Fighting Temptation (Men Of Honor) (17 page)

Read Fighting Temptation (Men Of Honor) Online

Authors: K.C. LYNN

Tags: #New Adult

BOOK: Fighting Temptation (Men Of Honor)
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“She’s visiting Margaret this morning, we will call you when we get back, then you guys can come.” Since when are “we” going to Grams, I think annoyed. “I don’t give a fuck what he wants, I’ll kill him if he comes near her again.”

Not wanting to hear the rest of that conversation I move away from the door and get dressed. I was going to wear shorts but change my mind not wanting anything snug against my sore hip, so I pull out a short black cotton baby doll sundress. I put my ear to the door and don’t hear Jaxson on the phone anymore. Taking a deep breath I open it and head straight to the bathroom, not looking in his direction. I start applying my make-up, making sure to be careful of my stitches.

“Running scared Julia?” Jaxson asks, coming up behind me to stand at the bathroom door.

I glare at him in the mirror then turn on my hair dryer drowning out anything else he might say. He watches me the entire time with his gaze narrowed. I pull my part over the stitches, I’m not able to cover it entirely but I get most of it.

“Are you going to ignore me all day?” he asks annoyed when I turn off the hair dryer.

“Nope! Because you’re not going to be here all day.” I turn around to leave but Jaxson is still blocking the door. “Do you mind?”

“We’re gonna have to talk about this sometime Julia.”

I sigh, feeling tired, and it’s only 9:30 in the morning. “I know Jaxson, but not right now.”

He lets out a frustrated breath and nods his head. “Fine. We need to call Cooper when we get back from brunch.”

“Why are you saying ‘we’?”

“Because I’m coming with you.”

“No you’re not!”

“I’m not leaving you Julia so forget about it!”

“You already did!” Damn! Why the hell did I have to say that? I look away, angry at myself for letting him know just how hurt I still am. He takes my face in both of his hands and forces my gaze to his. For the first time since I’ve seen him I see some remorse in his eyes.

“I promise Julia, I will make this right.”

“What if it’s too late?”

“It’s never too late because I will never give up on you.” I look away from his determined gaze. “Let me come with you to see Grams, I’d really like to see her.”

The thing is, I know Grams would be over the moon to see him. I let out a deep breath, “Fine,” I say giving in. When I see relief in his eyes I add, “But let’s get one thing straight Jaxson, I’m saying yes because I know she will be happy to see you. I’m doing this for her not for you. This does not mean that I forgive you.”

He says nothing but has that annoying smirk again.

“Lose the smirk and lets go,” I push him to the side and walk out. When he chuckles behind me I want to turn around and slap him.



We stop by Jaxson’s motel first so he can quickly shower and change. I decide after what happened in my room it’s best to wait in the car.

A few minutes later Jaxson emerges from the hotel looking his typical sexy and confident self. His usual white t-shirt stretches across his defined chest perfectly, but he’s added an unbuttoned long sleeve navy shirt over top. His dark washed jeans hang just low enough on his hips to visually tease me. I swear the man is a walking orgasm.

“Like what you see Julia?” he asks with a cocky smirk when he enters the car.

I quickly snap my gaze away realizing I’m gawking at him like an idiot. My face heats with embarrassment. God I’m pathetic. I ignore his comment and change the subject, “I’m surprised you aren’t staying with Cooper.”

He grunts, “He offered, but I didn’t want to intrude or hear him and Kayla fucking each other’s brains out. I remember what it was like living with that shit before. Plus, with the way Kayla has been acting towards me it’s probably better. She may just kill me in my sleep if she gets the chance.”

I giggle, knowing that’s probably true.

A few minutes later we pull up to the senior home, Sunny Acres. The courtyard is filled with lush gardens where residents will sit and have tea while looking out at the ocean.

“When did Margaret move here?” Jaxson asks, taking in the scenery.

“About two years ago. It was difficult for her to leave her home but she knew she couldn’t keep up to all the yard work. She seems to really love it here. There’s always an event going on: bingo, dances, even margarita nights.

Jaxson smiles, “I’ll bet she likes that.”

I smile, “That she does, the woman loves her margaritas.”

We walk through the front doors and head straight into the dining area that’s filled with people. I spot Grams at the back of the room laughing with a few of her friends. One of them points me out and she turns around with a beaming smile that dies quickly when she sees Jaxson. She brings a shaky hand to her throat and stares at him in shock. My heart pinches when I look over to see Jaxson with his hands in his pockets, looking unsure of himself. Grams walks towards us, her stunned gaze frozen on Jaxson.

“Jaxson?” she asks as if she’s imagining him.

Jaxson clears his throat nervously and nods at Grams, “It’s me, how are you doing Miss Margaret?”

“Oh Jaxson!” Grams says sobbing while she wraps her arms around his waist, “I’m so glad you’re okay honey.” My eyes sting and my throat becomes tight at Gram’s emotional state. She knows about Jaxson getting hurt and everything that happened when I went to Germany.

Jaxson pats her back uncomfortably, “It’s good to see you too.”

Grams stands back a little then reaches up and grabs his face making him have to bend over for her to reach. She gives him a kiss on each cheek, “You’re even more handsome than I remember. How is that possible?”

I roll my eyes, the man doesn’t need his ego boosted anymore. “This is the best birthday present I could have gotten.” Geez, really? I knew Grams would be happy to see him but I didn’t think she would let him off the hook so easily.

Finally she turns and acknowledges me, “I told you he would come back sweetheart.”

“Grams,” I say sternly under my breath.

Grams snickers at my embarrassment, “Come here honey,” she hugs me tight, thankfully on my good side. She gasps when she leans in to kiss my cheek.

“Julia, what on earth happened to you?” she asks looking at my stitches.

“I had a little fall last night Grams, but I’m fine, it’s nothing to worry about.”

I glare at Jaxson when he grunts, making me look like a liar.

“Julia Sinclair. What aren’t you telling me?”

I let out a frustrated breath. I guess she’s going to hear about it sooner or later. Nothing stays quiet in this town. “I had a minor altercation with Wyatt is all.”

“Wyatt did this to you?” she asks in outrage, “I knew that boy was trouble, he has always rubbed me the wrong way, same with his father.” She looks over at Jaxson, “Did you kick his ass?”

“Grams!” I scold her, Jaxson doesn’t need any further encouragement.

“Damn straight and I’m not done with him either.”

“Good boy!” She says patting his shoulder. I roll my eyes frustrated at the both of them.

“Really Grams, it was just a misunderstanding. I need to use the ladies room. I’ll be back.” I mumble as I quickly walk away.



I watch Julia walk away and know she’s pissed that I made Margaret aware of what happened.

“Come on honey, have a seat,” Margaret takes me over to a table. When I sit down she surprises me by slapping me on the back of my head.

“That’s for hurting Julia mister,” she says shaking her finger in my face.

Shit! I knew it wasn’t going to be that easy with her. I clear my throat and try to explain it to her. “I’m really sorry I hurt her, but trust me when I say it was for the best. She wouldn’t have been able to handle seeing me like I was.”

Margaret puts her hand over mine affectionately, “I’ve told you before Jaxson, she’s stronger than you think she is. You hurt her bad when you sent her away like that. I worried she was never gonna come out of it.”

My chest constricts with guilt, “I’ll make it up to her.”

“I know you will honey, but I’m warning you it isn’t going to be easy.”

“I know, but I won’t stop until she forgives me.”

“Good!” she says patting me on the back, “and while you’re asking for forgiveness you may as well tell her you love her.” I snap my gaze to hers while panic seizes my chest. “Oh don’t look at me like that. I’ve always known you love her Jaxson. I’ve waited a long time for you to come to terms with it, but you’re a little slow on the up-take honey,” she says snickering.

I shake my head, “She deserves better than me Margaret. She needs someone who can love her the way she deserves. I don’t know how to love, it’s something I was never around.”

“Jaxson, love isn’t always something you learn, it’s something that you feel. And I know you feel it, I can see it in your eyes every time you look at her.”

“I’m really messed up Margaret, even more so after what happened in Iraq.” I’m uncomfortable admitting this to her but I’m trying to get her to understand.

“Oh honey!” she says with tears in her eyes, “if you would let her, she could help heal you Jaxson. I don’t know anyone else who will love Julia or protect her more than you. Just look what happened with that no good scoundrel Wyatt,” she says angrily.

My body tightens with anger when I’m reminded about last night. I’m pissed at myself, knowing if I had been here in the first place none of it would have happened. I always thought I was doing the right thing by staying away but look at the mess that’s happened.

Margaret snaps me out of my thoughts when she touches the side of my face, “Jaxson, all I’m saying is for once think with your heart, not your head. See where that leads you.”

We get interrupted when one of the staff comes walking up to us.

“Hi Margaret, is this your grandson?” the girl smiles at me flirtatiously, flicking her hair over her shoulder.

“No! He’s Julia’s man, now get out of here!” Margaret says harshly, surprising the hell out of me.

She glares fire at the girl’s retreating back, “That girl is a hussy. You should see some of the stockings she wears with her uniform.”

The lady amuses the shit out of me. I look away trying to hide my grin when I see Julia making her way over to us. She’s so fucking beautiful it hurts just to look at her; mainly because I have to force my dick to stay down whenever I’m around her. I can tell by the way she’s walking she’s in pain, but trying to hide it.

I lean over when she sits in the chair next to me, “Are you doing ok? I brought your pain medication in case you needed to take some.”

She shakes her head, “I’m ok, but thank you though.”

Before I have a chance to argue with her she leans over and brings up the present she brought, handing it to Margaret, “Happy Birthday Grams.”

“Julia! I tell you every year not to get me anything.”

Julia rolls her eyes, “And every year I do, so stop your fussin’ and open it.”

Margaret pulls out a big black book from the gift bag. She opens it and gasps, tears immediately starting to form. “Oh Julia, this is so beautiful, thank you!”

“You’re welcome Grams. I’m glad you like it.”

When Margaret finishes leafing through the pages she hands it to me. The book is her life story, filled with pictures of her and her husband, Julia and her mom. I’ve seen pictures of Julia’s mom before and am always taken aback by her beauty. Julia looks so much like her.

Julia takes the book and flips to a page, “That’s my Pappi, right after he got out of the Navy,” she says pointing to a picture of him.

“Wasn’t he handsome?” Margaret asks me. I nod awkwardly because it’s kinda weird for me to agree. Julia chuckles at my discomfort. “The man took my breath away whenever he walked into a room. No matter how long we were together I never got tired of looking at him. I miss him dearly.” Julia leans over grabbing her hand affectionately. “He would have liked you Jaxson. I told you this before and I mean it, you’re a lot like him. I knew the moment I met you, you were right for my Julia.”

Jesus the woman doesn’t hold back anymore does she?

Julia lets out a snort, letting go of her hand, “Give it a rest Grams.”

Before Margaret can say anything else two elderly ladies come up to sit with us. They’re both wearing big smiles while they eye me with curiosity.

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