Filthy Gorgeous (32 page)

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Authors: Jodi Knight

BOOK: Filthy Gorgeous
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There’s a bang on the ceiling and I freeze.

Ella throws her head back. “My God … don’t stop,” she rasps. “It’s just my neighbor.”

My, my, haven’t the tables turned? You think I should put my pants on and leave her unsated?

Just kidding.

A freaking snow-plough couldn’t stop me now.

I quicken my pace.

“Oh, God! Oh, God!” she cries, her hips squirming and thrusting as I pump into the cradle of her thighs, bringing her ever closer to climax.

“Sing it, Ella. Say my name!”

Her breathing is ragged. She gives a strangled moan. “Oh … God! Oh … ah ... oh!”

“Fuck, yeah,” I pant.

Ella and I move back and forth in unison.
Fuck me
. The sight of her impaling herself on my dick sends me into overdrive. I watch in awe as I disappear between the juicy folds of flesh between her legs. Her warm body convulses from the inside, and now she’s really tight, gripping me with her muscles. Each tug of her lips around the length of my cock has me struggling to breathe.

And I want to blow.

I pull out and lay on my back. Ella doesn’t need me to explain what I want her to do next. She climbs on top of me, and impales herself on my throbbing head.
My head rolls backward against the pillow.

My Goddess’s knees are straddling my waist. She leans forward to kiss me. I lace my fingers through her hair. I pull her in close. “Ella Bryant … you’re magnificent,” I rasp huskily in her ear.

She beams, and then she rides me, with long, deep strokes. Her fingers knead the muscles of my chest as I pound that sweet ass from beneath. She’s insatiable. A sweet, insatiable angel. Ella braces an arm either side of my shoulder. My God, her breasts swing and bounce each time our bodies move together, always just out of reach of my hungry mouth.

And I snap.

I take hold of each side of her waist with a firm hand, and pound so hard that my hips brace off the bed. Ella’s fighting back. She circles and grinds her hot, wet, pussy against my happy trail.

“Yeah … yeah …”

“Oh, God …”

She leans forward, and I cradle my arms around her back, kissing her as we come together in unison. Waves of pleasure crest and subside, leaving us both breathless. She rolls onto her back and I wrap a weary arm over her stomach.

Then I kiss her. It’s unhurried and deep. And the neither of us speak. We just lay here, smiling at each other in silence like two nun’s who’ve just discovered their G-spot.

I can’t help but stare at her beautiful face. It’s radiant, and impossibly symmetrical. I mean, I’d noticed before, but now it’s more obvious, somehow. Most guys have to fight to stay awake after they blow. It’s those pesky hormones.

But I’m fighting it, just so I can marvel at her beauty, rubber up, and do it all over again.

Remember I told you a guy’s penis is like a Li-ion battery? Once he’s done he’s ready to go again in no time?


I sidle up behind Ella and press my blossoming length against the small of her back. She turns around, her eyes wide. “Again?”

I flash a dimpled smile. “He’s missed you, Ella.”

She takes a deep breath. “I’ve missed him, too. But you might want to slow down. It’s only ten and we’ve only got seven rubbers left.”

That’s my girl.


It’s two in the morning and we’re running dangerously low on rubbers. We’re taking a quick breather from our sex marathon, so we’re talking and drinking, instead. I’m pretty sure I could do this forever. Screw. Talk. Drink. Over and over.

Sounds like my kind of heaven.

We’re naked. Ella sits behind me, her legs wrapped snugly at either side of my waist and she’s playing with my hair. There’s something so goddamn therapeutic about having your hair massaged, don’t you think?

Now she’s rubbing my temples between two fingers.

I roll over until my face is nestled between Ella’s lady pillows. See this valley here, between these magnificent peaks? This is my new happy place. She laces her fingers through my hair and smiles. “What are you thinking?”

Here we go.

Ladies, remember this: when you ask your guy what he’s thinking, he’s mostly just thinking about nothing. Or breasts. Could be yours. Could be somebody else’s. Either way, you won’t like the answer.

So don’t ask the question.

It used to annoy the shit out of me, but when Ella asks? It’s different. I’m happy to tell her. Honest, open communication, remember? Nothing else will do.

“I’m thinking you have fantastic breasts. They’re large, yet still retain buoyancy in the water. I’ll never drown when you’re around.”

She gives a drowsy laugh and tugs my hair. “Alexander Slade, I wish I’d never asked.”

I suckle one of her rosy-pink peaks and say through a mouthful of flesh. “Seriously, I’m thinking, I must be the luckiest guy in the world.”

It’s true. I can’t believe I wasted so long with so many different girls when I could have been having this.

She tickles the nape of my neck. “Alright, I’ll tell you what I’m thinking. I’m thinking I can’t quite believe
. A few hours ago I was in class. I should have been concentrating on microbiology, but I couldn’t stop daydreaming about you.”

I snap my head up. “You were?”

She nods sheepishly.
I pull myself onto my elbows and probe her for more information, alternating my words while trailing a line of kisses across her breasts. “What … were … you … thinking … about …?”

She tries to not laugh. “I was thinking about this. How I’ve missed

I wiggle my eyebrows and pinch her other peak between my teeth. “I see.”

Her voice is softer now. “When I left New York, I was sure this is what I wanted. I mean, it is. I still want Paris. I want to finish this course. That hasn’t changed, but I didn’t realize how much I’d miss you.” Then she’s silent for a few seconds. “I know we haven’t known each other for very long considering, well … I guess what I’m trying to say is that I just feel more energized when you’re around. Well, sometimes drained, but I’m more alive. Do you know what I mean?”

I nod enthusiastically. I know exactly what she means. I feel it, too. Just like she said. And then I add. “Forgive me in advance for sounding like a pussy, but I’m a newbie at this.”

She laughs. “Go on.”

“It’s like everything that was scary about being with just one person doesn’t seem so bad with you. You’re fun, Ella. You let me screw you in a taxi and in a freaking dressing room for God’s sake.”

My Goddess cocks an eyebrow. “Right. So it’s a sex thing? Why am I not surprised?”

I smile benevolently as I stroke her cheek. Her ass cheek, of course. “No, Ella, it’s more than that. Everything I do is a gazillion times better when you’re there to share it with me. You make me laugh. You make me think. You make me hard.”



Ella must think so because she’s hugging my head close to her bosom. I continue without looking up. “I’m not going to say I love you, Ella. We’ve only known each other a few weeks. But maybe I could one day, if you let me.”

My head rises with her chest when she inhales deeply. We lay in silence. I listen to the thump of her heartbeat. “Maybe I’ll let you, one day. When you introduced me to Bernstein, it showed me you cared about me and listened to me even though you couldn’t have me. I think that’s when I realized I liked you more than I should have.”

See, told you so, didn’t I? I saw it in her eyes. I reach up and nibble her earlobe playfully. “Tell me more.”

She giggles. “Well, it scared me. You completely dominate a room, Alex. Tyler too, but it’s different. He’s was all brawn, you were more … charismatic.”

I rub my chin and smirk. “Damn right. But you were a little late to the party, Ella. I’m a guy. My dick knew first. His interest was piqued as soon as you stepped into my office. He likes to take charge, in case you hadn’t noticed.”

She smiles and winks. “I noticed. But not anymore, right?”

I rub her stomach tenderly. “Right, though if we’re being honest then I should tell you that when you came to my office that day, my only goal was to bed you. But after we spent time at the bar, talking and playing games, I found myself bewitched. It was like you were a witch and you’d cast a spell on me.”

Her eyes widen. “Witch?”

“Yes, but a sexy witch, of course. I was hypnotized. My dick was still in charge, but my brain caught up eventually. And then my heart …”

Don’t roll your eyes when I’m emoting. I mean every word.

“When I thought I’d lost you, Ella, you should have seen the state of me. I was scared to like you, but scared to lose you. It was paralyzing.”

She pulls me in closer.

Christ, all this intimacy is making me thirsty. I reach down the side of the bed and grasp around for the bottle of wine. Instead of merlot, I pull up a half-empty bottle of grenadine. I smile at Ella. “Miss Bryant, have you been trying to mix a Pink Sladie?”

She laughs and slowly draws the pillow over her face. “Busted. You know, I really like them, but I couldn’t figure out the secret recipe.”

I lean in and burrow my hungry lips in the nook of her neck. “Maybe I could help you with that …”

She laughs and pushes me away. “I’m sure you could, but first thing in the morning. I’m pretty exhausted. And quite sore.”


I snuggle her from behind. Always be the big spoon remember? They have way more fun.

I lean in and whisper in her ear. “What will we do, tomorrow, Ella?”

She talks through a smile. “You’ll show me how to mix a Pink Sladie, and then we can go for breakfast. I have a free afternoon, so I can show you the city. How does that sound?”

I kiss the back of her head. “Sounds great. And the day after that?”

She laughs. Then she turns around and snuggles into my chest. “We’ll see. Baby steps, Alex.”

I pull her in closer and hold her tightly, like I never want to let her go. We lay silently for a while, and I mull over the crazy events of this summer. Just think; if Lisette Strevens didn’t have a personality disorder, I may not be here with Ella right now. Scary, huh? Maybe one day I’ll send her a postcard to thank her.

So, what’s next?

Your guess is as good as mine. I can’t predict the future, but I’m certain of one thing; I want Ella Bryant to be my Friday night girl. And my Saturday night girl. And my Sunday night girl …

I think you get the picture.

I flick off the lamp and lean down to kiss her forehead. “Sweet dreams, filthy.”

She snuggles into my chest. “You too, gorgeous.”







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