Fighting Desire (Bay State Series Book 2) (10 page)

BOOK: Fighting Desire (Bay State Series Book 2)
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“What about him?”

“I hate the way he treats everyone. We were all so scared for him while he was really sick and this is how he repays us. It's frustrating.” She sighs and I don't understand it either and tell her as much. “I'm mad at myself for being angry with him. It's not right but I just can't help it. Does that make sense?” She pushes her plate to the middle of the table, signaling that she's finished.

Placing my index finger to my lips, I think carefully before answering her. “Actually, it does. You didn't do anything to warrant his behavior. At the same time I think he's scared and he feels the need to push everyone away. At least that's what we came up with when I had my little chat with your father.” I sit here looking into her sad eyes and I can't help but feel sorry for her. I know she doesn't want my pity but the sacrifices she's made for her brother are not light ones. Worst of all, it's not information she can tell them. They're in the dark and I agree that it's for the best. Wanting to get off of the topic, I change the subect. “What do you want to do now? Arcade or walk on the beach?” The waitress set the check down on the table and Sarah reaches for it. “Umm, I don't think so. This weekend's on me.” I grab the paper and stand, holding out my hand for her.

She takes it for a moment, releasing it to wrap her arms around my middle and leaning her head against my arm as we make our way to pay the check. “Thank you.” She says, standing on her tiptoes and kissing my cheek.

I smile down at her. “Your most welcome.” Not sure what exactly she's referring to. Picking up the bill? This weekend? My advice? It doesn't really matter, I would do anything and everything for her. “Always.”

We leave the restaurant, me wrapped in her arms and go hunt an arcade. It'll be fun to see her competitive side.

“Dammit!” She pouts. I've beaten her at every game of air hockey we've played. Ski ball. Beat her. Even the racing game, sitting side by side, I was paying more attention to her crashing every five seconds and laughing at her than I was to my own screen and I still blew her away. Should I mention I spent most of my teenage years in the arcade at the mall? Na, this is way too much fun.

“Mortal Kombat?” I ask, quirking an eyebrow in question and am rewarded with a devilish grin.

“Ready to finally lose?” She asks and I can't help but laugh.

“Sure.” Challenge accepted. “Bring it on baby. Do your worst.”

She runs over to machine to save our spot while I get some change. I've caught a few guys checking her out, whatever, she's with me. I grin at the thought. Damn straight she's mine and I plan on keeping it that way.

“Shit!” She's won six straight fights. “I take it you've played before?” I ask, trying to hide my amusement at her victory dance.

She wraps her arms around my neck, looking up at me seductively. “A few times.” She says and starts to giggle. A few my ass. I keep the last comment to myself, letting her think she's hustled me.

“It's getting late. Let's walk up the beach back to the hotel. I have plans for you.”

“Plans huh? Should I be worried?” She jokes, playfully running away from.

“I will catch you.” I yell, as I start to give chase. She's fast, I'll give her that.

We're both out of breath by the time I tackle her on the soft sand. I'm laying on top of her, eyes locked in a heated gaze. I lean in and kiss her, suddenly worried that we won't make it to our room. “I want to take you right here. Unfortunately, I really don't like the idea of getting arrested.” I give her a soft moist kiss and push myself up to my feet before doing something that will get us both in trouble. I need to get her back to our room where I can have my wicked way with her.

Bad break



“Where are we going?” I ask as we cruise toward the boardwalk.

“I checked out while you were asleep. I figured we could park closer today and spend all of our time checking out the shops. I really want to have a caricature of us done. That might take a while.”

It's cooler today and I'm relieved that I had enough sense to pack a sweater. Brent looks sexy in a snug long sleeve tee that clings to his muscular frame, making me want to go and spend the rest of the day in our room, which is sadly no longer ours. I voice my concerns to him with a pout, making him laugh.

“You my love, are a sex fiend.”

“I'm your sex fiend,” I reply sweetly, batting my eyelashes and licking my lips.

“Damn straight your mine.” He grabs my hand and brings it to his mouth kissing each of my knuckles in turn.


Feeling a little sullen, I watch as Hampton fades away in the side mirror and I think back on all of the fun we had this weekend. Which in  my opinion went by way too fast. At least John will be back at the office tomorrow so Brent won't have so much resting on his shoulders. I know it's been stressing him out.

I'm so lost in my own thoughts that when I hear a loud pop and his explicit “fuck”, I jump a mile, whacking my head on the ceiling. “What the hell was that?” I ask, rubbing my sore skull as he pulls the car over to the shoulder.

“Sounded like my clutch. Shit!” He shouts the last word. I can hear him slapping something against the floorboard. “Yup, definitely my clutch.” Slamming his hands on the steering wheel, he flings himself back into the seat, tilts his head back and pinches the bridge of his nose. “This couldn't have happened closer to home?” He asks no one in particular.

“So we can't get home?” I ask

“What do you think?! I can't drive it if I can't shift!” He shouts at me. What the hell did I do?

“Don't snap at me! Like I know anything about that. I asked you a simple question.” I cross my arms over my chest and stare out the window as he grumbles next to me.

I don't think I've ever seen him this mad. Opening my door, I step out of the car and head in the direction of a store up ahead. Luckily we hadn't made it to the highway yet. Being stuck for any length of time without a bathroom really doesn't appeal to me. I think I just need to get away from him for a little while and let him cool off. No need for me to be on the receiving end of his anger.

“Where are you going?” He asks, grabbing my shoulder, halting my steps and turning me to face him.

“Getting away from you.” I shake him off and continue on my course.

“Please? I'm sorry okay. I shouldn't have blown up at you. I'm just frustrated. We've had such a great weekend and my car decides it wants to fuck it all up by ruining it.” I just keep on walking with his voice growing quieter as I put more distance between us. Let him stew for all I care. He's not going to treat me that way.

I make it to the store, successful in my attempts to not look over my shoulder the entire way. Honestly I thought the store looked closer. I feel like I've been walking for at least twenty minutes.

As soon as I find the restroom I lock myself inside, lean on the door and steady my breathing. I need to get a grip before walking back. He has me so pissed off. Pushing away from the door, I walk the few steps to the sink and grip the edge. My face is flushed, either in anger or exertion from speed walking to get as far away from him as quickly as possible. I'm a sweaty mess, as cool as it is outside it's surpising. I splash cold water from the faucet on my heated skin, loving the refreshing feeling it leaves in it's wake.

I jump when there's a loud knock on the door. “I'll be out in a minute.” I call out in answer.

“Sarah, it's me, let me in.” Has he lost his mind? He thinks I'm letting him into a public restroom with me. Yeah, he's crazy.

I open the door and start to leave when he abruptly pushes me back in the room. He closes and locks the door behind him, then turns to me, eyes blazing. I back away from him as far as this small room allows, nervously watching him as he stalks me. His phone chimes in his pocket, which he ignores and andvances on me until I'm pinned between him and the wall at my back.

“We can't do this here,” I whisper, my irritation abruptly wavering and changing to passion for the extremely sexy man who has me immobilized by his hypnotic gaze.

“I need you. Besides, we have plenty of time. The tow truck won't be here for at least an hour and Braydon's going to be even longer.” He sighs into my ear. “Please? I'm so sorry about earlier. Let me make it up to you.”

I'm speechless so I just nod my acceptance. He roughly grasps my hands and pulls them above my head as he runs his nose along my neck, gently sucking and licking when he reaches the other side, sending shivers down my spine. Holding my wrists together with one hand, he glides his hand down my front, avoiding where I need his touch the most and stopping at my pants.

“This is going to be quick baby.” He unfastens them and forcefully pulls them down to my ankles, never loosing his tight grip on me.

All I can do is moan as the air hits my overheated skin. I watch, transfixed as he releases his erection and suddenly I'm facing away from him, the cold concrete surface of the wall, almost painful against my cheek. I feel his cock rub my ass and I can't help the harsh breath that leaves me and I rub shamelessly along his length. His tip teases my already wet and ready slit and I feel like I could erupt before he's even inside of me.

“Please?” I beg. No longer ashamed of our surroundings, only needing him to fill me.

He slams home in one swift move and stays buried for a few seconds, panting in my ear as he hisses. “Yes. Fuck you feel so good wrapped around me baby.”

“Please move Brent, I need to feel you.”

He grinds his pelvis against me before he sets a punishing rhythm. I feel myself quickening and try to keep myself as quiet as possible. I hear his drawn out moan at the same time I feel him burst in my womb and I explode around him. “Mmmmmm,” I mumble and hear his chuckle behind me as he pulls out and I immediately miss his intrusion when he seperates from me.

“Amazing.” He tells me as he brushes my hair from my shoulder and places a few sweet kisses there before straightening and releasing my wrists.

After making myself presentable, I leave the bathroom first, telling him to wait a few minutes. We don't want to make it too obvious. As I'm waiting for Brent outside the store after paying for my stuff, I hear my text message tone. Seeing it's Ilyanna and she's worried about us, I text her back right away.

{ We're fine, thanks. Clutch is broken or something like that. Brent snapped, pissed me off, but all is forgiven. Lol!! Hopefully the tow doesn't take too long. Bored out of my mind. Thanks for checking on me. Did Braydon leave yet? }

Peeking into the store, I see Brent standing at the counter and the young female clerk shamelessly trying to flirt with him. He looks in my direction, catches my gaze and rolls his eyes. I'm glad he finds it amusing. I want to go claw her eyes out. Smirking at him, I notice her trying to get his attention and I nod my head to the side so he can finish up. I receive another text and check my phone.

{ Good. Hold tight, we're on our way. I insisted on coming for the ride. I need to get the hell out of the house. Going stir crazy. See you soon. }

Can't say I blame her. I would be going nuts.

Brent makes his way out of the store and comes to stand next to me, putting his arm around my shoulder. “Hungry? We can grab a quick bite next door.”

I hold up my chips and drink. “I was just gonna eat this till we get home, but if your hungry I'll grab something small.” I bridge the distance between us and give him a kiss. So what if I'm putting on a show for the store clerk. He's mine and everyone needs to know it.

“Yeah, save the chips for later. I've worked up quite an appetite.” He winks at me, takes my hand in his  and starts to walk towards the sub shop in the next building.

An hour later we're sitting in the back seat of Braydon's truck, heading back to Boston. Luckily the owners of the tow company have a shop too. They said it should be ready Tuesday, depending on the availability of parts and would let us know. I wait for a break in the chatter and turn towards Brent. “Do you want to stop at your place and grab clothes and then go to mine?” It seems to be the only logical solution since my car's there.

“That's probably a good idea. I was going to suggest it anyway. I bet Fenway misses her mommy.” Shit! I forgot all about her.

Brent's phone starts ringing, he looks at it and puts it back in his pocket, choosing not to answer it. “That's the second time today that number's called but I don't recognize it.” He shrugs his shoulders. “It never fails to amaze me, if they want me to call them back, leave a voicemail.”

We discuss work for the rest of the ride home. Braydon's coming in at ten o'clock for a meeting to get John caught up and assign us back to our previous positions. “Since this one,” he inclines his head in Ilyanna's direction, “is demanding to work from home, she can take over some of the files.” Giving her a pointed look he continues. “And your not going full out. You will be limited.”

She laughs with a salute. “Yes sir.” She grabs his hand and kisses it. “Thank you.” She adds before resting their hands on her lap.

The next thing I know, Brent's nudging my shoulder. “Wake up beautiful, we're at your place.” Rubbing the sleep from my eyes, I look around disoriented, taking in my surroundings as his words finally register to my brain.

He laughs at my confused expression. “How long have I been sleeping?” I ask, feeling like a sack of rocks weighed down from exhaustion. The sun hasn't set yet, so I know it couldn't have been too long.

“Just about an hour, we've already stopped by my place so we can just go in and relax until bed.” He takes my hand and pulls me from the back seat of the truck.

Stretching once my feet hit the ground, I turn to Ilyanna. “You guys wanna come in for a bit? Maybe order some take out? Our treat of course for coming to our rescue.” I ask, it's the least we can do to repay them.

She looks to Braydon from the passenger seat and he nods in agreement. “Sure, sounds good. I love being out of the house, the longer the better.” She answers and waits patiently while he comes around to her side to open the door for her, helping her out. Her baby bump is so cute, she's definitely popped since Rachel's wedding. It's hard to believe she only has a couple more months until she has the baby. That reminds me, I have to get with Rachel and finalize the baby shower, which is only a few weeks away.

“Alright. What's everyone in the mood for?” I ask the room at large once we're standing in my kitchen. I pull my collection of menus from the drawer next to fridge and fan them out on the counter. “Let's see, I have chinese, pizza, subs, seafood. I rule out seafood, had enough this weekend to last me a little while. Other than that I'm down with anything. I think we should let momma pick.” I smile at Ilyanna and move away to let her in, waving my arm over the assortment of choices laid out in front of us.

She takes a few minutes to look them over before deciding on chinese. We make a list and I walk into the other room to place the call. When I walk back into the kitchen Brent's phone starts ringing again and he looks at it shaking his head. He exhales before answering it. “Hello?” He sits and listens for a few seconds, then repeats himself. He hits the end button and places it down. “It was the same number from earlier,” he shrugs, “They didn't say anything, weird.”

Yeah, weird. Why would someone be so persistent in trying to get ahold of someone to just not say anything once he finally picks up. Maybe they realized they had the wrong number. “Alright, fill me in on what I missed while I was passed out.” We talked well into the night, completely losing track of time. Brent's phone never rang again but did indicate a text message, but always a good host, he chose to ignore it.

Braydon was the first to notice the time when he checked his phone. “Holy shit, it's ten thirty. Time to get home and get some sleep. Thanks for dinner. Let me know if you need a ride to pick up your car.” Standing, he helps Ilyanna out of her chair.

I didn't notice it before but she's starting to waddle like a duck and I let out a small giggle. All eyes turn to me, wondering what I think's so funny. “She's so cute,” I snort out in full histerics now, bending down and holding my stomach. “I'm sorry, it's your walk. You've started to waddle and I'm just noticing.” Tears are leaking out of my eyes in amusement.

She joins in on my laughter. “I know right, I love it. It just reminds me how close we are until she's born.”

“What? Your having a girl? That's so awesome. I thought you we're keeping it a secret?” I exclaim, they were so set on staying tight lipped.

“I couldn't hold it in anymore, it was killing me. I'm no good at keping secrets. I honestly thought Braydon would crack first.” She's smiling ear to ear. “We've already chosen her name, but that's definitely staying a secret.” She smiles shyly and rubs her belly.

Brent takes Braydon in an awkward manly hug, patting him on the back. “Well looks like I know what to buy you for Christmas.” He comes to stand beside me, placing his arm around my shoulders and pulling me close.

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