Feral Love (Paranormal Alpha Werewolf Shifter Romance) (10 page)

BOOK: Feral Love (Paranormal Alpha Werewolf Shifter Romance)
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The first thing Blake saw when he arrived at the village was Locke’s wolf hunched over Emma’s body, snapping and snarling at anyone who attempted to get close to him—wild or collared.
There were several bodies around him already, including a man whose throat had been savagely opened.


Blake stepped forward as the rest of the pack set about subduing the rebellious members throughout the village.
Locke, enough. She’s gone.


But there was no more reasoning with Locke. The old wolf who had once been as close as litter-mates with Blake growled and lunged. The single word came from him again.


Was this what happened to wolves who lose their mates? Blake had never seen nor experienced such a thing in all his years. Then again, he’d never ordered mates to be separated. In a way, Locke’s suffering was his fault.


Locke seemed to know it too. When his eyes locked with Blake’s, they flashed with hate and he attacked with such ferocity that Blake scarcely had time to duck away as deadly jaws snapped close in the cold air.


Locke, I’m sorry!
Blake rounded. A circle of wolves was starting to gather around them, drawn by the conflict.


You killed her.
Locke would hear none of it. His mind was set on one thing: to avenge his mate. He attacked again and this time the teeth found their mark. Fangs dug into Blake’s side and would have slashed deep beneath the pelt had he not twisted out of the way again.


He didn’t want to fight Locke, didn’t want to do what he knew must be done, didn’t want to put down the beta who had been with him for so many years. But as he danced away from another attack again, he could see it plain as day.


Locke was gone and only a husk remained.


You sent her away. You killed her. You took her away from me
. The grey blur rushed at Blake and fresh blood sprayed in the snow.


Locke, you know I had no choice.


You sent her away. You killed her. You took her away from me.


Blake stepped aside again but Locke circled closer, his snout trailing Blake’s every move.
Locke, where is Remy?


He heard the same reply and knew that there was no more talking, no more words, no more reasoning with the Locke he once knew.


He accepted what he must do.


When Locke lunged again, Blake ducked, rolled, and came up from the snow at Locke’s exposed belly, kicking, biting, and snapping his head side to side to get through the tough fur. There was a moment of resistance when his teeth tightened around the ribs but the moment lasted no more than a split second. Bones crunched in his mouth and blood ran hot in his mouth. He dove down again, aiming for the neck this time and severing the great vein that poured Locke’s life—steaming—onto the snow.


And the last word in Locke’s dying moments was




Remy watched the fight in the snow with her parents. After Aaron went after Locke, she managed to crawl away and find her home. Luckily, the door was still unbroken and her parents were safe. Her mother had fussed about the wounds but she was relieved that Remy was alive.


When Remy saw Blake arrive with the rest of the pack, her heart leaped to her throat. Now he padded towards her, with Locke’s blood still on his snout and his own wounds smoking in the air.


She reached for him—with mind and hand both—and felt his emotions washing over her, drowning her in sadness and regret and grief. She knelt down in the snow and cupped his snout.




“Shh.” She silenced him and hugged him close to her, feeling the warmth rising from his body. “I’m here, Blake. I’m here.”


And he was a man again, trembling in her arms. Two glistening lines of tears ran down his face and froze on his cheeks. She ran her fingers through his hair, untangled the knots of blood and grime and sweat. She kissed his brow and murmured words of assurance only the two of them could hear. Yet he was still shaking, still crying.


And suddenly she found herself crying as well. Crying for Emma, for Locke, but most of all, she was crying for Aaron.


“It’s all my fault, Remy.” Blake whispered as his fingers locked with hers. “All of this… I should have listened to you.”


“That’s not true.” She hugged him closer. “Don’t say that, Blake. You knew you had no other choice.”


“I should have come with you. Not Emma. None of this would have happened if I came with you.”


“Aaron would have killed you.” The fear of wild wolves ran too deep in her village. Even now, people were looking at the wild wolves cautiously. “And it would’ve been me there in the snow instead of Locke.” She cupped his face with her hand and looked into his steely blue eyes. “You did the only thing you could, my love.” Mustering a smile, she wiped the tears from his face. “Better stop crying now. Is that how you want to meet my parents?”



Blake led the pack back to the
Wolfden with Remy and her parents in tow. Introductions were awkward at first but both Stephen and Maryanne Clearwater accepted the fact that their daughter had found her mate in a wild wolf. Blake had dispensed justice for the crimes his wayward wolves committed as reparation for the unwarranted attack before leaving. Six wild wolves paid with their lives.


When they arrived at the Wolfden, all the wolves shifted back to their human forms and took their seats before the large bonfire. All eyes seemed to be on Remy as she took her place beside Blake at the top of a dais before the fire.


“Brothers, sister, sons and mothers.” Blake started as he took Remy’s hand. “Tonight was supposed to be a night of happiness and celebration but that was not so. For that, I’m sorry.”


The pack remained silent. The bonfire crackled and the sky turned a light shade of pink in the east.


“We’ve suffered tonight but we have suffered far worse in the past. This too, in time, will pass. The grief we feel for those whom we lost will be etched forever in our hearts but their memories will live on until the day comes when we join with them in the great pack of the sky.


“When I first took the pack from Old Yaroslav, I promised you all that we would find a place where we can call home. Since then, we’ve roamed from the skyward pines of Siberia, we’ve passed through the mountains of Yukon belching fire, and we’ve found this place, among the brooks and streams and trees. For twenty years we dared—I dared—to imagine that we have found our home.


“And today.” He looked back at Remy and his hand tightened, warm and insistent. “Today I can say with confidence that we are home. Your Alpha has found his mate, and her name is Remy.”


“Remy! Remy!” Cries rose up from the benches, a solitary voice at first but with each repetition, a new voice joined itself to the cry. Soon, the entire pack was shouting her name, stamping their feet, and stretching their hands to her. Some even added “Alpha!” to the cry. Those who saw her in the village fighting in the snow carried the loudest voice of them all.


Blake held his hand up for silence. “But today belongs to you. Today is a day when our dead must be mourned and honored. Brothers, sisters, sons and mothers, go now to be with those you love.” He was speaking to the pack but it sounded as if he were speaking only to her. “Hold them. Cherish them. Tell them that they mean the world to you.”




Alone now, the two of them walked hand-in-hand out from the Wolfden. They were tired but their happiness could not be held back. Remy leaned against Blake’s strong shoulders and took in his scent—rich and familiar. He was hers, now and always.


“Do you remember where we first made love?” he kissed her brow and brushed the hair out of her eye.


“In that clearing… we ran their in our dreams.”


Suddenly he was a wolf again and Remy needed no words to understand what Blake’s wagging tail said.




She ran after him, chasing the morning sun as it rose in a fiery panoply of colors, glittering from the soft snow. When they finally came upon the clearing where they first touched each other, where they first felt each other, Blake stood naked on the bed of moss, holding strips of leather in his hands. The boyish grin on his face told her what was about to happen and she bit her lips coyly to tease him.


“Turn around.” His voice insisted.


Remy prepared herself. She closed her eyes as Blake tied her hands behind her back and then blindfolded her eyes.


Thrust into the darkness, Remy breathed as she waited for Blake to approach her. Knowing her desire, he deliberately teased her by staying silent as he moved around the bedroom, keeping her on edge.


The anticipation alone was making her wet.


Suddenly, when she least expected it, his voice drifted from behind her.


"Tied up, blindfolded, and in need of my touch. Isn't that right, Remy?" Blake's voice whispered in her ear as his hand slowly moved along her body, running up her stomach and dipping in the valley between her breasts.


She gasped and whimpered. The lack of sight was maddening. Each time Blake's touch came to her, it was always a surprise. It became a game of cat and mouse. She tried to anticipate where he would go next, and he would do his best to surprise her.


His hot lips hovered around her ear, whispering the things he was going to do to her as his hand massaged her breasts. His breath moved down her neck and she shivered in anticipation. The wet tongue brushed against her skin. A slight moan escaped from Remy's lips as Blake's tongue circled her nipple.


She felt a shuddering breath against her nipple and whispered. "Yes..."


"What's that?" Blake's voice rumbled against her chest. "Louder, Remy, so I can hear you."


"Yes." She repeated herself.


He moved up, muttering as his lips traced along her neck and kissed her chin until his voice hovered over Remy's blindfolded eyes as his hand reached behind to tighten the restraints around Remy's wrists. "Tell me, Remy... what do you want?"


The warmth of his body against her was intoxicating. She was falling, slowly but surely into his grasp again. Her mind turned blank and after several deep breaths, a single word came forth. "You."


"Hmm." She could see him smile in her mind. And suddenly his lips were pressed against hers and she sucked on them slowly, running her tongue over them and exploring the insides of Blake's mouth.


She felt his hands on her body once more, hovering just over her skin. Slowly, they descended between her legs and opened them. She moaned as Blake squeezed her thighs, trembling in anticipation for his fingers to enter her.


But he pulled away at the final second and she whimpered for his touch.


"Not yet." He pried her legs back apart, caressing her as he did so.


His fingers feathered her skin, light and airy. She arched her back and bit her lips as they teased her skin, sending small titillating ripples over her body. They moved slowly over her sensitive nipples, touched lightly between her rising breasts, and moved for a brief second under her chin. She didn't know whether she wanted to laugh or moan.


Her arms struggled against the light yet simple restraint that Blake placed on her.


She felt his fingers inching towards her hot clenched muscles. But he never touched her no matter how close he came. And when she felt herself maddened by it all, he wrapped his hand around her neck and pulled her up for a kiss.


He planted several small kisses on her upper lips. And then his fingers returned, moving down her body and finally teasing between her legs. Remy moaned and gasped. It was a sensation that she had never felt before. The gentleness of it made her skin super sensitive. Everywhere Blake touched left behind a trail of goosebumps that Blake kissed away.


Soon she found herself writhing under his light touch with tears welling up from her eyes. When he pulled away, she inched forward--her body begging for his return. A patch of wetness was flowing out from deep inside her and she panted ever so slightly.


He rested his head against her breast, steadily kissing towards her pussy. She opened her legs slightly. But just as Blake reached the top band of Remy's panties, he pulled away.


"Please..." She breathed. "More."


He said nothing but his hand found the small of her back. Slowly, he guided her up until she was on her knees.


His finger explored the space between her legs, creeping closer to the delicious pulsing warmth and giving it a gentle stroke before pulling away.


"Please," she begged as she struggled against the restraints again. If only she could see!


His hands moved behind her and she felt the restraints tightening just a bit more, pushing her breasts up and forward. Blake reached forward and nibbled Remy's ear as he hugged her close and rubbed his hand all along her body.


He pulled her back and laid her gently on the bed again. His hand pushed her legs apart but still they refused to touch her. She whimpered again and felt his finger pushing into her mouth. But just as she tried to closer her lips around it, Blake pulled it away, teasing her.


The lack of sight increased her other senses. She smelled Blake's arousal. His musky odor filled the air and she knew it was only a matter of time before he could no longer help himself. The wetness beneath her was growing and Remy opened her legs further.


Finally, she felt his hands cupping her mound. Yes! Yes! She cried in her head as he stroked her deep and hard.


Suddenly, an unexpected splash of warmth flickered against her slit. Remy squealed and pulled back. It felt heavenly. Again and again, Blake lapped at her like a cat lapping a saucer of milk. Remy's face flushed and she twisted on the bed.


The tongue took less and less time between each lick until it finally ran along the length of Remy's slit. She moaned and gasped as it played with her clit.


"You're... You're going to... m-make me..." She whispered as her muscles clenched, drowning out her words.


"That's the idea." Blake's deep voice vibrated and Remy threw her head back, sighing.


A finger pushed inside of her even as Blake sucked on her nub and sent Remy shuddering upwards. Her ears were ringing again and the intensity was multiplied by the deprivation of her sight.


Blake's fingers gently pulled the underwear from Remy's legs. The freedom was wondrous and she spread her legs apart, moaning. Wet fingers slid into her mouth and filled her with her own scent and wetness.


Just then, Blake dove between her legs and started to begin dining. The balled up panties fell from Remy's gaping mouth as she squealed, her hips gyrating in response to his touch.


She felt cold moist air descending on her nipples and before she could piece together what was going on, the ice was pressed against her skin. Remy gasped as it slowly moved from nipple to nipple, bathing her breasts with wetness.


The ice moved lower. It danced over her navel, tracing intricate patterns that she could hardly recognize. It slid ran slowly over her inner thigh. And as her blood followed behind the ice cube, her desire came bubbling forth.


Suddenly, the coldness pushed inside and she yelped. She wanted to reach out and touch herself but the restraints held her back. Blake's fingers moved faster and faster, pushing the ice further in until it melted into nothing.


As the blood rushed back, the heat it brought with it was almost unbearable and Remy let loose a long sustained note of pleasure as Blake's cool fingers pumped inside of her. She was melting from his touch. Her own senses were abandoning her and she screamed as the orgasm shuddered through her body.


Her legs snapped together but he forced them open and held them like that. Trembling against it, Remy both laughed and cried at how good it felt.


She felt him shift his position in bed. Her nose told her that his cock was just inches from her face. She tried to lean forward but he pushed her head back.


"You want me?"


"Yes!" She responded almost immediately.




"I want you." Desire spiked through her body. She was feeling hornier by the second.




"I want you!" Her own desire was stirring inside of her.


And before she could finish her statement, his member pushed into her mouth. Musk filled her nostrils as she pushed herself forward slowly until the throbbing head pressed in the back of her throat.


"Minx." Blake growled over her. He rubbed her back slowly as she worked his girth. Her arms shook against her restraints slightly as she felt his cock growing in her mouth.

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