Father & Son: Book two of the Jensen Family Series (32 page)

BOOK: Father & Son: Book two of the Jensen Family Series
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Chapter Twenty Six


Flicking through his mail as he mounted
the steps of the porta cabin on Tuesday morning, Paul missed his footing and
almost head butted the door. Saving himself by slapping his hands onto the
wood, the door gave way beneath his weight and he stumbled unceremoniously into
the office.

Straightening up from his near plunge to
the carpet, he glanced around, noticing Phil grinning and stifling a chuckle.
“It wasn’t that funny.”

“Not laughing at you.” Phil said through
his smile, “Sit, you need to read this.”

Dropping the still unopened envelopes onto
Phil’s desk, he flopped into the chair and took the document offered him. “You
have got to be shitting me.” He said his own smile widening as he read the
proposal in his hands. “We got the job? I thought we’d gone in way to highly

“Apparently, they want the best. That’s us
in case you didn’t realise.”

“No shit Sherlock.” Paul laughed. “This is
very good news.”

“There are provisos; you and I have a
meeting with them at the end of the month to iron out the final details.”

“What sort of provisos?”

Phil shrugged “Don’t know yet, they are
saving that for the meeting but they are insisting that both of us are there.”

“I’ll be there.”

“Paul, this is going to be a hands on job.
You and I are going to need to be on site every step of the way.”

Nodding and crossing the office to his own
desk, he finally turned his attention to his mail, “Ok, we’ll work something
out between us. It’ll be a while before we get the start date anyway so no

Paul’s twentieth birthday passed in a
flurry of activity. A meeting with Norman who was pleased to announce that his
investment in Niles’ company was finally turning a profit. Paul congratulated
his partner and accepted the box of cigars the older man gave him. Lunch with
his mother followed and it was her words that made him realise he was no longer
a teenager.

The evening was spent with Eve and her
parents who had insisted on taking the young couple out for a slap up meal to
celebrate his birthday.  The food was good, the service better but Niles grated
on his every nerve. Paul made the point of telling Niles over polite
conversation at the urinals that while the company was beginning to hold its
head above water, there was no way in hell Niles could afford to be throwing
money about on lavish meals and he would be picking up the bill.

Niles bristled as Paul told him he was
basically still broke. He hated this presumptuous little shit with every fibre
of his being and he was going to make sure this mere boy towed the line

Paul took Eve home with him. She’d had a
little wine and was relaxed and giggling as he stripped her down. He sunk to
his knees before her and parted her legs; his hands palmed her breasts,
pinching her nipples occasionally in the way she liked as his tongue parted her

She began to protest at the feel of his mouth
but then he twisted her nipples and she crumbled. Her legs opened a little
further for him and her hands went into his hair. She looked down, watching him
as he drank her in. He had yet to undress and his powerful shoulders, her
favourite part of him, were hidden by his white shirt. She felt his hands grasp
her bottom and pull her closer to his mouth as she began to shake.

He was thinking
not such a cold fish
as he stood, grasped her face and kissed her. She began to struggle as she
tasted herself on his tongue but he held her still and continued to kiss her
until she gave in to it and began clawing at his shirt.

A quick push and her unsteady legs gave
way. Landing on the bed, she propped herself up and watched as he stepped out
of his trousers and advanced on her. His shirt was undone and he didn’t bother
to remove it as he grasped her legs, held them together and held them to his
chest as he pushed his cock in to her.

It hurt for the first few strokes. He had
a vice like grip on her legs and with them held together his large appendage
felt positively ginormous, like he was splitting her in two. He held still for
a few moments as he seated himself fully inside her. He looked into her eyes
for a long moment before he withdrew and slammed back in to her, the force
moved her up the bed a little but he pulled her back to the edge and repeated
his movements.

Finally, he had some reaction out of her
and in this position, she actually felt tight. He got caught up in the bounce
of her breasts each time he thrust but he couldn’t bottom out in this position
and he needed to be balls deep. Holding her ankles together, he withdrew and
pushed her legs over her head. Climbing on to the bed, hovering above her, he
positioned his cock against her somewhat squashed pussy and pushed down into

She pushed against his hands but he was
too strong. Oh it hurt; it really hurt but, wait a moment. The look on his face
stilled her feeble protests. He was fully in to this and completely unaware
that he’d neglected to wear a condom despite the fact she had told him weeks
ago that she had, on doctors advice, stopped taking her contraceptive pill.

Making the appropriate noises to make it
appear as though she was enjoying herself, Eve clenched her inner muscles, as
feeble as they were, she really should work on those exercises. It didn’t
appear to make any difference to him but he felt significantly larger to her.
She was sure she would have bruises around her ankles as his grip tightened and
he thrust deep while his cock pulsed upon release.

Releasing her ankles, he let his body
lower to hers. Nuzzling her neck as he began slow deep thrusts, he wasn’t done
yet. Her soft thighs cradled his hips and she moved with him, that was a small
improvement at least. He moved to pay the appropriate attention to her hyper
sensitive nipples and she whispered for him to remove his shirt.

Shrugging out of the garment, he took a
moment to savour the feel of flesh on flesh. Her hands glided up his arms and
settled on his shoulders, her fingers digging in to the muscle there making him
crumple against her. She was good at this; her fingers hit all the right spots
in his usually tense shoulders. He slid his arms beneath her to hook his
fingers over her shoulders as he quickened his thrusts, her pebbled nipples
brushing against his chest with each movement making her gasp as her fingers
dug deeper into his shoulders.

Rolling off her a short time later, he
looked at her. Pretty as a picture with her flushed cheeks and messed up hair.
If he had to get her a little tipsy to make her lose some of her inhibitions,
so be it. Turning towards her, he snaked an arm over her hips and pulled her

“Thank you for a fantastic birthday.”

She enjoyed his tender side and wrapped
her arms around him, snuggling into his warmth. “I didn’t do anything.”

“You let me be me, that’s enough.”

Eve remained awake long after sleep had
taken him. This was a turning point in their relationship. She would have to
loosen up a bit and let him be the mildly aggressive animal in the bedroom and
seem like she was enjoying it or she would lose him. She was on a mission now;
there was no way she was going to lose this man.

He had to book time away from Jensen
incorporated in order to attend the meeting with Phil for the proposal of the
regeneration of a little used park on the outskirts of London. It was a
sensitive project and would require discretion and inclusion of the locals but
it would bring a lot of joy to what essentially was an impoverished area and
also a lot of hopefully positive attention as well as a large injection of cash
to his gardening company.

Phil had taken the time to improve on his
original drawings for the proposed site and these were pored over and picked
apart during the meeting, changes were agreed and auctioned and then the
meeting turned.

“Our only real concern is keeping a
positive spin on this project. We cannot afford to have any negative feedback
or press at all, it is after all an election year and that would reflect badly
on all of us.”

“We’re not in the habit of causing
problems for the people who sub contract us.” Paul answered.

“The problem is Mr. Jensen; you have a
habit of getting your face in the papers.”

“Agreed but recently, can you recall a
time when my image has been used alongside negativity?”

“Let me lay this on the line for you.” The
councillor sat forward. “Any bad publicity from you whether it is personal or
in line with one of your businesses will result in us pulling the plug and
giving very public negative feedback on your practices and company policies.”

Phil put a hand on Paul’s arm, seeing that
his young partner was about to blow this deal to save his pride. “If Paul does
appear in any tabloids, it will be in a positive light, I give you my word on
that.” He smiled and offered his hand to the councillor.

Papers signed, hands shook and a start
date agreed upon, Paul and Phil walked towards their cars. Paul had been tight
lipped throughout the remainder of the meeting but he let rip once they were
far enough away from the building not to be overheard.

“What the fuck Phil? Paul will behave

“Paul, we need this project to put us
firmly on the government map. If that means you have to behave and keep your
cock under restraint for the duration of the project, so be it.”

“Keep my cock under restraint? Haven’t you
noticed I’m in a monogamous relationship? Insert boring anywhere you like into
that sentence by the way.”

Phil laughed and once he started, he found
it difficult to stop. “I’m not stupid you know. Far from it. I know you are
getting some extra bit of fluff on the side. If you weren’t, that girl you
claim to be in a relationship with would be long gone.”

Paul opened his mouth to protest but
thought better of it. “Good work in there. Have a good weekend Phil.” Glancing
at his watch, he saw he had time to get across town to his accountant who had
called him requesting a brief meeting.

And a brief meeting it was. Paul came out
of the office an extremely happy man. Placing a call to his mother to find out
if she was home alone, he told her to get the kettle on; he’d be there in ten

Taking his jacket off and draping it over
the back of the garden chair, Paul removed his cufflinks and rolled up his
shirt sleeves as he waited for Monica to join him. He smiled at her as she
placed a tray laden with sandwiches and her favourite tea pot in front of him.

He cast a critical eye over her garden and
told her he’d have someone call by to fix it up a little for her. Having his
fill of sandwiches which tasted so much better because she had made them, Paul
pushed a folder towards her and encouraged her to take a look inside.

A long silence ensued as she read and he
polished off the remaining sandwiches that were calling his name, albeit
silently before Monica looked up at him.

“Does this say what I think it says?” She

He nodded. He was extremely proud of
himself. “Yes Mum. I’m twenty years old and I’m a millionaire. I’m ahead of
schedule. I have known for quite some time that money isn’t a problem but I got
this news today and wanted to share it with you.”

“I can say this now. I will admit that I
was concerned with your propensity for spending money, now I see I needn’t have
worried. I’m very proud of you. I knew you would be successful but a
millionaire, I’d never have dreamt of it.”

“I couldn’t have done it without you Mum.
You’ve supported me every step of the way.”

“Yes you could, you’re driven by some need
I’ve never had.”

“I beg to differ but we’ll agree to
disagree. I could retire now if I wanted too but I’m not done taking over the
world yet.” He smiled at her.

Monica stood to go and make more tea,
“You’ll do it one hand made suit at a time will you?” She asked as she fingered
the material of his suit jacket.

“At the very least! I have another year
before the club is mine and then the sky is the limit.” He remained in his
Mother’s company for the rest of the day, ignoring phone calls, devoting his
time and attention solely to her. He was a little saddened when he had to leave
but he wouldn’t chance crossing Michael’s path and spoiling what had been a
very good day. After a flying visit to the flat to change, he headed to the
club for a most fruitful evening before returning home and quite literally
passing out.

With the start date for his new project
looming, Paul knew he wouldn’t be able to spare a lot of time for visits to his
son once it started and took a few weeks break from all his business ventures
and commitments to spend with his little boy. Of course, visiting Gavin came
with the added bonus of Carmen who despite her quest for dominance in the
bedroom department was at least willing to try flavours other than vanilla.

The news that Paul was going to be staying
in the same house as his former lover did not sit well with Eve. She’d begun to
suspect that he was playing the field a little when he was working at the club
as he had no contact with her at all over the weekends and it would be at least
Wednesday before he called her if she didn’t get in touch with him so the idea
of him sleeping under the same roof as the despicable woman who had seduced him
appalled her.

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