Father & Son: Book two of the Jensen Family Series (27 page)

BOOK: Father & Son: Book two of the Jensen Family Series
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Chapter Twenty One


As expected, the purchase of his beautiful
new Porsche went down like a lead balloon with Carmen. He stomached the
comments about it being impractical and somewhat of a penis extension. He kept
quiet when she repeatedly complained while driving even though Gavin’s car seat
fit comfortably in the back and his buggy just about fit under the bonnet. He
couldn’t however, keep the smirk from his face as he drew to a stop outside a
BMW garage.

Carmen had made several positive comments
about his Mother’s car the last time he had driven it here. Although there was
nothing wrong with Carmen’s current car, he knew she was finding it difficult
having to share it with Helen now that both women were working and with both
boys attending different schools, it was creating unnecessary arguments between
the two women.

He remained silent as he got out of the
car and retrieved his sons buggy before opening the passenger side door and
helping her out then pulling the seat forward and lifting his son from the car.

Carmen watched him, puzzled by his
silence. He was fiery by nature and yet he hadn’t bitten when she had insulted
his car. He was calm and...smirking! She watched the care with which he
extricated their son from the car and strapped him into his buggy, wrapping a
blanket around him as he slept. No longer able to contain herself, she drew a

“What are we doing here?”

He put one arm around her waist and pushed
the buggy with the other. “We are here to find you a car. You’ve said yourself
that sharing yours is becoming a problem. I want to get you a car and then
Helen can have your old one. Problem solved.”

“She won’t be able to afford to run it on
her own.” Carmen pointed out; she shut up pretty quick when he shot her a look
of exasperation. “Oh, you’ve got that covered?”

He nodded. “I’m impressed, you’re beginning
to realise I don’t do things by halves.” He smiled at the salesman as he
approached but turned to Carmen, “Go and pick a car, take a test drive. Gavin
and I will take a walk to the park.”

He and Carmen pulled Helen to one side
when they returned home and explained the situation with the cars. Paul added
for good measure that both cars would be put on group insurance meaning anyone
could drive them and he would also be providing both women with fuel cards so
they didn’t have to worry about that expense.

Helen uncharacteristically, burst into
tears and pulled them both into a group hug before finding her decorum once
again and disappearing into the kitchen. She repeatedly shooed them both out of
the room when they tried to enter and provided them with anything they needed
for the rest of the day but made it very clear the kitchen was out of bounds.

Paul bathed both boys after they had been
allowed to eat their dinner from small side tables in the living room and read
them both bed time stories before re-joining Carmen and speculating on what
Helen was up to as they cuddled on the sofa.

Ten minutes later, they were seated at the
kitchen table being served a beautiful beef wellington, homemade and Paul’s
absolute favourite. A nice bottle of wine and tarte au citron for desert, he
was comfortably full and fending off Helen’s many attempts at thanking him for
being so kind, generous and thoughtful. Carmen also took it upon herself to pin
him to the bed and ride him and as he drifted off to sleep he couldn’t help his
smile or his thought of
fed and fucked, it’s been a good day.

On his return home, he tracked down Norman
and went through a few final details of the Fitzpatrick deal, grilling him on
whether or not he genuinely thought it was a viable prospect. His previous
bravado with his Uncle had waned somewhat and had been replaced with
apprehension at the large amount of money he was about to invest. Norman went
through the figures with him, page by painstaking page, three times before he
was entirely comfortable with the deal and placed a call to several of his
banks to arrange to withdraw the cash needed for this deal, no way was he going
to put this through his accounts. He then called Niles and set up a meeting for
later that evening. He didn’t finish the call on a business note, he asked to
speak to his daughter and within seconds of hearing her voice, had her laughing
with the result being he heard a door slamming very loudly in the background.
It confirmed his suspicions that Niles was only using him as a means to an end
and positively disliked the idea of Paul being up close and personal with his

He made a point upon arrival that evening
of kissing Eve deeply and groaning his approval of her response while Niles
looked on and Norman tried not to laugh. He knew his young protégé well enough
to spot when he was making a point. This particular one screamed that Paul
fully intended doing nasty, depraved things with his customers’ daughter at
every given opportunity.

Telling Eve to get ready for an evening of
dancing, Paul turned his attention to her Father who stiffly escorted them
through to his study, gesturing for them to sit opposite him across his vast
oak desk. Paul remained quiet but alert as Norman explained the nuances of the
deal and laid out several envelopes of cash, one of which was clearly earmarked
for salaries and Niles was put under strict instructions that the very first
thing he should do was pay his staff. Failure to do so would forfeit the deal
and he would be on his own. The three men shook hands on the deal with Paul
stating that he would be watching Niles and his company very closely indeed.

Eve was waiting for him when he stepped
into the hallway, he swept her up into his arms and, alongside Norman they left
the house. The last vestiges of doubt slowly vanished as he waited behind his
partner’s car for the electric gates to open. He’d done a good thing; he’d
saved a lot of jobs by making this deal. He glanced at Eve as they waited; she
was watching him, a slight smile on her lips. “What?” he asked.

“Nothing.” She replied, then “Thank you
for what you’ve done.”

Paul nodded, now he was feeling nervous
again. She’d lied to him previously about the house sale, which as a matter of
course he’d just prevented. She had claimed not to know but it was obvious she
did. “I thought you were oblivious.” He stated.

“I was to begin with but when Daddy pulled
you into the room and booted me out, I knew something was up and I asked him
about it.”

“He told you? Everything?” He asked,

“Yes. He’s made some very bad decisions it
seems and I was wrong when I told you the house wasn’t up for sale, it was. I
just didn’t want you to think that I was only seeing you because you had the
means to help him out.”

Pulling into a parking space close to
where he wanted to take her, he switched the car off and turned to her. “The
thought had crossed my mind. I’m going to lay it on the line for you Eve. I
like you. I enjoy your company and the time we spend together and we have many
things to discover about each other but if at any stage I find out you are
using me for my contacts and money, I will pull the plug on the funding I’ve
provided to your Father and I won’t stop until his company and your family are
in ruins. As I told him when he raised the subject of you, I can get pussy
anywhere, there’s nothing you can offer me that I don’t get propositioned with
a hundred times over on an average evening at the club.”

She’d heard about this side of him. He
kept it well hidden but yes, it was there and he wasn’t afraid to unleash it
when least expected.

“Paul. I have no way of knowing who your
business contacts are or even the extent of your wealth although by the size of
the deal Daddy told me you were proposing I can only assume it’s vast. I like
you. I’ll admit to being a little shallow and being drawn in by the way you
look. You are very easy on the eye you know but I like the person behind the
attractive facade even if you do intimidate me, quite a lot truth be told. I
thought perhaps my contacts and social circle might enable you to expand
your...”She searched for the right word “Empire. My family is well known and
exceptionally popular and you could become the same by association alone. I
will understand though if you decide to end this relationship and keep things
strictly business between Daddy and you.”

Slightly appeased, Paul smiled. “While
we’re putting it all out there and in the theme of full disclosure, I’m going
to try very hard to be upfront and honest with you at all times and sometimes
that’s going to piss you off. I’m not in the habit of changing who I am or the
way I speak or do things so don’t expect me to put on airs and graces for the
sake of your friends. You must have heard of my reputation, I earned it well.
I’d like to try this whole relationship thing; it’s kind of eluded me so far.
I’m not used to being with just one woman but something about you makes me want
to try. I’m going to get moody and frustrated to begin with. I have a high sex
drive, I fucking love it and I hope, eventually you and I will get there but
it’s going to require restraint on my part and patience on yours. What do you
think?” He sat back and ran his fingers through his hair.

God she adored that gesture. She watched
him drag his fingers through his thick, dark hair. She could watch him do that
all day long. “Well, you won me over with the kissing thing. I enjoy that so
perhaps in time I’ll enjoy everything else.”

“Good. Its official then. You and I are an
actual couple?”

She smiled and reached over to smooth his
ruffled hair, “Yes, we are officially a couple.”

The evening of Tessa’s twenty first
birthday meal drew close. He arrived at Eve’s house suited and booted and was
absolutely blown away by the way she looked. She’d dressed up in retro fifties
style, it suited her shape perfectly and completely blew him away.

He’d been at a complete loss as to what to
buy his sister for her birthday and after the present he’d given Suzanne; he
knew it would have to be something equally spectacular.

The task became increasingly harder when
she confirmed his suspicions that she didn’t want jewellery or anything equally
mundane. Getting ever more desperate as the date drew near and clutching at
straws, his ears had pricked when one of the ladies in his office mentioned
she’d always wanted to go on a cruise. Ha! Bingo. He made enquiries and had an
open ended round the world cruise booked for his sister and a friend booked
within a couple of hours.

Avoiding his father took some fancy foot
work on his part as they entered the restaurant and found his family and a few
of Tessa’s friends gathered in the bar. He was extremely surprised to find
Officer Emily Holland on his brothers’ arm and could tell his mother was none
too pleased with her son’s penchant for older women. He introduced Eve as his
girlfriend which raised a few eyebrows but on the whole his family were happy
to accept his words and Eve was surrounded by the female side of his family as
they made their way to the table.

Taking a sip from the glass of water in
front of him having opted not to drink and looked around the table. He already
had the points on his license from crashing his Audi and couldn’t risk getting
any more. No way was he risking his Porsche. Of the eight women at the table,
he’d had sex with three of them and was working on the fourth, the other four
women being relatives which put them off the list.

Securely seated between Eve and Matt he
was actually enjoying the banter passing between them but he was acutely aware
of Suzanne. He’d kissed her cheek when he arrived as was the norm which
garnered him a scowl from Cameron. He was pleased to see the bracelet he’d
given her was still around her wrist, it gave him a small sense of satisfaction
that she’d think of him every time she looked at it and so would Cameron. He’d
also kissed Faye, much to Tessa’s surprise but brushed it off as they were
friends and he couldn’t very well treat her differently to Suzanne.

With his arm along the back of Eve’s
chair, hand softly stroking her shoulder, head bowed as he laughed at one of
Matt’s tales when out of his peripheral vision he caught movement. He watched
as Suzanne left the table and headed for the rest rooms. Glancing around the
table, it seemed no one else had noticed her departure. Cameron was deep in
conversation with Tessa and Faye. John was holding the attention of his parents
and grandparents which just left his little group. His eyes met those of his
brothers’ who inclined his head slightly in a gesture of “I got this. Go.” 
Excusing himself from their company, he followed in her footsteps.

Entering the corridor, he was presented
with several poorly marked doors and further corridors. Walking slowly,
examining the doors as he went, he missed the hand that shot out of one of
them, grasped his arm and pulled him into the single room that was the disabled

He threw the lock and turned to her as she
snaked her arms around his neck and their mouths collided. Neither of the spoke
as they scrabbled with each other’s clothing. He lifted her onto the counter
supporting the sink, her skirt hitched up around her hips, moved her underwear
to one side and was inside her before either of them had a chance to think.

“Quickly.” She panted, clinging to him as
he pounded into her. She lifted one leg higher, changing the angle of his
thrusts and exploded, gripping his arms, watching his face as he followed
immediately after her.

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