Files From the Edge (8 page)

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Authors: Philip J. Imbrogno

Tags: #supernatural, #UFO, #extraterrestrial, #high strangeness, #paranormal, #out-of-body experiences, #abduction, #reality, #skeptic, #occult, #UFOs, #parapsychology, #universe, #multidimensional

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“He took me into a room and instructed me to sit in a chair. Another alien-looking guy came into the room and attached a small circular disk to the right side of my head. He pressed a button on a device that looked like a remote control and I felt a vibration that shook my skull. It felt as if electricity was being shot into my brain. It only lasted about ten seconds and when the procedure was finished, I had all the knowledge to do what they wanted. I was then taken into a room that Lomunk called the ‘travel chamber’ and was told that they had the ability to travel 175 years back or forward in time. Lomunk said that I would be transported to the correct time and place to disarm the bomb, and when the mission was complete, they would transport me back to the park in the year 1982, close to the time that I left. I asked him why they didn’t do it themselves and he replied, ‘We would, but we can only stay in your dimensional reality for a short period of time.’

“I was transported to the site by a beam of light and saw the bomb—it was in the basement of a large building, and I did what they trained me to do; I disarmed it. I then found myself sitting on a bench back in the park. I walked to my car and found myself drifting through time—every five minutes or so I seemed to be in a different time period.

“After what seemed like forever, I felt steady enough to drive home. As I pulled in my driveway my wife yelled, ‘Where were you?!’ She told me that I had been missing for two days and that she filed a missing persons report with the police. It’s strange, because I was not hungry or thirsty; my beard hadn’t grown and I didn’t have to go to the bathroom, so how could I have been gone for two days? I told my wife what happened and she said, ‘That’s it,
I am calling the doctor!’ To make a long story short, I was forced to see a psychiatrist or my wife was going to divorce me. The doctor said I was having delusions to escape reality and was afraid to face life. I tried to explain that my life was fine until this Lomunk person appeared. The doctor and my wife forced me to take medication and although I no longer heard voices during the day, just before drifting off to sleep at night I would find myself traveling through time to different periods of human history. On several occasions, my consciousness was beamed aboard Lomunk’s ship where I was introduced to others from his race and was introduced to other humans from around the world who were also helping them.”

Beings of Plasma

If we limit our thinking to what we were taught in school, Frank’s story would be impossible to believe. Eventually, Lomunk identified himself as not an alien from another galaxy, but a being that represented a race that exists in a very nearby dimension. After multiple meetings, Lomunk told Frank that his race really didn’t care about humanity and if we wanted to destroy ourselves, it was our own business. According to a conversation with Frank in the spring of 1983, he discovered that Lomunk’s civilization was so near us, the atomic explosion would also have damaged his world. It seems that Lomunk’s race is susceptible to magnetic fields and EMPs (electromagnetic pulses). When taking a look at some of the entities reported in paranormal cases, the sensitivity would make sense—many otherworldy beings seem to have shape-shifting abilities and don’t appear to be composed of matter as we know it.

According to Islamic legend, an ancient race of beings that predates humanity called the Djinn exist in a very nearby parallel dimension. It is said they are composed of smokeless fire, which sounds a lot like plasma to me. Plasma is often called the fourth state of matter, and although many schools still teach that there are only three states, there are actually four. To put it very simply, plasma is an ionized gas into which sufficient energy is provided to free electrons from atoms or molecules. The gas allows charged atoms and electrons to coexist. It might sound strange, but this fourth state is actually the most common one in the universe.

A charged particle soup has powerful electrical properties and creates a magnetic field—the excited, charged particles radiate light and other forms of electromagnetic radiation. The biggest chunk of plasma in our solar system is the sun. The sun’s enormous heat rips electrons off the hydrogen and helium atoms that make up our star. Plasma can be found on earth in glowing neon lights and in severe electrical storms. Plasma can be manipulated or disrupted by an intense magnetic field or an EMP. A being composed of plasma would not have a definite solid form and might be able to change its shape by rearranging the magnetic field that contains it. Any type of EMP might be very dangerous to a creature of this nature, perhaps that’s why Lomunk’s race needed a human to disarm the bomb—a powerful EMP is emitted during an atomic blast.


In the long run, Frank’s contacts with Lomunk were not beneficial to his existence in our world. As time went on, Frank lost his job and filed for divorce. I wonder how many people are out there who have been judged as mentally ill after having a paranormal experience. Our mental hospitals may hold quite a number of people who are now heavily medicated and permanent residents because they claimed to have had some type of alien contact. Society has locked these people away because they don’t behave in a normal manner, but they may be the first ambassadors of a new world. It’s a travesty of justice, the result of a society that restrictively judges reality by what the five senses and instruments of our making can record. Science and the governing bodies of this world find it difficult to accept the fact that some individuals may have touched an unseen reality; clearly their experiences are beyond what is “normal,” but these experiences may be very real, in fact. Recently (2009), I was able to track Frank down and had a lengthy conversation with him. Although his contacts with Lomunk are no longer taking place, he has dedicated his life to helping others who have had similar experiences. Frank is single now and seems to have gotten his life back together. He is employed as a sales executive in a major corporation and lives happily in New York.

Although many of the contact cases in my files are referred to as “aliens,” this does not mean that they originate from another star system. Concerning experiences like the one mentioned above, it is my opinion that we are dealing with intelligence that hails from that part of the unseen physical universe that eludes human perception. These cases are best suited for the paranormal researcher and not the UFO investigator. Most people who investigate UFO sightings have narrowed their objectivity by looking for nuts-and-bolts spaceships and evidence of alien explorers. As a result, these people ignore case studies presented in this chapter. However, in order to fully understand the complexities of the paranormal world, all claims must be considered.

The next story is another case of a contact experience that seemingly involves a race of dimensional beings. Why they chose people like Frank and the person mentioned below to make contact is still beyond my complete understanding, but I do know that many of these people have one connecting thread and that is they all seem to have psychic abilities.
Perhaps there is also something in their emotional, spiritual, or biochemical makeup that may also allow them to cross the bridge of one reality to another.

High Strangeness Case Number Two: The Ugly Alien

I received a letter from the Center for UFO Studies in April 1982 describing a Milford, Connecticut, resident’s “alien” contact experiences. I had a working relationship with this organization at the time; the information was sent to me mainly because I lived in that part of the country. The letter was from a young man in his twenties who claimed to have met people from another dimension.

This person’s name is Robert. The first time Robert had a “visitation” was when he was five years old. He woke up very early in the morning to find his room glowing with a pale blue light. Then, a “monster” appeared at the foot of the bed and looked like it was about to say something when Robert covered his eyes and began screaming. His parents came running into the room, concerned he had fallen out of bed and hurt himself. Turning on the overhead light, Robert’s parents expected to find him on the floor, but he was still in bed. Robert began telling them of the monster that appeared out of the blue light. Robert told his parents that the creature was so ugly, he had to hide under the covers; he said that it was tall and had dark skin like leather with a pointed nose and ears; he was sure it was the devil. Robert’s parents assured him that it was just a dream and that he should go back to sleep, but Robert insisted that the light stay on. Over the next several years, the ugly being would appear before Robert’s bed several times a year at the same hour during the night and each time the creature would attempt to communicate with him.
However, Robert was too frightened and would always cover his head with the bed covers and start screaming. When Robert was fourteen, he finally mustered enough courage to ask the entity what it wanted and it only replied “you” and vanished. The entity did not make another appearance until Robert was in his early twenties; the rest of his childhood was quite normal.

Underground Bases

At twenty years old, Robert enrolled in the University of Arizona and concentrated on his studies; he felt a passion for engineering—in many of his dreams involving the ugly alien, he was shown devices he was sure he could build providing he was taught the skills. Robert’s early college years were not easy: “I could not concentrate on the lectures or do any of the homework because as soon as I went to my dorm and rested, I would hear voices and then drift off to sleep. In the sleep state, I was often taken out of my body and brought to some type of laboratory with aliens and humans working on some type of instrumentation. Once, I was taken to what seemed like an underground base, and there I saw government people and aliens working together.”

Robert told me that one of the underground bases was located near Brewster, New York. He knows this for sure because just before he was led through a tunnel, he saw a sign that read “Southeast.” Since he never heard of a town called Southeast, Robert looked it up on a map and found there is one such town in southern New York—Southeast is actually a part of Brewster. At the time, I didn’t think too much of what Robert said, but later I was to find myself in Southeast on many occasions, exploring underground tunnels that were the remains of a nineteenth-century mining operation. The location where Robert saw the “Southeast” sign in his dream has been the scene of many paranormal events and close encounters with aliens, strange creatures, and UFOs. Nearby are Reservoir and Upper and Lower Magnetic Mine Roads, which lead to underground tunnels connected to the old mines. It is at these locations that strange hooded beings and mysterious lights have been reported. According to local folklore, they are the ghosts of miners killed in an 1895 mining accident. Today, I still find it amazing Robert knew about these underground tunnels ten years before I began exploring them.

Materialization in a Car

One morning, Robert woke in his Arizona dorm with a strong feeling that he should get into his car and drive to Colorado—he seemed to do it without thinking and says it was like some outside force was controlling him. While driving through a pass in the Rocky Mountains, he heard a voice say “Hello, Robert.” Robert turned his head and saw the ugly alien creature from his childhood dreams in the passenger seat! He said the creature was so ugly and the smell of burning sulfur was so strong that it made him vomit. The creature laughed and said, “At last we meet in person. Now I am really with you, and not a projection.”

Robert described the creature as being long and slim with greenish, wrinkled skin. It had a long pointed nose, and pointed face and ears with no hair. He also described horns or tubes coming out of its head. He asked the being who it was and it replied, “Some say I am the devil,” and it laughed. The creature would not give Robert its name or where he was from. It only replied, “I and others like me are from another dimension and we like to play games with you pathetic humans.” Robert asked why it tormented him all these years and the being replied, “I could have killed you a long time ago, but you are just too much fun.” Robert said to the being, “You can’t control me!” The entity replied, “Well! I made you drive all the way here, did I not?” At this point, Robert stopped the car and got out. The being followed. The entity then pointed to the sky and a swirling black portal opened up and the creature flew in it and as it entered, yelled back, “You will see me again!”

Robert got back into his car and returned to Arizona. Things didn’t go well for him. He flunked out of school and moved back to Connecticut to live with his parents. The nighttime visitations increased in frequency. Robert saw shadow-like beings walking into his bedroom almost every night—they would stop at his bed, look at him, and disappear. It got so bad that Robert stayed awake for an entire week because he was too afraid to close his eyes. At night, he would keep all the lights in the house on and turned on all the television sets and radios: he discovered that when there was a great deal of noise and light in the house, the shadow beings would stay away. Finally, Robert’s parents could not take it any more and forced him to see a psychiatrist. The doctor diagnosed Robert as a paranoid schizophrenic and placed him on a number of medications.

I tried to follow up with Robert, but it was very difficult. In 1993, he moved out of his parents’ home into a small apartment in Bridgeport, Connecticut. Today, he is a member of a local born-again Christian group and although his contacts with the ugly entity still continue, he claims he is no longer afraid because “the Lord” is protecting him. To me, what Robert encountered sounds very much like the Native American legends of the Trickster or the Middle Eastern Djinn. The contacts were not extraterrestrial in nature; Robert had no interest in UFOs and has never had a sighting. There seems to have been no purpose to the contact except to torment Robert and manipulate his life. It is also interesting to note that when Robert kept all the lights, radio, and TV on, the ugly alien and shadow people stayed away. Perhaps if these entities are
composed of plasma, the magnetic field produced by the electrical devices acted like a repellent to keep them at bay.

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