Fire & Ice (The Locklaine Boys #1)

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Authors: Jessica Prince

Tags: #General Fiction

BOOK: Fire & Ice (The Locklaine Boys #1)
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Table of Contents

Front Matter

A Note From The Author

Other Books By Jessica



Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 17

Chapter 18

Chapter 19

Chapter 20

Chapter 21

Chapter 22

Chapter 23

Chapter 24

Chapter 25

Chapter 26

Chapter 27

Chapter 28




Copyright © 2016 by Jessica Prince

All rights reserved.


Visit my website at

Editor: Erin Garcia

Proofing by: Jennifer Van Wyk, JaVa Editing

Cover Designer: Najla Qamber,

Interior Designer: Jill Sava, Love Affair With Fiction,


No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without the written permission of the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.


This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.


Fire & Ice is book 1 in the 2 book series, The Locklaine Boys.

This series is a spinoff of
Love Hate Relationship
, where we first met Rowan Locklaine. If you read
then you’ve already had the pleasure of meeting the crazy/sexy, Griffin Locklaine and the spicy, Pepper O’Malley.

Now, it’s not
necessary that you read
in order to read
Fire & Ice
, but I do strongly suggest it. Not only because I want more sales (JOKING!! – or am I?), but mainly because I want you to get a feel for their relationship before diving into their story. And believe me,
Love Hate Relationship
will leave you wanting more of this volatile couple.

But no matter what you choose to do, start with
, or jump feet first into
Fire & Ice
, I promise you’ll enjoy the ride.

So buckle up, brace yourself, and hang on!




Oh, and P.S.

You didn’t really think you’d seen the last of Richard Locklaine, did you? ;)

I suggest you be on the lookout for his story later this year.



Picking up the Pieces

Rising from the Ashes

Pushing the Boundaries

Worth the Wait



Scattered Colors

Shrinking Violet

Love Hate Relationship




Fire and Ice – Griffin and Pepper’s story

Opposites Attract – Richard and Delilah’s story (coming July 2016)



Sweet Sunshine (Derrick and Chloe’s story – coming May 2016)

Untitled #2 (Ethan’s story – coming late summer 2016)







Nightmares from Within



To Josh,

Seven years of marriage and you still don’t mind my crazy.

That says soul mate right there, buddy!

Love you.

of my life approximately four times in the span of nearly a decade. And every single time I laid eyes on that picture of male perfection my heart rioted in my chest, my skin grew clammy, and my stomach flip-flopped so many times it could give a gold-medal gymnast a run for her money.

The first time I met Griffin Locklaine I was only twelve years old. He was friends with my older brother, Dexter. He and his cousin, Rowan, had come home with my brother for Thanksgiving break. It was love at first sight. My tiny, pre-teen heart went all a-flutter the moment he walked through our front door. He was everything a girl could ask for in her dream man. Tall, muscular, with a face so beautiful it belonged on a magazine. His brown hair was so dark it looked almost black, and the unruly waves that flopped over his forehead made him look almost innocent. I knew he had to be intelligent if he was going to NYU with Dex. They didn’t let just anybody in there, after all. Or at least that’s what my mom loved to say every time she bragged about my big brother.

But it was his eyes that drew me in the most. From the moment his icy blue gaze hit me, I knew that was it. He was
The One
—capital letter worthy—and in my little girl imagination I was already planning our wedding, complete with a horse-drawn carriage and doves releasing the moment we kissed. It was all grotesquely romantic, completely unrealistic, and kind of nauseating whenever I thought back on those particular fantasies.

Unfortunately for me, there wasn’t much a twelve-year old girl could do to hold the attention of a twenty-one year old
. I was still in a
training bra
for God’s sake! So there I was, suffering in silence for an entire
, holding my love deep inside so no one could have possibly guessed how I felt.

Oh, and just an FYI, if you hadn’t yet figured out that I was an overly dramatic kid, let me just clear up any misconceptions.

I totally was.

Anyway, back to the topic at hand.

I was in love. And the object of the slightly obsessive, somewhat misguided fantasies barely even knew I existed. The only words he spoke to me the entire week were, ‘
What’s up, Red?
’ causing my pale skin to glow as brightly as the fiery hair I’d inherited from my father’s Irish side. It was in moments such as those that I cursed my handsome brother for getting everything from our mom’s side while I was stuck with hair that shined like a glowing beacon under any and all florescent lighting.

I wanted to run and hide in my room—which was basically what I did most of the time, only coming out when my mother practically dragged me down the stairs, insisting I

It should also be said, that at that point in my life, I kinda hated my mother. But I digress.

I did the best I could to avoid being in Griffin’s presence for the rest of their stay, only finding comfort in the rare times I was able to watch him, unknowingly, from afar.

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