Finding Me (Love's Not Easy Series Book 1) (4 page)

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Authors: Nicole Rickman

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BOOK: Finding Me (Love's Not Easy Series Book 1)
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“You think so? Well, dear, business tends to be a man’s world. I hate when women don’t realize they should aim for the lower levels of business; and, not the levels that requires them to be responsible for how the business succeeds.”

Aimee’s face felt hot. “I choose to disagree. I am not sure which century you think we live in. Women have more than proved themselves as capable business people. While I can’t speak for all women, I have known what I have wanted to do for years.”

“Honey, that doesn’t change the fact that women are beneath men.”

“Sir, I happen to study my Bible; a lot, and God, the creator of men and women, created Eve in His own image, just as he created Adam in His own image.”

“Ah yes, but Eve allowed herself to be corrupted by the serpent.”

“Yes, she did. But, she also managed to convince Adam to join her.”

Mr. Edward reached out and shook her hand. “Miss Pittman, you are definitely confident in yourself and your abilities.”

Aimee shook his hand. “Thank you, sir. I learned a few years ago that it is up to me and God on where I go in life, both business and personal. I can’t rely on others to do for me, what I should do on my own.”

“So, are you saying you do not trust others?”

“Not exactly. I have just learned to make sure I am well aware of my surroundings. I will trust someone, until they prove themselves to be untrustworthy.”

“You seem to be a very strong willed young lady; ready to take on the world. What do you think, Aiden, do you trust her to be in business with you?”

Aiden was sitting back enjoying the show. Mr. Edward’s arrogance always got to him. It was nice to see Aimee stand her ground with him. “Mr. Edward, I trust Aimee more than I do some people I have known my entire life.”

“So, you feel she would be a good business partner?”

“I believe Aimee would be a great partner; she has all the qualities I look for in a person.”

Mr. Edward stood to leave. “Well, Aiden, I think you would be wise to choose Miss Pittman as a partner. She is beautiful, has spunk, and a great instinct. I am sure once she lets her guard down, she is quite fun to be around, as well.”

Aimee grinned. “Thank you, sir.”

“You’re most welcome, my dear. Aiden, I must say, I am surprised that Ava allowed you to escort such a beautiful, intelligent lady to dinner.”

Aiden merely nodded.

Aimee watched Mr. Edward walk away. “What was that all about?”

“I’m not sure.” Aiden felt just as confused as Aimee.

“I don’t understand why he said all those things about women being inferior in the business world.” Aimee was tapping her nails on the table.

“I am not clear on that either. I am certain, his daughter, Sheridan, runs this hotel.”

“Sheridan runs Sheridan Hall. She coordinates all the events here.” An unfamiliar voice joined their conversation.

Aimee looked to the right of Aiden, and saw the source of the voice. He was a tall masculine blonde.

“Aimee, this is Liam J. Edward II.” Aiden motioned to the blonde male.

“Please, just call me LJ.” He took Aimee’s hand and placed a kiss on the top of it.

“LJ, this is Aimee Pittman.”

“Nice to meet you, Aimee.” He took the chair to Aimee’s left. “You sure left an impression with my father.”

“I did?”

“Yes, I just overheard him speaking with Professor Martin about your self-confidence; and, how you didn’t back down from your views.”

“So, was he impressed or upset?”

“Impressed. My father believes if you do not stand strong in your own beliefs and for who you are, you will never make it in this world. Business or otherwise.”

“Well, that is one thing we can agree on.”

LJ watched Aimee for a few seconds before hitting Aiden on the arm. “Colin left out how HOT your American roommate is.”

Aimee grinned while Aiden tried to act as if he had not heard him.

“How in this world did you get Ava to agree to you escorting your American girl out on a date?”

“It is not a date, LJ, and she is not my girl. We are two friends who have the same major and classes, so we will be doing a lot of things together.”

“I bet Ava doesn’t know how hot this American girl is.”

“Hello. LJ, is it? I hope you do realize, I am sitting right next to you.”

Aiden chuckled as LJ apologized to Aimee. The girl could hold her own, that was for sure.

The waiter served some appetizers; while Aimee, and Aiden discussed their classes with LJ. He gave them some pointers on what the professors expected to see in their assignments.

Aimee took a cracker, with a red spread of something on it, from the platter. She took a small bite to see if she liked it. The very instant it hit her taste buds, she felt nauseous. She took her napkin from the table; and, as graceful as one can, she spit the spread in her napkin. Aiden and LJ both held in their laughter.

“What was that?” Aimee grimaced at the thought of the awful tasting spread in her mouth.

Aiden took the cracker and examined it before handing it to LJ. He looked at it for a second. “It’s pickled beets and goat cheese.”

“Well it is nasty.  Who in their right mind would eat that?” Aimee drank some water.

“Yeah, it is.” Aiden began laughing. “Do you realize, you just spit it back into your napkin?”

She looked down at the napkin. “I didn’t even think about what I was doing. All I knew, was that I was not swallowing that stuff.”

LJ was holding his side from laughing so hard. “To heck with etiquette, eh, Aimee?”

Aimee grinned. “At least I didn’t spit it in a glass of water. Now that would have been tacky.”

LJ looked over at Aiden. “She is beautiful, intelligent, and has a sense of humor. Man, this American girl has it all.”

“Ok, you have seriously got to stop calling me, this American girl.”

“Well, isn’t that what you are?”

“Yes, I am American. It is the Country I was born and raised in.  I love America; it is a great Nation. But, to constantly be called, the American girl, is beginning to annoy me. You are using it as an adjective to describe me. Do you refer to all the girls from Neahovia as, the Neahovian girls?”

Aimee barely let him get his no in before she started again. “Then, why do you call me, this American girl? I am sure I am not the only American girl here. Or, the only girl from another country. You can’t go around calling us by our countries. There is so much more to me, than being from America; and, when you call me that, three or four times, in less than thirty minutes, it upsets me.”

Aimee stopped talking, just as a waiter placed a drinks at the table. Aimee took hers, but Aiden grabbed it, just before she took a sip. “Don’t drink that. I will go find us some non-alcoholic drinks.”

LJ waited for Aiden to leave. “So, would you rather I call you the tall hot blonde girl?”

“You wouldn’t dare.” Aimee glared at him.


“That is kind of my point; though, people use words like tall, hot, blonde girl; or the girl with the glasses, to describe someone. Those are all physical traits. Why is it, no one calls you the girl full of life or the girl with spirit? We need to find out more about the person we are going to speak of before we speak; so, we use the correct adjectives.”

“So I should say you are the tall, intelligent, hot, blonde, who knows how to speak her mind?”

Aimee laughed. “See, that just sounds better.”

LJ shook his head. “I am not in trouble for calling you hot?”

“Hey, everyone likes to hear that they look good, too. Is that what you have learned about me?”

“Definitely. So, how would you describe me?”

“Arrogant and pig headed.” Aimee laughed.

“Ouch, that hurt.”

“I was kidding and you know that. I would say you are a tall, blonde dude, who cares about his body. He is very confident and speaks elegantly.”

“So, if I had to use one word to describe Aimee Pittman, what would it be?”

“I am a Christian.”

“That’s it.  Out of all your choices, you choose you’re a Christian?”

“I think that sums it up. What else is there?”

“Intelligent, caring, funny, confident….”

“Those are all superficial things; without Christ, I am nothing.”

“You really believe that?”

“I couldn’t call myself a Christian, if I didn’t believe it.”

“I have to admit, Aimee, I don’t get all this Christian stuff.”

“Have you read the Bible?”


“Do you attend church?”


“Then, there is your problem. How can you understand something if you don’t study it?”

“Ok, I will give you that, but even…”

“LJ, do you understand the business world?”


“Why do you understand business?”

“Because I have grown up in the business world.”

“So, your dad taught you about business, as you grew up?”

“Yeah, he and my grandfather.”

“Plus, you are studying business in college. You are learning from other business people via internships and other events, such as the one we are at tonight?”


“So, if you had never had any of these experiences, it would be safe to say, you don’t understand business?”


“So, if you don’t go to church, never read, let alone study, the Bible, how can you expect to understand it? You can’t understand something if you don’t try to learn about it. And, I am not saying you will understand everything you read. But, the main thing to understand and believe in, is the birth, the death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.”

“So, you are saying read to understand?”

“Yes and no. Would you invest in a business, if you did not research the business, and believe, and trust the people you are going in business with? Or, would you invest in something you do not have faith in?”


“You have to believe what you read and have faith in the Lord. If you do not believe in the words you read in the Bible, and, have faith in God, then that could be why you don’t understand Christianity.”

“But, I understand all the business terminology.”

“It’s not meant for us to understand everything, LJ. I would say, that, even in business, something is going to happen that you just don’t understand.”

“And you’re ok with not understanding everything?”

“I trust that God knows what is best for me. I trust that He sent His son to die on the cross; and then, brought him back three days later. I trust Him to reveal things to me, when I need to know them.”

She sat at the table behind Aimee, listening to her conversations. She has grown into a strong, independent woman. The lady loved how Aimee stood up for herself with Mr. Edward and his son. The appetizer mishap was funny. Prince Aiden has been a darling; even taking the alcoholic beverage to exchange for non-alcoholic. Mr. X, that’s what she will call him, is snooping around for any other uninvited guests to the dinner.

Aimee was talking about her Christianity now. Lady Y, that’s what she decided to call herself, started taking notes. LJ Edward was getting close to Aimee. She didn’t like that at all; perhaps Mr. X can diffuse that situation. She still needed an ally. A Mr. or Mrs. Z, but, so far, Aimee has stayed close to Prince Aiden. She hasn’t mingle much at all.

Aiden returned with two drinks for him and Aimee. He gave Aimee her drink; and, sat, just as the waiter brought out the main course. Aimee looked at her bowl of soup. She was reluctant to try anything else tonight. Aiden took a spoonful and tasted his soup.

“It’s good, Aimee. It is Cheesy Potato soup. There is no goat cheese or beets in it. I promise.” He slyly grinned.

Aimee was looking at him with a questionable look on her face. “Aimee, taste mine.”
Aiden dipped his spoon in the hot bowl of soup and carefully brought the spoon to Aimee’s mouth; holding one hand under it, so he could catch any spills. Aimee reached close to him, as he put the spoon in her mouth. To her surprise, the soup was good.

The soup was the only good food of the night. The chicken was way too spicy; and, the vegetables seemed bland. When Sheridan joined the table, LJ told her the food was not her best. Sheridan said they had hired a new chef; and, she has argued with him all night.

They listened to two more speakers, before being encouraged to mingle. Sheridan said the dessert was being delayed; which, is why they had to mingle until the problem was resolved.

LJ escorted his sister to the kitchen to handle the chef. Aimee noticed his dad followed them in, as well. Aimee and Aiden found a small group of students from their class in the back, so they went to talk to them. It wasn’t long before someone asked her why she had chosen to come to Neahovia, when there are lots of good Universities in the States.

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