Feral Love (Paranormal Alpha Werewolf Shifter Romance) (6 page)

BOOK: Feral Love (Paranormal Alpha Werewolf Shifter Romance)
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The way back home, to Remy’s surprise, was longer than
expected. Then again, she was making the journey on two legs rather than four. Occasionally, she cast an uneasy eye back at Emma but the one-eyed she-wolf showed no signs of aggression.


she told herself.
Blake sent her with me. She wouldn’t hurt me.


Don’t count on it, girl.
Emma’s voice suddenly sounded in Remy’s head.


“Did…” Remy turned around. “Did you hear me?”


Emma sat back on her haunches and tilted her head.
You know nothing about being a wolf, do you, girl?


Remy blushed but also felt indignation tear through her. Up until a few hours ago, she didn’t even know that wolves could communicate to each other without speaking. It wasn’t fair! Who was Emma to judge her for the things she was never taught?


I’m not judging you, girl.
The reply echoed in her head.


“Get out of my head!” Remy turned around and stalked away.


But Emma was faster on four legs and she caught up to Remy with just a few quick strides.
It’s faster if you shift.


Remy ignored her and kept trudging through the snow. She sank and slipped on the snow with every other step. She had wrapped herself with the pelt that she slept under when she left but after a few more falls, the pelt was soaked through and she was shivering.


You’ll freeze to death if you don’t shift, girl.
Emma cast her a thoughtful look.


Remy bit her lip and pushed herself up from the snow. Her fingers and toes were numb from the cold but still she refused to shift, refused to give in to Emma’s goading. But when she fell face-first into the snow again, she abandoned her resistance and shifted.


Silver fur ran down her body and she felt warm, far warmer than even the pelt. Around her, the snow glittered like diamond dusts and she could smell a rich musk from the pelt.


she thought and suddenly she could taste him in her mouth again, salty yet sweet.


A nose touched her and Remy turned to see Emma pushing her slightly.
We have to go. You promised the Alpha that you’ll be back.


Remy huffed and picked up the pace. The pelt on her back felt oppressively hot but she didn’t dare shuffle it off. Blake told her it came from a great elk that took one of Emma’s eyes before being brought down. If she shrugged it off, Emma might take offense to it…


The two of them trudged through the snow and soon silence descended upon them. After a while, Remy grew bored. Without thinking, she asked.
What’s it like to be a wild wolf?


Emma didn’t answer but pushed on.


I asked you a question.
Remy said.
Can’t you at least answer me?


Emma turned around and gave her a long stare but kept silent otherwise.


Frustrated, Remy lunged at Emma and snapped her jaws.
Answer me!
She immediately regretted doing that when Emma bristled and growled. Somehow, her wolf had grown bolder after her time with Blake. There was a new assertiveness the beast seemed to have and Remy wasn’t sure if she liked it or not.


But Emma didn’t lunge back. Her snout twisted into something that could be taken for a smile—if wolves could smile.
Looks like you have some fight in you, girl.


I have a name. I’m Remy, Blake’s mate. He’s your Alpha, shouldn’t you give me the same respect that you give him?


At that statement, Emma did snap. Her maw opened and shut with such ferocity that Remy flinched.


You know
about being a wolf!
Anger brimmed in Emma’s voice as she stalked closer. Her one eye smoldered with baleful fire.


Then teach me! Tell me what I need to know.
Remy felt her wolf urging her to stand her ground and she did. Even though the very act made her legs tremble.


Emma pressed her snout close to Remy, so close that she could smell the she-wolf’s slaver and hints of her dinner.
A wild wolf does not follow titles. A wild wolf follows strength and strength alone. If you want me to bow to you, then
me do it. Until then, I don’t care if you call yourself Alpha of the Sky, you’ll always be
to me.


The words cut deep and Remy felt herself shying away from the ferocity emanating off Emma. The assertiveness went out of her. She turned back meekly—tail tucked between her legs—and continued on her way home.


But Emma wasn’t finished with her. The great she-wolf caught up and her voice dripped with acid.
For almost fifty years I’ve followed Blake Christensen. I was with him when our pack numbered no more than twenty and now we have more than a hundred. I never thought his mate would be a
bitch like you.


Remy’s anger flared again and her wolf—or was it herself?—snarled.
I didn’t ask to be his mate!


No. But you jumped on him quick enough, didn’t you?
Emma moved in front of Remy and blocked her path. She bared her fangs and stalked closer.


Each time Remy tried to move aside, Emma blocked her again. The scar over the blind eye throbbed and when Remy stared into the one good eye, there was no mistaking the
that burned in it.


The anger was bubbling inside Remy. Her wolf felt the simmering emotion and fanned the flames, burning it brighter and stronger.
What does it matter to you?
She demanded.


It matters to me because this could end the pack.
Emma growled and bared her fangs.
Wolves follow the strong and a mate’s Alpha is an Alpha by right. But what self-respecting wolf would follow
You who wear the pelt of
kill. You who could not even speak like a wolf when I first met you.


Remy fell silent. Emma was right. But her wolf snarled and snapped inside like never before.
Fight her!
Her wolf said.
Fight her and prove her wrong!


Emma barked—loud and sharp—as she stepped closer and lowered her head, not in submission but in challenge.
Come prove yourself an Alpha!
If you can.


Remy was at a loss. Her human mind screamed at her to stay in one spot, to just wait until it’s over. But her wolf mind—made bolder by the affirmation that she was an Alpha—frothed at the mouth and demanded to be loosened. The beast raged and thrashed about, howling for freedom. All the while, Remy yanked on an imaginary chain and felt something straining around her own neck. Then she remembered what Blake told her.
You can’t see the collar around your neck squeezing the life out of you because you’ve spent your entire life wearing it…


Let go… Let me go…
her wolf howled and raged while her human held desperately on the chain to restrain her.


It’s too much… Too tight.
The wolf tugged harder, dragging the chain through her human side’s fingers. Slowly, a single link of the imaginary chain slipped through…


… and the collar came off.


Newfound power suddenly coursed through Remy and she tore at Emma with such ferocity that the she-wolf grunted in surprise as the two rushed into each other. Thoughts escaped Remy. Her world was only teeth and claws and blood and snow. They spun and tore at each other. Remy vaguely felt something sharp digging into her back but slipped away.


The large elk pelt rolled off her back and Remy took a moment to gain her footing before rushing in again. Her jaws snapped but found only cold air as the she-wolf dodged. Then came pain as fangs closed around her throat. She twisted but could not shake Emma off and for a moment Remy Clearwater thought she was going to die…


… Until Emma drew back and opened her jaw to deliver the killing blow. Long yellow fangs—reddened at the tips—came slashing down. Taking her chance, Remy tackled her foe to the ground, snarling, rolling, ripping, and kicking until the snow was smeared pink and red with their blood.


Just as quickly as it began, it was over. Emma lay on her side and turned her belly to Remy. Panting, she said.
I submit. I submit.
Her single eye looked up at Remy but the hate was gone.
My Alpha.



Aaron Van
Houten had just finished delivering the news to the Clearwaters when he heard one of his hunters call for him. Mrs. Clearwater had collapsed to the ground—sobbing and cursing her husband—when Aaron broke the news to them. While he didn’t want to go, Aaron knew that his place wasn’t here. Not now.


“What is it?” He rushed outside into the snow.


The hunter said nothing and pointed in the distance. Aaron followed his finger and his heart leaped into his throat.


Remy was standing in the snow wearing the pelt of a large elk. Another woman was behind her. Without second thought, Aaron rushed towards her. When he got closer, he saw that her arms and legs were covered in deep scratches and cuts running with fresh red blood.




Remy didn’t expect the first person to greet her return to be Aaron Van Houten. She didn’t expect him to suddenly take her into his arms. She certainly didn’t expect him to kiss her with such ferocity that it felt like he was trying to eat her face.


But unlike Blake, Aaron’s kiss didn’t set Remy’s body aflame with desire, didn’t draw shivering sighs from deep within, and didn’t make her sex quiver from the emptiness. She pushed back and disentangled herself from him.


“Remy. You’re safe.” There were tears in Aaron’s eyes and his face split into a wide smile of relief as he took her by the shoulder. “Oh my goodness, we were so worried about you. You must be freezing! We thought you’d been…” He finally saw Emma, saw the same scars on the she-wolf, and stopped himself.


“Who is she?” He asked. “Did she do this to you?”


Behind him, a pair of hunters rushed up, carrying high powered rifles. There was disdain in Emma’s eye as she looked at the hunters coming up towards her.

Remy looked back at Aaron. “I need to see my parents.”


“Of course, of course.”
He nodded. “But answer me first, Remy.” He pointed at Emma. “Did
do this to you?”


“I did.” Emma replied before Remy could.


Aaron’s face darkened and before Remy could stop him, he barked an order to the hunters. “Kill her!”


“No!” Remy screamed. One of the hunters raised his rifle. She lunged at him and pushed it out of the way just as the rifle went off. The explosion was deafening and Remy felt her palm being burnt by the heat of the barrel. She looked back. Luckily, the hunter had missed.


“Don’t kill her! Stop it!” Remy shrieked. Aaron grabbed her and hugged her close to him as she beat her fists against him.


The other hunter raised his rifle but Emma was faster. The she-wolf shifted and went straight for the throat. The man fell down and barely had time to scream before a spurt of red fountained from his neck.


The first man cycled the bolt and raised the rifle.


“Stop it! Stop it! Stop it!” Remy struggled against Aaron’s strong grasp and wrenched free. Throwing her arms around Emma, she stared up at the barrel pointed at her.


Are you okay, Emma?
She asked.


Fucking collared wolves…
Emma growled and shifted back to her human form.


Aaron pried Remy off Emma and then bent down to tilt Emma’s chin up until she looked straight at him. “You’re one of Christensen’s wolves, aren’t you?”


“Leave her alone!” Remy tried to intervene but Aaron kept her at arm’s length. “Leave her alone, Aaron!” She felt so helpless. It had been her idea to come to the village as humans and now Emma was paying the price for it.
As a wolf, I was strong. Now I’m just a stupid girl again…


Aaron looked at Remy and then back at Emma. “You hear that? My mate wants you alive. So that’s what I’ll do. You should thank her for showing you mercy.”


Emma said nothing. Aaron motioned in the air and more men came by. Some of them carried ropes in their hands. Soon, Emma was tied up and they dragged her away in the snow. Aaron hugged Remy close to him.


“You’re safe now, Remy… You’re safe. The savage won’t hurt you anymore. I promise.”




Hours later, Remy finally finished explaining everything to her parents. It took all the arguing in her to send Aaron away but he left eventually. During the retelling of her story, Remy had to stop a few times to collect herself as she recalled the immense torrent of emotions that Blake incited in her. Her parents listened on in rapt attention and never once interrupted her. When it was all over, her mother took Remy’s hand.


“Oh, Remy, sweetheart. I’m…” There were tears in her eyes. “I’m so glad you found your true mate. Really, I am. But…” She took a deep breath. “But are you sure that’s what you want?”


“Yes.” Remy replied.


Her whole life, Remy Clearwater thought that it was wild wolves that she was supposed to fear but today she realized it was the other way around. Where hesitation once dwelled, only certainty remained. She was never more sure of something her entire life.


“I’m glad you’re sure but…” Her mother was searching for the right words but it was her father who said what she tried to say.


He eyed the cuts and gouges on Remy’s arms. “Aren’t you afraid of living with those savages?”


“They’re not savages, dad!” Remy snapped. “They’re just like you and I. They live and they love. The only thing that sets them apart is the fact that they’re free and you’re not. My mate—my
mate—said that if you wanted to join his pack, you’re free to do so. Do you think that Alpha Van Houten would ever let you do that?”


Her parents had no answer to that question. Finally, her father said. “Remy, we’ve lived here our whole life. I don’t think we can just pick up and leave at the drop of a hat.”


Her mother added. “But if this is something that you’re adamant on. We won’t stop you.”


“You…” Remy was shocked. “You won’t?”


Her father smiled sadly. “You were always a wild child. We couldn’t tame you even if we tried. If this is what you truly want, then we won’t stop you.”


“But promise you’ll come visit us.” Her mother added. “Promise you’ll let me see my grandchildren.”


Remy looked at her parents and smiled. “Of course, mom. I promise.”


“Good.” Her mother hugged her. “We’ll miss you, Remy.”


I’ll miss you too, mom.
Remy hugged her mother tight to her. But her mind was turning around a more difficult question.
How the hell am I going to convince Aaron Van Houten that we’ll never be together?

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