Fighting Temptation (Men Of Honor) (16 page)

Read Fighting Temptation (Men Of Honor) Online

Authors: K.C. LYNN

Tags: #New Adult

BOOK: Fighting Temptation (Men Of Honor)
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“Hey, what’s wrong?” I ask moving a piece of hair out of her face.

She squints up at me in confusion, “Jaxson?”

“It’s me, do you remember tonight?”

She looks around disorientated, “Some… I think. What time is it?”

“2 am.”

“My head really hurts,” she says in a painful whisper.

“Here take some more of these,” I grab her pills and shake out 2 giving them to her. I grab the water I got earlier and help her sit up to take them.

“Thanks,” she mumbles. I go to move back down on the floor when she grabs my arm looking panicked, “Don’t leave me!”

“I’m not. I’ve been sitting right over there,” I point over at my spot on the floor.

“Lay here with me,” she says softly. Jesus! This is a different Julia than I woke up an hour ago. Can I control myself? I look down at her pleading eyes. Shit! I can’t say no to her and I don’t want to either.

As I go to lay down she opens the blankets to invite me in. Oh fuck! Clearly she doesn’t realize she isn’t wearing anything but her underwear. “Don’t do that baby!” I say, quickly closing the blankets back around her, “I’ll lay on top of the blankets.”

I lay down beside her and she rolls on her side to look at me. Her eyes are glazed over and I’m not sure if it’s because of the drugs or her head injury. She reaches over and tenderly lays her hand on the side of my face, “I’ve really missed you Jaxson.”

My chest tightens painfully at the sadness in her voice. I grab her hand off my face and bring it to my mouth giving her a gentle kiss, “Me too baby,” is all I can manage to get out. She moves in close and lays her head on my chest. Julia is the only woman I have ever held. It’s a foreign concept to me, but it feels natural and so goddamn good with her. Her sweet scent envelopes me and I try really hard not to think about what she’s wearing, or rather not wearing, under the blankets. I trail my fingers up and down her bare arm and within seconds she’s asleep again. I set my watch and follow along with her, feeling the most peace I have since the night I was buried deep inside her.




I wake up enveloped in the most amazing warmth, “Mmmmm,” I moan cocooning myself in the heat.

All of a sudden I hear a growl… “Stay the fuck still!” a big hand grabs my hip stilling my movement.

I stiffen, my heart in my throat, while memories from last night replay in my mind. Oh god… Jaxson.

The mattress dips as he flies off the bed. “Shit,” he yells before he goes into the bathroom and slams the door.

What the heck just happened? And why was he in my bed? I try to remember anything after the hospital but can’t. I look under the blankets and see I’m only in my bra and underwear. Oh sweet Jesus! Please don’t tell me I tried to seduce him? I groan in embarrassment when I remember him stilling my movement while I tried to rub myself all over him. I’m no better than that two-bit whore Melissa. Great!
Way to stay mad at him Julia, he’s really going to be sorry now.

I get pulled out of my self-torment when I hear the bathroom door open. I sit up quickly, wincing from my bruised ribs, and pull the blankets up under my arms to cover myself as much as possible. Jaxson comes out and stands right in front of me leaning against the wall. I can feel him staring at me but I’m too embarrassed to look at him.

I take a deep breath, “Look Jaxson, I’m really sorry. I was out of it last night, I know it’s no excuse, but I don’t remember it.”

“What the hell are you talking about?” he asks confused.

I groan, of course he has to make me say it. “I’m sorry for… trying to have sex with you alright!” My face goes furiously red from embarrassment. When he doesn’t say anything I look up at him and see him watching me in amusement.

“Let me get this straight. You wake up half naked with me in your bed. You don’t remember shit and you think it was you who seduced me?”

“Well, why else am I half naked?”

“Because I took your dress off while you were sleeping,” he says as if I’m an idiot.

“Why did you do that?”

“Would you have rather slept in it?”

I think about this for a second… “Wait, so I didn’t try to have sex with you?” I ask in confusion… oh please let that be the truth.

“If you had tried to have sex with me Julia, you would still be feeling me inside of you.”

My heart skips a beat at his husky voice and I hate myself for the throbbing that starts between my legs from his arrogance. I glare at him, trying to hide the effect.

“You passed out before we even got in the truck. I brought you up here and Kayla left before I figured I would need help getting you out of your clothes. I stayed on the floor but then halfway through the night you asked me to lay with you, so I did,” he explains all too happily.

I’m annoyed at his amusement, “I’m glad you’re finding this so funny.”

“I don’t understand why you wouldn’t think right away that I’m the one who tried something?”

“It never crossed my mind, I know you would never take advantage of me.”

The smirk vanishes from his face and he shakes his head sadly.

“What?” I mumble feeling uncomfortable.

“Nothing,” then he changes the subject, “How’s your head?”

I clear my throat, “Not too bad, it’s my ribs that are hurting terribly today.”

“We probably should change the dressing and put more of that ointment on it. Do you want to have a shower first?”

I get uncomfortable thinking about him doing it. Before I can say anything I remember Gram’s brunch today. “Shit! What time is it?” I ask in a panic.


“Crap! I have to hurry, I need to be at the senior home for Gram’s brunch in an hour.”

“Julia, I don’t think that’s a good idea. You should stay and rest.”

“Jaxson, it’s her birthday, I’m not missing it, I’ll be fine.” I throw the blankets off me then shriek, quickly pulling them back up, remembering I’m in my underwear. “Do you mind?”

“Not at all,” he says, making no effort to leave.

I point at the door, “Out!”

“It’s nothing that I haven’t seen before Julia.”

We stare at each other silently, tension filling the room as we both remember that night. I look away, breaking eye contact first.

“Ya well, that was a long time ago, things change,” we both know I’m not talking about my body anymore.

“Not everything changes Julia.”

I really don’t want to have this conversation right now, so I ignore his comment and change the subject. “I need to get in the shower so… “ again I wave at the door.

“You need to cover your bandage before you shower remember?”

Nope I don’t remember, but I don’t let him know that.

“Where’s your saran wrap?”

“In the pantry.”

As soon as he walks out the door I jump up, then wince again from my stupid ribs. I walk quickly to my closet and get my robe on just before he walks back in.

“Thanks,” I put my hand out.

“I’ll do it.”

“I can manage Jaxson, now give it to me,” I rip it out of his hands and go into the bathroom. I barely manage getting the saran wrap on. My ribs are so tender that I get dizzy from the pain. I get in the shower and moan when the hot water pounds on my sore body. Every muscle aches from my fall. Once the bruising goes down I’m going to need to see Kayla for a massage. I wash quickly knowing I don’t have much time before I need to be at Grams and reluctantly get out. I throw on a clean pair of underwear and bra then my robe again. Walking out of the bathroom I see Jaxson sitting on my freshly made bed. He has gauze, bandages and ointment sitting beside him.

“Can’t a girl get some privacy?” I ask annoyed.

“Quit your grumbling and get over here.”

“Jaxson, I’ll try and do it myself.”

“No! I know what to do, you don’t.”

“You can’t expect me to stand in front of you half naked.”

“It’s not a big deal, just come here and we’ll get it over with.” I stand where I am, not moving any closer to him. “Now Julia!” he demands firmly.

To be honest, I probably will have trouble and I wasn’t paying attention to what the nurse said last night. I walk over to him knowing I don’t have much choice but I glare at him to let him know I’m not happy about it. I’m a pretty private person, I don’t even change in front of a mirror. Jaxson and Justin are the only two guys that have seen me naked, both were a long time ago.

When I reach him I turn to my injured side and try opening the spot to my damaged ribs without having to open my robe. It’s not working well.

“I can’t get to it like this. Open your robe,” he says gruffly.


“Jesus Julia, I won’t look anywhere else but your ribs ok? You’re wasting time. Don’t you need to get to Grams soon?”

Damn it he’s right. “Fine! But I mean it Jaxson, don’t look anywhere else!” I really shouldn’t be so paranoid. The guy has stayed the hell away from me for 6 years, it’s not like he’s going to jump at the first opportunity to see me naked.

I turn to face him a little more. When I start to pull my robe open he says, “Jesus that’s nice.”

“That’s it!” I quickly shut my robe and I turn around to storm off when he grabs my arm laughing.

“I’m kidding Julia.”

“It’s not funny.”

“I’m sorry, I couldn’t resist. I won’t do it again I promise,” he’s trying to hold back his laugh but there’s a stupid smirk in its place that makes me just as irritated.

Fine two can play at this game… “You promise?” I ask seriously.

“Yes I promise,” he says trying to hide his smile. I turn to him fully and undo my robe dropping it down my arms so it pools at my feet. He sucks in a sharp breath as I stand before him in my black satin bra and panties. My irritation vanishes when the smirk he had moments ago is gone. His jaw is clenched as he stares at my stomach, completely frozen.

Ha! Not so funny now, is it buddy? “Hello? Are you going to start anytime soon? I’m a little cold here,” I say impatiently as I enjoy his torment.

“Fuck me,” he mumbles under his breath. Finally he moves and gets to work on my ribs.

When he goes to pull the bandage off I suck in a sharp breath and grab his shoulders digging my nails into them. “Ow, ow, ow,” I close my eyes and wanna cry it hurts so bad. The sticky tape holding the gauze pulls painfully at my raw skin, add that to the tenderness of the bruising and it’s a painful combination.

“I’m sorry, I’m trying to be careful,” he says gruffly.

My pain vanishes when his hot breath hits my bare stomach. I suddenly become aware of how close my body is to his as I stand between his legs and how strong his shoulders feel under my tight grip. Crap! This is not so funny anymore. It takes every ounce of my will not to squeeze my legs together to stop the ache that’s happening between them.

“Do you want to take some more pain medication?”

Jaxson’s question snaps me out of my sexual fog and I keep a tight hold on his shoulders, worried if I don’t my legs will give out from the need coursing through me.

I clear my throat and try not to let my voice betray what I’m really feeling. “No, maybe after Grams. I don’t want to be drowsy at her brunch.”

When he gets the bandage removed he starts applying the ointment gently. The coolness is a welcome relief to my over-heated body. I feel Jaxson tense under my grip as he applies it.

“I’m seriously going to kill that fucker.”

“It was kind-of both our faults,” I whisper anxiously.

“Julia, none of this was your fucking fault.”

I don’t respond because I don’t want to talk about Wyatt right now, especially with Jaxson.

“Cooper is coming by today to talk to you about last night.”

“Ok, but it will have to wait till after Gram’s brunch.” Jaxson nods in agreement.

When he finishes the last of the bandaging I go to walk away when he grabs my good hip pulling me close to him. It catches me off balance and I grab back onto his shoulders to steady myself. His heated gaze roams up my body to my face.

“Next time you pull something like that Julia, sore ribs or not, I won’t let you off the hook so easily.”

Oh the man is infuriating! Sexy… but infuriating. I stare into his fiercely heated gaze while need escalates between us. I pull myself together and lean in close with a confidence I don’t feel, “Then next time, Jaxson, don’t start something you won’t finish.”

His gaze intensifies and his grip tightens on my hip, “Oh Julia, you know me better than that. I always finish what I start.” I gasp when he leans in and presses a gentle kiss to my quivering stomach. His soft lips on my bare skin causes my nipples to harden while goosebumps break out over my body. He runs his rough hands up the back of my legs and cups my ass, making me to moan. Suddenly his phone rings breaking me out of my aroused state. His forehead drops to my stomach in frustration. I quickly push away from him and try to regain control of my body.

“What!” he snaps answering the phone in frustration. His hungry gaze travels over my body as he listens to whoever is on the phone. I break eye contact and walk quickly to my walk-in closet and close the door behind me. I take a deep shaky breath as I lean against it.
Lord Julia, why the hell did you have to challenge him like that?
It’s like dangling a piece of meat in front of a bear. I’m disgusted with myself for how easily I caved to him; the man still has so much control over me. I hear Jaxson talking to whom I’m assuming is Cooper.

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