Fighting Temptation (Men Of Honor) (43 page)

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Authors: K.C. LYNN

Tags: #New Adult

BOOK: Fighting Temptation (Men Of Honor)
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She scoffs, “You’re just figuring that out now?”

I chuckle and stand up. She raises as well and I pull her to me, “Nah, I knew that a year ago when I met you.”

She wraps her arms around me tight, “I’m really glad I met you Jaxson. Even though it was such awful circumstances.”

My voice comes out gruff, “I wish I would have made it to you on time Anna. You have no idea how much I regret that I didn’t.”

She pulls back and stares at me with tears in her eyes and shakes her head, “Please don’t Jaxson. The last thing you should ever feel when it comes to me is guilt. If it wasn’t for you I wouldn’t even be alive right now, or God knows where I would be. Even though it was the most awful experience of my life I’m not letting it define me and you shouldn’t either. I’ve taken my life back and it’s all thanks to you.”

Her words pull the fucking guilt right out of my chest. She’s right, she is okay… more than okay. I kept picturing the damaged girl I found a year ago but that’s not at all who she is. Instead she’s a smart, vibrant teenager who is living her life the way she deserves.

“You’re one strong girl,” I say, slinging my arm around her shoulders as we walk out of the kitchen.

She looks up at me with a mischievous grin, “Ya well I could be stronger if you showed me how to fight like you.” She starts punching the air with her fists as if she’s a boxer.

I chuckle but then quickly turn serious, “You know that’s not a bad idea. I actually just bought a gym in my home town. You should come down one weekend and visit. I could teach you how to kick some aaass… butt.”

She chuckles at my almost swear then gets really excited, “Oh my gosh, really? Yes! I’d love that.”

“Alright we will work something out with your parents.”

Susan and Bill come walking down the stairs the same time the doorbell rings. Anna gets excited and starts blushing, “That’s probably Logan.”

I see Bill tense and I hold back my chuckle when I think about what he said to the kid on their first date.

“Hi! Come in,” Anna says shyly, inviting the guy in.

My first thought when I see him is ‘oh fuck’. He stands tall and looks a little older than Anna. Wearing a black leather riding jacket, jeans and a black T shirt; he reminds me exactly of myself at that age. And if his brain is thinking the same shit I was I want to beat the shit out of him. The kid eyes me with curiosity and puts his arm around Anna possessively. Yup, just fucking like me. Anna stands happily next to him and looks at me for approval, not having any idea what I’m really thinking.

“Logan, this here is Jaxson. He’s the Navy Seal I told you about who saved my life.”

The kid’s glare eases up on me now. He sticks out his hand, “Hey, nice to meet you. Anna’s told me a lot about you.”

I grab his hand, “Nice to meet you Logan, Anna has said good things about you.” I squeeze his hand harder and pull him a little closer to me, “Make sure it stays that way,” I say dangerously low.

“Jaxson!” Anna scolds under her breath. Then she looks at Logan, “He’s just kidding.”

“No I’m not,” I say, completely serious.

Bill chuckles behind me.

Logan glares at me again and rips his hand away, “Ya well that’s not something you need to worry about.”

Huh, the kid has some balls. Okay maybe he’ll be alright.

“Good. Make sure that it’s not and we will get along just fine.”

Anna groans, “Come on I’ll walk you out,” she pulls on my arm.

I wave goodbye to Bill and Susan.

“Glad you came Jaxson. Come by anytime,” Bill shouts out the door, a big grin plastered across his face.

“Oh my god, I can’t believe you,” Anna whispers harshly.

“What? I was just looking out for you. That’s what big brothers do.”

She loses some of her annoyance and smirks at me, “Alright, really what did you think?” She chews her nails nervously, my answer clearly meaning a lot to her.

I let out a breath, “Honestly, the kid reminds me of myself. So if he wasn’t dating you I’d think he’s pretty cool, but since he is… I hate him.”

She laughs and launches herself at me. “Well personally I think I could do a whole lot worse. And if he turns out anything like you I’d say I’m a pretty lucky girl.”

I hug her tight, “Nah, he’s the lucky one.”

She pushes away from me now, “I better get back inside, god knows what dad is saying to him.”

I chuckle, “Alright go on. We’ll talk soon and set up a time for you to come down and see me.”

She smiles, “I’d really like that. I’d love to meet Julia.”

Hearing Julia’s names causes a flash of pain in my chest, “I’d like that too.”

Logan steps out of the house, Anna smiles and waves at me as she walks over to him, “See you soon Jaxson.”

I wave, “Ya, see ya soon kid.”

Logan grabs her around the waist pulling her to him, the way he looks down at her… well makes me want to smile and beat the shit out of him at the same time.

Shaking my head I walk over to my truck in a hurry, knowing what I need to do. I just pray to God that I didn’t fuck things up beyond repair.




I wake up the next morning and know before I even walk down the stairs that Jaxson never came home last night.

Where did he go? Is he ever going to come back?

It’s that last thought that sends a fresh wave of tears. Damn it. I wipe under my eyes trying to catch them before they fall, not wanting to wreck my make-up. I walk into the kitchen to see Sawyer and Cade at the table, they’re arguing under harsh tones but stop abruptly when they spot me.

Sawyer stands up, “Hey Julia.”

I give him a sad smile, “Hi. Did you guys hear from him at all?”

They both shake their heads regretfully. “Me either,” I whisper sadly, trying to keep the tears at bay that desperately want to fall.

Sawyer walks over and hugs me, “I’m sure you will hear something today.”

I nod, not feeling very convinced. Suddenly I hear a key in the door. My heart rate kicks up thinking it’s Jaxson but my hopes deflate quickly when Kayla walks in.

She stops short, “Uh hey. I used the key because I didn’t want to wake Jaxson up.” Her gaze takes us all in then she notices my teary eyes, “He’s not here?”

I shake my head.

Kayla flushes red with anger, “Well that son of a bitch. What did he do? I’m going to kick his fucking ass.”

Sawyer grunts, “Get in line.”

Kayla walks over and hugs me, “You should have called me Julia. I would have come over and stayed with you.”

I shook my head, “It’s alright. Sawyer and Cade stayed with me and we have a big day ahead of us. I didn’t want you to be tired for it.”

Kayla looks at me sympathetically, “We don’t need to go today Julia. We can reschedule and just hang here.”

I shake my head immediately, rejecting the idea fast, “No! I’m looking forward to this. We are not going to let this ruin today. Plus it will be good for me, help me keep my mind off him.”

Ya right.

“Are you sure?” Kayla asks again.


“Alright, we better get moving then to make it on time for the first appointment.”

“Ok just give me a second,” I grab a banana and an oatmeal bar to eat on the way. Then I walk over and hug Sawyer, “Thank you, for everything last night.”

“No problem Julia. You have my cell number, right? If you need anything today make sure you call. Otherwise if that dick-head isn’t back when you get home, we will be.”

I smile and nod, “Ya I have it.”

Next I walk over to Cade, giving him a hug too. He surprises me when he pulls me close, and gives me a real hug, not one of his usual uncomfortable ones.

When we break apart I look at them both, “Will you guys try finding him today? Just check in and make sure he’s alright?”

Cade nods, “Ya we will.”

“Thanks,” I whisper weakly, then I walk out the door with Kayla close behind.



The car ride is filled with silence and sadness. We turn on I-90 heading towards Charleston; the highway is completely deserted.

“Is it me, or does it feel like we’re the only ones alive on this planet right now?” I joke trying to lighten the mood.

Kayla chuckles, “It’s Sunday, everyone’s at church. I have to say though, it’s nice driving with no other traffic.”

It is nice- the sun is shining and we have Kayla’s sun roof open. The heat beaming down on us, with a mixture of fresh air filling the car, brings a little peace to my aching heart.

“Well damn, looks like we spoke too soon,” Kayla says breaking me from my thoughts.

I look behind me to see a silver truck coming up behind us. Turning back around I rest my head against the window and stare out sadly.

“Are you sure you’re going to be okay Julia?

“Ya I…” my words die abruptly and I gasp when my head jerks forward.

“What the fuck?” Kayla says panicked, gripping the steering wheel, “What the hell is he doing?”

I turn around and realize the silver truck just rear ended us and he’s not easing up, he’s staying right on our ass. Kayla pulls in the other lane and he follows tailing close behind us.

“Oh my god, what is his problem?” I ask shakily.

Kayla speeds up and so does he. My stomach sinks with dread and I realize we are in serious trouble. Kayla glances in the rear view mirror, “Do you recognize him? Can you see him? I can’t tell.”

I shake my head, “No, I think he’s wearing a hat and sunglasses. I don’t recognize the truck either.”

Suddenly the truck pulls up along Kayla’s side and the driver turns the wheel sharply, side-swiping us. We both scream, “Holy fuck he’s trying to run us off the road! Julia grab my cell and call 911. Hurry!”

I reach into the console where Kayla’s phone is plugged into the charger. My shaking fingers barely able to dial the three numbers that I need.

The asshole rams us again as I’m dialing.

“Son of a bitch,” Kayla yells in fury, stepping on the gas.

“911, what’s your emergency?”

“Please help us! My friend and I are on I-90 heading west to Charleston, there is a silver truck trying to run us off the road.”

“Okay ma’am just stay calm and…”

That was the last I heard before he hit us again, this time causing the car to spin out of control. Everything happened in slow motion, our screams fill the air, sounding distant even to my own ears. The car flies off into the ditch, rolling several times. Glass shatters and reins all around us, nicking the delicate skin on my face.

The baby.

The quick thought has me throwing my arms around my mid-section, hoping to offer some protection. My seat belt cuts into my hips, painfully restraining me in my seat. Finally the car stops rolling and we land upright in the ditch.

I sit stunned for a minute trying to absorb what just happened. Looking over at Kayla I see her slumped forward on the steering wheel, blood dripping down her forehead.

That snaps me out of my shock, “Oh my god, Kayla? Oh god.” I start sobbing, “Kayla, wake up,” I shake her shoulder then remember I shouldn’t touch her. With trembling hands I undo my seat belt and look for her phone. Realizing I still have my purse around my shoulder I start digging through it trying to find my own when my door flies open startling me.

I look over with a yelp to see Wyatt. “Wyatt!?” Looking around I quickly realize it was him in the silver truck. “What the hell are you doing!?” I scream sobbing, “are you fucking crazy?”

He doesn’t answer, his rough hands grab me and start pulling me out of the car, “No! Let go of me!” I scream at the top of my lungs and start hitting him. I hit the ground and distantly register pain but I’m too hyped with fear and adrenaline to fully feel it.

Grabbing me by my hair he starts dragging me towards his truck. “Ow! Stop it! Get off me you son of a bitch!” I kick and fight feeling my hair being ripped from my scalp. “Kayla! Kayla, wake up!” I scream her name willing her to wake up, terrified she’s never going to.

Wyatt twists our positions so he’s standing over top of me, still holding hand fulls of my hair. He whips his sun glasses off, his eye full of rage. His craze-filled expression has me whimpering in fear.

Finally he speaks for the first time, “Shut the fuck up you dirty whore!” He raises his fist, smashing it into my face, then everything goes black.

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