Fighting Temptation (Men Of Honor) (5 page)

Read Fighting Temptation (Men Of Honor) Online

Authors: K.C. LYNN

Tags: #New Adult

BOOK: Fighting Temptation (Men Of Honor)
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The drive is filled with awkward silence, or maybe it’s just me? My heart is still pounding from what happened on the porch. Maybe tonight will go better than I think. We make small talk on the way and before I know it we pull up to Antonio’s pizza parlor. Antonio is a very loud, happy Italian who makes the best pizza in the state.

“Did you wanna just order it to go and eat at the beach?” Jaxson asks as we get out of the car.

“Ya that sounds good,” I smile and link my arm easily with his.

We walk into the restaurant and see it’s quite busy. “Well, well, well, if it isn’t my favorite customers.”

“Hi Antonio,” I say with a big smile as we get to the counter.

“Come on over here beautiful and lay one on me,” he says patting the side of his face. I push myself up on the counter and give him a big loud smooch on the cheek. Antonio turns to Jax now and shakes his hand.

“How you doin’ Jaxson? I hear you’re leaving us to become a Seal,” he chuckles, “aren’t you dangerous enough?”

“I’m hoping so, but Antonio, we all know you’re the dangerous one in this town,” Jaxson says with a smirk.

Antonio proudly puffs out his chest, “You know it kid. What can I get you two?”

Jaxson stares down at me, “A large cheese pizza, thin crust.” I smile at him; he always orders my favorite.

“Grab some drinks and take a seat. It’ll be a few minutes.”

Jaxson grabs both of us cokes and we go sit in a booth.

“Are you all packed?” I ask sadly. He answers with a nod. “Grams and I made cookies for you to take. Remind me to give them to you later when you drop me off and pick up your bike.”

“Thanks Jules.” He looks past me to the door. His easy expression vanishes in a flash and is replaced with a cold hard glare.

“What?” I ask, as I look behind me.
Oh shit!
Wyatt Jennings walks in looking right at us.
Crap, this is bad
. I look back at Jaxson and see rage in his eyes. Turning back around I anxiously watch Wyatt walk over to our table with a cocky smirk on his face. “Jaxson,” I say cautiously with a bit of warning.

“Well hello, Miss Julia,” Wyatt says as he approaches. I know he’s trying to get under Jaxson’s skin. Wyatt has always been polite to me so I would never be rude back.

“Hi Wyatt,” I respond nervously while looking at Jaxson, who has yet to stop glaring at him.

“You look mighty beautiful tonight Julia. Where are you headed?”

Jaxson growls, “None of your fucking business. Get lost Jennings.”

“I wasn’t talking to you, I was asking this beautiful lady,” Wyatt places his hand on my shoulder and Jaxson stands up, quickly knocking it off me.

“Don’t fucking touch her.”

Oh lord!
I stand up too but neither of them notice. They both stare each other down, looking like they want to kill one another.

“I hear you’re leaving soon Reid? It’ll be nice to finally get to know Julia. This town will be better without you and so will she.”

Well now that was rude. I glare at him and I’m just about to say something when Jaxson moves me to the side and grabs Wyatt by the shirt slamming him into the wall. Oh shit. “Jaxson stop!”

“I fucking warned you Jennings and I mean it. If you go anywhere near her, I promise, you will live to regret it… Are you fucking listening to me?”

Jaxson’s shouting now and has a very frightening look on his face while Wyatt looks at him smugly. Everyone in the place is quiet, watching the scene unfold.

“Jaxson please. I don’t want our night to end because of this. Let’s get our pizza and get out of here,” I try to reason with him.

I don’t want him spending his last night in prison instead of with me. Wyatt’s dad is on the council and is very influential in this town.

Thankfully Antonio breaks in, “Ok you two, that’s enough. Jennings you got a death wish? Go get a table. Jaxson, let him go son. Your pizza’s ready, take Miss Julia and go wherever y’all are headed for the night,” Antonio says this firmly but is glaring at Wyatt.

“I mean it, you stay the fuck away from her,” Jaxson says dangerously, shoving himself away Wyatt.

Antonio hands me the pizza and puts his hand on Jaxson’s shoulder.

“Let’s go Jax,” I say quietly, tugging on his arm.

He looks to Antonio, “How much do I owe you?”

“Nothing, it’s on me. Good luck out there kid, make sure you come back,” he claps Jaxson on the back.

“Thanks Antonio. Sorry about this.”

Antonio nods at him then turns to me, “Take care Miss Julia, I’ll see you soon.”

As soon as we get into my car Jaxson loses it and starts punching my steering wheel, “FUCK! FUCK! FUCK!” I jump, not expecting the outburst. I know he would never hurt me. I’ve seen him like this enough times that I just stay quiet till he gets himself under control.

He looks over at me, rage and worry consuming his expression, “Jules you have to promise me that you won’t go anywhere near that asshole. Not ever!”

“Jesus Jaxson, what is it with you two? Why do y’all hate each other so much?”

“Just promise me you’ll stay the fuck away from him. If he gives you any problems you go to Cooper right away, ok?”

I’m a little surprised at how intense he is about this. “I’ll be fine Jax, I am pretty sure he only talks to me now just to get under your skin. He’s always been nothing but polite to me.”

“That’s because he wants in your fucking pants! Christ Julia, will you just trust me on this? I know shit about him that you don’t,” he looks so panicked that I lean over and hug him.

“Alright, I promise. Don’t worry. I’ll go to Cooper if I need to, but I’m sure it’ll be fine.” I try to reassure him as best as I can. He wraps his arms around me, holding me tight.

“I don’t know what I’d do if something happened to you.”

My heart melts and I wonder what he knows about Wyatt that has him so concerned for my safety. “Nothing is going to happen to me. You’re the one who’s going to be a Seal, you are in more danger than I am.” I get sad now thinking about him leaving. I pull back from him and smile, “Come on, let’s go to the beach. In the future please don’t beat my car again.”

“Sorry,” he smirks not looking very apologetic.



“When do classes start for you?” Jaxson asks, while picking up our garbage from supper.

I brush off the crumbs from our blanket, “Three weeks. I just purchased my text books.” I’m attending college in Charleston to get my teaching degree. “I’m not really looking forward to four more years of school but I’m hoping the elementary school will have a position for me when I’m done.”

Jaxson walks over and sits back down beside me. “You’re gonna be a good teacher Jules.”

“Thanks,” I say giving him a smile. “So tell me what all this training is going to entail for you?”

He looks at me doubtfully, “You really want to hear about it?”

“Of course I do.” I scoot closer to him and get into our familiar position of me wrapping both my arms around his one and lean back on the log behind us. We stare out at the sun that’s just starting to set.

“Well BUD/S, which stands for Basic Under Water Demolition/SEAL, is a 6 month process with different stages. The first 8 weeks are the toughest on recruits, both mentally and physically, or so I hear. They call it ‘hell week’. They put us through a lot of shit to see how much our mind and body can endure. I’ve heard a lot of people drop out before the 8 weeks are finished because they can’t handle it.” Jaxson stops explaining when he looks over and sees my horrified expression, “Ok, that’s enough info for you!” he says chuckling.

I stare at him like he’s crazy, “What if something happens to you?”

“Jules I’m in training, they’re not going to try and kill us. They’re just gonna make us we wish we were dead,” he laughs at this while my stomach clenches and my throat tightens.

“It’s not funny Jaxson,” I say quietly.

He puts his arm around me, “Hey, I’ll be fine, I can handle it Jules. Nothing is going to happen to me, I promise.”

We’re both staring at each other now; we’re so close that I can feel his breath on my face. It wouldn’t take much to have our lips touch. I see him stare at my mouth and I wonder if I should make my move now. But then he looks away and the moment is gone. Darn! It’s kind of awkward so I decide now is a good time to give him his present.

“I have something for you,” I sit up and start digging in my purse.

“What? Why the hell did you get me something? I don’t need anything Julia.” I know he doesn’t like receiving presents, but I don’t care.

“Stop your grumbling, it’s nothing big. It’s important to me for you to have this.” I turn back to him and hand him the small wrapped present. He looks at me annoyed and then starts unwrapping it. When he gets to the small jewelry box he stares at it uncomfortably.

“Don’t worry, it’s not an engagement ring,” I say teasingly. Jaxson grins while opening the box. He looks confused at the stainless steel chain with the medal pendant, I can tell he’s wondering what it is, so I explain: “It’s a medallion of Archangel Michael, it’s for protection. I had Father Gabriel bless it for you. Promise me you will always wear it Jaxson, no matter what you’re doing, or where you are, you’ll always have it with you.” He’s staring at me with an emotion I can’t decipher and I start feeling unsure, thinking he might not like it.

“How much was this?” he asks suspiciously.

I roll my eyes, “Not much I swear. I already had the pendant, I just bought the chain.”

He looks back down at the necklace, “The pendant was yours?”

I take a deep breath knowing he’s not going to like what I say next: “Ya, my mom gave it to me.”

He drops the necklace back in my hand so fast I barely have time to register it before he shouts, “Fuck that Julia! I’m not taking something your mom gave to you.”

I expected this. “Stop! It’s my pendant and I will do what I want. I have many things from my mother Jaxson. I know she would be happy that I’m giving this to you.” I shift now so I’m sitting right in front of him. His ice blue eyes are burning with frustration and I’m worried he’s not going to accept it. “Please take it Jax, you need it more than I do. It gives me comfort knowing you’ll have it.”

He rests his forehead on mine then lets out a breath, “Damn it Julia!”

I’m not sure what that means but I place the necklace back in his hand and close it into a fist. I look up at him and with our lips so close I know now is my chance. So before I chicken out I tentatively place my lips on his and give him a gentle kiss. His eyes widen in shock, but he doesn’t pull away. I take this as a good sign and brush my lips against his again, more firmly this time.

“Julia,” he growls out warningly against my lips, “ah fuck it!” He grabs the back of my head, crushing his mouth to mine, and kisses me with an intensity that steals my breath.

Oh god!

Jaxson thrusts his tongue in my mouth and I become completely intoxicated with his erotic taste, it’s a taste I want in my mouth forever. His big hands encircle my hips and lift me so I’m straddling him. I wrap my arms around his neck and eagerly thread my fingers in his soft, messy hair while we kiss each other with greedy desperation. His warm hands run up my bare thighs to the bottom of my skirt, playing against the lace. He groans with a primal need as he slips them under and grabs my ass. I moan and move frantically against him, feeling like I can’t get close enough. Suddenly he flips us over smoothly, without breaking contact with my mouth. A whimper escapes me when I feel how hard he is between my legs. His rough jeans rub against my smooth satin panties, spiking my slow burning need to full intensity. I raise my hips, craving to feel more of him.

“Jesus Christ, you taste fucking incredible,” he mumbles against my lips before he tears his mouth from mine, moving to my neck. I suck in lungfuls of much needed air as his soft lips travel down my neck, nipping and tasting my skin. He grasps the straps of my tank top sliding them down my arms, then pushes my shirt to my hips. His eyes ignite as he stares at my hot pink satin bra, and his fierce expression has me aching desperately for his touch.

“Touch me,” I plead, with a whisper.

He growls, “Oh baby, don’t worry I fucking plan on it.” I shiver from his erotic promise. Sliding his hand up my stomach, he grazes over one breast before flicking the front clasp of my bra. My cups fall open baring me to his stare, the warm ocean breeze triggering yet another erotic sensation to my aroused body.

Jaxson hisses in a breath, “Jesus, I knew you’d be beautiful.” Leaning down he closes his hot wet mouth over my hard aching nipple and groans.

I gasp as the sensation hits me right between my legs. “Jaxson,” I arch up to give him more of me while his hand cups my other breast, pinching and rolling my nipple between his fingers roughly. He gives just enough pressure that it’s almost painful yet feels so good that the pulse between my legs becomes agonizing. I reach down and start tugging at his shirt.

“Please, I want to touch you too,” I plead desperately.

He sits up swiftly, pulling off his shirt, we both groan when his hot skin collides with mine. “Holy fuck, you have the softest skin I’ve ever felt.”

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