Fight for Love (5 page)

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Authors: David Manoa

Tags: #romance, #love, #suspense, #soldier, #david manoa

BOOK: Fight for Love
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“Surprised?” “Your faggot of a boyfriend
surprised me you know. I didn’t know he would flip like this, but
he will be dead soon enough” Another man who wasn’t masked dragged
in a dead blonde woman and put her in the freezer.

I watched as he covered her with clothes only
exposing her hair then she held my chin and her tongue ran down my
cheek. “Like a popsicle… Part of our training is test our endurance
to hyperthermia but seems you are in an advanced stage. Your
boyfriend will be in for a surprise when he opens up the freezer to
find me in there. I’m looking forward to gutting him like a

She opened up the boot and shoved me in
there. She sniffled. “You have a nice perfume…” The boot lid
slammed down with a hollow thus and again I was alone with the



“Which turn off?” I peered in the rear view
mirror to see him going in out of consciousness I shouted “GP!” he
shook and pointed to the Mt Wellington turn off on my left as we
speed furiously down the motorway.

GP Face was pale he muttered “I’m sorry will,
Its fucked up but when you know you ain't got long to go you
realise a lot.” He coughed “I put my fear of being out of the army
in front of my mates who fought and put their lives down for me. I
was willing to kill for my own selfishness.”

“Damn it GP! Don’t you fucking die on me here
I need you.”

His eyelids fluttered and opened wide. “The
will, we are coming up to the abandoned freezing, works there’s a
gravel driveway that leads to the doors.”

I veered the car into the long gravel road
Speeding up as we left a plume of dust behind us. I spotted the
warehouse through the large doors. “GP brace yourself” I clench the
steering wheel hard as I accelerated. The Speedo going up to 100km
when I broke through the doors.

The floor was wet when the car spun around
hitting the stacks of tyres. I turned to see GP unresponsive. I got
out and drew my pistol sweeping the area. The placed reeked of
rotting flesh the pungent smell made me almost throw up.

My eyes flickered to the right the sound of a
diesel generator and a car parked next to it. There was the freezer
with the door open the cold mist billowing out. I ran over to the
entrance. I spotted Claudia in there.


I was blindsided across the chest and neck. I
fell back and slid across the floor. I shook off the blow trying to
recover my breathing. I winced looking up to see it was Natalya
holding a steel pole.

“You're too late she’s dead…” she pointed the
Claudia in the freezer. I tried to get at her and rushed when she
swung the metal pole at my stomach and my back. I was down on the
ground winded when she laughed.

“You know William. Everything worked out
quite well.”

“Fuck you. Your scheme is over.”

“Ha, its only started. With GP dead I can
work undisturbed with m drug operation.”

“What about the Lithium-ion?”

She started cracking up. “There was no such
thing. When GP caught on my operation I fed him the bullshit about
the private military company and all. GP was a pretentious old man
who thought he was saving the world. The fool should have known the
world left him long ago.”

“What about the afghan warlord?”

“That was the only truth the bastard is
undermining the new poppy fields that being grown there. He was
insistent on having you on the team, to my disdain. Thinking that
we are some sort of family and that you would be crucial to taking
the warlord out. When he came up with the idea of capturing your
girl to coerce you to doing the job, it was a good idea. Ha-ha,
perhaps too good.

My eyes flicked to my pistol on my right.
When she stepped in front and she swung the pole nudging the weapon
away. She swung at my breaking my right it snapped making me scream
out in agony I was used my hands to slide up to the car.

She said “It was my idea to give you the
phones, your messages were quite touching. Romeo… But like the
story you know how it all ends… In tragedy.”

She tried to hit me again when she missed
hitting the ground causing a spark. I was huffing leaving a trail
of blood I reached the middle of GPs car the sunlight speared in
from the open door. I flashed on the surface of my face. The light
is so bright I paused to see Natalya lift the pole I raised my
forearm to protect me when she froze.

I watched as her eyes rolled to the back of
her head when she fell down. A knife wedged in her back GP was on
his knees as the blood pissed out of his chest. Streams of tears
down the side of his face as fell into the pool of water.

I lifted Natalya’s head and screamed “Where
is she!” her right eyes opened then she muttered. “She’s dead from
the hypothermia…” Her eye shifted to the car. I turned to see water
dripping from the boot.

I shouted her name sliding over Please be
alive, please be alive.



Hallucinations and sounds. I thought I heard
will. My ears strained to hear my name, but my mind was playing
tricks. My body so numb I don’t even know if I was still alive. My
thoughts started to flatline that moment before death when things
become still and quiet.

It was a serene moment I was ready to go. If
I had enough strength I, imagined what my last message on my phone
would be.

Juliet: William I love you so much…

My eyes closed when I felt rush of the wind
draws in around me a warmth of the air. I heard a voice shouting in
my ear. I felt my body being shook. I opened my left eye to see my
man crying over me. My body was lifeless.

I couldn’t even move. Am I dead? I felt Will
lift me up as he placed me on the ground. He ripped away at my wet
and frosted clothing when I felt his warmth of the body embracing
me. His chest was against my breast his large hands rubbing the
warmth into my back. He kept his face against my cheek. I felt the
transfer of his warmth and love.


My eyes blinked and I mustered up strength
while I shivered. I could hear him clearly my mind becoming aware
fighting the sleepiness. He shouted cupping the sides of my

“Baby can you hear me?”

I smiled nodding when he smiled back. His
hands wiping the warm salted tears from my face he said softly.
“Baby, I’m sorry I took so long… I read every message you sent, but
I could reply because they would have killed you. There were things
you mentioned in the message that you felt I held back because of
my job as a soldier, but it wasn’t that.

I became puzzled when I felt the sensation in
my lips beginning to move. My tongue started to roll and words came
out of my mouth, I said still shaking “Whhat… waasss… ittt?”

William leaned and pulled out his dogs tags
around it was a diamond ring looped in it. Gosh, it was beautiful.
I watched William unhooked it and put it in his hand. He took my
frosted hand and cupped it blowing hot breath on my hands and

He said, “Claudia Coe will you marry me?”

I shivered as I watched the gleam of this
diamond ring gleam and glisten on my finger. He ran his fingers
over my tears. I said.

“Yeess… I.. I… Will…”







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