Federal Paranormal Unit Bundle: Shape Shifter Paranormal Romance (33 page)

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With a shit-eating grin and a twinkle in his eyes, Tony looked at Jane. She pushed away from him and rolled her eyes. “Don’t even think about.”

He glanced at her mouth and licked his lips. “Hey, relax. I’m not thinking anything.”

She snorted. “I’ve worked with you ten years. I
what you’re thinking.” She struggled to get up. He held on to her.

“Jane, just sit with me for a minute. Please.” Her squirming stopped and she sighed.

“Fine. You have one minute.” Her heat was under control while the group was there. But with Tony so close and no one else around, she couldn’t fight it as easily. Her body kept reminding her that every time she took a whiff of his scent, she wanted to get naked, straddle him and let him put all the babies in the world in her belly. That thought scared her more than any other.

He unfolded her crossed arms and took her hands in his. He placed a warm kiss on each knuckle. She relaxed her hard stance and her eyes softened. Dammit. She’d grown to love this silly, sexy, wonderful man and now that he was giving her the full mate treatment, it was impossible to not love him more for his desire to make her happy.

“Jane, I want to tell you about the real me. You need to understand where I’m coming from before you decide to reject me.” She opened her mouth, but he put a finger over her lips. “Let me finish,

“I grew up in a town west of here. It was small. Everyone knew everyone, and for some reason there were several different species of shifters living in the area. A lot of shifters. Tradition and culture are deeply engrained in me. But that may not be who I am.

“Dad worked for a manufacturer twelve hours a day. My mom worked at a daycare center for shifters where my siblings and I went also. When my little sister was about a year old and I was four, we…uh…she accidentally died.”

Jane’s face scrunched. “Accidentally?”

“Mom was human. And there were unspoken reasons why humans weren’t really allowed there, but the daycare needed another person to watch the children. I guess Mom was the only one who applied. Maybe they figured since she had two shifter babies, she’d be all right.

“When everyone was on the playground, Mom helped a little boy who had fallen off the monkey bars. When she picked him up, he wailed in pain and started to shift. She fought to keep the cub calm, but his claws raked across my mom’s neck, severing her artery.

“She bled out in my lap before anyone even realized what was happening. She told me that she loved me and to tell Dad she loved him, too, then she closed her eyes. That was the last time in my life I knew love.” Tony paused, his head bowed, hiding his eyes from her. “Until you came into my life.”

She took his face in her hands and pulled him to her. She softly brushed her lips to his, then sat back to let him continue.

“Dad did the best he could, but when losing a true mate, the other is never the same. One of the ladies from the daycare and our church said she’d ‘adopt’ my sister, knowing Dad didn’t have a clue what to do with a baby, and my older human siblings were divided amongst mom’s relatives. I was left behind.

“Dad took extra shifts, to bury himself in his work, I guess. When I did see him, he was sullen and never talked much. Growing up, I took care of myself, for the most part. I saw my sister, but we were never close. I never saw my other siblings again. It was like I had done something wrong and nobody wanted anything to do with me.

“Being a strong tiger, Dad never approved of weakness. Emotions were weak. I learned to hide everything I felt. Only confidence and pride got me a pat on the back. And so I made sure everything I did was over the top. That included attracting females. I had a ton of female friends, but never made a connection with anyone. My heart was gone, and I was fine with that.

“By my college years, I’d been alone and on my own for so long, I didn’t know how to live any other way. I kept telling myself it was okay, because one day I would meet my mate and we would love each other and have a house full of loving children to always surround us. I would never be lonely again.”

Jane’s body stiffened, bringing Tony out of his memories. “I know. You said you didn’t want to be a baby machine. And I respect that. If I have only you, I’m happy. I don’t need a Ramirez baseball team to be content.” He stopped and frowned. “You said something about dying in a year if you don’t get pregnant. Did I hear that right?”

Jane nodded. “A year, give or take. It’s not a precise thing.”

“Isn’t there a way around this? Some manmade drug that’ll trick the body?”

Her shoulders slumped. The downturn of his lips told her he saw how helpless she felt. “Scientists have been experimenting for eons, but nothing has been foolproof.”

“Jane, know this right now: I will not let you die. You’re mine, and I intend to be loved by my mate until it’s my time. And for some
reason, I’ve been drawn to you for ten years.” His sarcasm made Jane smile. “You probably won’t believe this, but I’ve not been with anyone since I met you.”

She gasped. “What? But you and Trent…all the women…bragging—”

“That’s all it was. Bragging about something that never happened. I was so good at burying emotions that your constant rejection bounced off me. After a while.”


His finger touched her lips again. “Shh. Let me finish. It’s okay.” He pecked a kiss to her pursed lips. “You’re cute when you’re mad.” She slumped with exasperation. She might look calm and cool, but a tremor she tried to control passed between them. She knew he’d felt it, she saw it in his eyes. Heat poured through the blanket. Beads of sweat gathered on his upper lip. He wiped at the drops of water on her forehead.

“Now, my love, after I take care of your calling nature, we will figure out how we go forward. It will be ‘we.’ I’m not going on my own. You’re mine.” A shudder washed through her. He scooted from underneath her, laying her on the sofa. He slid one of her legs to put her foot on the floor, opening her to him.

“Tony, no—”

“Shush, sweetheart. I won’t let you suffer. Remember my sacrifice the next time I screw up.”             

Jane laughed. His head disappeared under her blanket.



Tony almost came as the scent of Jane’s heat greeted him under the blanket. She smelled delicious, like the sweetest dessert. His mouth watered and he wasted no time. He pushed her legs open and bunched up the blanket and her nightshirt up to her waist. Her creamy white skin and pink folds drew him in like a moth to flame.

“You’re soft as silk,” he said, curling his arms around her thighs and lowering his face to her pussy.

Her legs tensed when his lips hovered over her warm heat. “Tony, I--”

He flicked his tongue from her entrance up to her clit and loved the way she moaned breathlessly. Her taste was pure candy on his tongue. He did it again and glanced up. The look of pleasure on her face filled him with joy. This was his mate, the only woman he loved. He’d do anything to make her happy. Anything.

Another swipe of his tongue and she was squirming, pressing her rocking hips to his mouth. Soft whimpers and gasps came from her. He loved it. Holding her legs further apart, he thrust his tongue into her channel, sucking and tasting every drop of her heat.

She wiggled harder, her pussy riding his mouth. “Tony, oh fuck, that feels good!” She groaned and rocked her hips, gripping his hair to hold him close. “Oh my goodness!”

“Come on, baby. Let go,” he growled on her clit, lapping at her sleek folds.

Her body shook and a stream of wet heat coated his tongue as she came. He rumbled and drank in her delicious taste. Her body softened and her legs lost the tension with his continued licks. When she wiggled for him to pull back, he glanced up and met her gaze. There was a dazed and flushed look to her face he would love to see on her twenty-four seven.

Tony licked his lips and lowered the blanket to cover her up again. Then he scooted toward her to take her luscious lips.

Noise came from the front door. Someone peeked through the glass. The stranger opened the door and smiled. “Hey, sis. I see you’re busy. Want us to
back later?” He turned and fist bumped someone behind him.

Tony’s tiger leapt forward to protect his mate, until the word “sis” registered in his brain. He snapped his head toward Jane. Her head was under the cover, but her voice came through loud and clear.

“Oh my fucking god. You have to walk in

He shuffled inside. “Mom told you we were
, didn’t she?” He threw his head back in a guffaw. “Oh, shit. This is great. They’ll never believe this.”

Jane whipped the blanket from her face and sat up, her face even redder than before. “Ruveen, I swear to god, if you say one fucking word—”

“Relax, sis. Look who I brought with me.” Her brother stepped aside to let his companion come forward. Jane sucked in a sharp breath, slapping her hands over her gaping mouth.

Tony frowned and glanced back and forth between Jane and the men. “What’s going on here?”








Jane wanted to crawl into a hole and die. The last time she saw this man, he stood before an altar, waiting for her to come down the aisle. At least her mom didn’t send her brother with a gift wrapped dildo. Well, if Nyl was the same as when she left him, then yeah, Mom did send a dildo.

Even though Jane’s mating with Nyl was arranged by her parents, she went along with it. She didn’t have feelings for him, but she never had feelings for anyone, until she met Tony.

When courting, Jane grew tired of waiting for him to make a move. A normal man would’ve kissed her at least three dates ago. Hell, he’d have told her something sexy. Maybe even dirty. Nyl? Nope. The thought didn’t even cross his mind. So she decided to take the lead. That night turned out so FUBAR-ed, she wished she could put those memories in a box and shove it into a dark corner.

“Tony, this is my brother, Ruveen, and his friend, Nyl Ward.”

Tony scooted Jane from his lap, then stood to shake Ruveen’s hand. Nyl remained behind his friend a gave a hello wave. Typical of the pathetic man, and one of the myriad of things that peeved her while they were together.

“Please, have a seat, guys. I’m sure you’re tired from the warp travel.”

Tony raised a brow. “Warp speed? Seriously, like a spaceship—” He barely got the last word out before breaking into laughter. After a deep breath, he said, “Lemme guess, you parked it in the driveway behind my car.”

Ruveen and his friend glanced at Jane. “Tony, sit down.”

He shuffled to the couch and bent over to pick up Jane to put her in his lap. She batted at his hands, but he kept moving them, trying for a different place to grab. She mumbled without moving her lips from the plastered-on smile. “Stop it.”

Tony slipped his hand behind her back. “Gotcha. You’re mine, baby girl.” He lifted and sat her on his lap, her long nightshirt riding high on her thighs.

She tugged and pulled, trying to extend the garment to her knees. Of course, Tony was grabbing at her hands to get her to stop. He probably wanted her to hike it the other way. Even with the amazing things he’d done to her not five minutes ago, she was still having trouble with the whole mate idea.

Yet, her hormones and heart had decided there was no more ignoring what was clear. She loved Tony and she wanted to be with him. The baby issue could be figured out. Maybe they could find a live-in nanny or something. Her heart lurched at that. She couldn’t imagine leaving her child with someone else but how else could she keep her job, have a mate, children and live to see another year? Life got so complicated when taking care of others.

She took a breath and met her tiger’s gaze. His emotions were there, plain as day for her to see. He loved her and she loved him, too. It was going to take some work, but she was tired of denying herself what she wanted. Tony. Her heart wanted that relationship, the closeness that came from having one’s mate. The sex wasn’t bad either. No, scratch that. The sex was fan-fucking-tastic.

Having children on a schedule wasn’t ideal, but she wanted to live to spend her life with Tony. Okay, she wanted years of the toe-curling sex only he could give her because only he turned her into a puddle of raging need. 

“So, sis, what’s up? Haven’t seen you in forever. Much change?” His glance went to Tony, then back to her.

She rubbed her hands over her face and let out an exasperated sigh. “Tony is my true mate.”

Ruveen clapped his hands. “Congrats, little sis.” Nyl didn’t look so happy.

“When’s the wedding? Then you start pumping out the kids.” Both Tony and Jane stiffened. Ruveen’s smile dropped. “What did I say?”

Jane shook her head. “Nothing. We were discussing children before you arrived.”

Her brother spat out a laugh. “That’s not what we saw.” He tapped his fist against his friend.

Feeling her face heat, Jane sighed. “You can be so childish, Ruveen. You’ve picked up too many stupid human gestures. I don’t think the leader of the premier guard would like his men fist bumping every time they farted.”

“Premier guard?” Tony looked to Jane, who looked to Ruveen.

“It’s equivalent to the secret service and your Navy SEALs on Earth. Nyl is your CIA. He works behind a desk, though.” Ruveen turned to Nyl. “No risk taking for you, my friend.”

Jane studied her ex-fiancé. Something was different about him, but it had been ten years. She wasn’t the same person she was then. Was he mad at her for what she did? Was she running away then? Probably. Okay, definitely.

Her mom said it was a scandal until the next big juicy event took its place in gossip sessions. Everyone forgot about it after that. Had Nyl brushed it off? If she could get him alone, it would take less than a minute to erase those memories.

No, she wouldn’t do that. It was against her morals.

Nyl’s eyes fixed on her. “Jane, may I talk to you privately outside?”

Oh shit.
He hadn’t forgotten. She shushed Tony’s growl, telling him she’d be right back. She didn’t want to discuss this in front of Tony or her brother.

Her nightshirt went to her knees, so she didn’t feel exposed. Plus, being August, the air was still hot, even at the cabin’s elevation. Outside, she sat on a bench swing her mom loved when she visited Earth. It stood next to the path leading downhill to the landing site so it would be the first thing she’d see after a long flight.

“Go ahead, Nyl. You start.” If she hadn’t told him to go first, they would’ve sat in silence forever waiting for him.

“Why did you leave me? Do you have an idea of the humiliation I went through?” The heat in his words made Jane look him in the eyes. She wasn’t expecting that. “How people treated me?
Oh, poor Nyl, he’ll never find a mate. Pathetic Nyl, she couldn’t even face him. Pitiful Nyl, probably couldn’t get it up.
” He turned, giving her his back.

Jane was speechless. Maybe Nyl was a changed man. “Nyl, I’m sorry. I-I just couldn’t go through with it. I didn’t want my future to be diapers and cleaning. Ruveen and all my brothers served in our leader’s guard. I wanted to do something important with my life. I wanted to help others. I wanted to make a difference.” Her gaze dropped to her feet. “I’m sorry.”

“No, I’m sorry, Jane. I didn’t mean to upset you. I-I don’t know what came over me. A moment of braveness, I suppose.” He gave a nervous chuckle. “Back to business. I asked you out here to discuss an option with you.”
              “What kind of option?”

“Jane, your parents are scared to their lives about you not getting pregnant to release the chemical to keep you alive. They don’t want you to die.”

She looked at him. “My mom sent you, obviously.”

“And your father.”

She widened her eyes, shock holding her immobile. “My father took the time to discuss
? Damn, they must really care.”

He frowned as if he didn’t understand her words. “Of course they care. Why wouldn’t they?”

She shrugged. “Being fourteenth out of fifteen children, you kind of get lost in the crowd.”

An understanding nod came from him. “I can see how you don’t want to be your mom. But they had a solution, and it is my mission to deliver and carry through with it. But it could be moot. Have you and your mate joined yet?”
              “What?” She gaped at him.

His eyes turned flinty, hard. “Have you fucked him yet?”

Jane drew in a gasp.

“Sorry, sorry. Jane.” He became weepy, kneeling beside her, begging for forgiveness. “I didn’t mean to be nasty.” A tear spilled over his lower eyelid. She sighed and slowly blinked. He flip-flopped from hot to cold faster than an Earth woman going through menopause.

Her thumb wiped away the drop. “I understand, Nyl. I know the kind of man you are.”
Shy, weak, useless
. “Please, go on. What option are my parents talking about?”

“Oh, yes.” He got back to his feet, shoving hands into his pockets. “They want you to have a baby and they will give it to another family to raise. You will have no responsibility toward the child. They won’t hide the fact that you’re the mother. It’d be an adoption-like thing.”

She pushed to her feet. “Are you serious? Are they crazy?”

“Think about it, Jane. You have the best of both worlds. You stay alive and continue your work on Earth, and someone will treat the child as their own.”

He was right. She could have what she wanted. Then why did it feel wrong to even consider it? “Who is supposed to impregnate me? You?”


A laugh escaped her before she could hold it back. “I’m sorry, Nyl. But you were so shy, you never even kissed me while courting. I’m not sure you can…” She didn’t want to say “have sex,” that would be cruel.

An SUV pulled into the driveway, taking their attention. “My friends are back. We’ll finish this later. I’ll consider my options.”





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