smiling wickedly.  “Sex on the Beach!”

I downed my drink in two large swallows.  After barely surviving the dinner fiasco and being overwhelmed with the crowd, I needed the liquid courage.  Placing my empty glass on the edge of the bar, I followed Georgia and Anna towards the dance floor without any hesitation.  The alcohol had loosened my normal resistance to dancing, I actually found myself enjoying the music, my body moving in time to the pounding beat.

“I can't believe you're dancing with us.  Hunky must be doing something right if we can get you out on the dance floor.  “Georgia leaned in to yell in my ear.  I threw back my head, letting a laugh escape.  My laughter stopped when I felt cool, strong hands wrap around my waist and my back came into contact with a hard, muscular chest.  My body pressed against him as he moved closer against me.

“Josephine, I see you started without me.” Stefan leaned over to whisper against my ear, his voice spreading over me like warm honey, cloying and smooth.  Our bodies moved as one, his hips pushing against me as we swayed to the music.

It was if the whole crowd disappeared around us, the air around us seemed charged with electricity.  I let out a moan as his large hands roamed across my body, drifting from my arms to lightly brush my across my breasts, going lower to grip my hips as I moved against him.  My arms lifted to wind around his neck, my head falling back against his shoulder as we writhed against each other seductively in time to the music.

The song changed to a slower, pulsing beat.  He spun me around to face him and I felt my dress creeping up my leg as his strong thigh slipped between my legs.  I ran my fingers through his thick, blond hair and my arms draped around his shoulders, our hips grinding together sensually.  We were acting out publicly what we did behind closed doors.  We moved together flawlessly.

Every cell in my being was screaming out for more and my need for him was flickering over my body like flames scorching my skin.  I was aching to feel more than just his hands on me.  Reading my mind, his lips covered mine hungrily and his tongue delved into the heat of my mouth.  Our tongues twisted lazily against each other, sending darts of desire though me.  His grip on me tightened as our kiss deepened, his hands wandering down my back and slightly cupping my ass with his large hands.  I groaned into his mouth when I felt the hardness of his cock press against my hip.

“Jesus H. Christ.  Get a fucking room!”  Lukas snapped, grabbing my shoulder and shaking me.  Lukas' abrupt words caused everything to come back into focus around us.  I flinched as the loud music and the din of the crowd assaulted my ears.

Disappointed, I let out a heavy sigh as Stefan pulled his lips from mine.  I glanced up at him, our eyes locking in the darkness of the room.  There was a spark of mischief in them and his lips were curved in a wicked smile.

“That was nothing, vackra.  Either we find a dark corner so I can fuck you, or we leave.  Soon.” 
His mental words caused a shiver of excitement to run down my spine.  I was frantically trying to think of a way to escape with Stefan.  I'd had enough of this kind of fun for one evening.

“Here's another drink, honey.  After that little display I think you need it.  Hell, I don't even smoke and I think I need a cigarette.” Georgia pressed a glass in my hand, a look of astonishment on her face.  The emotions resonating from Georgia were easy to read: she was slightly jealous, happy and extremely turned on after watching our floor show.

“I had to break them up earlier tonight before you left for dinner.  They're a bad influence on my pure, virginal mind,” Lukas pouted, his voice whiny.  He placed the back of his hand across his eyes dramatically, his face a mask of mock pain.

“Bitch, please.  You need to save that line for people that don't know you.  There is nothing virginal
pure about your mind,” Anna said as she grabbed his arm, pulling him behind her on the dance floor. “Come on, buttercup.  Let's dance.”

Stefan had a look of amusement on his face as he watched them disappear into the crowd. He looked down at me, his mouth twitching at the corners. “I like your Anna.  She is a ball-buster.”  Stefan laughed, the sound booming above the noise of the crowd.

His loud laughter drew the attention of many people who began turning around to look for the man that matched the sexy voice.  I could see the mixture of desire and envy on many of the faces of men and women alike as they took in Stefan's impressive frame.  Jealously tugged at me, even though I understood their attraction to him.  He was more gorgeous than usual tonight, his six-foot-four muscular frame towered over the crowd and the white dress shirt stretched across the expanse of his massive chest.  His legs were long and his tight jeans hugged his muscled thighs.

Desire coiled in the pit of my stomach as I shamelessly admired him.  I fought the need to rip his shirt off to let my tongue run over the sinewy muscles hidden underneath the fabric.  Sighing deeply, I knew I needed to pull myself together before I started searching out dark corners to have my way with him.

Stefan's face spread into a wide grin.  He'd been listening to my internal dialogue and not only was enjoying it, he was relishing in my desire for him.

I took a long drink from the glass I'd been holding, wincing as the alcohol burned my throat as I swallowed. Glancing down and the glass and back up to her, I wrinkled my nose. “What the hell is this, Georgia?  It tastes like pure alcohol.”

“It's a Long Island Ice Tea, honey.  Drink up.”  Georgia clinked her glass against mine in a mock toast.  “Stefan, I'm glad to see you decided to come back.  Hopefully you'll invest in a phone that works while you're away doing your business.”

Gasping, I looked at Georgia in disbelief.  I couldn't believe she'd say something like that to deliberately antagonize him.  I was finished trying to defend her.  She was on her own now.

A tense silence settled over us, thick and heavy.  The music was loud, people laughing and dancing around us.  All I could feel was the pounding of my heart and the uneasiness that had fallen over the conversation.  Stefan's torso slightly stiffened beside of me, his normally handsome face becoming severe as anger darkened his features.  I wrapped my free arm around him, my fingers caressing his side.

I pushed my mental thoughts to him, sincere and full of emotion.  “
Hey, remember that I love you.  And we're past this, even if Georgia isn't, Stefan.  It doesn't matter what she thinks. You're better than this petty bullshit.”

His tense muscles relaxed minutely after hearing my mental words.  Our eyes met and a small smile broke across on my face.  There was still anger shadowing his face but his eyes softened slightly as he looked at me.  His gaze stayed locked on my face as he spoke to Georgia.  His voice was absolutely emotionless and the expression on his face was hard as he started to speak.

“Georgia, once again you find it necessary to meddle in Josephine's affairs.  Our relationship has nothing do with you or your feelings.  I owe you no explanations, Georgia.  I love her and I will spend the rest of our time together making up for my mistakes.”

Georgia swallowed hard, her face paling under the weight of his words.  Her eyes glittered with anger as she looked at him.  “Here's the thing, Stefan,”  Georgia spat at him with venom in her voice, causing his head to snap sharply to look at her.  “You didn't see her.  When I walked into her house the night you left, she was a mess.  She was thinking you were just another person that had abandoned her.  All she could do was say ‘He's gone.’”  I had to struggle to hear her voice over the music even though I knew Stefan didn't have the same issue.  Georgia let her eyes wander over the crowd before returning her red-rimmed eyes to him. “So maybe you're right, Stefan.  Your relationship doesn't have to do anything with me.  But I won't see her broken like that again.”

Stefan grimaced at her words and turned to look at me, his eyes filled with a mixture of dread and curiosity.  Shrugging my shoulders, I let my mind flash back to the day I thought he'd left me and the conversation I'd had with Georgia in my living room.  My eyes closed on their own accord, the painful memory almost too much to bear.

“You gotta tell me something, Josie.  Did you and Stefan have a fight?”  Georgia asked, her eyes questioning.  She rubbed my arm softly, sighing heavily.  She was obviously at a loss as to what to do and I wasn't giving her much to work with.

Shaking my head, my face was expressionless.  “A fight,” I snorted, running my fingers through my tangled hair for what had to be the 50th time of the day. “No, I don't know what the hell is going on, Georgia.  Normally if he goes somewhere, he leaves me a note.  There's no note.  He's gone,” I paused for a moment as the realization of my own words sunk in.  My voice cracked when I was finally able to speak again.  “He's gone.”

“Honey, he could be at the store.  Or home.  Maybe he's running errands or doing something besides being up your ass.”  Georgia waved her hand in dismissal.  “Men are a dime a dozen.  There's a hundred of him out there, Josie.  You shouldn't be tied down anyway.  You're young and…”

“I don't want a hundred other men, Georgia,” I snapped, my eyes stinging with tears.  “I want
.  I finally find him and now he's gone.”

“Holy fucking hell. You love him?” Georgia asked, her voice incredulous and raising in volume. “You
him?!  Josie, what the fuck?”

I came out of the recollection with a deep gasp like I'd been under water for too long. 
 It made all of the fear and doubt I had pushed away resurface, my chest clenching in pain at the memory.

“I will never leave her like that again, Georgia.  That I can promise you.  Can you tell the others we are leaving?” His voice was thick with emotion and his handsome face was grim.  “Please.”

Georgia nodded, pulling me to her in a hug.  She pulled away, kissing me on the cheek briefly.  She shot Stefan a sharp look before disappearing into the crowd.

Stefan's fingers intertwined with mine as we made our way through the crowd, his shoulders tight with anxiety.  He was silent as we walked to his car, the only sound were my heels as they clicked out a staccato rhythm on the pavement.  He pulled me along and my legs struggled to keep up with his long, purposeful strides.  He opened the door for me, swiftly closing it behind me after I settled into the car.  Seconds later he was in the seat beside of me and his eyes were staring blankly out the windshield.  I nervously twisted my hands in my lap as I waited for him to talk, my stomach churning with apprehension.

“Is that how you felt, Josephine?  It was if you had given up,” Stefan muttered, his voice quiet.  I could see the despair etched on his handsome face.  It was obvious he hadn't truly forgiven himself for leaving, even though he'd insisted that I let the misunderstanding go.

“Yeah, Stefan.  That's how I felt at that moment.  Even though I knew I loved you, I was still trying to deny it.  I knew that first night we met you were it for me.  And then you left....I realized I never told you how I truly felt.  So not only was I torn apart because you were gone, I was mad at myself for letting you slip away without telling you I loved you,”  I whispered, my hand reaching for his.  I brought it to my lips, placing a kiss on the back of his hand.

"Didn't you tell me I was supposed to forgive myself, Stefan?  Why can't you do the same?”

His head turned to look at me, his soulful eyes searching my mine.  A remorseful smile broke over his face as he leaned over the console to press his lips against mine gently.  He lightly kissed my nose before moving to turn the car on.

“Did I mention that I do not like to be wrong, vackra?”  Stefan asked, his voice lighter and had a teasing tone to it.

Laughing, my hand reached to rest on his thigh.  “No, but join the club.  I hate it when you're right.”

The ride home was quiet and comfortable.  He seemed lighter, his normal swagger returning as we pulled into the garage.  He blurred to my side of the car and extended his hand to me.  I winked, placing my much smaller hand in his as he smoothly pulled me out of the car and into his arms.  He tossed me over his shoulder and walked into the house with me kicking and squirming against him.

BOOK: Fated
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