Files From the Edge

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Authors: Philip J. Imbrogno

Tags: #supernatural, #UFO, #extraterrestrial, #high strangeness, #paranormal, #out-of-body experiences, #abduction, #reality, #skeptic, #occult, #UFOs, #parapsychology, #universe, #multidimensional

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Philip J. Imbrogno has researched UFOs and other paranormal phenomena for more than thirty years and is recognized as an authority in the field. A science educator at the secondary and collegiate levels for twenty-eight years, he has been interviewed by the
New York Times
Coast to Coast AM
, has appeared on NBC’s
Today Show
The Oprah Winfrey Show
, and has been featured in documentaries on the History Channel, A&E, Lifetime, and HBO. Imbrogno worked closely with many top UFO investigators, including Dr. J. Allen Hynek and Budd Hopkins. He can be contacted by e-mail at [email protected].

Llewellyn Publications

Woodbury, Minnesota

Files from the Edge: A Paranormal Investigator’s Explorations into High Strangeness
© 2010 by Philip J. Imbrogno.

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E-book ISBN: 9780738723754

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To Dr. J. Allen Hynek, who will be remembered
as a Galileo of the twentieth century. He paved the way
for new worlds that await our exploration.


When picking up a book for the first time, most people have a tendency to skip the introduction or preface and go right to the main chapters and look for what they consider the important information. They may also look to see how the author is presenting the material and what the “angle” is. I hope you will read this preface before you scan through the chapters because it is an introduction to who I am and my true feelings about the topics in the books I write. In order for my readers to understand my work in the field of the paranormal, I strongly recommend that my previous books be read first; they include:
Night Siege: The Hudson Valley UFO Sightings
Contact of the 5th Kind
Celtic Mysteries: Windows to Another Dimension in America’s Northeast,
Interdimensional Universe: The New Science of UFOs, Paranormal Phenomena, and Otherdimensional Beings

I have been a science educator for the past twenty-eight years with undergraduate and graduate degrees in astronomy, earth science, and chemistry. When investigating paranormal phenomenon, I try to use my scientific background as much as possible, but since we are dealing with forces and dimensional states of the universe that are very hard to perceive, the scientific method breaks down and for the most part cannot be used in this type of research. I firmly believe there is serious research being done by other paranormal investigators who come from many disciplines. The task of these researchers is a difficult one: they are attempting to lay down the foundation of a new science. However, conducting research that results in verifiable documentation requires new methods of investigation. Most importantly, we must change our view of how science perceives reality; in other words, the scientific method needs to be revised so we can investigate the multi-dimensional universe in a “scientific” manner. Also, we must modify current cutting-edge technologies and invent new instrumentation to assist us in our understanding of paranormal events. Such technologies are now being developed by several researchers (including myself) and early prototypes of equipment have proven very promising, especially in the fields of electronic voice phenomenon (EVP) and digital photography sensitive to the electromagnetic wavelengths outside that of human visual perception.

My own initial study of the paranormal began with the investigation of UFO reports three decades ago, and over the course of those many years I have accumulated a considerable number of cases that involve channeling, hauntings, strange creatures, animal mutilations, poltergeist, and all forms of psychic phenomena. All of these cases came to my attention as a result of my research into the UFO experience. I found these paranormal cases so interesting that I spent quite a great deal of time looking into them and trying to understand their relationship to the UFO phenomena and the connection they have with the multi-dimensional universe. This book is the result of a small number of those cases that remained in my files for years. Although some of the cases presented in this book took place decades ago, some are much more recent and have never been published. The paranormal events presented in this work have undergone extensive scrutinizing by me and experts in various fields. I believe them to be authentic representations of an unseen world that exists beyond human perception. However, with modern computer technology an image of a ghost, strange creature, or even a UFO for that matter is only as credible as the word of the witness.

Over the past five years, many paranormal groups have formed and quite a number of television shows have aired all apparently with the intent of investigating and documenting paranormal activity. These groups, clubs, and television “investigators” do not objectively investigate—they go into a case with a predetermined belief of what is responsible for generating phenomena. For example, one “chief investigator” from a popular paranormal reality television show stated that they go into a case trying to disprove it. This attitude, in my opinion, is wrong: you must enter a case with a blank slate and let the evidence fall where it may, and then make a conclusion. Several of these reality paranormal television shows are scripted to make them more interesting with the purpose of increasing the ratings. I know this for a fact since I have taken part in a number of these programs over the years as a “consulting expert.”

Coming to a definite conclusion after an investigation is very difficult since the resources of those trying to do serious research is limited. Because of this, there can only be three conclusions to any paranormal case: the first is that there is no evidence that anything out of the ordinary took place, the second is that the data is inconclusive and finally, that something out of the ordinary did take place, but unless you were able to positively identify it, then the case has to remain open and put in the category of “unknown.”

Popular evidence suggests paranormal phenomenon is increasing substantially on a global level. Those who experience an event outside their normal reality come from all walks of life and are of every age. I firmly believe that what we call the paranormal or supernatural of today will be a new science of the late twenty-first century. Once the foundation is established for this new science, human beings will embark on an exploration into this realm of hidden reality and obtain a better understanding of the complex multi-dimensional universe in which we are an integral part. Over the many years and the hundreds of cases I have investigated, my exploration of the paranormal has changed from a scientific study to more of an adventure: I have witnessed some of the events presented in this book and to me, there is no doubting their realness.

It is also important I thank the following researchers whose previous work and tireless efforts aided my own and helped me stay on the correct path to get a clear view of what lies ahead. They include John Fuller, John Keel, Budd Hopkins, Rosemary Ellen Guiley, and last but not least, my mentor, Dr. J. Allen Hynek. This is an exciting time, and like the voyagers of long ago who left their home shores to chart unknown oceans and explore new lands, we are about to set foot onto a strange, new, unexplored world full of wonder and danger.

Philip J. Imbrogno

January 2010

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