Fires of Autumn (17 page)

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Authors: Kathryn Le Veque

BOOK: Fires of Autumn
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She was
all wrapped around him as he carried her through the door, so much so that she
didn’t notice the candles and flower petals all over the room until he set her
down on the bed.  Then, she caught sight of the candles and the rose petals,
and she pulled away from him, gasping again. 

“Oh my,”
she breathed.  “Look at this room.  Did you do this, too?”

He nodded,
already pulling off his button-down casual dress shirt. “Yes,” he said, rather
breathlessly. “I was going to run a bath, too, but I figured it would get cold.
You may not even like baths. So I jazzed up this room a bit.”

“You must
have spent a fortune on candles.”

every last one in the gift shop. The salesgirl was laughing at me.”

She looked
up at him, yanking on his tee shirt so hard that he lost his balance and fell
down on top of her.  She lay back on the bed, her arms around his neck, gazing
at him in the soft glow of the candles.

“I’m not
laughing,” she whispered. “I think it’s the sweetest thing anyone has ever done
for me. I’m completely overwhelmed by it, and by you.  I think you’re

lips descended on hers, gently at first, but with increasing passion.  The
clothes began coming off; his tee shirt, her top, and finally both pairs of
pants.  Colt was down to his boxer briefs, his mouth on Casey’s face, neck and
shoulders. She had incredibly soft skin and he acquainted himself with the
texture and taste, licking her cleavage and listening to her gasp. He hadn’t
yet tried to grope anything deeply personal, but his hands were glued to her
ass.  She had a great ass and he squeezed it gently through her silky panties. 

parted her legs and he slid in between them, still clad in briefs. She was
stroking his body with her thighs, moving them up and down his hips. He had a
magnificent chest; broad, muscular and smooth, and she ran her hands over it,
becoming familiar with him, toying with his nipples. In fact, Colt had a
magnificent body in general, like something out of the cover of a romance
novel. He was built like a god with his soaring height and broad shoulders.

hand on Colt’s chest seemed to push him over the edge because he reached around
behind her and unhooked her bra, pulling it off and tossing it to the ground
somewhere.  Bare-chested, he took a moment just to look at her.

you’re beautiful,” he whispered, gently kissing the top of her right breast. 
His mouth moved down towards the nipple. “You taste like flowers.”

Casey arms
were wrapped around his head as his mouth moved across her chest, finally
capturing a warm nipple.  She cried out softly as he suckled her hard, a hand
coming up to fondle her soft, warm breasts.  She was fairly well endowed, more
than a handful for his big grip.  Once Colt tasted a sweet nipple, he lost what
was left of his self-control.  He had to have all of her.

pulled off her underwear and his own in one swift move.   Then he was back on
her, wedged between her legs, his mouth moving down her torso to her woman’s
center.   He planted his face between her thighs, licking and suckling her as
she gripped the headboard for support and tried not to scream. 

couldn’t get enough, intoxicated by the taste and smell of her, finally lifting
himself up and thrusting into her eager body as she peeled off a gentle cry.
His mouth came down on hers, kissing her with all of the emotion and passion he
was feeling, as he repeated thrust into her heated body.

Colt made
love to Casey three times before midnight.  She had such a beautiful body that
he couldn’t get enough of her, turning her onto her stomach to make love to
her, onto her side with his arms around her, or on her back so he could look
her in the eye.

She was
responsive and aggressive, causing him to climax early twice because he simply
couldn’t help himself. She knew was she was doing with her fingers on his
testicles or gently inserted into his anus. He had climaxed so hard the last
time that he bit his tongue, tasting blood along with the pleasure. He’d never
experienced anything like it.

They both
fell asleep sometime after midnight but he was awakened in the very early
morning hours by Casey as she gave him erotic oral sex. The woman had a magic
mouth and he was absolute putty in her hands. They made love twice more after
that before falling into an exhausted sleep sometime before the sun rose. 
Wrapped up in each other’s arms, it was the most gratifying and peaceful sleep
either one of them had ever had.

night, things changed for both of them. The situation, once only gentle
flirting, had gone from strong attraction to deeply serious all in a matter of









Colt awoke
to Casey’s beautiful face.

She was
sleeping curled up in his arms and when he opened his eyes, he could just see
her forehead and part of her face.  She was sound asleep and he very gently
caressed her, thinking that this was the way he wanted to wake up every morning
for the rest of his life.  He didn’t want to spend another night alone or
another day without seeing her face, basking in her beauty and charm and wit. 
She was a part of him now like no one else had ever been. He couldn’t even
think of his Core directives, of any ulterior motives he might have for coming
to know her. They didn’t exist to him any longer. All that existed were his
feelings, true and strong. He belonged to her completely.

The sun
was peeking in from between the curtains as he very carefully disengaged
himself and climbed out of bed.  A glance at the clock showed that it was
nearly eleven in the morning.  Going to his suitcase, he quietly picked it up
and carried it out of the bedroom, shutting the door carefully behind him.

Removing a
pair of pajama bottoms from his suitcase, he pulled them on and sat down with
his laptop.  There were several emails for him and eleven messages on his cell
phone.  All of them were fairly benign but he responded anyway, with either a
return email or a text.  He didn’t want to call anyone and chance waking Casey
up when she heard his voice.  Right now, he was pretty much in heaven with her
sleeping in the other room, knowing that when she awoke, his would be the first
face she saw.

He made
one call the resort concierge to make arrangements for a picnic and a horseback
ride that afternoon, going out onto the patio to speak so there would be less chance
of waking Casey.  He thought it would be fun to get out onto the range, just
the two of them and the New Mexico desert.  He wanted to get to know her in a
casual setting, away from Presidents and the circus that followed them around. 
Just a man and a woman, and nothing to distract them. After he hung up the
phone with the concierge, he quietly called Room Service and ordered some

He went
back to work, doing some research on the internet for the President’s trip to
Argentina after the new year when he heard the shower turn on in the bathroom. 
Setting the laptop aside, he poked his head inside the bedroom, seeing the bed
empty and the bathroom door open. Going into the bathroom, he stuck his head in
to see Casey standing with a towel in her hand, stark naked.  When their eyes
met, she grinned hugely.

“Ha!” she
exclaimed softly. “It worked!”

His smile
couldn’t have been bigger. She looked sleepy, happy and adorable with her
mussed hair and bright smile.

worked?” he asked.

She had
the towel up in front of her, covering but not completely concealing, and it
only served to make her more alluring.  “I thought if I turned the shower on,
you’d come running.”

He stepped
into the bathroom. “Why?”

she dropped the towel and stepped into the big, tiled shower with the enormous
shower head.  As water pounded down on her head, saturating her beautiful hair,
she crooked a finger at him. 

didn’t need an explanation; he dropped his pajama bottoms and got in with her,
wrapping his arms around her and listening to her giggle.  As the warm water
beat down on them, Colt and Casey lost themselves in a powerful kiss that only
grew more powerful when he backed her up against the tile and began to do
wicked things to her with his mouth.  Then he turned her around, put her hands
up on the wall, and made love to her as the shower blasted. 

When their
passion climaxed and cooled, Casey had him hold his hands open and she squirted
shampoo into his open palms. Grinning, Colt washed her hair, delighting in
running his fingers through the strands until she rinsed it off.  Then she gave
him her shower sponge with body wash on it and he took his task very seriously
as he soaped her luscious body from head to toe. He was particularly interested
in soaping her breasts, which aroused him tremendously and he ended up making
love to her again, holding her up in his arms as she wrapped her legs around
his waist.  She was a petite woman as it was but against is size and strength,
he could hold her aloft as they made love without any effort at all. In fact,
it was one of the most arousing experiences of his life.

In all,
the shower took about an hour, long enough so that room service came, knocked
for several minutes, and then left breakfast on the doorstep.   When they
turned the water off and Casey went about drying off and putting on body
lotion, Colt went to the door with a towel wrapped around his waist and
collected their breakfast.

Casey went
about putting on some make up and drying her long hair.  She could hear Colt
banging around in the living area and she smiled as she listened to him, never
more deliriously happy in her life. She’d spent years focused on her boys,
giving all of her attention to them and none to herself and her own personal
happiness because she figured the boys needed one parent who wasn’t focused on
the single life. While Dennis had a different woman every week, she had no
one.  But with the introduction of Colt, she was coming to realize what she’d
been missing.  She was also coming to realize she was in love.

Her smile
faded as she looked at herself in the mirror, the awareness of her feelings for
him shocking her somewhat. She’d only known him a week and already she was in
love with the man.  And why not? He was handsome as hell, tall and muscular,
sweet and intelligent.  He was the perfect storm of attributes and she had
fallen hard.   In truth, she was a little frightened but there was nothing she
could do about it.  She couldn’t even summon the courage to protect herself. 

with her makeup, she blow-dried her hair into her favored style of heavy bangs
and long, sleek hair to her mid-back.  It was an adorable style on her, one not
missed by Colt when she came out into the living area dressed in purple yoga
pants and a white tank top that emphasized her slender waist and lovely
breasts.  He was sitting on the couch, dressed in loose jeans and a casual
pull-over shirt, smiling at her when she emerged from the bedroom.

angel,” he said softly, putting his laptop away. “Are you hungry?”

nodded, went straight to him, and curled up on his lap.  He held her happily,
handing her half of a bagel while he ate the other half.  He rubbed her back as
she sat on his lap, munching the bagel.

“So what
are the plans for today?” she asked, mouth full.

He had a
mouthful as well. “What makes you think we’re going to be doing anything other
than this?”

shrugged. “Because you don’t seem like the kind of guy who can stay still for

grinned. “You’re coming to figure me out already,” he said.  “Actually, I do
have something planned, but it’s a surprise. Did you bring your jeans?”

She nodded
eagerly. “I did.”

“Then go
get dressed.”

squealed with excitement and jumped up, putting the half-eaten bagel aside.
“Are we going shopping?”

He cocked
his eyebrow and shook his head slowly. “No, ma’am.”


“In a

“Am I
going to be doing a lot of walking?”

“Sort of. 
Wear tennis shoes if you have them, or flat-soled boots.  And bring a jacket.”

She did a
happy little dance and ran back into the bedroom, leaving him grinning in the
living room. She had such a cute personality, one he was coming to love more
and more. Shutting his laptop down, the one that he had been doing some
research on major land owners in New Mexico with, he put it away in his
briefcase.  He could hear Casey banging around in the bedroom as he picked up
his suitcase and wheeled it back into the bedroom.

“Can I get
dressed in here with you?” he asked. “I’ve been doing all of my changing out in
the living room.”

She had
her suitcase up on the bed, looking at him curiously. “Why did you do that? I
didn’t ask you to.”

shrugged, putting his suitcase up on the bed also. “I pulled my luggage out
there this morning so I wouldn’t wake you up.”

She watched
him as he began to pull out a heavy plaid shirt.  “Who in the world raised you
to be so considerate?  I’ve never met anyone so thoughtful.”

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