Fire's Ice (4 page)

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Authors: Brynna Curry

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Paranormal

BOOK: Fire's Ice
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“How’d you get to be so wise?”

“By doing a lot of stupid things and learning the hard way. You were right about one thing.”

“Only one?”

“I was a fool. What if he doesn’t give me another chance?”

“Don’t worry about that so much. He will. His thoughts are as loud as yours. He’s coming here.” Allie laughed and got to her feet. “Well, I better go. Homework calls. See you tomorrow. Enjoy the cookies.”

“I look forward to it.” Arianne watched Allie wave and flash out of the circle.



Chapter 4


Someone was watching him. Cracking one eye open against the dawn rays, Devin found Tessa curled on the pillow next to his, staring at him. He glared back. “No kitty cats in my bed. You know the rules. Didn’t I give you a whole room to yourself? With human stuff, even a bed?”

Tessa cocked her head and hunched her back in her best Halloween cat imitation.

“I treat you like a queen.”

She flattened her ears, crawled onto his chest and started digging her claws into the blanket. Rowling her displeasure two inches in front of his nose, she bumped his chin.

“Dig the claws, devil cat. Fine. Fine, I’m up. Okay? The castle’s finished. I don’t have to get up at the crack of dawn anymore. You can quit playing alarm clock.”

The cat licked his chin and made him laugh, then stalked to the end of the bed and waited until he tossed the covers back.

“You are spoiled rotten. Now out with you, so I can dress in peace.”

She simply turned her back.

He walked into the en suite, showered, dressed in black jeans, a black button-down shirt, and black boots. When he came out, Tessa was curled in a purring ball of fur on his pillow. “So this is what you do all day while I slave over the house?” The feline must miss him and want to cling to his scent while he was away. “Yeah, I love you too.” Scratching her ears, he conjured a bowl of cat food and another of water and set it next to the fireplace. “Be back before night falls. Try to stay out of trouble. And don’t leave any mice on my pillow this time.” Then he flashed himself outside Rhia’s pub right into the middle of a rainstorm.

* * * *

Lilting smoky notes drifted past his ears as Devin opened the door of Rhia’s pub. The tune was a little sad, partly sweet, ripping at his heart and drowning out the pounding rain he left outside as the door closed behind him. Rhiannon Corrigan had such a beautiful voice.

Skye would be in the kitchen preparing breakfast. His lovely wife served at the bar while keeping an eagle eye on her waitresses. Rhia’s mother Maggie would have their two-year-old Meara for the day.

His scuffed work boots echoed on the wooden floor as he walked across the room and leaned against the scarred mahogany bar. Her auburn hair had been tamed in a thick braid that fell to her waist. “When are you going to throw over that wretched Skye and run away with me, pretty Rhiannon?”

And when she turned, saw him, delight and joy graced her pretty face. Here was welcome, family, home. “Devin!” She tossed the towel she was using to dry glasses onto the counter behind the bar, flipped up the pass-through, scooted around empty bar stools and hugged him. “Never. I love him too much.” She laughed. “Oh, you stay away too long. It’s been forever.”

He looked down at her rounded tummy, barely visible under the boxy button-down shirt she wore. Apparently, it had been longer than he thought. With that came knowledge of the child she carried.
“I can see that. Long enough for you to forget your oath to murder Skye if he ever touched you again, even begged me to do it for you.”

“Can’t blame a woman for what she says in the throes of labor. And he’s just so charming I can’t seem to help myself. Come into the kitchen and let’s get you some lunch. You look good. You better be taking care of yourself. Did you finish the castle?”

“I did. I want everyone to come for dinner tomorrow evening if you can. I’ll take care of the transportation.”

“We’ll be there. What do you do in that big house all alone? I wish you could find someone to make you happy. I want that for you, Devin.” She linked her arm through his.

“I’m not alone. I have you guys. Don’t worry about me, Rhia. Besides, I can always talk to Tessa.”

“Tessa is a cat.”

“And a very good listener. Your point?”

“Never mind.”

“When is the little one due?”

“Four months. You’ll be here for it?”

“Always.” He followed Rhiannon into Skye’s kitchen and soaked up the smells of the beef stew and biscuits Skye was preparing for the lunch special.

Skye had his back turned to the door, peeling potatoes for that night’s chips. She walked over to Skye and hugged him from behind. Devin watched his cousin turn in Rhiannon’s arms, lean down and kiss her so sweetly it broke his heart.

“Mmm, here’s my own true love come to steal me away.”

“We’ve work and company.”

He whispered, “Toss them out, love, and we’ll spend our break upstairs.” Then came the unwanted image of pale skin sliding across dark sheets, a red dragon riding high on Rhiannon’s hip. So easy with his cousin, he’d forgotten to raise a mental shield. Both powerful psychics, Skye often transmitted thoughts–especially very emotional ones–without meaning to when Devin was around.

“God, Skye, keep those thoughts to yourself. Was that really necessary? I think I need brain bleach.” He quickly blocked the rest of the image.

Rhiannon’s face turned bright red. “As I was saying, Devin has come home. And he’d better forget anything my husband might have been imagining right now.” She cocked an eyebrow at Devin. “If he knows what’s good for him.”

“Trust me, I’d love to forget the image of Skye au natural. Interesting dragon tat, Rhia.”

She play-smacked him on the shoulder.

“Sorry.” Devin laughed. “Forgotten. I swear. Please, God, let me forget.”

Skye’s eyes cleared and he grinned. “Can you blame me when I have such a beautiful wife? Welcome home, Dev. How about some breakfast?”

“Thanks.” Devin pulled out a chair for Rhiannon at the table and took a seat across from her. “So, how is everyone?”

“Meara has hit her terrible twos.”

“And gets into all kinds of trouble like her mother did at that age.” Skye placed three plates of eggs, bacon and hash browns on the table, along with a basket of bread, and joined them.

“Don’t listen to him. I was an angel. She takes after her daddy.”

“You were a little hellion, love, and adorable.”

“I guess I was.” Rhiannon laughed. “Lucky you were always there to save me. The other day Skye was at home with Meara and forgot to lock the studio door. Before he could stop her, she had half of the house finger painted with bright red and blue handprints. I thought I’d never get all the blue paint off of the floor.”

“She was supposed to be napping,” Skye protested.

“Mmmhmm. Have you been to see Liv and the others?”

“Not yet. I plan to stop by the clinic after here, then Ryan’s and Liv’s.” Devin wondered how much he should tell them, and if Skye already knew.

“And you’ll go to her then. Be careful. She’s dangerous.” Of course he knew, and that meant Rhiannon knew, too.

“Everyone deserves a second chance, Skye, even Arianne. What she did was wrong, but she isn’t evil, didn’t deserve to imprisoned. A thousand years is a long time to wait, to think.” Still, was it long enough for either of them?



Chapter 5


Devin spent the morning with Skye and Rhia before stopping to see Maggie and Meara. He flashed to Kate’s clinic, but found the
sign in place. “Must have had a house call.” Maybe he’d catch her at home. Allie would be getting out of class about now. If he walked, he might meet up with her along the way. Or he could spend the time visiting with Ryan and surprise her when she came home.

Pulling on his power, he flashed to the big farmhouse Ryan shared with Kate, and knocked on the door. Somewhere inside a piano tinkled, stopped, and was replaced by heavy footsteps. Ryan held two-year-old Aaron on his hip. Just as fair-haired as his mom, with Ryan’s bottle green eyes, Aaron leaned out for Devin and kicked his feet the minute the door was open. “Deveen!”

“Hey, Devin. Skye called and said you might be headed this way. Come in.”

“Thanks. Hey, pal.” He took Aaron from his father’s arms and settled him on his hip. The child tried to share his slobbery pacifier, which he politely pretended to take, then gave back. “Are you helping Da write today?”

“Yes. Yes. Notes. Play.”

seems to be his favorite word these days. Just don’t say N-O. Bad things happen.”

“Oh, really? Like what?” Could be Allie and Raine weren’t the only children with powers.

“Pictures fly off the walls.”

“Hmm. May be telekinesis emerging.”

“It gets really windy, like being outside in the middle of a tornado.”

“Perhaps ending the spell unleashed magic that never should have been locked away. You have a hint of it with your healing gifts. Liv and Skye with their telepathy, though I’m not entirely sure that isn’t a twin thing. And then Skye’s empathy is definitely unheard of.”

“Allie is much stronger, too. I missed out on so much because of my pride. She’ll be grown up and gone before I know it. Just a couple of years left with her.”

“You’re here now, Ryan. That’s what counts. Watching Aaron grow, sharing those moments with Kate and Allie. You’ve got a fine young man here. Allie will always come home.”

“I know.”

Devin followed him into the music room. A rosewood piano sat in one corner where the sun’s rays filtered through delicate lace curtains. A desk sat not far away, its surface littered with sheet music paper, handwritten notes in different patterns on the bars. A flute lay in its open case on the bookshelf. He took a seat with Aaron on the sofa.

Ryan sat at the piano.

“Looks like you’re keeping yourself busy.” Devin waved towards the sheet music.

“I’ve actually sold several songs. Want to hear what I’m working on now?”


Aaron clapped his little hands together. “Play, Da. Da. Da.”

Listening intently to the ebb and flow of music, Devin knew there were many things he was capable of, but never would he be able to create the serenity of song as Ryan did now. Another of his cousin’s gifts, whether he knew it or not.

He was aware of someone behind him, then Kate kissed his cheek before slipping her sleepy toddler out of his arms. Scooting in beside Ryan on the bench, she added the final notes and they finished his song together.

“Oh, that’s so lovely. Heartbreakingly beautiful.”

Devin watched Kate lean in and kiss her husband before resting her head on his shoulder.

“Thank you, honey.”

“Welcome home, Devin. Allie should be here shortly. She was right behind me when we left Liv’s.”

“Someone sick?”

“Raine. She’s been running a high fever. Nothing seems to be helping bring it down, but she acts fine. Running, laughing, playing, I thought she was fine until I touched her skin, but well, just look for yourself.”

Devin took her offered hand and stared at her palm. “What happened?”

“You wouldn’t believe me. I don’t believe me.”

He simply cocked one eyebrow and ran a healing hand over her injury, vanishing the blistered welts. “She burned you.”

“Yes,” Kate quickly added. “But she didn’t mean to. She didn’t do anything. I just touched her forehead and it felt like I had laid my hand on a stove eye.”

“Why didn’t Allie heal you?”

“I didn’t tell her. I didn’t want to upset Liv, so I–”

“I’m heading over there. Allie may be a bit late getting home, if I meet up with her between here and there. I might need her help. I’ll see you soon.” Gathering his power around him like a dark cloak, Devin flashed to the rise above Liv’s cottage.

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