Finding Bliss (23 page)

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Authors: B L Bierley

BOOK: Finding Bliss
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“It might be good to wake her every hour or so to make sure
she doesn’t have a concussion. But other than that she should recover in a day
or two!” Scarlet told him brightly.

Eric sagged against the door frame in relief. Westford
hadn’t really hurt her. Not physically, anyway. The news made Eric’s head swim.

The woman he loved was unharmed. Eric felt a primeval surge
of possessiveness that her virtue was still intact. He would have wanted her no
matter what, but the fact that she’d been left alone was a brilliant relief.
Then realization returned.

The fact that he was a mere surgeon and she an heiress would
be a hard obstacle to overcome. With Lord Penwood’s money and connections, Bliss
would be expected to marry a titled gentleman, a duke or marquess, at least. She
was beautiful enough to catch any man she wanted.

Eric made a vow to himself in that shining moment. He would
swear off compromising positions and love her enough to try and change fate. He
knew he shouldn’t even hope. That didn’t stop him from making a vow never to
marry anyone but her.

Bliss came back into his life for a reason. He would do
anything she asked to win her heart. It was the least he could do for the only
woman he would ever love!


Eric, Bristol, April 1811

Ozzie and Rex paced the hallway
until the carpet began to look flattened. When the door opened and the nurse
emerged, they were instantly at attention for news. The nurse wasn’t
forthcoming with anything, though, as she hurried away down the stair and out
the door.

Eric exited Bliss’s room shortly afterward and closed it
behind him. He motioned them away from the upstairs rooms. Ozzie pointed down
the stairs to his study. When they entered he poured a glass of bourbon for
each of them. Eric accepted the glass, but didn’t drink it. Rex and Ozzie stood
near the mantle and waited for Eric to begin.

“I would appreciate this information being clearly noted in
the report. Bliss is fine. Westford didn’t meddle with her other than to tie
her wrists and ankles and slap her around a little. She has suffered some
bruises that will be visible for a while on her cheeks and a few minor cuts
that I’ll attend to when Scarlet returns with my medical satchel. Otherwise she
is unharmed.”

As the words fell Ozzie dropped his glass to the stone
hearth. It shattered, sending pieces in all directions and a splash of bourbon
into the grate causing a minor flash within the flames.

“Westford! I’ll murder him! Why! What did he say in defense
of his actions!” Ozzie roared.

“I don’t know, my lord. My only concern was saving Bliss. The
constable and his men apprehended him just as we arrived. He had a knife in his
coat pocket and a pistol in his hand. We arrived just after he threw Bliss into
the Avon. Somehow he’d managed to stick a coin back in her throat before he did

“I pulled her out and dislodged the coin. She’s going to be
fine as soon as the bruises heal. She was very brave! Even after she was fading
to sleep, she told me she knew I’d be there,” Eric chuckled. Ozzie was still
smoldering with fury over his former friend’s involvement in the scandal.

“I heard several people talking when they arrested him. Apparently
after his performance this evening they decided it was safe to accuse him of
acts against their own families. Several men willingly added to the charges
with their own daughters’ witness testimony. I think hanging him would be too
kind. If I were to be the judge I’d let the fathers and the uncles have a go at
him for ten minutes apiece. He’d be begging for the rope,” Eric said with a

The forgotten guard cracked his knuckles dangerously.

“I doubt he’ll make it to the scaffold unscathed. The whole
business has made the constable look really bad,” Rex commented with intent.

“Well, I’m sorry Ollie won’t be here in time to see the
bastard swing. He and Luxie and their other children went to visit their
younger son at school, and then they were going to meet Luxie’s younger brother
and his wife in Brighton before coming back up through Bristol to attend the

“I’m not sure where to reach him even if I wanted to send
word by post. How on earth would I write such news in a letter?” Ozzie
whispered more to Dr. Benchley than the guard. Rex excused himself and asked if
Ozzie needed him for anything further.

“No, but you have been most helpful this evening, sir. I’m
going to make sure you are commended for being reasonable and useful throughout
the entire bad business. Tell your constable he’ll hear from me within the hour
to file formal charges against Westford on Lord and Lady Penwood’s behalf.”

“As you wish, sir,” Rex said quietly and bowed to both men
before turning to go.

Ozzie remembered something and spoke to his retreating form,
“Oh, and Rex? I’m fairly sure Ollie will want to reward you for the safe return
of his daughter’s maid. Could you be persuaded to return sometime next Monday? If
he doesn’t seek you on Friday or Saturday, that is?”

“Tell him that won’t be necessary. I’m grateful that
everything turned out for the good, my lord.” Rex said turning to give another
short bow at the door.

Eric and Ozzie watched him leaving without speaking. The
moment the front door shut with a firm sound, Ozzie looked intently at Eric.

“Tell me now that we’re alone. Did he ... Did Lord Westford
molest her,” Ozzie’s voice was a hollow whisper. Eric expected it. He shook his

“No sir. She wasn’t touched in that way. My nurse is a
midwife-in-training, and she assured me there was absolutely no evidence of any

Eric’s own relief was evidenced in the easy way he admitted
this. Ozzie finally relaxed. He collapsed to the overstuffed chair near the
hearth and said a quiet prayer of thanks.

“Sir, I’m going to wait in the room with Bliss until Scarlet
returns. If you need anything at all regarding either Lady Osterburg or Bliss’s
maid’s care, just have me fetched. I’ll be glad to see to them,” Eric told him.

“You are a good man, Benchley. But that isn’t necessary. You
just look after Bliss. I will care for Lady Osterburg myself, and the maid is
fine now that her mistress is returned. The housekeeper can tend to her. I’ve
given the girl the evening off to rest.

“Marla will be in the hall for either lady if the need should
arise. Mundy will give you a horse whenever you think it’s safe to leave her
side. I know you will have other patients to see to. But the horse and tack are
yours to keep. You are a hero, sir.”

Eric might have tried to protest, but Ozzie remained firm.

“Our Bliss might have died if you hadn’t found her as
quickly as you did. No amount of money could repay a debt like that, I know. But
accept the gesture anyway, so my conscience is eased.” Ozzie said—his face
suddenly lined with tear stains.

As much as he wanted to demand Bliss’s hand in marriage as an
acceptable reward, Eric knew what he must say.

“I’ll accept your horse as payment if you wish. But as for
gestures, they’re not necessary. It’s my job to heal the sick and the wounded,
and that is what I did,” Eric replied graciously.

“Pardon me, sir, but that’s bollocks! You were here visiting
an old friend, you left with a note and came back with a girl some of us
already thought lost. That, my young friend, is a miracle. And the horse is a
gift, not payment. And I obviously will not accept it being taken in any other
way,” Ozzie said with mock indignation.

Eric lowered his head in semblance of respect. Ozzie walked
to the door and hurried up the stairs ahead of Eric. As he passed by the door
of the master suite a little while later, he caught a glimpse of Ozzie and
Penelope embracing on the bed. He noted that the woman looked worn to a frazzle
and hoped that some sleep would help restore her if he couldn’t help her.

He toyed with the idea that Bliss could not possibly be
right about her condition. But that wasn’t doubt in Bliss’s abilities so much
as doubt of her interpretation of the symptoms. The two conditions were very
similar and many a woman mistook one for the other in his experience.


When he reached Bliss’s bedchamber a
little while later, Eric noticed with alarm that she was wide awake and staring
at him as he entered.

“What are you doing awake? You need sleep and rest. You’ve
had a terrible ordeal,” Eric reminded her firmly. Bliss simply looked at him
with a smirk and patted the bed beside her.

Eric’s body urged him to go nearer, while his professional
mind told him to stay put. As usual, he compromised. Stepping over, he drew the
stool from the nearby dressing table and sat midway between the bed and the

“How are you feeling? Would you like to tell me what
happened?” Eric asked.

Bliss cut him off quickly. “How about I answer the other
questions you have?”

“How do you know I have other questions?” He eyed her

It frightened him how well she knew him. Could she tell he
was already in love with her? He forced a calm smile.

“I know there are two things you desperately want to hear
from me. I’ll be happy to answer your questions if you ask them,” Bliss
challenged. Eric sighed heavily.

“Scarlet will be back in a moment. You have a few cuts that
need tending, and I didn’t have my bag with me. We’ll talk afterward.”

“Suit yourself. But putting it off will not prevent the
conversation from taking place. And we won’t have so much privacy after
tonight. Even though I’m losing a ladies’ maid to watch over me,” Bliss

“Why would she leave you? Is she really that upset about the

“No, silly. She’ll be marrying very soon. And you’ve met her
husband, no doubt! I like him. I think he’ll prove a valuable friend to you in
the future.”

“Who have I met?” Eric’s mind was suddenly reviewing all the
most recent new acquaintances he’d made. But he could only recall the one that
made his life hell this evening.

“Rex is stealing kisses and more from Pauline as we speak. His
message to the constable from Uncle Ozzie will be slightly delayed,” Bliss
confided with a wink.

“How do you know that? You’ve not left this room since I saw
him leave!” Eric argued quietly. Then he realized his folly.

Bliss just knew. That was the crux of the problem, as well
as the most important thing to discuss when Scarlet left again. Eric sighed and
waited, checking Bliss’s pulse and her forehead for fever.

“Are you hungry? You missed supper. I’d like to examine your
throat first, but I don’t think the coin did any permanent damage that would
make eating difficult. How about some nice soup broth and a little toast? Maybe
a couple of glasses of milk?” Eric offered. Bliss nodded and gave the bell pull
a yank. She looked up when Marla entered.

“What can I fetch for you, Lady Bliss?”

“Get her some broth, a bit of toast and if there is any beef
roast, perhaps a slab of that. A pot of tea and some lemon would be most
welcome as well. Thank you,” Eric told the maid.

Marla bobbed a quick curtsey and retreated. Scarlet passed
her in the hall and entered directly after her.

“There’s our patient! How are you feeling Lady Bliss? I hope
our examination wasn’t too rough on you?” Scarlet asked.

Bliss assured her she didn’t feel anything. Scarlet handed
Eric his satchel and stood waiting for further instructions. Eric told her that
he would treat the cuts and be on his way very soon. He indicated to Scarlet that
he would see her at the office in the morning.

After asking if she should wait for him, he told Scarlet
that it was likely to be a while as he had a few other people to assess before
he left, therefore she needn’t wait around for him.

Eric told her not to hesitate to ask the butler for an
escort back to her dormitory. She laughed and said a stable boy accompanied her
to and from the office and agreed to wait to escort her back home whenever she
was done, all courtesy of Lord Osterburg.

Eric dismissed the nurse with his thanks. Scarlet wished
them both a pleasant evening and hurried back down the stairs.

Marla returned as Eric was finishing cleaning and bandaging
Bliss’s cuts. She laid a complete three course dinner meal out on the
escritoire and told Bliss that if she wasn’t up to eating at the desk she could
fetch a tray for the bed.

Bliss thanked her and said she would eat at the desk if
Marla would fetch a robe. Marla colored and hurried to the wardrobe to get one.
Bliss wrapped the robe around her and tied the sash. As she sat down to begin
eating, she asked Eric if he wasn’t hungry.

“Actually, I am, but I can wait. I wouldn’t dream of taking
food from your plate, and besides, that would be most unprofessional and
improper of me to eat in your private chambers with you,” he mocked her
lightly. Bliss gave him a look of unconcern.

“Very well, be stubborn if you choose. But no one in the
house would say a word against your professional reputation if you ate with an
ailing friend,” Bliss sniffed.

“I hate to trouble Marla,” Eric defended half-heartedly.

“Marla is well compensated for her job, aren’t you Marla?”

“Yes, my lady,” Marla exclaimed with fervent stress.

“If you wouldn’t mind, fetch another tray for Dr. Benchley. He’s
been so busy saving me and treating my injuries, he’s missed his supper. It’s
the least we can offer him this evening, wouldn’t you say?” Bliss informed
Marla. Marla smiled brightly.

“The very least, my lady! I’ll return in a wink, sir,” the
maid said with a grin.

Eric shook his head.

“I took an oath to give care and do no harm. I think harm
can also mean reputational harm, don’t you see? You are treading on thin ice,
young lady.” Eric teased.

“I’ll risk it. Now, while we’re waiting for your food, ask
me the first question, the oldest one. It will make you feel better,” Bliss
told him.

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