Femme Fatale Loved (Pericolo #3) (14 page)

BOOK: Femme Fatale Loved (Pericolo #3)
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“I didn’t want you dead,” Gio admits, but I struggle to believe him. He stands with difficulty, trying to match my stance. “That’s not why I’m here!”

“Liar!” I say, laughing at him. I take a cautious step forward, squaring up to him. “It’s nearly the anniversary of that day, and you turn up. This isn’t some sort of coincidence.” I get no response; apparently, Gio notices that I’m unforgiving, and that won’t change. “I won, Giovanni.” My eyes search his, and I see a flicker of remorse cross over his greens, something I never saw in his dense, dead orbs. “I’m still alive. I lived past what you did, and I will forever be the reminder that I am stronger than you are. Regardless of what you do now, I still beat you. I still hung on!” I back away now, allowing the distance to grow having felt how tense Zane and Dante became. “I have a life, a family, and a chance to redeem myself. You, however, are never going to get any of that. Not now. Not after what you did.” I shake my hand in defeat, unable to really spark something in him. I wanted to evoke some grief, some upset that he was the outcast, but nothing really happened. “Get him out of my sight so I can start to clean my house,” I say, putting a hand into my hair. I had so much more I wanted to say, but I don’t have the energy to hope my words will burrow deep into his soul and make some difference.

“I’ll take him,” Dante strikes up, stepping to the forefront.

Apparently, Giovanni’s mind-set is all over the place as he takes one look at Dante and begins to laugh. In all of the bedlam, no one took much notice of Dante, but now, he’s stepping into the limelight, and I watch a flicker of fear hit Giovanni – he’s met his match. “Dante Valentino as I live and breathe,” Gio welcomes Dante, his laughter now turning hysterical.

“It’s been a long time,
,” Dante greets all too kindly. That tone is one Dante used to use while on jobs, one he used to use on Ryleigh. He means business, and he’s all too happy to take Giovanni off Zane’s hands. “Cazzo bastardo. I’m going to have so much fun with you downstairs.” As he grabs Giovanni, he pushes him past me toward the doorway. “I’m gonna make you dance, coglione,” Dante threatens.

I stare; that was one of Dante’s sayings before he killed a man. He’d make them dance before they were done. Whether it be a fistfight or with knives, men always danced around Dante trying to avoid any one of Dante’s swings.

“No!” Gio screams out, and a punch quickly silences him.

I have no idea what Dante has planned for Gio. I know he won’t kill him, but he has a lot of anger building in him since our reunion. He has an urge for redemption for Manuel, a need to repent for not being here for me.

There’s a moment between us as Zane stands, slightly stooped from whatever beating Gio got in, but he watches me from across the room. He has an arm wrapped around his torso, but the crooked grin that grows on his lips is one to tell me he’s happy I’m finally home.

“I’ve missed you,
vita mia
,” he comments dryly, his eyes fixing on mine.

I rush to Zane, wrapping my arms around him. I hear him take a sharp intake of air as I do so; obviously, my hold is too strong on his tender ribs, and I release it, relinquishing enough to put my arms around his neck and move my head enough for my lips to hit his.

“Not quite what I wanted you to come home to,” he muses lazily as we draw apart. Our lips still barely parted; our eyes unwilling to look elsewhere.

“He’s finally getting what he’s due,” I reply, hinting my remark toward Gio. “Come on,” I say, grabbing his hand. “Let me clean you up.”

He obliges, linking his fingers through mine, and allows me to lead the way. When we enter our bathroom, I force him to sit before searching the cabinets for the first-aid kit and some arnica cream. I find everything I need and set it out, but strong hands grip my hips and pull me back. Zane begins to lift my dress up, inch by glorious inch, but I still his hands by placing mine over his.

“Let me do this first, and then you can get frisky.”

Turning to face him, I take in his marred face, the bruises yet to burst to life, sitting on his handsome features in red rashes. A cut on his lip and eyebrow are the only other sign he took a few rounds of punches before getting the upper hand. My knuckles graze along his jawbone before my hand stops on his chin. I force him to look at me, giving him a knowing look before turning to grab some cotton balls and antiseptic wash to clean his cuts. He’ll survive these, but from the continued commotion downstairs, I’m not too sure about Giovanni.

“So, that’s Dante Valentino, hey?” he asks, trying to back away from my attempts to tend to him.

“We’ll discuss that later; let me take care of you.” I don’t want to avoid that topic, but it’s not important to me.

I watch as Zane closes his eyes as he finally allows me to clean his wounds. I feel like this is one of the most perfect times in our life. Giovanni has been caught, Alessa is back in Manhattan, and I’m pregnant. I begin to grin as those words repeat themselves all over –
I’m pregnant. I’m pregnant. I’m pregnant.

“Ask me,” I say, stilling my bid to clean his cuts and abrasions.

Opening his eyes, I watch the confusion lance through his gaze. “What?”

“Ask me again,” I say, pressuring him with my eyes as I step back away from him.

“What changed?” he asks, not yet down on one knee.

“Everything,” I breathe through barely parted lips. “

He pushes me away, shock burrowing into his every cell. “What did you just called me?”

“Daddy,” I repeat my name for him. I let my face remain flat, not giving anything away.

“Say it again,” he commands me, trying to make sense.

I decide to lean in, matching my eyes with his to look into his eyes. “Daddy.”

“Amelia,” he starts, and I press my finger to his lip to hush him.

“Ask me,” I order, not giving him any more information. “Ask me to marry you, Zane. Don’t beg, don’t press me, just ask me.”

He pushes me back again, this time giving himself room to drop onto one knee in the middle of our bathroom. He reaches into his pocket, pulling out the all-too-familiar red velvet box and pries it open to reveal the beautiful ring I’ve denied myself wearing.

“Amelia Abbiati, my vita mia, will you marry me?”

“Yes. Yes. God, yes,” I say, the word liberating me. “I’m sorry it took me so long to find this moment.”

“Don’t be,” he says pushing the glistening diamond right onto my finger.

He then stands, wrapping his arms around me to draw me close to seal the proposal with a deep, passionate kiss. Everything ebbs into insignificance as he does so, and I wrap my arms around him. I had no idea what my homecoming would be like, but I never had this in mind.

“Have you had that in your pocket all this time?”

“Every day since I picked it out.” He doesn’t relinquish the Cheshire cat smile on his face. “When did you find out?”

“Yesterday,” I whisper, my eyes starting to water all over again. “Zane, I’m seven weeks pregnant. We’re finally having that family I wanted for you.” I begin to cry, but this time, it’s because of everything I couldn’t release yesterday. I couldn’t have him by my side to find out; I couldn’t have him soothe him – until now.

Hands cup my face; he frames my jaw and cheeks and forces me to look up. “I knew we could do it. I would’ve stuck by you without the baby, but I knew you were waiting for the right moment. I just never expected it to be this soon.”

“I didn’t either. Alessa talked sense into me before finding out, and I was going to say yes to you as soon I was home, but I collapsed.” I pause, watching his face shadow with concern. “I hadn’t eaten enough, and I fainted and hit my head, but I refused to worry you or have you told over the phone that I was pregnant. I didn’t want that to be the moment I told you such huge news.”

“So you do it after I beat the shit out of your brother?”

“I didn’t say timing had to be impeccable,” I say, hitting him playfully. He winces and my face falls – shit! “Sorry,” I apologize quickly. “Do we need to get you to a hospital?”

“No,” he whispers, making quick work to grab onto my hands and pull me close. “I’m okay now that I have you here”—he lowers his gaze, focusing on my stomach— “and our baby.” I watch as his hands hover over my stomach, gently lowering until his palms and the moment settles between us. My heart slows its beating, and I feel the world melt away as I focus solely on him. “You amaze me more every day I have you in my life.” Now, he looks up at me, before rising to his feet. “I love you more with every beating of my heart, Amelia. Thank you for already giving me the world. But thank you for giving me the moon and stars with it.”

I draw back to gaze at him. I gave him the world already. The baby was added on top of that. I hate myself for ever losing sight of what was important. I loathe I waited so long to say yes to the most perfect man possible.

“Just wait until married life, Amelia soon-to-be Maverick. You thought this was a spectacular show, but just wait for what I have planned for us.”

He drops his lips to mine. I used to get lost in our kisses, driven by desire, but this time, as I plunge into a lustful darkness, the lights that flash to life are mesmerizing.

Right now, I’m blinded by the fireworks.



“So you’re the infamous Dante,” Zane says as I watch him approach Dante. I bristle, but my gaze doesn’t divert. “Zane,” he says, extending a hand out.

I linger in the doorway for the kitchen, watching intently, willing to break up any fights that erupt, but I’m secretly hoping they’ve both gotten that out of their system once Dante handed Giovanni Over to the right person.

“Nice job on Giovanni, by the way,” Dante admires, giving Zane a nod of approval. “The handcuffs were a perfect addition.”

“Thanks, man,” Zane gratefully accepts the praise. “I took a couple of kidney shots once he was in them.” I watch the man I love gloat, and while I should hate it, I can’t. Between him and Dante, Giovanni ended up in the hospital beaten black and blue, and because of his past, he’s sworn to secrecy too. “What he did to Amelia and Enzo, leaving them for dead after killing Manuel is something that’s never lost a bit of a hate fire.”

“I’m just glad you had Carlo’s number so he could figure it out,” Dante responds, taking a sip of his beer. “I wouldn’t have known how to handle that. Who the fuck do you call when everyone thinks you’re dead?”

“This is why Carlo wanted to stay in touch with a few connections.” Zane watches Dante, and I see he realizes it’s a hard adjustment for Dante to be back in this world. “Give us a bit of protection if we ever need it. Everyone only has an issue with Giovanni and Sal; we’re all in the clear. While we don’t take anything, it’s nice to know people are willing to have Amelia and the guys’ backs.”

“But that asshole’s in the hospital and not ours to worry about,” Zane notes, his tone curt and thick as he mentions that. “Carlo will have more details.”

A silence hangs between them for the moment. I can understand this being completely uncomfortable for them both. They both have motives where I’m concerned, both believe they know what is right for me, but both will lock horns when they realize they both have my best interests at heart. Of course, I’m biased; Zane will know what’s right for me and our family more.

“So, you treating my girl right?” Dante asks, making a swift change of conversation. “She seems happy.”

“She is happy,” Zane replies, bristled by that prior comment. “There’s nothing to panic yourself over.” I watch Zane’s chest expand as he puffs it out, forcing himself to dominate the moment. “If anyone, and I mean anyone, makes her cry ever again, they’ll have to answer to me because I own that girl’s heart. Even after all of the hell I added to her life, she still trusted me most with it. Standing here with her, with this life, I am never going to be a stupid man who lets it all go. This is it… I’m here to stay because this is where I’m meant to be.”

“That’s all well and good, but I know you’ve broken her twice.” Dante’s words cut Zane, and he flinches but doesn’t deter from being the bigger man.

“Look, Dante. You have nothing to worry about. You saw what I did to Giovanni. That’s been brewing for a long time. Even if it had taken longer than it did, I wouldn’t have hesitated to knock that fucker out.”

“What about Salvatore?”

“That man got what he deserved,” Zane snarls, sticking by that notion. “He lost his only family. He missed his chance to enjoy a normal life. He missed ever meeting his newest grandchild, just as he did on meeting all three of Bruno’s children. If I have it my way, he won’t ever know about our child.”

“I wouldn’t worry; Amelia feels the same,” Dante notes, taking another quick swig of his beer before pointing the lip of the bottle at Zane before continuing to speak. “But you should’ve killed Giovanni. Preferably, you should have killed him in the worse way possible.”

“That wasn’t what Amelia wanted.” Zane beats him with one sentence, not emphasizing quite yet. “I worked hard to win her back, to have her love me after she came back from Italy to find me worming into her family. I wasn’t going to ruin that by sinking to Giovanni’s level. She had lost Manuel, all but lost Enzo and a full future with me; I wasn’t going to jeopardize anything else for her.”

“So don’t come in here and pounce on me like you understand me and motives. I made up for my mistakes, and I won her back. I made her see that I was a fool in love, but I was in love nonetheless.”

“Hey, man!” Dante exclaims, throwing up his hands. “I’m just looking out for my girl.”

“Your girl?” Zane scoffs, laughing in Dante’s face. “I think your girl’s brunette and married to you. Amelia’s my girl.”

I notice the talk is darkening; it’s turning into a fucking pissing contest before me, and while I know they’re not about to start arguing, I still worry they’re about to become each other’s arch nemesis before they have a chance to be friends.

“Boys!” I scold from across the yard. “Behave, please!”

“Okay, M
!” Dante calls out, teasing me as he rolls his eyes.

“She’s always watching, isn’t she? Like a Rottweiler,” Zane agrees, blowing me a kiss as if to pacify whatever anger his comment would rile in me. However, I remain cool, loving seeing him so carefree with Dante. Suddenly, the thunderous atmosphere around them defuses, and they’re laughing again.

I shake my head, backtracking to the chair set on the patio. I’m exhausted, and we’ve not even started cleaning. It’s been a long day, and I feel like my entire energy levels are spiraling at record speed.

“Who would’ve thought they’d have the starts of bromance,” Ryleigh muses, dropping next to me. She’s grinning in the same way I am – like a fucking fool. “And they’ve known each other all of two minutes.”

“You sure you can give me a second chance?” I ask, my voice feebly carrying my words. “I was a bitch to you, Ryleigh. I was horrible.”

“You were heartbroken.” Her comment is blunt, but I notice the understanding gaze she gives me. “I’m always a sucker for a second chance.” She crinkles her nose and gives me a wink. “We made a truce back in California, so let’s make sure we don’t break it.”

“I’m done with bad blood,” I comment, relieved to say that. “I am so done with the drama and heartache.” Then I grunt, throwing my head back as a new realization hits me. “I won’t get that until Enzo’s been here and seen Alessa.”

“And everyone’s seen Dante back.”

“It’s going to be a long couple of days, isn’t it?” I ask, pouting playfully at Ryleigh. She nods and I whimper, laying my head on her shoulder in mock defeat. “I want to break out the alcohol, but I guess not. I’ll have to find something else to break out to calm my nerves,” I say, sitting up to stand.

“Hey, Mama, just keep your butt in that chair.” Ryleigh’s warning comes as she grips my wrist, halting me. “You’re working for two of you now, and after yesterday, I think you should take it easy.”

“You’re all going to get insufferable.”

“It’s an Abbiati heir in there,” she quips, laughing senselessly. “You know there’s no getting rid of us now?”

“Not even after earlier?” I ask, cocking a brow, shocked that didn’t have her running back to California.

“No,” she scoffs, pursing her lips thoughtlessly. “That instilled our decision.”

“Did he scare you earlier?” I ask, worried about how Ryleigh is dealing with all of this. She gives me a perplexed look wondering what I’m hinting at. “He beat Gio to a pulp before Zane managed to jump back in.”

“I didn’t watch,” Ryleigh mentions, looking at Dante. “I knew what he was going to do by the way he was talking, and I knew no one was going to make him see sense. He’s grateful to have gotten away, but he isn’t immune to guilt. He feels a lot of remorse for leaving and finding out the real magnitude of what happened has affected his outlook.

“He knew Giovanni went crazy, that Zane was around, but he never received the details like you gave him yesterday. It hit home a little hard, and Gio was here, fresh for the fight. He was already raw from hearing Manuel was dead and how you nearly died. He told me last night how he couldn’t imagine being told the words that you were dead. I told him he never had to, but he said the thought was playing in his mind ... What if had been you and not Manuel?” She looks back at me, and I see she shares her husband’s pain; she lives it with him. “He left a family behind, and with it, he got to ignore what was happening to you guys while he was gone. He doesn’t regret his life, but he wished he had been here to help you all.”

“It was easy for me to run because I had no one, and Dante thought he didn’t have a family, but he had you guys and Jackson. If this is how he is going to get you all back, I’ll allow him to protect his family. I know it’s not the man I married. He left it behind him, but he has urges, wakes up angry in the night, and can’t get past leaving everyone behind. He has his demons, so I expect him to have urges like that.”

I’m rendered speechless. I knew Dante felt at peace among us Abbiati siblings, but I didn’t realize he had made a cross to bear when he walked away. Likewise, I didn’t realize he loved me enough to make a detrimental catalyst in his life. I know I felt a void in me the day I was told he died; it was gaping and wasn’t helped by the fact I was still heartbroken from Zane. It didn’t help with my spiraling into the hands of my father.

I sigh, knowing this is an empty comment. “As long as none of his anger is directed at you.”

I know not to worry, but I know Dante was volatile before. I respect him enough to know he loves Ryleigh and won’t ever hurt her, but I have to be sure. A lot can change in three years – Dante has changed a lot.

“Never,” she replies sweetly, but the conviction to her honesty is intense. “He only worships me. I thought we’d never see this day, but I couldn’t leave him alone. I’m glad I didn’t. I got a family.”

That’s what all of us boil down to – family. We all loved and lost, but we all loved again and gained. Ryleigh is no different. Once a lost soul, she was found by another lost soul. She found purpose by following Dante into the bowels of hell, and he found a reason in dragging her down with him. They got vengeance, got love, and got out.

“Good,” I reply, glad she’s finally settled. “You’ll always be a part of this family now.”

“I think I’ll enjoy it,” she replies, grinning and then looking over at our men, catching Zane with his eyes on me. “I’m guessing you took your time by telling him?” Ryleigh muses, watching him intently. She laughs as a smile involuntarily pulls on my face. “I guessed by the amount he can’t stop kissing you.”

“He can’t get enough of me. Even while we were tidying up the kitchen so Alessa could cook, he just kept kissing me.” I giggle like a fucking schoolgirl. “I guess we had better get back to reality and start on the house. I know Carlo and Enzo are coming over when they’ve really dealt with Giovanni, but I want there to be some order before hell breaks loose ... again.”

“I’ll go and help Alessa and get working on the downstairs,” Ryleigh offers, winking at me.

We both get up, going our separate ways. I’m about to break up a moment between the two blossoming friends, but I have to distract myself for the carnage the Enzo and Alessa meeting will cause.

“Can we go and pick up the bedroom?” I ask, waltzing over. “I don’t mean to break up the moment of bonding, but our room is a mess, and I want somewhere to sleep and preferably soon.”

“Of course, sweetheart. You waning?” Zane asks, turning to face me.

“Big time,” I moan. “It’s been a long day, and we’re going to have a long evening of cleaning.”

“Why don’t you guys sleep in the guest room?” Dante asks, breaking into the conversation. “We’ll clean the front room; I’ll sleep on the couch or something and the girls can take your other room. Amelia mentioned it was a three-bedroom house.” He pauses to shrug. “I don’t mind the couch. If that makes it any easier?”

I ponder the idea, and then feel my lip curl downward. “Sounds pathetic, but I want my bed.”

“We’ll consider it, but you aren’t staying here and sleeping on a couch,” Zane states, showing that there really are no hard feelings between the two men. “That bastard left us a huge mess, so we’ll see.”

“Okay,” Dante agrees quickly. “We’ll get started on the front room and dining room.”

“Thanks, man.” Zane appreciates it, taking my hand and tugging me into the house.

We walk through the house, and I feel a pang of sadness at the state of my home. My gorgeous little piece of heaven is destroyed and all because of my brother. I feel the heat of rage start to ignite in my stomach that Giovanni has done it before – disrupt our lives.

“You know,” I start as we reach the stairs, Zane’s hand still in mine as he continues to lead me. “I really think I want to pay Gio a visit within the next few days.”


“Well, like you said, he’ll be in the hospital a little while after the beating he got, and I fancy one last meeting with him.” I can almost hear the glee in my tone at the thought of getting Giovanni while he’s weak. “I want to go for the scare tactic then leave that hospital with my head held high and come home to you.”

“I’m going with you,” he states, giving me a pointed look. “I’ll wait in the car, but you aren’t going alone.”

“Okay,” I relent, entering the room.

Looking around, the mess in here isn’t quite as bad as it was. I wonder if Gio ran up in search of me, giving Zane just enough time to get his handcuffs ready to subdue Gio. There are a few shattered photo frames, a knocked-over vase of flowers, a lamp on the floor, and the bed looks scruffy. While Zane goes to straighten up the far side of the room, I throw my bag onto the side table and make the bed. It’s quick, easy work to straighten the pillows and pull the sheets and comforter back up, releasing the creases the best I can.

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