Finding Jordie: Things aren't always what they seem. (The Love Lies Bleeding Series Book 1) (14 page)

BOOK: Finding Jordie: Things aren't always what they seem. (The Love Lies Bleeding Series Book 1)
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As I reached the bottom step I heard the door upstairs open.
Why don’t they listen to me?
I took a deep breath in and flung my body around about to shout some obscenity when I saw Nathan coming down the steps.

“Hey, what are you doing? Go back in, I’ll be fine,” I said with a small smile.

“Jordie, this is all because of me. There’s no way I’m leaving you to deal with it alone,” he said as he reached the bottom step. He leaned down to kiss me.

“Coming to Ms. Spagnato’s rescue again?” I flashed him a crooked grin.

We walked out onto the porch and I explained to the police officers that I wasn’t opening the bar that night and some personal security was scheduled to arrive at six, so they could clear out the line at least.

They assured me they would handle the line and swing by a few times throughout their shift to make sure everything was okay, and then four security guys in dark suits climbed out of a van. Nathan motioned for them to follow us inside.

The one in charge looked to be in his forties. He had a solid buzz cut, military style. “Nate, it’s good to see you again, sir,” he said as he shook Nathan’s hand. “This is Charles, Matt, and Elliot. They’ll be on duty with me tonight. Same protocol per usual, sir?” His demeanor tugged hard at my memory.

“Actually no,” Nathan said. “What I need tonight is this building and that building there covered. We won’t be leaving until the morning to bring her daughter to school, so whoever takes over in the A.M., Frank, please inform them that they’ll be accompanying us for the ride and spending the day with young Miss Spagnato at school.”

“Spellman. Emma’s last name is Spellman,” I corrected.

“Miss Spellman, I apologize.”

“You got it, sir.” Frank shook Nathan’s hand again and nodded to me. “Miss.”

“Thank you,” I said. “I have a few people leaving momentarily. They’re allowed here anytime. The woman—her name is Rachel—she has keys to both buildings. The two men, Mike and Carlos, they’re my security at the bar.”

“Of course, no problem,” Frank said, stone faced.

“Oh, and please, if you or your men need anything, bathrooms, food, a break, feel free to come up.”

“Thank you, miss.” He nodded again and made his way out the door.

Back upstairs, everyone was glued to the TV laughing and putting their two cents in.

“I’m glad to see you all are amused by this train wreck.” I smiled sarcastically and sat down on the arm of the couch.

“Wow, Nathan, the rumors of your homosexuality have been squashed.” Rachel snorted with amusement.

“Yeah, that was always my favorite.” He rolled his eyes, his hand sliding over my back.

“Okay, guys, you have the night off, paid of course,” I said.

Before anyone could respond, the door buzzer sounded and Nathan got up to see who it was.

“Yes, Frank?”

“Sir, Mr. Duncan is here and would like to speak with you.” His tone gave me a chill, it was so familiar. Nathan was staring at me, for an okay I assumed.

“Sure, of course,” I answered his unspoken question.

“Send him up, please.” He buzzed his friend in.

“Shiiit, Nate,” Tyler said when Nathan opened the door for him. Then he caught sight of the room full of people looking at him over Nathan’s shoulder and put a hand over his mouth. “Sorry,” he muttered and patted Nathan on the back hard. “What’s up, brother? Good to see things are back to normal.”

“Uh-huh.” Nathan laughed with him. “Tyler, this is Jordie.”

Tyler extended his hand out to me and I shook it.

“Emma, Jordie’s daughter. Rachel, Mike, and Carlos.” Nathan gestured to each of them. Tyler nodded to everyone else.

“Nice to meet you all.” His eyes were back to Rachel. Rachel grinned and looked down at the floor.

What is up with that? Rachel playing coy? Not like her.

“I just wanted to stop by and make sure everything was all right with ya, buddy. Your mom called me. She’s worried. You haven’t been answering her calls or texts.”

“Shit, my phone died a bit ago. I don’t have my charger.” Nathan ran his hand through his hair.

Tyler reached into the bag he was holding and pulled out a charger. “Here ya go. I figured you’d need it and this.” He handed him the charger and small blue bag in his hand.

“Thanks so much. I’ll be right back.” Nathan climbed the stairs two at a time, taking the bag and charger with him.

Tyler chuckled. “Uhhh, no, he won’t. You don’t know his mother.”

“Welp, I’m out of here, bitches. I’m famished.” Rachel grabbed her purse and keys.

“Eh, yeah, me too,” Tyler said. “Want some company?”

She opened the door, staring at him, and held onto the knob. “You’re buying, music man.” She winked at him and tossed her hair as she walked out into the hallway.

Tyler nodded at us. “Very nice to meet you all. Ask Nate to give me a shout, please.” He turned and headed down the steps in pursuit of Rachel.

Mike and Carlos stood up and walked to the door.

“I’m going to enjoy an unexpected evening off,” Mike announced as he stood in the doorway.

“And I’m going to drag my roommate home. She’s been out there all day.” Carlos laughed.

“Bye, guys. Thanks again. Business as usual tomorrow. I’m interviewing a few people in the afternoon, so hopefully we’ll have some dependable help soon.” I hugged them both and closed the door behind them.

I plopped down on the couch and picked up my dinner. “Are you done with your homework?” I asked Emma, who was still glued to the TV.

“Yup,” she said. “Nathan wouldn’t let me fifty question him until I was done.” She shook her head and grinned. “Nate Harper. He’s really nice, Mom.”

“I know he is, and his name is Nathan. He isn’t Nate Harper around here. Understand? He isn’t here for your amusement.”

“Of course not, he’s here for yours.” She smirked when she said it

Oh this kid... she is so... just like me.
“I love you,” I told her as I finished up the last of my dinner. We watched TV together for a while, then I said, “Time for bed.”

“Yes, Ms. Spagnato.” She gave me a little smirk and saluted.

I went upstairs. Nathan was sitting on the end of my bed, still on the phone attached to his charger. Two and a half hours on the phone with his mom? Tyler wasn’t kidding.

“I will, I promise.” He laughed. “Yes, Mom. Yeah, she just walked in the room. I know... I don’t think so.” He chuckled. “Today has been traumatic enough.” He looked over at me. “All right, love you too, Mom.” He hit a button on his phone and sprawled across the bed letting out a throaty, “Ahhhhhh.”

“I swear to all that is holy that was the longest conversation I’ve ever had with her.” He sat back up on the edge of the bed and extended his arms for me. I walked over and he grabbed me by my behind and pulled me close so I was standing between his legs.

“I don’t know how it’s possible, but I’m tired.” I yawned.

“It’s been a trying day, Jordie.”

I moved my knee to his and closed his legs to straddle him. I sank down on his lap and kissed him.

“I thought you were tired?” He looked at me suspiciously.

“Fine,” I said and moved to get up.

He squeezed me tighter and lay back on the bed, bringing me down with him. He pushed the hair that was hanging down in his face behind my ears. His eyes never left mine. My stomach was in blissful turmoil.

“You feel that, don’t you?” His eyes still held mine. “I’ve never felt that before. Ever. I’ve never had my insides twist in such a way as they do when I touch you.”

All I could do was nod, because the truth was, neither had I. I’d loved Jason, but his touch, his smile, he never did to me what Nathan did. A pang of guilt ran through me.
I shouldn’t feel guilty. Jason died. I didn’t leave him, I’m not being unfaithful to him. I was a faithful, honest, and more than forgiving wife to him. It’s been eight years since I’ve had a relationship. I’ve waited a long time for this. I deserve to be happy, don’t I?

“What are you thinking about in there?” Nathan reached up and ran his fingers across my cheek to my lips, breaking my train of thought.

“Nothing. Just arguing with myself again.” I laughed.

“You do that often?” He smiled my smile.

“I do.” I raised my eyebrows. “But it’s okay, I always win.”

We both laughed and he leaned up to kiss me again. This time he sat up and wrapped one hand in my hair at the nape of my neck. With the other he cupped my behind and pulled me as close as possible to him. I could feel him against me. I slid my arms around his neck and knotted my hands in his hair.

“This is so right, so fast.” My voice was barely audible.

He pulled back, still holding me close. “You have no idea how happy it makes me to hear you say that, Jordan. You’re an incredible woman, mother, friend, extremely smart, funny, and a genuine gem inside and—” He eyed me up and down, bringing his hand from my hair down my torso where it met his other hand on my behind. “—and outside.”

Holy shit, I’m panting.

“I could get used to this.” I rested my forehead against his.

“You better.” He kissed me hard.

. I rolled over to shut it off and groggily sat up on the edge of the bed.

“Morning, gorgeous,” Nathan said from the bedroom doorway.

“You’re still here.” I beamed at him.

“I do have a few things I need to take care of today, but I thought maybe we could do them together after Emma leaves for school.” He smiled my smile and came over to me carrying a cup of coffee. He handed me the cup and bent over to kiss the top of my head.

“Depends. I have to interview a few people starting at one o’clock today, and I have some things from Monday night I need to take care of before that. So I have to be back at the bar by noon.”

“That shouldn’t be a problem,” he assured me as we headed downstairs.

Emma was already at the dining room table eating cereal.

“Morning, sunshine,” she practically sang to me.

“Morning, baby girl.” I leaned over to kiss her already puckered up lips, noticing her eyes never strayed from the book she was reading.

“What are you reading?” I peered over her shoulder curiously.

Best of the Ball
.” She answered me as if I knew what she was talking about.

“What, is that for school?” I took a seat next to her as Nathan snatched the book from her playfully.

“Where did you get this?” he asked as he sat down.

“Hey! Give it back!” she yelled, laughing.

“This book is for teens and young adults, missy.” He handed it back to her.

“Whoa, what is it? Is it not age appropriate for you, Emma? Give it to me, now.” I held out my hand.

“Nah.” Nathan grinned at me and sat back in his chair. “I think it’s okay for her. Let’s face it, she’s not your average nine-year-old, Jordie.”

“This is like a modern day Cinderella story. It doesn’t seem too bad. You’ve read this?” I asked him curiously after I finished reading the synopsis.

They both chuckled like they had some sort of inside joke.

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