Fear the Heart (Werelock Evolution Book 2) (24 page)

BOOK: Fear the Heart (Werelock Evolution Book 2)
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I didn’t care if it was twisted or that I’d lost my damn mind.
Fuck it.
I would gladly spend years in therapy contemplating my deviant wolf nature, if necessary.
Right now, I needed Alex to make me come like I needed my next breath.

My eyes closed in rapture as I gave in and arched my ass into his hands. So close … so close … right there … so damn close …

“Sorry,” he apologized once more.

And then he stopped. Everything. Ceased spanking me, stopped massaging me, and cruelest of all, he held my undulating hips painfully still and lifted them away from him within his punishing grip.

My eyes flew open, and I could only pray he caught the clear threat of murder in them that said he’d better fucking continue what he’d started if he wanted to live. Son of a bitch had the nerve to smirk at me then, his former mien of austerity falling away as he taunted, “Make me,

I bit him. Hard. It happened so fast I couldn’t definitively say whether it had actually been me, or my she-wolf, who ultimately initiated the attack, but Alex grunted and dropped my hips the moment my canines sank into his neck.

“Fuck—yes!” he gasped. His hand descended to spank directly over my wet center, and I came undone.

My scream of climax was muffled against his throat as, without preamble, he thrust several fingers deep inside of me, fucking me hard and fast from behind, prolonging the violent spasms of pleasure that were rocketing through me. “Fuck, yeah, baby! Scream for me.”

He wasn’t gentle, and I didn’t want him to be. It felt right. This was what my wolf needed. Maybe … it was even what I needed.

Regardless, I was in the background now, letting my she-wolf drive our crazy train as my ass pushed back against his hand, meeting each one of his rough thrusts and loving every twisted second of it. It wasn’t until I tasted his blood in my mouth that I momentarily panicked enough to attempt to regain some measure of human control.

” Alex growled, fisting the hair at the back of my head to forcibly keep my mouth affixed to his neck. “Stay,” he commanded. “

Perhaps it was the insane speed and intensity with which he was penetrating my greedy, soaked channel, or the palpable Alpha aggression emanating from him, or the unprecedented urgency I sensed behind his guttural, one-word directives that rendered me hard pressed to defy his orders as his powerful body shook fiercely beneath me.

As more expletives spewed forth from his lips in all languages, it became clear he was also a man on the verge of losing it. And though I wasn’t exactly sure what he was losing control of or how it would impact me, I was growing a little apprehensive.

My she-wolf, however, was not. While I’d had every intention of keeping my head down and continuing to suck his neck wound like he’d told me to do, to my utter astonishment, I somehow detached from Alex’s throat despite the insistent pressure exerted by his fist.

And after snarling an insolent, “fuck you” in defiance, I found myself grabbing Alex by the hair, yanking his head in the other direction, and latching onto the opposite side of his neck.

Biting down deeper and harder than I had with the first side, I garnered a howl from him that rattled the treetops.

Oh, my God!
Far from the lovesick puppy I’d heretofore taken her for, my she-wolf was a deranged, badass bitch, apparently—who thought nothing of challenging Alex. I might’ve giggled like a nervous kid on laughing gas at this revelation, had my canines not been lodged in Alex’s throat and my pussy not been on the brink of another combustion.

 … Such … Good … Fucking … Girl …” he grunted disjointedly. An unforgiving hand gripped my hip and squeezed and mauled my ass as his relentless fingers filled and stretched me, demanding fulfillment.

come again for me—” he began in English, only to finish in angry bursts of fragmented Portuguese when I immediately did as he’d threatened, my body exploding in rhapsody.

My canines sank deeper into his neck muscle, stifling my squeals and causing Alex’s body to go momentarily rigid beneath my undulating form, before vibrating more forcefully than ever as I rode out the final aftershocks.

Admittedly, the purely feral sounds that emerged from him then caused my human side to quake with trepidation as well as ecstasy—even as my animal side rejoiced in his crumbling composure.

” His gravelly proclamation was issued amidst a ranted string of incoherent profanity as his hips jerked up into me and his hand abandoned its pleasurable assault on my ass to thread through the hair at the back of my head.

“Always, fucking
safe with me,” he ground out in a voice laden with both pain and the promise of impending bliss as he none too delicately pulled the hair at my scalp.

I relinquished his throat as my head was forced back. I mewled in disappointment as his fingers withdrew from my still clenching tunnel, but I didn’t object when a moment later he pushed them past my lips.

And I didn’t hesitate to draw those fingers deep inside of my mouth to suck my own cream from them as he released my hair and pushed my hips down his torso until the base of his erection was nestled squarely between my damp thighs.

“So good,” he groaned. “Keep sucking—want to fuck you so bad…”

It all happened so fast, but between the piercing fire of authority in his eyes and his throaty assurances, I could summon neither the desire nor the wherewithal to protest whatever he wanted next as he reached lower, between my legs.

His forearm dug into my ass as he gripped himself, further ensconcing the solid base of his hot pole between my spread globes so that it rubbed against my puffy, slippery folds still buzzing with sensitivity as he stroked himself.

Once. Twice. Three times his fist jerked up and down his length before his eyes squeezed shut and his face contorted. He growled and bellowed in anguished euphoria as hot streams of liquid coated my rear and lower back.

I stared at his gorgeous face, mesmerized. It was the hottest thing I’d ever witnessed, and I was throbbing with renewed arousal as he stroked several more times, unloading his final spurts of ejaculate onto the backs of my thighs.

The expression on my face must’ve been somewhat comical, because he chuckled when his eyes opened again. “You okay, lover?”

His tongue replaced his fingers inside my mouth when I didn’t immediately reply. He seemed pleased by the aftertaste of his own blood mixed with my arousal as he moaned and dominated my mouth, sucking aggressively on my tongue to draw it into his own mouth.

“Talk to me, baby?” he prodded when finally his tongue released mine. “Please tell me I didn’t hurt you? Scare you too much?”

The genuine concern in his dark eyes stripped me defenseless. I shook my head and watched as relief flitted across his features, marveling at how he managed to go from scary, dominant Alpha to lovesick, nervous schoolboy.

“Good.” He swallowed. “Your wolf feel better now?”

Again, my head bobbed. My canines seemed to have retracted, and I could barely sense my she-wolf’s presence at all. I supposed that was a good thing, as she seemed to be satisfied. Which made it all the more disconcerting to recognize I still wasn’t.

The words that flew uncensored past my swollen lips next seemed to shock Alex even more than they did me. “I think I need … more …”

I winced in horror at my own wanton forwardness before nonetheless continuing to ask, “Why won’t you just fu—”

His palm clamped over my mouth. I was flipped onto my back a second later. The sticky ropes of cooling fluid covering my skin smeared into Alcaeus’ bedding as Alex hovered above me.

My belly coiled and my heart fluttered with excitement. His expression was unreadable as he worked his teeth over his bottom lip.
He hadn’t said no.

“Touch yourself for me. And I’ll think about it.”

My cheeks heated at the thought, even after all we’d just done.

“Why?” It was a stupid question. His raised eyebrows answered,
Why not?

“I want to watch as you make yourself come. Like you just watched me.”

“But I can’t—”

“Then you’re not ready to have sex,” he concluded with his typical sweeping arrogance. “We’ll wait until you are. Let’s get you cleaned up and fed,” he suggested, switching gears on a dime and sending my stomach and my ego plummeting.

“That’s not fair. Why should you get to decide when—”

“Fairness is a theoretical concept, sweetheart.”

“But you were just saying how badly you wanted to … fuck … me …” I trailed off lamely in argument as an incorrigible, sadistic grin stretched across his face. My sigh was replete with exasperation. “God, I hate you.”

He shook his head, his smile now more wistful than gloating. “No, you don’t. You’re far too sweet and forgiving to even stay cross with anyone for very long,” he asserted as his fingers trailed lovingly over the inner curve of my left breast. “I’m afraid it’s your most tragic flaw, angel.”

Such an appraisal might’ve offended me, if his next whispered words hadn’t been delivered with such earnest veneration as his lips dipped to retrace the path of his fingertips. “Yours is an exquisitely beautiful heart.”

A different kind of warmth spread through my chest, blanketing my senses. Soulful eyes gazed up from my breast to meet mine in a moment of silent communion that was startlingly authentic.

For an instant, an Alex I’d never seen before stared back at me. One who was open. Vulnerable. Desperate for something he feared he could never have. Didn’t deserve.

And he beheld me now as if I was the one being in existence with the power to give him the only thing he’d ever truly wanted.

Deep inside, I knew I was done for. It was only a matter of time. Not even when he’d first morphed into an angry, giant
and chased me down had I felt like such helpless prey.


“Can all werelocks travel by teleportation?” I paused over my plate of meat and rice smothered in thick, dark gravy to inquire. I’d already inhaled more than half of the monstrous portion Alex had served me. “What’s this again?”

“Galinha de cabidela,” Alex supplied from where he sat lounging against a refrigerator directly across from me on the tablecloth-covered kitchen floor.

My face heated merely at the way his tongue rolled over his consonants. God he was sexy! I was forever ruined for all monolingual American men.

He was clad only in shorts, one long, muscular leg stretched out in front of him, the other bent upright toward the ceiling. His left forearm was draped casually over his bent knee, and he idly swirled a glass of red wine in his hand by the rim as he studied me with a curiously inscrutable expression. It had begun to unnerve me about ten minutes ago, and I’d since gulped down a whole glass and a half of DRC red wine spritzer as a result.

Realizing that I’d just been blatantly eyeballing him like a piece of meat, I dabbed my napkin over my mouth for good measure—in case I’d started drooling—and refocused my attention on the array of foods spread out picnic-style on the kitchen floor between us.

“It’s a common chicken dish,” he added. “And no, not all werelocks possess the ability to teleport. Do you like it?“

“The chicken? Or teleporting?”

His eyes were amused as he raised his wine glass to his lips. “Both.”

“Yes … I think? What’s this sauce made out of though? I taste cilantro and garlic, but there’s another flavor I can’t place.”

“Blood. From a chicken, sweetheart,” he expounded with an evil twitch of his lips when my fork froze midair on the way to my mouth.

I fought the urge to gag as I set my plate aside, no longer hungry. “Can Alcaeus teleport?” I gulped down more wine spritzer, hoping it would overpower the taste of what I now knew was chicken blood sauce in my mouth.

“No. He can’t.”

“He can’t?” I echoed rather loudly, not bothering to conceal my surprise. “But you and Alessandra can?”


“How about Remy?”


“Not Remy either?”


“Well, that kinda sucks for Remy and Alcaeus,” I evaluated, indulging in another sip of wine spritzer. “Do you think I’ll be able to teleport? You know … when …” I made a vague gesture with my wine glass.

“Don’t know, sweetheart. We’ll have to wait and see. But I suspect you won’t, since Al still can’t, even now, when he’s holding your blood power.”

“Huh.” I tried not to look overly disappointed. “Oh, well.” I waved my glass in the air in a display of indifference.

“Kai can teleport,” Alex offered after a beat. “But he chooses not to.” There was a somber, faraway look in his eyes as he said it that I couldn’t reconcile. It seemed out of place.

“Do you not like the fact Kai can teleport? Or is it because he doesn’t use it?”

He appeared befuddled by my question at first, as if his feelings on the matter were the last thing he’d expected me to pick up on, much less ask about. But he quickly shook his head. “No, I don’t mind that he has the ability, nor do I care whether he uses it.”

so clearly he
care for some reason. A distinct sharpness had bled into his tone that said it was best not to press the topic further. I made a mental note to ask Lupe about it later.

“So, why don’t you just teleport all the time?” I inquired instead. “I mean, why bother walking or driving when the alternative at your disposal is so freaking cool?”

“Well, for one, it’s not entirely practical,” he revealed. “Or safe.”

“Great,” I snorted. “I love how you mention that
teleporting me several times in a row in the past hour. Just like you tell me I’m eating blood after I’ve practically scarfed down a whole trough of it.”

He laughed. It was a hearty, rich sound that was almost a tangible touch as it reverberated off the surrounding refrigerators, food prep tables, and other kitchen appliances, flooding the otherwise cool, sterile space with warmth. “You’re quite the adorable drunkard.”

BOOK: Fear the Heart (Werelock Evolution Book 2)
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