Father & Son: Book two of the Jensen Family Series (11 page)

BOOK: Father & Son: Book two of the Jensen Family Series
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Carmen’s general demeanour also helped to
keep the mood light, she was in a good mood and admitted that it had been so
long since she had been out to eat she was excited to be here which gave him a
warm, glowing feeling to be able to give that to her.

He may no longer love her but he most
definitely still had feelings for her and liked to make her happy. The fact
that she looked absolutely stunning this evening had nothing to do with it or
so he told himself. Who was he kidding, the way she looked had everything to do
with it but what was he going to do about it?

The reason she had told him to leave all
those months ago was because of their differing attitudes towards sex, mainly
that he wanted it and she didn’t. If he was to make a move now, it might just
ruin everything they’d achieved and agreed on this evening. She hadn’t given
any indication whatsoever that she still wanted that kind of relationship with
him. In fact, the only person that had mentioned sex was Helen and she only did
that in an attempt to make him feel bad.

From Carmen’s point of view, she was just
generally happy to be out of the house, drinking good wine and eating good
food. Paul’s pleasant mood just made her happier and she was so pleased he was
accepting her boundaries where Gavin’s care was concerned with good grace
instead of acting like the petulant teenager he could easily slip into being.
In his current mood, he was exceptionally good company. She had forgotten that
he was an amusing conversationalist and was slightly smitten by the twinkle in
his eye when he talked about their child and their plans for his future.

She still wasn’t immune to him despite the
distance she had put between them. He had been nothing but charming and caring since
he had been here. He had complimented her appearance and expressed his pleasure
that the new house had come together perfectly and seemed genuinely pleased to
be in her company but he hadn’t shown even a remote interest in her as a woman,
only as a mother and she was a little miffed by that. She had made a huge
effort with her clothes and make up as she prepared for their evening together
and while his compliment was welcome, it had come across as something he would
say to his own mother or sister rather than a compliment paid by one lover to

She became slightly irritated by the
waitress hovering by him and the way he openly flirted with her but then it
struck her, that was just him, that was how he had spent most of his time at
school, flirting with one girl while dating another and getting away with it.
Giving herself a mental slap, she conceded that the waitress was a pretty girl
and would draw many a man’s eye as well as she, herself had no right to say who
he flirted with or not.

She chose to ignore the fact that Paul
wouldn’t suffer a guilty conscience if he chose to go home with the waitress
instead of her and that as she had effectively put an end to their relationship
over sex, he would be more than likely to gravitate towards someone else,
anyone else before he made another move on her.

When he turned his smile on her, her heart
did that silly little back flip that it had done the very first time he had
looked at her in that primal, animalistic way he had that simply made her turn
to mush. She had thought she’d hardened her heart to him, that she could
survive without him but in truth, she wanted him more now than she ever had and
she wondered just how far his good mood extended and if she were to pluck up
the courage to come on to him, would he reject her or would he grasp the
opportunity with both hands?

Helen and both boys were sound asleep when
they arrived home. Slipping his shoes and socks off, Paul made himself at home
on the deep filled cushions of the sofa, finding he sunk comfortably into their
softness as he reached for the remote control and surfed the channels looking
for a film. He dug his toes into the pile of the carpet, finding his feet
caressed by the fibres and now knowing why the interior furnishing bill had
been so high, not that he resented it but as it was technically his house, he
would have liked to have had some say in how it was furnished.

Handing him a glass of wine, Carmen sat
beside him, far enough away so as not to crowd him but close enough to feel his
heat while they watched the film in comfortable silence.

Finishing his first glass of wine, Paul
made to get up and re-fill their glasses but Carmen insisted on doing it and
disappeared into the kitchen. Pouring half a glass for herself, she downed it
in one, giving herself a little Dutch courage before re-filling both glasses,
opening a few more buttons on her blouse and returning to the living room, it
was now or never.

Standing in front of him and bending at
the waist to stretch forward and place both glasses on the small table beside
the sofa, she made sure to give him a face full of cleavage. She licked her
lips, not so much a suggestive move as a nervous one as he had merely tilted
his head to the side to peer around her at the television.

She was mentally kicking herself for
making the foolish display when he suddenly straightened a little in his seat.
His eyes no longer fastened on the screen but on the ivory coloured bra
hovering in front of him.

He barely suppressed the annoyed tut that
threatened to escape his lips as Carmen leant over him. They were about to get
to the fucking in the film and the actress he had a gargantuan crush on was
slowly removing her clothes and here was Carmen getting in the way. He glanced
in her direction and then stopped breathing. Her breasts, only just covered in
an ivory coloured bra were hovering in front of his face and he had always
liked her breasts.

Straightening in his seat, he couldn’t
quite believe what came next as she shimmied her tight skirt up around her hips
to reveal matching panties and, thank the good lord above, stockings, not the
holdup fake things that women these days seemed to favour, but honest to
goodness real life silk stockings complete with suspenders.

Now that she had his attention, and boy,
did she have it all, he was positively drooling at the sight of her stockings,
she took her time in widening her stance and undulating forward to straddle his
thighs and once there, she took slow glide up the muscled length until she
nestled her ivory silk knickers that had cost her most of that month’s salary
over the growing bulge in his trousers.

Paul’s brain had ceased to function the
blood flow to his groin had been that quick. Was it Christmas? Was he dreaming?
Or was he just the luckiest son of a bitch ever to walk the earth? Oh, yeah,
that was it. Almost on auto pilot, his hands moved to rest on her spread
thighs, slowly, painfully inching their way over the silk to slide under her
suspenders to the soft flesh above the stocking top.

With mesmerizing slowness, Carmen fed each
button on her blouse through its corresponding hole to reveal more of her
flesh. Paul’s lips parted and his tongue swept across them as she flicked the
front clasp on her bra and peeled the material away.

Just as she expected, he eased forward and
closed his lips around one pouting nipple at the same time as his thumbs
pressed against the damp crotch of her knickers. She felt the rasp of his teeth
as he slipped between her underwear and her flesh, using his thumbs to part her
lips and his fingers to dip in and sample her wetness.

His deep groan vibrated against her nipple
as his fingers teased and delved into her, making her gasp and grasp his head,
pulling him closer, forcing more of her breast into his mouth. With two fingers
inside her, he moved his attention to the other breast, not wanting it to feel
left out and he bit down at the same time as one hand slid around behind her,
grabbing her back side and running a finger down the cleft that separated the

He wanted to be inside her, needed to feel
her around him again and with that in mind, he took a firmer hold on her bottom
and heaved them both into a standing position. Sure it would have been easy
just to sit back, unzip his trousers and pull his now throbbing dick out but it
wouldn’t afford him the control or penetration he craved.

Once he had set her feet on the ground and
allowed her to unbutton his shirt. He took a moment to savour her tongue
lapping at his nipples, nipping and sucking before his dick pulsed once again against
his fly, demanding attention and release. He lifted her face to his and
plundered her mouth savagely, leaving her breathless as he pulled away, stepped
behind her and bent her at the waist.

Making sure she was at the angle he
wanted, he put his feet beside her instep and side stepped both of her legs
wider, his hands easing her hips down just a little, judging perfectly their
height compared to the position his dick would be in once he freed it from his
trousers. Doing just that, he only pushed the garment below his arse cheeks.
Stroking his dick a few times to ease a little of the tension, he swiftly
pulled aside the gusset of her knickers and with a well practised thrust of his
hips, buried his entire length inside her.

This wasn’t how she’d planned it and she
had absolutely no idea how he had gained control. Both of them liked to have
the upper hand during sex and she had honestly thought she had it but somehow,
he had turned the tables and she found herself bent over the sofa, her skirt
around her hips, her blouse open but sticking to her back with her own sweat
and his heat as he flattened his chest against her, grasped her shoulders and
rutted like a beast.

Despite the indignity of her position, she
couldn’t help but silently celebrate this small victory, after all, it had only
taken a glimpse of breast to have him coming to attention and turning the
tables. She cried out at a particularly deep thrust that was swiftly followed
by his shaft pulsing within her as he came, his forehead resting between her
shoulder blades.

She could feel the strong pulses inside
her, feel that he hadn’t quite finished and as he straightened, his hips still
glued to hers she felt the sting of her scar tissue being stretched as he
changed the angle and began to pick up the pace once again.

He’d come once but it wasn’t enough and
she was becoming a little dry. He ran a hand under her blouse up her back and
around her side, stretching to tweak her nipple, when she twitched at his
touch, he moved his hand back down again, sliding it across her stomach to find
her clit and work his magic there, only giving the occasional glide of his hips
as he worked on her, seeking her orgasm and the moisture that would come with

She wasn’t going to come, not like this,
she wanted slow and gentle and it would seem that he wanted the exact opposite.
She hadn’t counted on the fact that what Paul wanted, Paul got and that,
coupled with his expert fingers circling, gliding and pinching her clit had her
temperature rising, her legs trembling.
Fuck it, I’m going to come.
God, that’s it right there, don’t move away from there.

As she began to moan and her juices
flooded around his cock, he picked up the pace, the fingers of one hand curling
around her hip as he hammered into her delighting in her gasped instructions of
harder as she took him over the edge for the second time in the last few

Slightly disoriented on waking, it took
only moments to get her bearings and come to the conclusion that she had spent
the night in the spare room. The reason for that was sleeping peacefully next
to her. Regarding the sleeping teenager, she felt her heart stutter and knew
she was still in love with him despite his moods and obvious lack of ability to
commit to any one female, she loved him. She knew she should distance herself,
that he was no good for her whatsoever but given the fact that he was the
father of her child, distance between them would be difficult especially as
with just one heated look from him, her clothes seemed to drop off and her body
would make itself readily available to him.

On reaching the top of the stairs the
previous night, after their tryst in the living room, Carmen had headed for her
bedroom after bidding him goodnight, it took only a tug on her hand, the
incline of his head and that wicked, seductive smile to have him leading her to
his room where she got the slow, gentle seeing to she had wanted all evening.

Looking at him now, facing her in his
sleep, using one arm as a pillow with his free hand resting on her thigh, he
looked like an angel. His long black lashes caressed his cheek bones, his hair
thick and glossy in glorious disarray around his head. Everything about his
physical appearance was beautiful, especially in sleep as he couldn’t turn that
wicked tongue of his to bite out a sarcastic comment.

She took in the straight nose and full
lips, the curve of his neck and the sweep of his shoulders. Her hand reached
out to run a finger down cheek bones that were sharper than razor blades making
him stir and squish his face harder into his arm. Doing it again caused him to
open his eyes.

Regarding her as he gathered his thoughts,
remembering last night. His smile took her breath away; he knew it and would
use it at every available opportunity. His hand tightened on her thigh before
beginning its journey toward her breasts.

“Oh my God.”

Helen’s voice stopped them dead but all
Paul did was wriggle a bit to look over his shoulder at her, he didn’t make any
move to climb off the voluptuous body beneath him.

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