First Chance (6 page)

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Authors: A. L. Wood

BOOK: First Chance
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I thought
she had passed out. I went to sneak out and she jumped out of bed talking about fucking marriage. This girl was defiantly not a virgin, and I'm not marrying anyone. When I made that clear she went psycho crazy, throwing shit at me and crying. I've never gotten dressed so fast and then I booked it out of there.

She took o
ff behind me, naked. Truth be known that’s the last time I partied in Houston.

A man’s one-night stand nightmare. This bitch was
fucking crazy, the entire time I was running from this nut job I kept thinking where the fuck are the police. This one should be locked up, I pity the next person she involves in her life sexually. It was certainly the last thing I had expected to happen, and then that last statement became false, as I entered MY hotel room.

There is Gage, completely fucking
naked, his penis at full staff two woman sharing it with their mouths while another two women are on the side pleasing each other. On my bed.

“What in the fuck is this Gage?” I practically scream,
reaching my boiling point because of the crazy I was just running from.

“Want to join? There is more th
an enough pussy to go around.” I raised my eyebrow, seriously considering it, but in the end deciding that I’ll sit this one out.

ust wanting to find a bed to crawl into and sleep for the next twelve hours. As I was exiting the room one of the girls who had just been laying her saliva on Gages' cock offered to take care of mine, I declined and left. 

“So down to business
.” I say snapping out of the past, not that they noticed because they were eating every bit of food I had ordered.

“We have to make a visit to campus, we’ll probably be there for most of the day interviewing for interns. Mel says it’s a must. Our recording label signed a contract with the contest organization. Winning included a performance and an intern for the summer.” I tell them, wondering if they’re as pissed off as I am about it.

“Why not
?” Zepp says.

The way I see it, our team is going to help someone learn the trade, it only seems fitting they learn from the mother-fucking best. We will have to filter out the applicants, see if there being true or want to just tour with us. Let’s go for it.”

else agrees. Seems I'm the only one feeling put out over this.

“Let’s go
find this Professor then.”

Making sure I
grab another cup of coffee before we leave. Exiting the hotel, our limousine is already there waiting on us. Already aware of where we are headed, Pat opens our doors and we climb in, I demanding to sit on the outside since I am the only one who smokes. I light up, rolling the window down as far as it will go. Guess I'm going to be smoking a lot more than usual today. Only way to calm my nerves a bit.

My patience has been trying since Mel called me three days ago and told me about this shit
. I am not a fan of surprises. I plan and I control everything around me. I also have the final say on anything concerned with the band, this not solely my decision. The guys know I have nothing but our best interest in mind, and that I am a man willing to make it happen. I do not compromise or bend to anyone's will. You want us, then you give in to our demands.

Pat opens my door first.
I get out and he informs me that the red brick building about one hundred feet from us is where we will find the one and only Professor Roberts and also where every possible intern is waiting for an interview. Over eighty he says. I grimace, it’s going to be a long fucking day...

turn to the guys and explain what Pat just said. Exciting interest laid upon all of their faces. Fucking Joy. Entering the building there’s a desk located just before me with a pretty little thing sitting there in a rolling chair feet up legs crossed and filing her nails.

Professor Roberts” I ask for.

Without hesit
ation, nor looking up to welcome us she says “Down the hall about thirty feet, first door on your left and have a nice day.”

With that
we walk right by. College kids. I think, shaking my head. This school is for the privileged. Pat also informed me of that great detail. Even more of a reason for me to despise my future intern. Meeting the Professors door I knock. After the first pound of my fist the door opens. An eccentric old man answers the door, smiles and clasps his hands together. “How wonderful you are all here!” He exclaims.

Sensing the tension in the air, he
ignores it and keeps going “I have every student’s file who applied right here.” Pointing at his desk to a mound of paperwork stacked upon it. “They are all in order, you just pull the first file from the top and so on, and I also made a list. You can leave comments if you like. These kids are so excited. Would you like to start now?” He asks.

“Sure” we all
agree. He points to a table with five chairs on one side and one singular chair on the other. He tells us he will give us a few minutes with each file before sending the person in so we can go over their transcripts.

Closing the door he says “Y
ou will find we only educate the most ambitious students.” 

I take a seat, Zepp, Liam, Gage and Jason joining me.

“So who wants to go over our first file, we can take turns being the speaker and asking questions. Sound good?” They agree and Jason agrees to be the first. “Rundown, our first applicant enrolled in a four year degree, wants to be a sound engineer. Two years under his belt.” With that were ready for our first candidate.

In walks a kid, couldn't be older than nineteen, buzz cut and in a suit. I can see the sweat running down his temple, he’s nervous as hell. Hoping he doesn't vomit
all over my hand while I offer him my hand in a shake, introducing myself.

Ryan, how are ya feeling today?”

e swallows and with a trembling voice he replies. “Gg-rreatt. Namm-es Sssccchh-uyler.” He looks embarrassed over his stutter, quickly we all act as if we didn't notice.

“Well Schuyler were just going to ask you a couple of questions and t
hen we well set ya free alright? Tell me what makes you so interested in spending your summer with us on tour?”

He w
ipes his head with his forearm.

“You guys
are just my favorite band and I have to get out there sometime, somehow, someway. I have two years left and if I am able to do this I will receive extra credit. Touring with a number one band will only make my resume look better.” He says with unexpected confidence. I accept his answer and allow the guys to ask the rest of their questions.

I run my fingers in my hair, leaving them to support my head. I zone out. Thinking about the night our lives changed forever. We
had been playing together for about a year. Liam had gotten us a gig in some washed up bar in Manhattan. Really just trying to put a few dollars in our pockets for gas and food to hit the next stop. We played music and did a show for shit pay, because we loved it. Some days I think if I could go back, I would. Only to be able to revel in the experience still unknown. We were on our last song, when I noticed a suit sitting in the back right corner. He was out of place, definitely not belonging in an establishment such as this.

Trusting my gut feeling, I
pushed every fiber of myself into that damn song. A song we still preform at every one of our concerts. After the show he approached us, Mel was his name and he had been looking for a rock band to sign. He wanted us to come into the office, talk some figures and test us out in the studio. He would then send our single to a few radio stations, see what the feedback was, and that would be the deciding factor if we were offered a contract or not.

I wasn't a fucking fool. T
hey supplied us with one of the shittiest songs. Not letting us do our own shit, I demanded they sign us or we walk. Before releasing that previously recorded single. They refused, so we walked. The guys were hesitant, we shared a two bedroom apartment in Brooklyn and our income was negative. Asking for their trust, I knew what I was doing and sure enough.

Mel called less than three days late
r “Call an entertainment lawyer” he had said. On the 28th of February in 2007 our lives were forever changed.

It was then, I
had an epiphany. A triumphant laugh escaped me, interrupting Gage finishing up with our candidate. Said intern excused himself and shut the door. Then the guys faced me all eyes full of questions. “So I have an amazing fucking idea that will help solve our interview dilemma. I don’t want to be here all day, nor do you guys. We could use the next couple days to chill. Then hit the road.” I tell them.

“Were listening”
Zepp says.

“Here it is, that girl from last nigh
t" the anguished and broken one I finish to myself.

nd....” impatiently Gage replies.

She could be our intern, I could tell the Professor we want her, we know her name after all. She is obviously majoring in music, or she wouldn't be here. Everyone is required to do a summer internship to get their degree, or so Pat informed me.”

“Pretty sure that princess has no interest in our band,
or our music let alone touring with us Ryan. Entertain me, how would you coax her into this?" Gage points out.

Fuck. I only suggest
ed this with malicious intent, I want to break her. I have to. Since last night. She has been popping into my head and I don’t like it, not one bit. I want her out! The way I see it the sooner I break this privileged bitch, the sooner she disappears in my head. The guys would be pissed though. If they knew that I didn’t truly want to help her, only wanting her to be our intern to break her and nothing more.

But it’s not hurting someone
physically. And this girl, this golden haired beauty, I just want to hurt her emotionally. I want to slice deep into her soul with my words. Make her see that every song has to be heard, every feeling felt. I just want her to fucking take it in. With that last thought I plead my case to the guys “If she doesn't want to, we could talk to the Professor. Maybe bribe him with a donation. He’s the only one who could make this happen.”

The guys all nod their heads, going along with me. “Just hope y
ou know what you’re doing man, I know you want to break her. But just think, she’s going to be with us for the next two and a half months, how bad do you want to rock her fucking world?” Gage says, always insightful. Of course I deny what he is implying, assuring him I know what I'm getting myself into.

I step outside, waiting for the Professor to come back with the next student. About three minutes later he appears, an obvious groupie on his side. No way is this girl an excelling talent. I show her in and then shut the door, staying outside of the office. I ask Professor Roberts if there is somewhere we can g
o to talk privately. He starts wringing his hands nervously.

He shows me to a muc
h smaller office, then the one I was just in. I shut the door and proceed to kissing this man’s ass. “I see, you guys have a really nice set up here, and the bands who opened for us last night. I heard some raw talent....anyways I had an idea. There is this student, from last night. She is who we want as an intern. We would also make a twenty-five thousand donation to your department.” I said with a smile. Careful not to say that he would only get the donation, if I was guaranteed Natalie would take on the internship.

Manipulation. Anyone who works at a school like this, thrives off donations for their departments. At fi
rst he looks offended because I even attempted to bribe him. It was well played because I can also see the resignation in his eyes. He will accept.

With a shaky voice “What is her nam
e?” he asks.

“Natalie Wright”
I state.

“She won’t go, she would never vo
luntarily intern for your band.”

Not acceptable.

I violate his area, step in close, stare him in th
e eyes and almost in a whisper I regretfully threaten “Make it happen, do whatever you have to. I don’t care, she is going and you will make sure of it.” With that I turned around and left the office slamming the door behind me.

Fuck. I hope he doesn’t go around telling people, what I just did qualified as a form of blackmail.

Chapter 7



Four days later,
after the argument with Layla, I find myself packing. She and I still haven't spoken. Hopefully she comes home before I have to leave. I would hate to not be able to say goodbye, even if shit is a little tense between us.

Going through a
ll of my drawers deciding what I will need for the next two months, I think about exactly how I ended up in this predicament. No choice but to go, praying summer flies.

Monday morning in class Professor Roberts asked if I
could stay after so he could talk to me. I was on pins and needles the entire class, wondering what he could possibly have to say. I am an excellent student, always holding an A or above average. Using my free time valuably, doing school work or extra credit. As class is dismissed I lingered behind.

Walking down the steps
I see Professor glance at me nervously. This only rising my anxiety a notch further. As the last student leaves, he shuts the door behind them.

Natalie. There was something I needed to discuss with you. Since this is the ending to your second year, it’s mandatory that you intern with an artist and at a recording studio. You were given many choices and looking through your transcripts I see that you didn't apply anywhere.” He says, rambling.

This piqued my curiosity. H
e has had numerous occurrences where he had an opportunity to bring this to my attention. Why wait till now?

“I’m so
rry Professor I wasn't aware it was mandatory that I intern this year, I thought it was for my third and fourth year. What does this mean for me then if I do not have a position interning?” I ask nervously.

“It would mean th
at you would fail this semester. Thus having to retake these courses in the fall. Knowing you wouldn't want to risk failing I could pull a few strings and set you up with a band. It’s only for two months and you will be on tour with them. It would benefit you greatly Natalie.”

I huff, really left with no other option.

“I’ll do it but it’s
only because I don’t have a choice. So. Who am I interning with?”

is always twenty-twenty. Had I known that Steele’s Army or Ryan fucking Steele, whatever the hell his name is, was my only option I would have told Professor Roberts to shove it up his ass. I should have seen this coming. Remembering now that Layla mentioned they were offering an internship as part of the contest. I should have known. I also should have realized how the Professor was playing me, like a god damn violin.

n’t worry about who Miss Wright. Seize the opportunity. You need to do this and it will be great for you. You'll be working side by side with some of the greats.” He’s trying to reassure me.

hile handing me a piece of paper he says “I wrote down where the tour bus will be leaving from. Be there Friday at nine A.M. precisely. They will leave without you if you aren't there. Also I suggest packing light, there’s only so much room.” With that he grabbed his suitcase and left me with my mouth still agape.

ow did this happen?

Back to
reality, Layla still isn’t home. Instead of packing last night I chose to lay in bed all night, reveling in the comfortableness of it, the security of the life I have now. Assisting a musician on tour, has been my career goal for as long as I can remember. It’s also way out of my comfort zone, I enjoy my privacy, my showers, and my walks. On tour my shower will be taken in a tiny compartment, barely any room to lift your arms to scrub your hair.

The only walks I will be taking is backstage and my privacy will be
nonexistent. My bed will be a bunks over another located in a niche in the wall.  So I spent last night spoiling myself in what I had. Of course, that also meant I had to wake up and six am, so I could enjoy my shower one last time for the next two months. Then pack, then hopefully say goodbye to Layla’s and walk over to the Ritz.

I lay my suitcase on the bed. Opening my drawers
just tossing in underwear, bras, t-shirts, jeans. Deciding I should have at least one professional outfit on hand, I grab my plain black dress out of my closet and a pair of red wedges. Stuffing that in my suitcase as well, I go to the kitchen and grab three plastic gallon sized storage bags to put my bathroom necessities in. My toothbrush, toothpaste, mouthwash, shampoo and conditioner, bath poof, body wash, and hairbrush. I zip my luggage bag, throw a pair of flip flops in the outer pocket , wiping my hair from my face, glancing around my room checking to see if I missed anything I might want.

In my purse I
already have my cellphone and charger. The two things I could not live without. Looking at my bed I see my parents’ picture in a frame on my nightstand. I walk over to it pick it up, and remove the picture out of the frame. I’ll keep that in my bunk with me .I have to take a piece of them with me. I wheel my bag to the front door. As I grab my cellphone out of my purse to call a cab. I see Layla walking through the front door. Glad to see her, I hang up just so I can have one uninterrupted moment to let her know what’s going on. I give her the short story. Telling her that I would rather spend the summer with her and how I have no choice doing this internship. Being the best friend that she is, she understands and offers to drive me to the hotel that the bus is leaving from, just so we could have a few more minutes together.

To outsiders it might
seem odd that we are so close. We don’t go around explaining how our friendship is so much more. Its sisterhood. She was there throughout my loss. It was her loss also. She remained strong for me. She carried me when I needed her it most through life and even though she put my feet on the ground, she still has my hand. She’s fought my demons with me, sometimes without my help. She has always supported me and has remained my closest friend throughout it all. I love her, and she is the only family that I have left.

On the way to the bus
I tell her to call me when she can and that I will send her many pictures and texts updating her throughout my day.  It will be as if we are spending the summer together. She tells me that once I find out the exact tour schedule I should send it to her. Suggesting to meet up with me at a few of the shows, hoping we stay in one city more than a day and spend the day together if the itinerary allows.

You have got to be fucking kidding me!” I squeal, causing Layla to slam on the brakes. I don’t have to say a word. She knows exactly why I'm freaking. The tour busses, two actually, are pulled right up to the curb of the sidewalk. Surrounding a gorgeous upscale hotel pushing the lock button on the door handle, I lock myself and Layla in the car.

“You are
aware I have the keys Nat? Also I have the same buttons on my door handle as well.” She says smiling.

“Well I
can tell you are happy about this. Did you plan this? I can’t believe this.” I say rolling my eyes.

“Nat, how would I
have been able to arrange this, I don’t have that kind of power. Hell they kicked me out of their dressing room when I offered to help them.” She smacks her hand over her lips, realizing what she just let slip.

What do you mean you offered to help them? Tell me how Layla, how?”  I say now highly aggravated.

“I just told them your name
I promise. That's all. Steele didn't even seem impressed. He had no interest discussing you at all. So I doubt this was something that was planned. Professor Roberts probably pulled a few strings like he said. You can’t back out now Nat. You don’t want to fail this year, or do you?” She asks, already knowing the answer.

I’ll text you the tour stops and pop your trunk please.” I say while unlocking the door and getting out. 

“Nat, please
don’t leave like this. Give me a hug and promise me you’re not mad at me.” She pleads.

I walk around to the trunk, grab my luggage
, and then walk to the driver’s side window.  Reaching my arm in through the open window to pull her into a half hug. “I love ya, I'm not mad and I will get call you as soon as I can.” With that I walk away to my summer of torture.

Hightailing it away from Layla's car, ready to get this meet and greet over, wonderin
g which bus is the roadies. As I walk around the side of the bus, there he is in all his cocky glory leaning against the bus, one foot behind him propped on the bus cigarette in hand looking deep in thought. He notices me, flicks his cigarette, and walks in my direction a grin playing upon his face.

don’t you let me take your bag?” He asks, a little too late to start kissing my ass don’t you think, I say to myself.

“No thanks. I'm quite a
lright carrying it by myself.” I politely decline, even though polite is the last thing I want to be to him. As if he didn't hear me he tries grabbing my luggage away from me. “What part didn't you hear, the no thanks or, the part where I said I am alright?” I ask, on my last nerves why he is still trying to pull the bag out of my hand, I pull it back like we are playing tug-o-war with my belongings.

chimes in “Let me just help you.”  On top of everything with Layla, he add in and my day just keeps getting better.

Your chivalry is unneeded.” As soon as I push the last word out, with as much grace as I can manage, the zipper breaks. At the same time he finally lets go. Ending with me falling flat on my ass with everything I packed littering the sidewalk surrounding me. I look up at him mortified. His grin is still in place but with a hint of mischievousness, almost as he planned for this to happen. And then I notice we’re not alone. What is it about this guy that brings out the worst in me? The entire band is now outside, along with what I surmise to be the roadies. Just staring. At me.

That's when I
feel the almost uncontrollable tears threaten to break from the dam and fall. My eyes are glazing over in a clouded mist. Don’t let him do this to you. Just breathe and you'll be fine. You can either let him know he affected you or act as nothing happened. I opt for the latter, using everything inside of me to keep the tears at bay.

aising myself to my knees, all the while still ignoring Steele who has made no move to help me, I start collecting my clothes and placing them back into my now broken suitcase.

As I
start picking up the last remnants of my personal effects, a pair of muscular thighs join me, meeting his eyes he pulls out his hand and introduces himself.

“Liam" he says.

And that was enough. E
nough for me to allow this stranger to help me. When we are done he grabs my bag carefully holding the door of it shut to his side with one hand and yanks me up by my forearm with the other.

“You’re rooming in our bus
.” He informs me.

. “Like hell I am, I'm not going anywhere near that asshole!” I yell.

“Calm down Princess. Y
ou'll be fine. Trust me. You will be much safer rooming with us.” He says in a soft soothing tone.

“Safer? Safer how? Obviously this man has it out for me. That's why I am here in the first place.” I argue. I wonder how he conned Professor Roberts into forcing me to go along with the horrible idea.

“He doesn’t have it out for you
, and he didn’t plan for you to be our intern, hell he didn’t plan for us to have any intern. But if you want to fight it fine, I’ll let you have the say. You can room with five self-controlled men, your own bed, some semblance of privacy and you can even have a say in the grocery lists or, you can room on a bus filled with ten other guys, who are most certainly slobs, and who will try not to let you have any privacy at all. Also they eat pizza almost every night.”

I'm pretty sure he was just tryi
ng to sell himself to me, but I could also see the sincerity in his eyes. “I’ll accept, under two conditions and I will not budge on it.” I refuse to be taken advantage of! If Steele arranged this then he can pay. “I want this to be a paid internship. At least four hundred dollars a week and when we stay at a hotel I want my own room.” I would compromise if he put up a fight on the pay. Whatever money I make I'm going to donate, so they might as well donate a small sum.

“Done.” Liam
says, without hesitation.

“Lead the way...”

He walks me over to the bigger of the two busses. It’s about forty-five feet long with their bands name Steele’s Army plastered all over it. Liam starts explaining how the first show of the tour is in Boston. Not understanding why we were all here today getting on the bus when their first show was here in Boston. Couldn’t they have waited to board the tour bus until tomorrow? I could have prolonged getting on this godforsaken bus with that selfish prick.

Walking onto the bus, he points out where the refrigerator and cupboards are
, how there are certain foods I shouldn't eat, that every member of the band has one particular item they get just for themselves. Liam’s’ being peanut butter Oreos. Past the kitchen area, is the living room. On the left side is the couch it could seat up to six people, and a table on the right. An LCD television is placed on to the wall, kiddie cornered so wherever you are sitting you would have a view. I also notice shelving with gaming stations on it. I guess this is what they do for fun. And a little bit further in are beds, six to be exact.

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